. i ; tkQn FfT3 TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OBEGONIAS, PMfDUWOlf, OBEGOW, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 150. T5 il r. i Peopl Here atid ! Tiere The city hee a mayor again after an i ways a humorlHt, the portly editor re isence alnce Saturday afternoon of ported that the county Is paving or absence Mayor John I Vaughn. The aiiau tive left for the aiountuUie, on fiatur. day td assist In the building of a hunt lng lodge for the Sugarbowl Hunting Club. He returned taut evening and reported the cabin completed. Al though deer traoke wer plentiful, the party did not get out fur enough to nee any dees.. Those who returned from the wood with hie honor were. Guy Wyrlck, Dean Sliull, Guy Matlock, W. IK Humplirey, Wuda Trivett, Arthur llibujn o,nd Juke Welch. Joan jP: KlrkpatrlcR, editor of the me rilot, Ilocfc road, and then .With a chuckle added that the paving was of a new varloty, straw.' Pilot Kouk, and Incidentally, the Record, are prcmper ing, Mr. Klrkpatrlck said, and' the little town It miles south ia enjoying a good, summer soaaon. , ,, Two recent apartment building fires In Portufad have- convinced Manuel FYledly, councilman,, that Pendleton should have better protection afforded its buildings. Mr. Prlctliy is interest ed, In fire prevention, by virtue of his being a city official and also a'dlrec- Pllot Ruck llecord. Is in the city today tor of .a fire insurance company. He one of- hiir usual business Jaunts. Al- returned on Noi t inut night from near aaps rower; Store up Energy Km dffeetto oerfaol wttk Dr. CldwU' Syrup PtpiiMd jronv wilt hT trsogth to work SUMMER Is the season of vaca tions, of slowing up in work. And them U good reuon for it. Hot la nanuttitur n4 work iulcklr tire But peopl must work, and we should all kep oumelves in Mich Hit phytic, oondii ion that wa can do our share van in hot weather. Of ftrt intDortance tfftoap that then ,ls a reirular.daily bowel Iimination. If 1 rvik aJCip a dy rsu are. oatio(ed.. , Constipatnm, especially in summer, is qn ckiy followed by fatiarue, loss of awxtita. chills oolda. Thar i no Mrcf for wora - J " i Vh-vi yottliol eoiMtioatad and out of ' iKirti, m re tired than you know the clrcumaMncea warrant, take a spoonful ol Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Peoain. Tbi delightful lasatlve-tanie la comMm tiauof. tuple laxative herbe with pepsin aud can be bought at any druc store. . Syrup Peptffn will quickly relievo your onflitipsiion and (rive you a feel ins; of lltrhtness and clear headednese. FREE Mr. Walter of 441 Miaul 8k. Sen Fran eitco. bad to quit work became of con stipation, cold, and a train ol other lilt, ale look Dr. Caldw.il'. Syrup Papers -and promptly recovered his health and snwnatk and ieaeiaetiSNrrk asaia. - You will make bo mistake reuniff youreelf a botll. of Syrup Pepsin and taking a little at the llr.t aign at eosatioatlea. . Millions of people of all ages suffer from occasional or chronic constitution. Let them stand name and address. III., for a free iambic nntmdavienboiitMdrv to Or. W. B. Caldwell, in Washington St MonticzUa, bottle at his wonderful Sfrufr Feotin. stores last year, the largest sale in the world. ItRAniYlRI) fiAVS WALK BP STAIRS FOR TOUR SHOES d CLEARANCE SALE OF SHOES See our shoes before mak- ' : ing your purchases. HERE ARE A FEW.SPECIALS Women's Itlat-k Calf turn sole Oxford, covert! heel ...... Womrn'a lb-own Kkl Kyi'l Tin, leatlior Louts hwl ...... irowlng Girls' row Hod Pumps, patent anil calf Mill's lU-glllaMn Mmison Arnijr shoe special . . . . Mra's Hruwaseuiia Ital. HarreMters Klioo Men's llruwil t'alf 1 jikIMi Ital. Irts Shoo WALK IP STAIRS ASD BE SATISFIED. - Economy Upstairs Shoe Shop Over Taylor Hardware) Co. J. W. BRADFORD, Manager T.S S8.S0 M.as S3.I5 S.45 as.iH) SATISFIED PATIENTS The experience of satisfaction that my patients have from successful operations, is the kind they want intimate friends to know about Your call will increase the interest in your teeth. DR. T. C OIIMART ..... Over Taylor .H)w..niilg, jl ' Portland where he attended a meeting of the directors of the faoifla States ire insurance Co. vine orten has to $o away from numo in oruer to Bet proper recognl iion in tne ureas. Max hopper, of Pen dieton, has Just pan sea? throarh As. u.riK. -me louowins article in. the ouusec cnronicise the fact: ii a capper young- chappy named opper, , Had i wife and