MOVIES COUN1T CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED MARKETS. (COMICS FOURTEEN PAGES ! FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO ; " PAGES 9 TO 14 SECTION TWO PAGES 9 tO 14 . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6, 1920. SPORTS STANDARDIZED RULES i FOR GOLF AGREED ON lug within (lie putting green InyH hlin soir a stymie the rulo does not apply. The ruin regurdlng the standardized IjiiII requires that tho weight of tho hall shall not bo greater tliiin l.fiz ounces, and the Hi no not less than 1.62 Inches In diameter. If You Are Easily Tired Out, Your Blood Weeds Purifying Changes Are Recorded in Sty. , ,mie; Loet Ball Penalty, Ama ' teur and Professional Stand ing and Size of Ball. , . NEW YORK. Aug. . The special committee of tho United Ktatoi Golf Association. He lit abroad to confer with the rules of golf eommittae at St., Andrew, not only Bellied several points up for decision but also decid ed on a uniform code of both sides of the Atlantic, It was announced todiiy. Changes In the rules affect tho sty mie. -the lost hull penalty, amateur anil professional definitions, standardized ball and other minor details. All changes take effect Hoptemhor 1, ex cept the standard ball ruling, which will so' Into effect Tn May. 1921. The new rules are: ' : ' Professional definition: One who. after attaining the age of tv, has cur ried clubs for hire, recurved any con sideration, either directly or indirect ly for playing or for teaching the game, or for plnyJng In a match or tournament, or for a money prize In arty tournament. tEVery application for reinstatement to amatour status will be considered on its merits, but a player may not be reinstated more than once. Violations of the. amateur rule In clude: . landing one's name or like ness for the adevrtisement or sale of anything excopt as a denier, manufac turer, or Inventor thereof; permitting one's name to be adevrtised or pub lished for pay aa the author of books or articles on golf of which one Is not actually the author. There will be the same penalty for lost ball, unplayable ball and out of bounds.,' In other words, the player must tro back to where he played from and lose stroke and distance and a provisional, ball -may be played to save time . inn iivm o aeiinuion siuies a. mle Is laid when both balls are on the putting green and the opponent's ball lies In any position .which tho player regards, as Interfering -with his line, provided the balls T not within six Inches of each other. The rule then provides that "If the opponent lay the player a stymie, player may remove .the oppoVienfa .ballt. :the opponent shall then be deemed" to have holed In hl next stroke." If the golfer piny- ER Clogged-up Impurities Will Under mine Your Health. PORTIxAN'D, Aug. . High class pitching by Brooks and two runs gar- uornd by his teammates wore suffi cient to give the Heavers their second win of the week over Los Angeles, 2 to 1. lirooks allowed the southern team but two hits In nine Innings, tine point sepuiules Portland from fourth place, now held by Han Francisco. Oaks lUwt It cob, I in I , OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 6. Oak In nil knocked Cullop out of the box In the third Inning and- defeated Halt Luke. 6 to 4. The Bees put up a stiff fight In the sixth and seventh innings, hit ting It. Arletl four times, for four runs, but could nut overcome the Oaks' five run lead. Mulligan was badly spiked by Cooper in the third and had to re tire. The first symptoinj are ustial'y ls of appetite, followed by t Kradual lonseninR of encrpy, the system becomes weaker day hy lay, until you feel youn,c!f on tlie vcrire of a breakdown. This whole condition is but thfc 1 result of impurities in the blood tiiist show that nature needs as-1 si tance 1:1 f h'tnj the system a jjcfcril houecleaninr;. Nearly evcryboily just now needs a few Dottles of S. S. S. to cieanse l!;e system of impurities. S. S. S. is without an crjnal ai a cenerEl tonic and system builder It improves the appetite and drives new s'rers ::h and vitality t j b jth o'l vni yovinir. , ifu!l infprmition an4 valuable literature can be had by writing tg Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, 0il Seal Lie Wins Again. SKATTL.Fi, Aug. 6.