East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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TTTTenney Co., Aiitvi
BUTTER (Danish brand) .60c
Carnation Milk, large can . . 13c
Peanut Butter, pint jars 35c
Peanut Butter, quarts ; 70c
Van Camps Soups, each 11c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, ea. 19c
Quaker Oats, large round package 42c
Cream of Wheat, package 30c
Puff Wheat, Pice and Shredded Wheat, ea. 16c
Log Cabin Syrup, medium size 68c
Marshmallow Syrup, 1-2 gal. 80c; 1 gal. $1.50
Sliced Peaches, No. 2 tins, each 35c
Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 tins, each 35c
'Citrus Washing Powder, each 32c
Crepe Toilet Paper, 5 oz., 5 for 25c
, Salmon, pink No. 1 Tall, each L 21c
Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, 5 lb. box. 65c
Olive Oil (Reimberto) made in Spain, pints 90c
quarts $1.75.
The Versatile Guinea Hen
Mr. iiiiifa Hen cun speak sonic fifty-seven vari
rtirs ir Iniuniaffus ami gibbering. When clanger is
near, tw ouimIs 1lie alarm ami all the fowls stxiot
f r rover but he flit's oil tlie gate ami shoot .s forth
(its defiaiu'C. miss words ami everything. Really
a heii excited, lie (cet-s profane and can be heard all
acr the premiics. 31 r. and Mrs. Guinea Hen arc
one u lull it routes to fighting off the enemy and
when they begin to say things even the bull dog
xmsklers discretion the better part or valor and
beats It,
The orfker? f the American National aim to pro
tect the best interests of its patrons first, further
ing the welfare of the community and as such in
vite your account.
Pendleton, Oregon.
"Strongest Battle in Gastern Oregon "
Used Gars
Three late model Chevrolets and one
1917 Hudson Super Six. Anything
like a reasonahle offer will take aiiy or
all of these cars. We are absolutely
jroinjr to close out all of our used and
b . . . .
new stock.
Ji mill J.I.J
Eastern Oregon Motor Co.
616 Garden St., Near P. O.
Phon 1027
TV4IA NAM Hu StirMS -no se Y-- '
Y3, HE'S eHAU5T60'
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Repo-tk' ('
The following prices are the prices
being paid to producers by Pendleton
business houses. Wherever retail
prices are given the fact will be spe
cially mentioned.
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, 50 cents. (Retail price Is GO
Hens, 20 cents, v
Spring fryers, 30 cents a pound.
Country Ham,, Etc
Ram, best quality, ,28c
Bacen, best quality, 40c
Butter Fat and Butter.
Ranch butter, $1.10 a roll. (Retail
price Is also $1.10.)
Quality Counts
Quality Counts
Beauty and Utility Arc the Two Essentials in
neither is valuable with
out the other.
The excellent furni- J
ture which we sell is the
embodiment of both of
very moderately priced.
14. ISA IX W.bb St.
Itiune 618
Quality Counts
Quality Counts
Hugs and Cattle Steudy
While Slm-p Waver.
'Hogs were in small supply and
steady and there was only a fair run
of cattle with unchanged values.
Sheep and iambs showed fluctuating
Lambs gathered weakness In the
North Portland alleys at the opening
of the Tuesday morning trade. Offer
ings were from the Williamette val
ley and a soft tone set in the trade at
the opening. Killers controlled the
market and their bids of 50 cents lens
than the previous day were accepted.
While the general price of east of the
mountain lambs was not changed, this
was simply due to the fact that no ar
rivals of that stock have been shown
here recently. Mutton in general was
considered slightly easier, but showed
no price change.
General sheep and lamb range:
Cast of mountain lambs. $11. 00 11. 60
Valley lambs - 9.2510.50
Cull Jambs 8.00 8.00
Yearlings 6.00 7.00
Wethers , 6.00 6.50
Ewes : 2.26 if? 6.00
Just 34 head appeared in the hog
alleys for the Thursday morning trade
at North Portland. Demand remains
good and active and there is an ex
treme top available here at $18.75, al
though the general market is not con
sidered above $18.50.
General hoe; market range:
Prime mixed $18. no 18. T5
Medium mixed, 1 7.5ft 18.00
Rough heavy .......... 12. OO 14.60
Smooth heavy 1 3.60 1 6.50
Pigs 13. 50 16.50
fn the cattle alleys no change was
shown for Thursday at North Port
land. ' The run totaled 200 head and
general conditions were considered
above steady.