decided- to drop hef, And get a d Wares, . . .. As a matter of course. ' bWould not his wife be a gratis Hopper? v iew yswro atjo uax Uoppor of Pendleton was limcrlcked in the above uuinion ana, as a result, he Is still sin gie. He has transferred his residence io Atnena where he is assistant cash icr or tne first National Bank. Hop per arrived In Astoria yesterday after noon on tne Oeora-iana and went on to Seaside to spend a short vacation watching Beauty at the Bath. T. A. Wylle, manager of the Pen Hot on Marble ft Granite Works, was an. arrival home this morning from ouslness trip to Portland. Mr. Wylle recently returned from a long trip east on which he purchased materials for several months' operation Of the local ouslness. 1 '" 11 1 James H. SturgU returned this morning from Portland where he spent the early part of the week on business. . Dan P. Smythe Is leaving tomorrow night for Portland on the first leg ef a trip, to the middle west which will, keep him away from Pendleton until about October , i. He. ia bound far Chicago and middle west cities in the interests of the Smythe Bros., Sheep Co. After attending o business In Portland he will go to Minneapolis via Spokane over the Milwaukee line and from there to Chicago, where most ot the Smythe lambs are marketed. Atr though he will not be back to attend the! Ttound-Up, MY. ffmythe will do his; shore of advertising foe the show. ts Harney counts 'a first county agent, l kx ncuanraui is rorraing county Pterin Bureau, Vtr. McDanlels, who Is here today, is a practicar stock- man. and 'owns a few. herd himself. Ho was. formerly supervisor of the Wenaha National, forest. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiH uun rtvivic 1 v I burnishing ale s -S AT 7 1 LASTING TWO WEEKS 00 A. M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 4TH, ENDING v SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 1 Zz U'e m going to uffc- tlx pnople (if tills city and surrounding ooun. S try a nul mlo. Mo luave a but liiii- of Kil, a gnnd tlno of goods and E Uie pricw Is certainly r mlit. We back- every Mtntumeut wo make. We s: can savo ym imm-y mi ciwy llrtn jrwi purclia-m Bwn us during title sale NOW 18THK TIMH IIMtK IS Tilt! WiACli Read the Following- Small List of Our Hundred of Real 5 . Bargains Awaiting You. On Account of Space ' ' We Cannot Lit More. , Palicotlnm I'loor Covering, beautiful designs 40 pound, all cotton, best grade mattresses it pound Sill Floss Mattresses, best of perfection .... 20 pound all cotton Couch Pad .. : 3 Heautiful Hammocks $8.85, 7 1-8 x Congolluni Hugs . 10 X IS Congollum nugs Sale Price 8So ..U.50 ..: , $a.M $O0 l.0 and : I. 1.1 HT.SM 8 feet ... $13.H) One Heautiful Hound quartered Oak mning lanio, Oek Itnckcra, Kraft Leather Seats - - Hod Spring from 11.60 to J1H.50 each. ' wc aim hvp Trunks, Kiilt se, Trarollng lings and many otlwr utrful iIipmi urn MUiwrous o knilAn. Tlirw ptios!arefiaali Sew E us during tliif sMie c. are ewir ad jfiKir wfvlao will eme reiwlr dv. E partnicnt. li RILEY . & KEMP S niS Main stiwt S ejl'AlilTY Ol'H WATCHATOItiy Pltono SATlsPACnoX (MH AIM The fleet-footed youngsters of Uma tilla county all looked at the heels of WUllani Ward, ot Ftewater,. when the SO; 10 and 220- yard races were run at the county school champion ships at Round-l'n park lant May. Ward also showed considerable speed ah a bail player during the summer, having played first with Mllron-Free-water and latc with Athena. He is in Pendleton today: Lota of persons in the mountains ere going several days without getting huckleberries, owing to the concerted hunt for them by organised parties, J. EX Pinson, whos returned today, said. Unless sbeee herders or others familiar with the mountains disclose Places where' there are still berries that have not bean all picked, many find the results not so good. Around Meaehaw those who- have berries to sell are asking 12.60 a gallon for them. Mr. Pinson end his party gathered about 10 gallons and did not have to pay the fancy price to get that amount, either, he said. Folsom Tallman is now owner of a garage In Forest Grove and with Jack Elliott, of Portland, sells Chevrolets singly or in bulk. Mr. Tallman and Mr. Elliott were classmates at uni versity of Oregon. Mr. Tallman Is here today visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Tallman. Bob Bremer and Rudolph Mollner, yesterday chosen as members of