-.WIth the win ning runs on second and third, Mchick. who hud hit safely four times In pre vious Innings, was retired In the first of the ninth and tJeattle won, 4 to 3. Thursday's game with San Fran cisco. Love pitched effectively until he became wild. San Francisco led off with a run in the first but Seattle Hforod three In the third and held the lead. Ylplers W.lsi In 12fh. IjOS ANUEL.ES, Auf.' . Sacra mento took a 12-lnning gamo from Vernon, 4 to 3, Common's double to tho left field fence sending Orr over the plate with the winning tally. Mulls and Shcllenback pitched good Dan . TENNIS PLAYER REAL EELLOW. GOOD SPORT William T. Tilden, Victor at Wimbledon, Brings 'Title to America; He is 27 Years Old and Credit to Game. ,a challenge: for the America's cup fiom an organized Canadian yacht club ,a condition Imposed by Mr. Morgan 4efire submitting Mr. Ross' informal challenge to New York yacht club officials. Mr. Boss expressed himself confi dent of feeing able to raise by public Hiiliscription," a fhnd of f I.nnu.Uffn even $2,000,000. If required to supply Canada with a challenger. Use the Fhoneg, Grocery 526 Other Dept's 78 . Usj'e the Phones Grocery 526 -Other Dept'i 78 MEN'S STORE Sale pecial oy's Suits B DAVIS (TP D.VTKS KT VVEI.WNOTON. N. Z., Aug. 6. (A. P.) Play for the tiavls cup iietwee the American team, as challengers, and the Australians, present holders. have been rixed to take place at Auck land. Dec. 2S, 29 'and il.. . i 4 DirritoiT ix n.vxi.s MINNEAPtn.IS, Minn. ..Aug. 6. (A, P.) Detroit defeated Boston 12 to 6 winning the right to play St. Paul this sfteswttosip tn the- latter tcity.for the Garry Herrmann trophy and the. Printer's National championship. QUALITY stmvica 8AiirrATlC MILK FED SPRING CHICKENS AND FAT HENS. Every Choice Cut in Beef, Porjt arid Mutton. ... .-.1 Watermelons on lee, pound ...... 5c Peaches ,..'.V. .'. $1.90' Tomatoes , . . 75c Green Corn, Cantaloupes,' Casabas, Berries, Pears, Green Peppers, Lettuce, Celery, Cu cumbers. ... Pendleton Trading Co. ' X ." ' . Phone 45S "If it's In th Market We Have It." BY llKStlY I FARREia (united I'reHs Ktaff Correliondent.) MOW ycFlK, Auk. a.-'World'B champion at tennis in an impressive title but the nicest thiiiff the friends of William T. TJIdcn, the new kinff the courts nay about him is that "he's a ral fellow and a pood sport." Tildens feat in winning the world's championship at Wimbledon from Gerald Patterson was the greatest tmnif achieved for American tennis. Put It wasn't the first thinu that this tall, lanky Phlladelphian had done for the game In the United States. The unselfish Interest that he han always shown in getting youngsters in terested in the game has been one of the biggest factors in raising tennis from an alleged "pink tea" sport to a place where ft ranks as a real national pastime. ocaoi XOB3QZ i oca ok Real Bread THE TABLE SUPPLY is a home of good eats. We use every precaution to see that the merchan dise we sell you is of the very best quality and for this reason in the future we are going to sell you BUTTER KRUST BREAD There is no better bread on the market any where. We absolutely guarantee it to be clean, wholesome and sweet. , "NEVER A FLY" S "Hie Table Supply" Phone 187 end 188 739 Main Str j CUAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR . ' Prop. o D o o n e e D o Champion 27 Years Old Tihlen Is far from a veteran hlmseir being only 27 years of ape. hut he has alwuys shown an admirable incli nation to neglect the furtherance of his own game in coaching along young slcrs. He Is credited with "making" Vin cent Richards, the eighteen-year-old Fordham youth Whose prowess on the courts has ftecn the inspiration of all 'kid players." A friend of the champion's in Phi ladelphia recently spoke of a conversa tlon in which Tilden had told him sev-, eral years ago: Tennis of the future depends upon the youngsters ot today. , I figure 1 can do more for the game by helping the youngsters along and getting em bryo champions on the way than by campaigning for laurels myself." flto followed this policy with great success around Philadelphia. Many branded Tllden's victory In tho Wimbledon matches as a surprise. It woa, hut it should not have been. Iteoii StHrrliiif Two Year's For two years the big star has been playing Just the kind of tennis that enabled him to overcome the pick of the world's players and win the cham pionship. He never became the American na tional champion but he was the hard est opponent Champ Pllly Johnstbn had to defeat last summer at Forest Hills. Tilden started his bid for fame In 1918 when he was ranked as No. 2 among the American players. In 1919 his game hud become so good that he became the champion of the Phila delphia district, the Schuylkill Valley. Newport. North and South,' Seabrlght and llelawnre. Ajraln he wan rated second in the first ten. This spring he won the indoor na tional championship and. paired with young Vincent Richards, whom he de feated for the singles tllle. ho won the doubles championship. With Richards he also won the dou bles championship at Seabright ami the North and South tournament and annexed the Schuylkill Valley crown with Rodney Reck. Williams Offers Prai-K Of Tildcn's game. Paul Williams, secretary of the ITnited States Liiwn Tennis Association has the following to say: "Tilden depends on a wide variety of strokes, from a slow leasing rivlst to a lightning like straight ball. From the baseline he nses both the chop and the drive, forehand and backhand. When pressed ho assays the net at every opportunity depending upon his great reach and agility to block at tempted passes. Unusually good head work is the basis of his success. He studies his opponent's game and rarely makes a mistake In judgment. On the wholo he combines the most up-to-date methods of play, possessing as he docs, a sound baca rami and usual volleying ability." Vernon Salt Lake . ... . I-os- Angeles . San Francisco Portland ...... Seattle Oakland tiucramento . . . Pai-lfio Const Ij'altuo. ... 