General cattle range:
Good grass steers $10.00 10.50
Good to choice steers ... . 50 10.00
Medium to good steers.. 8.50 9.50
Fair to good steers 7.75 8.50
Common to fair steers . . 6.50 7.75
Choice cows and heifers 7.25 7.
Best feeders 7.25 7.75
Fair to good 5.75 7.25
Good to choice cows ana
heifers 6.50 7.25
Aledlum to good cows and
heifers 5.50 6.50
Fair to medium oows and
heifers 4.50 6.50
Canners ' 2.50 4.00
Bulls . 5.00 6.0.
Choice dairy calves 13.00 15.00
Heavy calves 7.00 9.00
Best light calves 11.5013.06
War News llolst Prices ,
On Everything at Chicago
CHICAGO,. Aug. 6. War news
hoisted the price today on every com
modity on- exchange. At the tupmost
point, wheat was up 16c a bushel.
Profit-taking, though, eased the mar
ket later. The close was nervous, 10
to 11 l-2c net higher with December
$2.40 to $2.40 1-2 and March $2.42.
Corn finished at 2 8-4 to 6 1-8 advance,
oj.ts gained 1 1-2 to 2 3-4 and pruvl"
sions 17 to 90.
Wheat available for immediate use
was in keen demand and it was this
circumstance that was the outstanding
feature rather than speculative buy
ing of future deliveries. The urgent
call for -cash wheat seemed the more
striking) in view of assertions that ex
port call was slow and that the British
Koyal Commission still held off as a
buyer. Heavy margins required as a
result of wire fluctuations that have
been the rule of late was the generally
accepted reason of the comparative
absence of any unusual broadening ot
the volume of pit transactions. Scar
city of country offerings added some
what to the force of bullish sentiment
and so likewise did complaints ot car
Crop Injury from prolonged dry
weather had much to do with higher
prices for corn, although the tensiun
over war developments appeared to
bo the leading Influence. Oats sym
pathized with corn.
Sale of two million pounds of lard
supposed to go Indirectly to Germans
gaive impetus to the upturn in provl
sions. Besides It was estlmuted that
meat stocks In the west had been re
duced this week thirty million pounds.
Sun and Wind Bring Out Vgly Spots.
Iluw to icetnovc fOsslly
Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with the
the guarantee of a reliable concern
that it will not cost you a penny un
less it removes the freckles: while If II
does give you a clear complexion the
expense is trifling.
wlmply get an ounce of Othine
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy It is to rid yourself ot
the homely freckles and get a. beauti
ful complexion. Barely is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength Othine as this
strength is sold under guarantee of
money back if It falls to remove
industrial Woe Tyowo
Owing to Polish w ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 6. Unfavorable
foreign news bearing on the Polisl
.Hiialinn onrt renewed ltatlidation ant
short selling caused losses among In
dustrial stocks ot one to iv points iu
rfav. pvnent for an Interval in thi
first hour, when a rise In railroad
shares had a tonic effect , the down
.. .. -.1 M,..mn.n, ft ft I n I 1 11 til 1 II . TOn
ditions in the foreign exchange and
money markets were more lav lira oic
but were Ignored.
Ileports that the banks had culler:
loans on certain Industrials coliatera
aitanH.ii th. riflrAtnn. The bear fac
. -I , . 1 1 annririM to ririvinX
LIIMI uo,u. - - "
down individual shares, causing un
easiness among noiuers ui
securities as to where the attack would
, rxctt OHls. . steels, shippings.
sugars and leathers -were targets, and
the precipitate decline in tnese groups
.1 ....... iL holunM of the list.
TrxoTatonftf mi rjnor afrainst the
selniMi, even investment railroads
f..iu . tn nnlntM. Middle
States Oil crashed from 20 1-2- to 10
1-4 on dealings approximating ,
Thl. hrmk was a signal for
active selling of other low priced oils
ttn.l a varied list or speuiflitiun.
...i .,..,.imatarf i 150.0i)i shares
The bond market maintained a fair
ly good tone in face of the weakness ot
J,..i,u Tntul mules, oar1 value, $11,-
2.7 000. Foreign Issues fluctuated
narrowly and liberty bonds were Ir
regular. Old U. S. nonos uni-nuns,
on call.