the examining board for the Bed Cross Lllfe saving corps, ar experienced Id rowing as well as In swimming ana both are members of the Portland Rowing Cluti. Cash Wood, who was chosen also won his certificate In 1916. A brother of S. P. Hutchinson Grand Army Veteran. Ir. Hutchinson. of San Francisco, stopped over for short while in Pendleton to vlelt his brother whom he has not seen for St years. . Dr. Hutcninson is touring mis section of the country on a lecture tour and being In the vicinity of Pen dieton to spend a few hours with his brother. Mr. Hutchinson is busy this week as bailiff of the grand jury which is In session. The bridge across Wild Horse creek at Adams is nearly completed and cars are now e.ble to cross It, accordiha to W. M. Petersoni who was In Athena this morning in company with A. H. Cox. on a short . business trip. The I , NEW SHAPES MESH BAGS Away from the hot, crowded city, off for a vaca . tion goes Mlludy. It matters not whcthei she intends, to visit tli seaside or go to some favorite mountain haunt, she takes with her a stylish mesh bag. These fashionable bags have long, been the choice of discriminating women because of their splendid. . style and the ex(tuislte fairy-like mesh of such won . derful texture. , Our winnow snows the latest styles in tnese bags reasonably priced and made In the most alluring designs. j . f wwtzi T Inc. i Lle& "Pendleton. The Largast Diamond Dealers in ' Oregon. -1,-- - Eastern A BIG SPECIAL SALE AT THE EMPIRE MEAT CO! V OF FINE FRESH PIQNIC HAMS 33c Per Pound. FINE SUGAR CURED BACON 40c and 43c Per Pound. 'Nice Fresh Lard, No. 10 $1.75 No. 5, $1.40; No. 3, 85c; No. 1, 30c ' ? , Nice Fat Hens for Your Sunday f"' '"'' ' Dinner.'' ' Empire Meat Market ' "The Old Reliable" V . . . . . ..'J. Established 1890 'Cv - W RCJEN WATCH E S paving beyond Athena is laid very nearly to Weston and with the bridge at Adams soon to b completed ana the paving finished, there will be an unbroken paved road from Pendleton tot Weston. The Adams detour is the last one. in the- reoa) from hare to Athena. Harvest operations In the Adams-Athena section are on in full blast today and It Is exceptionally hot, Mr. Peterson reported. NEWS OF THE COUNTY OFFICES ANO OFFICERS Prisoners Taken to Salem Austin Mann and William Taylor, who recently were sentenced to the state penitentiary at Salem, aa the re suit of their having hroken paroles, were started on their way this morn ing In charge of Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely. Mann, was sentenced to a maximum term of 19 years and Taylor to a maximum of two and a half years and both were paroled in the circuit court here. They, .were arrested less Ir. K. J. York Chinese Roots, herbs and barks compound is a remedy which has been proven a very successful and effective cure for diseases of kidney, liver, stomach, lung, rheumatism and all chronic and acute blood dis orders. One dollar and twenty five cents per bottle. Also our Savant Salve ia performing a wonderful relief en headache,, satarrh, cough, bronchitis, rhsu-' mat ism and ' influenza. Sixty' sents per box, postpaid by us. " ' K. t. York Chinese- tfed. Cfc P. O. Box 553.. Walla Wall Wa STOPS HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA AT ONCE Don't Suffer! Get a 10 cetit package of Dr. James' Hradarhe Pow , ders and Get Kid of Pain. ' ' Tou can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent-throbbing headache in a moment with a ' Pr. than a week apart for their violations. , James- Headache Powder. This old- i time headache relief acts almost magi j cally. Send some one to the drug store I now for a dime package and a few I moments after you take a powder you n til wonder what became of the head- ! ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffer ing' It's peedless. Be sure you get RON IS LAUNCHED ON PONZI RIVAL EXCHANGE BOSTON, Aug. 1. (U. P.) A tremendous run began today on the offices of the Old Colony Foreign Ex change company.. The 'company re cently . organised, sought to "out ponxl" Ponal by offering investors 10 per cent profit on their money in six months. Investors who poured dollars Into the new scheme which began ope rations when Pons! suspended business several weeks ago, rushed to the firm's offices today to demand return of their money. Authorities immediately began an inevstisation. . ' , President , Brlghtwell. ol . tne uia ColonwComp&ny.' this