9 ... .ex . .. 60 ... 57 . . r.9 . .. S4 ..HZ r, I r2 69 62 59 62 70 70 .571 .570 .516 ; .492 : .491 I .4HH .444 .426 .' , . .. .--- 1 IJIU IiKAGUM HA.SIJiAI.Ij National Ix-aguc. Pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 5. Philadelphia 0, Cincinnati 7. ' New York 2. Chicago 1. Boston 1, St. Louis 0. A merit m Zjcocue. New York 1, Detroit 7. Chicago 2, Boston 4. ' St. Louis 2, Washington 1.- I Wonderful Medicine TRY this approved rem edy. Just ths tonic for nervousness, - sleeplessness, depressed feeling, loss of appetite, digestive troubles, brsin fsg, or slow recovery ' from influenza and kindred .ailmenla. A tonic, alterative . and diuretic fir blood and nerve disorders. Saturday. Boys! here's your opportunity to buy your suit at a big saving. WASH SUITS and PALM BEACH SUITS. A good run of sizes in stock. We can fit you. BOYS' WASH SUITS $1.50 Quality, Special $1.20 $3.50 Quality, Special .-. ....... $2.80 H 8uaHJy' pec-aJ !! $4.00 Quality, Special ......... $3.20 $2.00 Quality, Special $1.60 Z J" . ; ; $2.50 Quality, Special $2.00 $4.50 Quality, Special ......... $3.60 $3.00 Quality, Special $2.40 $5.00 Quality, Special .....'... $4.00 BOYS' PALM BEACH SUITS REDUCED 20 PER CENT. Sizes 7 yrs. to 16 yrs. Regular price 87.00 to $16.50. . ' BOYS' HATS Cloth and Straw, 1-4 off Regul ar Price. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Elsctro Therapeutics. Temple Bldg. . . Room 12 Phone 41C NO RKPLY ItrXTJVKD WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. (A. P.) The reply of Japan to the American note regarding Japanese occupation of Siberian territory has not been receiv ed here, it was said today at the state department. UUILMAN CLAliNSIJMUS (special Agent daho State Life Insurance Co. An Old Line Company thi does all Its business tn the west. 210 Beauregard St, . P. O. Box tS DR. C. II. DAY Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Rooms 23 and 25 Smith-Crawford Building. rnlephon 704 Res. T4D-R H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: " Phone 227-W 10-11-12 Bond Building Pendleton, Ore; . . .. - - - 4.f- tji,.l (-.- - lUy- -: -- it i---: . - : VxiB ;t! '-'ow I ' j..tiiaSt u - k X it-m I i vsriiri Cab LH CANADIANS ASK RACE F( For Your Western Electric if THIS outfit furnishes tlx Tie power and light easy to put in simple to run gives dependable service. No better outfit than this is made none has given better service. And electric service is what you want. You get it from this outfit. See this plant in operation.' CHAS. MILNE - ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR " 108 East Alta St. Opposite Alta Theatre H DOWNEY'S MARKET Choice cuts for roasts, broils,,, frys or stews in beef, mutton, pork or veal. Most everything in cold i ineats. " PHONE 600 SATISFACTION In Price, Workmanship and Promptness when you patronize The East Oregonian Job Printing Department. " j Phone 1 7 Wales loiaei. I0S30I MONTR BAU" Aug. . (A. P.) A. C. Ross. Canadian yachting enthus iast last night telegraphed J. P. Mor gan, commodore of the rsewr Yora yacht club, that he would soon receive I : : : V H IVR Bt -H.T tP A ttVT4l,K Mfa v 7 V-llKIlTATlOV FOR THKMIKtVEl rV-Sjr" 4vi Thn ra:enu lines or const ruction. rtJV.,vsr J The total wheU wbtn thor Thn oil retnlninir hub-barlaca. The automatic clear alKnai, Th lock-dawn total key. - Ar features that will mtk yoti Hk- the LIGHT RUN NINO- SPEED T WALKS. VAI,t:fl Htimhlllty Is a story yoa will h tntp rested In. and makes for xtremely tow malatenaoc cost. ffervlce is seldom required on th WALES, but quickly at band should you need It. Soiiu- of our TemUeton users who havs owned .WAL9 Add in it A Listir-H Machines for from one to six years are: MnipMn Ami Company. Hlekera A r'Hedly f.. fl. A- CtK, !, Hi !-?- A i nwwnj renllr4 lblr A asty m. It eel Hul l Urita ( Mnfors s'rUtr Cs. AJk thtia for their frank opjilon. r E. C. NlI.Efl. General Affent. CECU. COPPER. Local Krpresents Urm, CECIL COS PER, Pendleton. Or on. Olv m a WALFt dsmonstratloe. I'm not promising to buy but X am Interested. Nam ,. ,n ii m Address j .i--,., 6 -