Slew Stcndy to Stnmg.
cr. k... .1 v - IfantaM fill
nut, i -
. ........ . , . i . H I 1 1 1.
. rLA.NA uii. -
1 .'- .... ..K-r aalns Oil 14.25: QUar-
amine steady at 8.75 .25: butcher
stock steady to weaK, mosny -..
canners steady; calves mostly 50c low
er; odd vealers 13.50; bulk 10.60; feed
er dull.
Kheep 6000 steady; native ewes ..
bulk fat ewes, 7.50 8; lambs steady
K tower- bulk good and choice
natives 12.50 13; top 1S.25.
Coffee Future Again
Khovr Iow Hecnrus.
NEW YORK. Aug. . After mak
ing new records during today's early
sales the market for coffee futures
rallied on better late cables from
Kantos. but failed to hold the Im
provement owing to reports pf lower
..rlnn Vlrt nrlces were 33
to 45 points lower on reports of con
tinued weakness in urasu ana tne na
tive months at One time showed net
c 1
ft I
The Store Where
Low Shoes and
Economy Reign ;
Every woman admires low shoes for hot weather
but when she is confronted by an assortment so
pleasing in style and attractive in price it makes it
hard to leave this store without a new pair. Just
you try it and see forv yourself . , '.
Women's Patent Leather Pumps
$4.98, $5.50,80.90
Light, dainty shces of good quality patent leather, high Louis lioels
and hand turned soles, somo are ornamented by dainty buckles, others,
are made plain, but all are comfortnble,,aoryiceable and attractive.
Women's Low Heel Pumps
$6.50 and $6.90
Two especially good values, one has low military heel, Goodyear
welt soles and fine black kid upper. The other In cither black or
brown kid has the new Baby ..Louie heel, medium sole and buckle
ornamented vamp. - .
Women's Brown Ties and Oxfords
$7.5.0, $3.90
Very attractive shoes made on the very newest lasts, from only best
quality kid leathers, high leather heels and flexible leather soles, num.,
bers that combine style, comfort and thrift extraordinary.
Women's Black Kid Pumps $5.50
A well-fitting, comfortable pump with high leather heel and '
close edge flexible sole, narrow toa and medium vamp. Colonial
tongue effect almost identically as illustrated. In this style we nae
a predominance of larger slscs. . . .
"Women's Mary Jane Slippers, Size 2 1-2 to
7, $2.49 and $3.98
White canvas with leather Vte and low leather heel and ankle
strap. Black kid or patent .leather, medium or broad too with low
leather heel and ankle strap.
Misses' Slippers, sizes 11 1-2 to 2
$2.19 to $3.98
Neat fitting shoes for thoVIIttle Miss Who Is becoming cTltical of tho
shoes she wears, serviceable' top, white ,.-wnVas, black kid or patent
leather. . V t ' '' ' '.'
J. C. Penney Co., A 7fatlMwR.MttutijML
loss of 37 to 58 points with Dec. sell
ing at $9.60 or 120 points below the
best price touched on the rally of last
.Monday. Special cables reporting ad
vances In Santos futures were follow
ed by recoveries of 35 to 40 points dur
ing the middle of the day with De
r.,.iir unit 11 n to 10.00. but that
delivery closed at 9.77 with the general
list showing net loss or 23 to u points.
September 9.30; oct. 9.46; Dec. 9.77:
Jan. 9.86; March 10.04;. May 10.16;
July 10.25. .
Spot coffee dull; Rio 7's 1054; Ban
tos 4's 16'iZ17'4. ;
I Iocs Firm and Scarce,
Cattle Weak at Seattle.
SEATTLE, April 6. Hogs Re
ceipts none, firm. Prime $18.50 19;
medium to choice $17 18; rough
heavies $15.6016.60; pigs $13.50
Cattle Receipts 264; weak. Prime
$10.50 11; medium to choice $9
10; common to good $56; best
tows and heifers $7.758.25; medium
to choice $S7; common to good, $5
li6. bulls $5 6.50; calves $7.00 14.
Seattle Grams Tlotd ,
at Str;8dy Prices. : r, : .-. ;..
SEATTLE, Aug. 6. City delivery:
Feed Scratch feed, $87; feed wheat.
093; all grain chop. $78; oats $76;
sprouting oats. $79; rolled barley, $70;
clipped barley, $75.
