J J Z,wJ UJ W -VAJ XmJ ' JIC TWO jATL EAST OREGONIAN, FENDLETOlt, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1626. TEN PAGES flimtll!HMtltHIHHlHlUHlM Ittliillf iltililttii i i i J L L v- 1 - ............ ... - - -V V . 1 ' . . . r , , 'Mf,' If This is positively the greatest sale of theyeartfron't miss it! j0ga riMta I ! ! . " 1 JAl ''-jjCttlX'-?' . ' 1 he most, won- 1 i rTn ' 2-a II . U 8..... , - - . derfulharirahisbf If "'W ' IfS IlC 7 SY jkXA:- , the year are here. ij. JOlfVW Don't .nsstheml. J (1 V "zJ , fl .-ihie Great i&rruali Ei?ent School Begins Monday, August 30th Less Than Two Weeks NOW-IS THE TIME TO OUTFIT THE CHILDREN. . , Take advantageof the wonderful savings this sale offers. Away Start them off .with nice new w clothes. It makes them feel better, they'll make better records at school. It will be the best investment you ever niade. Try it. BUY NOW!'- ' 3 Ik 5 iff si i BLANKETS .... . .. and- COMPORTS " . - in llie August Clearance . Sale, Army Blanket 10 percent Wool. Vhaki . eohr. weight 4 1-2 Km, ideal for sleeplns porches. camp Ins fr Indoor use, will wear for years. ; Alijrnst Cleanup - $8.95 -., Cotton Sheet Blankets In the famous Nashua make, extra, la.-pe siea, SSxSO Inches and weight, colors are m-y, tan. tud owfaitak $4.40 blankets in this Ausmst Cleanup Sale the pair.$3.95 . ' Gray Wool Blanket weifrht lb., anether .excel ent blanket for utdor se, sleeping percneS r indoor vsef regular' price Angnst Cleanup Price the Pair $11.95 : 16.50 Boys' Suits . . $9.85 riiis is an f.vtra special offer School is not far ."away Tour boys will need new mtta.and. bow is beyond ar gument the time to prepare them. Onr stock is very arse and you'll be able to find exactly what you want. All suits not included in the t9.85 special are reduced as follows:' $12. 50 Suits, .'linp Price $1.1.50 Suits, Cleanup JPrice . tl-tk.0 Suits, Cleanup Irioe . $1S.00 Krtits, Cicannp Price $10.50 Rit, Cleanup PrU ; ft t $18.50 Suits, , Ckiuiup Price 130.00 Suits, Cleanup Price . H21.SO Suits, Cleanup Price . .$9.00 .$10.75 ..$11.45 .$11.00 . $1S.2S Qiildrens' ( Dresses Such lovely dresses can't be of fered every day- or very often. Re member, these are not samples, nor specially purchased frocks, but all new and desirable ' styles taken right from our own good stocks. Ginghams, Voiles and Organdies, regular ly priced from f 2.75 to $28.50 ' All Reduced One Fourth $22.50 Suits, Cleanup Price $25.00 Suits, Cleanup Price Cleanup Price $27.50 Suits, . Cleanup Price 28.50 Suits, 1TT..M.MM,,uM,inniiinHHMHiilltiAnill.l.mHllKini1infintmHtmtlI!lttMIMH(nTMIMI! ki,u,imulluiMi.ulillbulilihilii4liHuttlil $11.63 , .....$15.85 !$1.5 . m.mnmmmtm M ' liiiaSa'.ii'Si' aViL'i WHERE iMntmnHmimiMiifHininHiniuiMiiiiiiiMiRHnmiHiiftiinimiiimmniiiitmimnnnniiiiiiiitiiiimnniiiniiiiHiiiiii illilllliliiliiJjainlillllllliiilllilllilllilliaillllWillilllliH Boys' Wash Suits 1 Ours is the finest assort ment of boys', wash suits In Pendleton. ' - The best makes as well as the best materials and pat terns. .: . " ' ', Get him a "Tom Sawyer" Suit.. It is sure to incase. $2.35 Wash Suits, !? Aug. Cleanup $1.93 $3.35 Wash Suits, Aug. Cleanup $2.89 $3.50 Wash Suits, Aug. Cleanup $2.97 $4.50 Wash Suits Aug. Cleanup $3.65 $6.50 Wash Suits, Aug. Cleanup $5.43 $8.50 Wash Suits," Aug. Cleanup $6.49 Pretty JVIiUinery ; ( for Children Reduced By Reduced we mean priced lower than at any other time since the season opened. The assortment em braces a bevy of cute little shapes, aflutter with gay ribbons. ' J . charming diversity of styles.1 -- v Straw and Silk Hats . , Values $3.75 to $10.00 One Half Price PENDLEIONS. GREATEST DEPARTAENT JSTOItK TiT T eopies warenous IT PAYS TO TRADE nIli Boys Waists and Shirts : : .' : J V-:: ' -: ' ' : Prepare during this sale ' for sclwol. CJet'the boys all toRijed reatly to start school ' with a vim. Onr boys' waists and shirts are reduced as t-l-lows: ' 1 ' " " ' , $1.00 Waists & Shirts Aug. Cleanup. 