afternoon, ad mitted the concern is insolvent. MONTANA HAS CLAIM ; TO MORE POSITIONS what you ask for. Under the. apportionment of depart mental positions as provided hy law. Si positions to which Montana is enr titled are filled by persons who do not claim this state as their home. Hon tana is entitled to 184 appointments and has received only 133. COMMON lABOR SOUOHT' HELENA, Mont., Aug. 13. (A. P. The Helena Commercial club adver tised In the east and west for common labor, with' Indifferent success al though wages offered are good. 1 No where In the state has a surplus of labor been reported since the boom which began shortly after the great war started. Even in Butte, where mine production has not been on full time for some months, there Is. little BtTTTE). .Mont.. Aug-13. (A. P.)1 Idleness., it is stated. Farmers nave Montana is entitled to El raoro places difficulty In obtaining nanus aitnougn hi the department service at Washing- assisted in great measure by high ben. D. C than the state nas receivea, scnuoi anu ciiiieRe siuuenuj wuw imvv according to advices received here. gone into th field in large numbers. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Strayrd or Stolen Came to my nla'rp two miles south of Nolln. Aumst . .1920. four mules appearing to bo 2 cnmlnr 3 year olds. one brown mare, one sorrel pons', one black s-eldlng. Most , of . these are branded AH and . f. - Owner may hwve same by pa--tn oil conts and rhimns-es Jas. P. Plsher. Kolln, Ore. IV ItANKTUTTCY Tn tlin TMslrlt rvwrt of the) rnltcd Kiip for til TMirl1 nt Orrann. tn the Matter of W. U Cummings, a nsnVrint. TO THH CftBOfTORS of W. U Oymniin. of the Count of ITmalllla, ajirl nisn-'i-t sfnrss'i1 Bsnkrnnt. XOT1CR TS HPnTCRT OTVRV, Thn on the 9th dsv of Amnist A. ,I. 120. the .nld W. T. C'immlnss wis d'Ov diudlcatiM a Bankrupt, and that th lrt relnr f hi" erditor -will h held st thn nfftr-n of the iindenlvnrl rtnre'nA I" Hankri'ntov at Pendleton T'mKinin Cnnntv. oreron. on Septem- her 3rd A. T.. 5 at ten o'clock A. M. on "Rid dv at which tlms and niai-e the creditors may sttend. prove their claims, snno'nt n Trustee, rv- mlne ihe bf ifhrupt and transact such other hii"lne, mnv properly come before the M meeting. Tmne st Pendleton, rrregon. rnie 13th. dav e '. TTtOa. PIT"!! CFlTtATXl, Referee In pnnkruptey. 1 the Inside caat Judge a book b tts , , . ' binding nor a wetnao by htc ' clothe." Pain test Parker. You have Io go below the sur face to And the facis. The out side doesn't show much. In den tistry the X-Bay permits as to see through the jawbones t Mm tooth roots. Many diseased con ditions are thus found and then cured. - r- Perhaps a fi X-Ray picture of your teeth would tell ynn soeae thing you ought to know. "When jou think of TEETH, think ot PARKER. " '. L R. PARKEP System ln. B. G. V1XSOM, Dr. It. V. Pattoat Ti3 Main street 209 E. Court Fhone 443 DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY einruoini ...5c :y , 30c DOZEN 3 DOZEN, 85c drn fl a npF nnunrl '. ... String: Beans, per pound 24 Green Peppers, per pound jr Melons, per pound, local .....e; Cantaloupes, 2 for ..........;..:--.y....v....'....;...;.........5c Oranes, large, per dozen --"4 ' Cucumbers, large, 4 for :.-25c . Green Corn, per dozen - -. - ........45c ' Cabbage, per pound - :..4c. Gold Crest Butter, 2 pounds .... .........$1.25 Kacavra More- 1 fa-Cat DESPAIN & LEE GASH GROCER "'KrL ' V. ; I 20t East Court St. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; of Pendleton I saaavKBSfarasB fjEDEaAi. sassaav BBasYSTcnal a Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations? transacts . general banking business and maintains special departments with facilities of the highest character. Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex ecutor or trustee under wills. PENDLETON, OREGON During the Hot Summer Months don't stand for hours near a stove doing your iron ing in the old fashioned way. A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort able. It is not limited to flat work but can be used for nearly everything; Your lace and embroidered pieces look especially fine after being put thru a Simplex. . , . It is fully guaranteed, jsu You can buy them at l tr' Milne Electrical Company Pendleton, Ore. We Handle Wiring Contract. 108 E. Aka . Across From Alta Theatre. IIIIHIIIIIIMIHIlllllllilH.IHIIII)IIMIIIIIMMMIHMniMIIUIinillMlinilimilllllllllTll