WASHINGTON", Aug. 6. (A. P.)
Assistant Attorney General Stewart to
day denied he bad Informed Harry
Weinberger of New York, counsel for
Molly Stelmcr and three others sorv
mg sentences for distributing an
archistic literature, that these prison
ers soon would be pardoned by Presi
dent Wilson.
Call for Bids -
scaled bids will be received at the of
fice of the Ctty Recorder at Pendleton.
Oregon, up to and including 5 o'clock
p. m. on the 11th day of August, 1920,
for the Improvement of the following
parts of streets In said city, to-wlt:
Garfield street from the north line
of Jackson street to the south line of
Martin street, in accordance with the
plans and specifications of such Im
provements prepared by. F. B. Hays,
City Surveyor and now on file In the
office of the Recorder of said city.
each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for 5 per cent of the
sum bid, made payable to the Mayor
of the City of Pendleton to toe return
ed to the bidder, if unsuccessful, and
to be forfeited to The City of Pendle
ton If the bid Is successful and the bid
derfalls to enter Into the contract In
accordsnce with the terms of hie said
bid. Sealed bids shall specify aa fol
Gravel Blthullthie, Warrentte Bithu.
llthlc, or Concrete pavement or crush
ed gravel foundation Including the
surface and finishing courses and bi
tuminous, crushed rock or crushed
gravel foundation.
526,20 cu. yds. ot dirt exca-
' vation, per cu. yd. . ; $
252.50 eu.-yds. of fill made
from surplus dirt of eo,
' within the District, per
'' cu. yd.- ; t, ...... ,
$780.4 3 sn.yda. of Hard Bur
- face pavemont, . per so..
yd , I
182.1 1. ft." of circular
Curb, per 1 ft. $
1604 1. ft. of Straight Curb
per 1. ft. ,...,..$..
6 Catch Basins, each ........
150 1. ft. of S In. Bewer
Pipes, per 1. ft.' $
164 1. ft. of Headers, per 1.
. fl t. ........
For entire Improvement com- -
plete (Total bid) ..;.'..'...$
right to reject any and all bids.
The Common -Council reserves the
Dated July 28th.. 1920.
' Recorder, etc.
Dated this 29th. day of July, 10.
.'; Ctty Recorder.'
Notliv of Ithls for IJalHuilnlng the In-
tcrior of the City Hall.
Not lire Is hereby given that Bested
bids will lie received at tho office of
the. l ily Recorder In Pendleton. Ore
gon, up In 6 o'cloi'k p. m. on August
11th. 1920, for Calclminlng and reno
vating the Interior the City Hall In
Pendleton, Oregon, details of work to
be done can be had of-Wni. Dunn;
Chairman of The-House Committee of
the Common Council of, The City of
Pendleton. The Common Council re
servea the right to reject any and all '
bids at Its pleasure. I
Nnlii-a bf Bids for Bewer OMislruetloa,
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will fen received at the offlce'ofr.
the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore-I
gon up to 5 o'clock p. m. on August!
11th. 1920 for th Construction of The'
Turner Utreet JJewsr Laterals, Plans,
and Specifications for snld work- mayj
be seen at, the. office of the City Surwf
veyor In r'cndlotoru Oregon, each bid',
must be accompanied by a Certified:,
Check In the sum of 10 per cent-on.
the amount of the bid, made payable,
to tho order of the Mayor of The City,,
of Pendleton, to he returned to-that,
bidder If unsuccessful, and to be for
felted if the bid, la accepted and. the
contractor falls, to enter Into a ton-'
tiact In accordance with the terms of.;
his said bid. The Common Council ',
reserves the right to reject any and ,
all bids at its pleasure. .
Dated at 'Pendleton, Oregon, .hli
29th. day of July 1U20. -
. City Recorder, -
truth Eprron to jail. '
DULUTir, Mlnn.."Au . (A. P.)'
Warrants for the 'deportation of Jack
Carney, Duluth, odltor of Truth,' have '
been cancelled . by the Immigration :
doparflncnt, . following Carney's con-1
vlction at Chtoago'and Duluth 'and '
sentenced to Leavenworth penltohtl- '
ary for his alleged activities against'
the United States government.
pMjSlijaaLiii ;,.,ii:fajljia.,'fi.Jii J
V Place your order now for that
. . new car. . -
Oregon Motor Garage
PbotM 46
"19-121 W tour