87c $1.25 Waists & Shirts Aug. Cleanup $1.09 $1.50 Waists & Shirts ; Aug. Cleanup $1.29 , ! $1.65 Waists & Shirts , .Aug. Cleanup $1.42 $1.85 Waists & Shirts l, - Aug. Cleanup $1.54 ' $2.00 Waists & SKirts ' Aug. Cleanup $1.63 S2.50 Waists & Shirts Aug. Cleanup $2.19 $3.00 Waists & Shirt , Aug. Cleanup $2.47 $3.50 Waists & Shirts : ' Aug. Cleanup $2.93 w- !!!l!!il!!!!i!!!I!ii!!llllliil!li!ll!l!IIIII!il!ll!llliliilili!!i!i pit's Underxvear Balbriggan Shirts and Drawer. All Sizes up to 52. Ecru :( and dark grey colors. 1 . $1.25 quality, Cleanup Price U.: 98c $1.00 B. V. D. Stylo Union Suits, ' "Winner" .....:...79c $1.50 Light Jersey Rib . bed Union Suits $1.30 Lots 501. and. .502, short sleeve and long sleeves, ankle length, all sizes-. " $1.35 B. V. D. Stylo Union Suits ; ....$1.11 $1.75 B. V. D. Style Union Suits $1.59 $1.00 Light Ribbed Union Suits ,.....i..79c . $L50 Poros Weave ' Union Suits $1.29 ; All sizes and all styles.- " .' -v.. v. .t $2.25 Genuine Poros Knit Union Suits $1.95 . All styles, all sizes, ecru and white. , ., All other Summer Un derwear is reduced 10 per cent, except a few short lot that are re duced till there's no profit left. you can be fitted with any tf these broken lot gar ments you can get some most extraordinary bar gains. ... i u 3 fl i s ii 11 It i 1 is M E3 f f f 1 MJL CHURCH HELD ON LAWN i m ADAMS ON SUNDAY '. ' (East' Oregohian Special.) A0AMS. ug-. Jt-Chuch services were held on the iftwh of Mr.' ahd Mrs. iohn Ciess at 8 p. m. by Rev. J. R. Haslem. They bad fine singmR and a ood aufllenee .was Ih attend V. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunch are the proud parents of an S l-i pound baby gM tort oh Sunday morning -at the maternity home in Pendleton. The ,'I.file miss is named Pauline Esther. Molh and child "are doing fine. i JIT. Story of Ooldeh Gate Idaho. "Is lh uu'st or liev. and Sirs. J. P.. Hxi lehi fftr few days before returning t-j . o.lefte at CorVallin, Ore. in. Harvey 'Roseberry of Idaho, was i he ruet ef her father awd moth er, Mr. and Mrs. Si. A: Baker, for the i Air. and Mrs. Fieil Parr and chil ttiv and several lincies and aunts and ctiirirw went to the mountain' to pick liucsietjerrics ard me home With a number of r&nnx of nice big hiickle l.errit " t haitey Smith. h hpa BUM for s.ttoo time Is ail to be out oa the Mreets i.t . ' M:: and Jr. FIra Hale and rr. and lr. Gladwyn S;mcer snd mn and Roderick motored t Pen dleton and attended the movie un dav. it r. and Mrs. Bushman ft ri daaeh ter, Ida, vame te Adorns Sunday ro do fonre sboppinir. KiuNNy Kooa Komdy Shftw of taurine the iaaa, mun.nn end dascin? vo.uwiiHha and or'lu-Ktra, played at the city ball on Satnrdy evenir.K at A p. m. A rood H-owd was in attend ance and all enjoyed tbe evenintr. ..'arlon Winnct of pendtHt. if KfM'ndina; a few weeks with Vernon SJvrl. a of Ad-ims. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Otis IJeuallen motor ed to the river Sunday for a few daya' yt-sjr. Mr. and Mrs. Charley fcha.lt and rrildren, llene and Char!-, and Mr. and Mrs. Hert K.rby n.d children, Mr. f.nl Vra. I. Lt. Ijieuatlcti aa danshter, , I..,, ik and and Mr. and Mrs. Chrl Ortwina and r'nuRhter Ijeone. tored to the river Sunday lor a day's ui'Mne., ,v ! ; ,. -. . .i r -. ,. ;Mr Ralph Wallan and Mra jane Wallau motored to Pendleton Monday.. Mrs. Henry Bunch was in Pendleton Sunday. . . ilr. and Mrs. G. M. MorriBOn find Geraidlne, Roland and Roberta, r..o lored to Pendleton Sunay an attended the movies. Mr. an Mrs. Pearl Hales of Pendle ton motored to Adams today. Mr. and Mrs. Jolliet motored to Aa- ams from their ranch near Adas to day.' ' : Mrs. McBahe came to Adarhs today to do some shoppituff. - ,' ' - 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Oirle motored to Pendletpn today. Miss Leota Whitely of Pendleton, is the guest f her grandmother, Mrs. French,' ti Adams.' " , ; tfhe iL Ij. Rogers harvestimf crew moved to the old Carden ranch today te cut the grain there and from there they will aro to the mountain ranch. Will Hoidman has been confined to his home with Illness which has been going around in Adams for the past two Kto ' . Huckleberries are plentiful In the motirtarns arid the Indians are bring ing them in for sale and jre selling them for 13 a gallon; Mrs. "Frank Krebs is the . guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone for the week- en, v Mrs. Charley Bunch and Mrs. L Clark and baby motored to Pendleton Friday to do some Bhoppijiu. Mrs. Will Boyer and daughters, wa rns an Heten, motored to Pendleton today to o some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Mai com M-Irttyre and: daughter, Gwendolyn of Athena, ro-, tored to Adams Saturday to do some ahopHnsr. Frank Martin of Pendleton, motor ed to Adams today looking after his cost of first-cabin passage from Ja pah to the United States $300.. . ; TEN ARMY ATHLETES IN 29 FROM U. S. BELONG WEST OF MISSISSIPPI SAX FRANCISCO, Aug., lj. Ten of the 29 athletes sent by the United States army to the Antwerp Olympic Games are from - western States, ac cording to information received by the Army Recruiting News Service here. . Six westerners are on the wrestling team. They are IJeut. Tom It. Denny, Butte, Mont., Corporal J. A.' Bond, Ogden, I-'tah; Corporal S. GrandrOse,; Iyons, Colo.; Corporal-Brian Martin, Spokane, V"n., Private Paul Zanoline, StarkvtUe, Colo., and Private L. A. Kelsey, Oakland, Cal. " Major Robert Sears of Washington state will compete in the modern pen tathlon. Ijleirt. Don M. Scott, Clayton, X. M., is entered in the S0(Kmeter run, Sergeant Theodore Schneider, Aber crombie N. I, la in the 1.5-pound boxing entries and Private Fred W. Colbery, Camas, Wn., is in the 147- pound class. his great speed nKnin in the 1.500 meter race. Zander ran the distance in 1918 In S mi notes 63' Seconds and his trainer has assured The As. sociated Press that he is able to do that again. Zander is expected to show up well too,. In the 800"-meter run where Sweden also will be repre sented by Bolin "and Ivundgren. All three bf these are able to cover the distance in one minute 62 2-6 seconds to One minute 53 seconds. SWEDES SEEK VICTORY IN MIDDLE DISTANCES I Both LundKren and Zander Will be strong competitors at 6,000-meters. In this event and. in the lO.OOO-mntr run, Sweden will -be represented also by Pal k and Backman, -loth of whom have run th distance Hi remarkable fast tlim. Backman, wat, easy winner of the RngliRh five-mile thamptonshin in 1919. In the 400 tne-trtr relay raee tne ffwedish team wiil consist ot HolniHtream, Malm. fti-Kxtohl and Sandirfroem. The team Ihir repeatedly run the distance in 41 1-10 seconds. Sweden ia not expected to win the hurdle) races. Jn the running -broad jump V. ,fJafterwson ha jumped 7.260 meters and is crtnsidf-red good for 7.350 meters, Sweden sends P. John-; hHon and K. Bahiln as competitors in the hop, fctep and jump. Their records this year are respectively 15.28 and I 5-.16 meters. I In the pentathlon and decathlon, (Sweden's bent men. will be Kverit Nil- son and FSertie Olsson. The pole iimp will be contested by Mattson and HiPBtrom, who have jumped over 3.80 metiers but do not jenem jrood for any fthlnff better. Sisfria f;dtroem heads the troup of athletes which numbers ; fifty-one. pounced today that Hal 'ha.p find iHttrl Maggert, who played with the Mnd era team iast Sunday, woxild not be allowed to play any more games in the league and that the same in which they participated would bo thrown out. He called a meeting ot the club owners to be held-tonipht at Aierced at which time he expects his action to be confirmed. IN THREE OUT OF FIVE pionships along the entire Pacific eooKt. . Rf.bert went south and won the Southern California championship in men's singles and the championship in the men's singles at "DM Monte, Cal.. 1n a hRndicap tonrnnment. - ' Howard incited the northwest as the territory he dewlrod to eonStrer and, at Tacoma, he won the Pacific Northwest championship In mens singles and playing with a Tacoma rneo.net ejrpert, Won tbe men's doubles. The brothers lnt year held the California state and Pacific Const chftmplori.vhips in "men's doubles. They were runncrmip this year in tho Ban Francisco city championships in the men's doubles, loalng to C. J. Griffin and Roland Roberts, now playing in the east. ': - - ' MULLIGAN GIVEN CLEAN SLATE BV PRESIDENT AXTIVKRTX Aug. 1 '(A. P.) The PWediFh Olympic team frr track und field events does not expect many brilliant victories here but expects to make its best showing in middle dist ance running events- ince the Olym pic games In (Stockholm in Ifti2 much i wheat crop, -whicrh -i being harvested.J draining ban been given to the, young-j Mrs. Charles Bunch was the gnest J er athletes of ? wed en tie re.Tiit?i of of hr mother. Mrs- H. Ievagn, today, jwnwn nave neen Known in tne quaiirt.j - . We have had some very warm days cation tests. , j thia we, the thermometer register-j ' In th 1 00-meter dash ngdnhl 1p PAX CTIAXC1SC, Aug. Eddie ed fro to 105 in the shade in -and counted as good for 10 S-7 seconds and Mulligan, third baseman of- the Salt around Adams. he Is the hope of ftweden in the 200-Utke club in the Pacific Cast B;jpe- MiMi Hannah French t returned to I meter race. in the 400-meter nice ball league wan cleared by President visiting m Pendleton with hef niater.i liffved to be good for 49 seconds. Ft Hi Mrs. Henry Whitely. ; .weflen is expeerr-a to ftave only PHILADKt.PH.IA, Aug. 1 8. Tt Was "Valentine Day", at the start 'of, the fourth Grand Circuit meeting at Nar- berth yesterday, A. Valentine of Columhus, Ohio, capturing three of the five races on the double header card carried over from yesterday be cause of rain. He won the 2:08 puce with Gold Quartz, with best time of 2:05 3-4, the William Penn stake for two-year-old trotters with Bogalnsa, and the 2:06 trot for the $2,500 Tiel- levue-Strotford Hotel stake with Peter Coley. Hougnlusa's best time was 2:10 3-4. Twenty five of the 31 horses starting won a portion of the money. The 2:06 trot waa the feature of the card and brought Peter Ooiey and Tarn Cegantle together for the first time this season. The latter made a disappointing showing, however, and Valentine's trotter won the first, two heats handily beating Charlie Rex in the first heat and Selka in the second. In the third j heat Ima Jay came from behind and J brat Charlie Rex in a furious drive. Best time 2:6 1-4. DEMOCRATS TO PLACE LK : AGAIN BEING HEARD MARIOX; Witt.' n.aOX " l. In. timatlon thai ' Jlafdlnf may shortly leave his fVoW -port:h t make several apeeches away from Marlon Was rob bed np again In face of previous as sertlons by the presidential candidate that under tio drenmstadees watt Id he hake more than one -speech "sway from Marlon hpfnre October I.""- IST.AXD ficovnia FOR ini1ITn. WASmitfOTONv Aug. 18. -(A. , P.) '-Investigation of the arrest without warrants ten days aa of thirty-nine Hindus at mrth Bethlehem, Pa., -by immigration off loin Li has led the labor department to extend their inquiry to Bllts Island, if.' Ys Commissioner yallls of Kllis lalnnd was summoned for a conference today. "- . i SPOKANB, j, WaMh., Aug.. 18. (A. P.) Alihoush the time for . filming candidacies in the state primary elec tion closed loajt Saturday, with several j omoes on the Democratic ticket un- contested for, a full ticket Is to be put J up by the Democrats in this county, it J tested for, a full ticket is to be put up i hy the Democrats' In this -county. It ; was declared by. local Democratic ; leaders today. They said that candi- dates would be agreed upon by the I Democrats and put on the ballot by I the use of stickers. A meeting of the j Cox-Roosev-it Club was called for to-i nlcht to consider the situation. '. . l'lioxt: .. .-, . 0 -'v f'i'-- -. . 446 FOR CIKAXISO AND -PRFSSlYW. i- ..; . Prompt servlse. - Free- delivery. CARL E, FRANSEEN- tJks nirlg. KINSEY BROTHERS ARE , RANKING WELL AMONG - I COAST RACQUET STARS 1 imi SAN" FRAXCTRCO, Cal., Aug. J . fA. P The Kli.sey brothers, H.w-!S McCarthy of tho league today of , ard and Robert, of San Frn nrl.co. who 5 charg.-s by ".V. liaker ("P.abe 'l Ror-1 Inst year ranked flflh in doubles In ton of the Vfrnon club th.'.t he ac-ttnnnfs In the "nllcd States, are eon- chance in the short distances. ' cr-plcd mnpy to let up on his Work injtinulng thdr winntn j Her t'Cfrt mn are in tbe distances order to aid Vernon. i in sinales. T.iirt y. ar Robert Kinsey R TK ItfSK (ftr7irTrf. TOKIO. Aug. 1. Trans-Pacific, .ranging from ktio to 10i't0 rr.eters.1 f- in Ouilans Ran Pair .'ranked eleventh in singles and How- passenger rates will be raised tn per-Mo.li reliance is put on J'lhn Znnder i MOI.KSl'O, Calir., A. IS. Prea-jar.l ranked twenty-fnurlh. cent Pi.ember 15 it was annoancd : th. wonderful swert.h n?ilT and rcc-l.lent J. ". t.ehr of the Xnrthern 1 This vear the brothers decided to Hr. nd Mrs. Ur:u and boya, ruo- today. The Increase will - make lhe'rd hidr who ia vxpected to how San Joaquin Baseball" LcSguo an-'play. singles and attempt ip win cham- , "iiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinnitniiiiiiitimHiiiiHniiHniininRi H For Your Particular Appetite S I THE JOLLY INN . " - f Will serve you just what you want ami will not annnv you with thihgrs that do not ap'peal to your appetite. " I That Noon Meal cannot be beat. Iu variety and i the quality is supreme; - , . s For the fvenino; rneal we are preparing TENDER S BREADED CUTLETS AND CHOPS. awwjvu g . Salads, Fruitay a Variety of Cold Lunch Special ... You will .never k?low the best unti? you see the dif- S ference. , g EAT A MEAL AT THE JOLLY INN Basement of the Hotel 3. Corn .. ' UHJiiiifiiijiiHiiiiniiiiifiiiififimiuitiiiiiifiniifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiill