pt" T3 PAGES DAILY EAST OMGOHIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1920.. PAG ?. m:T3 ir Notices, Eusicf Dppoxiunliiesa Locs, Xoat, Fiiji(la Eqi Henl Elc -I 1 I - - I I . i.,..- f 1- I i - .. .. I I ' . ,mm I 1 ' . mm i l W nmxi Ch" - - iiikS ni ii ii i3 CI miw3 f( .. f t,'i,ffi mm iinliU Oiiiii mtvmmm t i i , , , S... . mi in,innJt Cm arirwiiM I 1 " '" ' 11 "" j . "'. " 1 1 "" a ii. ii f i mim ( iii'wi j i i i i 3" - 4- IBflUltt: WANTED AT OXCI3 FOR SALE FOR SAL A Bans Viol Phona S81 or net. i :i WjLNTED rWomn AaU vork ranch Call tit. Elmo, WANTED Good eiaag raca at h Baat Oregonlan offlca. j FOR flAIiB Hargula Fbona 4F11. Md vlbaat ' ; Boy 'to " Wn Printing trade :oo4 chance for rlrht Ky muat W.ovcr IE years ot ace Apply Foreman, R. O., or Phone 172-J. IB ' 8AIE Deerlng Harvester cut - 36 acres Phone lUFtl. - , rOB SAia-OltB eat ot oaipsaten tool Addrea' "10-S" thla offlc. TOR 8ALE All kinds ot Insurance. J. H. Kates. 14 Main St., Phona 104. VTAWBD Nlg-ht. clerk at Hotel St. ' ; Qeerge. WANTED by buuuuwn woman. wok ' after office hours -Phona 728-R, l.OKT Smalt feather . mattress ke- ' tween Park view-Apartments and Ballroad St., Phona (48. i WAXtBD TO R13NV hy reepoaeible party, furnlehed house will uy fur. llkure If reavonahle Phone 7J7-M. rtHR. BAI.K 6 work horses, 1250 to 1100 two wm work harnMis J m. "oher- waon. ' Dutch Henry reen Yard. . CARLOAD Or JACK from Baatern Oresoa Jack "arm on sale at Kcho, Orag-on. WANTED Automeblle aalesmoa mwHtirive references Phono 417. WHEAT HAULiING If you want your wheat hauled with trucks phona 442. WANTED Dressmaking, Mrs. 1 ilol iwlll, 120 Thompson St., Phone 70-J. WANTfcJI To hire 8 head of horses for hauling wheat Geo. HU1 Phone 10F2. FOH SAXJ3 Holt 4 ft combine, engine, I mod. eandltUw Jim Hilt. Pendleton Oregon, phone f7J. WANTED Pasture for II haad of atook. K. B. F. Hoaalnftoo. Barmla. ton. Oregon. t?bta Directory Is ecoaclally kandr for Uie outof-town reader who may want the came aa address of rssponslbla; Iwinfaess se . wM& t'MA the folowlna lines. All r reliable, reaps nalble business ooncsnas who stand ready to give you prompt and fflsfeqt sarvle. , , . , , (. 'AUTQ TIRES I. BENTMTT C0. Ooodyearand diamond Tires Tlra service, oils and accessories Alta and Garden fits. GEKTSON ii.MARTT Uatea Half Solee, (000 miles guaranteed 1-1 cost of new tires. 37 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON ROBBKR A SUPPLT CO. -Barney Oldfield, Oood.-Ich 811- vertown Cord and Pennsylvasia. Vac uum Cup 105 B. Court. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK AOTO. Klocirlo Work.- of ail kinds. . Magneto, starter. Ignition, etc., Kl- ectrio Servioa ' Station, Gardeu and Court streets. WB REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. K. Cuaao Uo. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS' OSTEOPATH FARKBH BANTs'HSLJJi. Oestgnkaa, Engineering, Constructing, 10 years szparienos In concrete, and brick- oa structlon. Colnis litf.. Irtland Or. AUTO REPAIRING FOR SALS) Self-prope-,led combine harvesi ir. toll modeh good enape uirms Storgla JMorla. FOR SALE 4 a 1-7 acre alfalfa rdtaeh half-way between Hermlston and Uwattlla P., D. Mtllai!. t WANTED Tn rent- house, partly or t comtiletely furnished, by coupla withj nvi children, north ld preferred. Rrfcrences furnished Phone gt4. STRAfKR OR STTM.KN Hunday aft- ernoon, hrn-ni and (White pointer Leave Information at Alice Shoe: fhijio Parlu. (19 Main 8t., Pendleton O- '.. Phone 88 neward. . - . FOR . SALIC Four wagon boxes , for bulk grain, low price if taken soon B. L. Burroughs, phona 6: FOB Wsl lft in Wt. I baled atr&lfa hay in ear lots, For prices writ or plMxie w. A. LeatUars, Hermlston, Or. Wri WANT MRN who. can earn 830. nd up per month . selling Stock cemfqies, urirree, aea, J-xtracta, t"l)ic..- Uaklmr PewoVr, Soap, Canned floods,' Dried JYnits and entire Use ef Oroceries. Goods all guaranteed and Itrovenf quality. - Jfo rent to pay. No money! Invested. ' Take larcre orders front samples. Experience not neces sary. Bteady work for workers. Write o see our sales manager -J. F. Brown at Hotet Pendleton. r. NOTICES . Notioe Notice that the Frentsnl-Waltes Mo tor Co. hav mutoally dlsotved part- nemhlp. tr. A. A. Frentsel buying the Interest ef Mr. Wi O. Walles. The firm will continue on with the White truck agency as heretofore, under the firm name Frentwl-Motor Co. e Notfce fur Power Hewer Cleaner Notice- Is- hernjr given that sealed bids wilt be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton Ore goo, up ta Angust 4th 1 a?o at S o'clock p. m., for furnishing- the City ot Pen dleton One Pewsr newer Cleaning Ma chine, F. O. B. Pendleton. Oregon. The Common Council reserves the , right to sejpet any and all bids at Its bleamire.- t i-ii kj r i Dated .an Pendleton 6ragon Mala Z3rd day of July 1820. i , TKOa FtTt OERAID, ' . f .: -;...: Olty Recorder. .1,1 ! . ... . FQR SALE) CHBAP Brown-Lewis ' trround power harvester II ft. cut, run one season Address, "6-sT UU offloo. , . ... S ROOM new tiuntralow. , God 1k;h- tlon, north aide, modern. Ask Ker Lundoll or Kennedy 'at Til Main street. , , i , . . , t , . - WIDOW with 2 children wants work- references Address Box 78, J?en dleton. Ore. . WANTED Job harvesting with sta tionary outfit Inquire Ed Tucker, Rroldman, Ore. WANTED 5 or 8 room house, north side, priced about $5000.00 Address "xr this office. PERKINS AMMONS, Aotomsblle V..alrin. VVr Ph.vrnl.t fittiAm. PENDLETON CTCLE CO. AJa, re- baker or- any make of car. Service c 1 "" at any time. 830 Cottonwood. Pbona 203. IMPSOr T1RJB1 SERVICE Cb. Re- publia and Firestone tires, cords or fabric. 233 E. Court St., Phone lot. WALLACE BROS. Flak, Tires, oords vt fabric. . Ws do our own adjusting .-808-13 Jfobnsoa St. . , r: . BARBER SHOP I wish to rent or buy a small barber shop J. Cran dall, Pendleton, Ore. WESTER.N AUTO CO United States Tirea, Both cord and fabric Cor. Cottonwood and Water Sts. THE "PIONEER" ATJTO MAK Satut- faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Long. 033 Cottonwood. AUTO TOPS .CHIROPRACTORS; . DR. LOR ETTA H. STAJCBA, 8-10 Peebler Bldg. to 1 a. m. 1:10 ta S p. ru; other, hours by ap pointment; Phones Of. fiS8, Res. 1181 DR. R. C ELLSWORTH Specializing In nervous diseases and diseases ot women. 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6:80 p. m. EventnBS T to 8. Ptaone J0. SmUh. Crawford Bulldmcr. 1 1. . , DBA T RP EN! NO Chtro p racjo and Sanipractora, 818 Tuatin, Fbone 448. CLEANING AND PRESSING DR. O. B. HOLT Osteopatlilo. physl elan and Surgeon. Judd BMt. Tele phones, office, 608; Hestdanoo 1-W. DR. - VmSA M'CONNKLL Oxteop. tblo phyalol&n and aurgeoB. 1"tmie pid Of ties phono 847-A Ron, 884-88. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD. Scratch, food, tonics, sons, shell, grit. torn, oatsv rolled) barley. Umatilla rloor a Grim Cav PIANO TUNING WOAN HVtiSP your piano any whera and time. Phonorpk repejrtng. Warrens MuHla Ilouee, ; ( 14 Maia Ht Phono 824. WANTED . Experienced . man , for dairy ranchInquire F. H-, Mytlnger, Pendleton or? Phono 8F31. WANTED rTen mules or horses for wheat hauling during harvest Jas. Hill. Pendleton, Phone 873. WANTED Night waitress at the Rail road Boarding House must, be trustworthy, Rleth, Ore, FOR SALE Tent house, well buUt, furnished., pump, all conveniences oboe p W. M. Wesley, near Washing ton School. i , , . , FOR SALE OR LRASB Snoop races. 820 ores, well equipped Abun dance of range Joining Address M. R. Walton, Qulney, Wash. RETTER .WEARABLES foa : better babies at Portland prioes, layettes a specialty Children sewing to order- Ill Jackson Phone 285-M. FOR, SALE Beat grocery and -meat busfoesa In a good, Uva town. . , In voice about $8500. Fine 80-day cash business, doing monthly business of $1000 Address "C" ears this paper. - WANTED to Icaao an unfurnished house- toy family of two adults, ex cellent core Guaranteed Pnon e 140. auto;transfer: W. tfc FIK.HBRtand'niiy 4 Kemp A. M. BOTDEN Stand at Hennlngs , Cigar store. Country trips PUooa C WANTED Work oponltns farm - tractor four years exveiiene write Alfred Fosmork. Gen. Dot, Pon- dleton. . WANTED Carpenter work p fecial attention paid to Job work city or country. Phono 8x-w. oau lit Lillith et. WANTED Ono- hexid clerk, main of fice American. Ry Express Co. Age SI to 45 years, . one with some clerical experience, good chanco.for advance raent. WANTED Toong ,womoa to telepkono oparatlas. PornMMiont pootttooo assured. Salary paid while FOR SALE One. of the finest homos laaralng. Apply to chief operator ot on the. north side. New and modern I eepuone in every respect and the price is right. Ak Kerley. Kennedy or Lundell at 721 Main St. ...... ,.' .. , FOR SALE At moot any kind of residence, vacant property or farm. tleo. w. Elder, 818 Main St., Office rneno 893. Res. Phono 22T-J. Kotlce of Bids for Sewer Construction Notice is hereby erven that sealed bids, will bo received at tbo offleo ot ths City Recorder la Pendleton, Ore gon up to ABffwst 4th, 182 at t o'clock p. n. (or the cesstructloa of o Sewer Lateral on Willow street, south . of Hlfih street In. tho City ot Pendleton, eaoh bid must bo accompanied bar s, certified Check, tn the sum of . 18- per cent of tho amount bid as an evidence of good faith, aald Check to be. made payablo to. the. order ot the Mayor ot tho City of Pendleton. . Plana ..and specifications for said work are on- file In ths office of Thevlty Recorder .of tho City of Pendleton. . The Common Council reserves tho right to reject an sad) ! w ".-r - Dated ot Pendleton, Oregon, this (3rd. dajrdf fulf . " ( - - , , ' T1IS. FITS! OKKALIV .k-i !..-.- m. .. City Recorder. KoMco of Ilido for Motorcycle Notice is haneby- gives that sealed bids will bo received ot tho offleo ot the.Olty Recorder, in tho Cltx ot Pen- dlettnv up. to-8 o'clock . a. on August lit. 1S20, for furoJsMng tot tho CUy ot Portdleton. 8. o. b. Pendleton,. Ore gon, one Motorcycle of standard make fully equipped for Speed Cop, Police Tratio service, each bid. muat. be no- companied by a Certified Check in, the sum, of 80.00 made, payable, .to. the order of the Mayor of The City of Pen dleton to be returned to the bidder If unsuccessful, and to bo forfeited If the bid Is accepted and the bidder tails to enter Mtto a contract In accordance wlth the terms of his said bid. The Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids, at its- pleasure., Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 29th. day of July 1920. Til 03. FIT7: GETtALDi ." '".. - ' CR ReoorderV ' FOR SALE "or exchange 180 acree good wheat land tor bouse tn Pen. dleton. Geo, W. Elder. 818 Main St. Phono $83. Res, Phono I17-J. MISCELLANEOUS IF TOUR fTEWINO MACHXNB) crres trowbk Pbeno 781. . - PLAIN SEWINQ done 314 TustlB St., Phono 2sa-ifc. . . . v v .... HJIMSTITCHrNO Mail .OTdorJar. Ralph Haasell 41 T Bush. Phono 898. WANTED Salesmen who can ; oell ' . hlghgrade dependable nursery stock: sxolualvo .territory; outfit furnished and cash advanced weekly. Commis sion basla Address Albany Nurseries, lnc Albany, Oregon. , . .. WANTED Heirs nt law of Gertrude Ricbartz, who in, Pendleton In Sept. 1892, at which time she declared her intention of becoming a citizen of tho United States. Address, Nelson II. Tunnlcliff, 116 Broadway. Kew York. or B. L LaSolle, 821 Crocker Building. San Francisco.. " . OLD LINE Ufa Insnroaeo Company wants good man or wo mac to rep resent It in Eastern Oreaou, local or general agacy, no previoua axpartooeo ascoasary. j A real opportunity to. go In business for yourself, we will tcacn you. how if you have tho ability to learn. Write or call. Win. J. Rolpo. supervisor of agents. Hotel Pendleton. o . Pilot Rock-Pendleton Auto Smge Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:80 s,:su Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m, O Leaves Pendteton at 4 n. m.- . , , FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD i xr, : i i. .-. Pros. : . O Weston- Adams-Atlwna and IVm- o dleton Auto Stage , . Leaves Devi 4 Bills Confec tionary Store,' Weston., at 7;3 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. - Leaves Alren-Knights, Pendle ton at 10:30 a. m. and 4:39 p. m. FANCHO- STUBBLBFIBLD. Prop. " Iirhraan.. Springs Stage Leaves . French (Restaurant 19:30 a- O nu, Monday, Wednesday Frldayt . . o LOST AND FOUND LOST fishing , basket ' ' with " tackle books, at the Jack McPhall ford Reward, P. b. Ill City . OADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plata Olass, Backs, Side Curtains 21 Xstft Court St. AUTO PAINTING 7 .-MEM WITH TEARS or expert. ' once. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cot tonwood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. MODEL, TAILORS CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. (04 W. Webb. St. Pnone 821, Pendleton. Ore. DRAYMEN AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, - Call at Sturgls Storie s Implement Co., for sale dates. CALL PENLAND Bros., Orransfor vaa to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. Wo do coun try hauling. Telephone 338. ATTORNEYS OEOROB W. COUTTa, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER A 6MTTHE, Attorneys at Law. . Offices-in rear of American Ji'ational Bank building. - . '- FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. .Of fices in Deepain Building. .. .. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24. Suoitb-Crawford Building. S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel. lor at Law. Office in Deepain Uldg. a A. NEWPERRT, Artorney at Law. Pedcral Bnllding. . PETERSON, BISHOP CLARK. 'Af. tomeys at Law. Itooms. and 4 Smith-Crawford Bids, JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law, urnce over tayior Mara ware Com pany. RALET & RALEY, Attorneys at Law. Office in American Mattonal Bank Ululdlng. - DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP " " Dentist . Room 109 American Bank Bldg. Phono 828 Pendleton, Ore. )R. IL, M. HANAVAN DentiStry, Roona 1, Temple Bldg., Pkoao 77 2. - IPANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH G-RADE PIANOS of pleasing - tons quality. Prayers of Individuality. Its tho -eoTfstroetron that counts.,. Sea piano on display, writs or phono Ttjo Bee Hive, 128 Main St., Fbone 107 J. P. Damall. Factory Rep., Kolor, 4k Chase Piano Co. 1 Painting and Paper Hanglfl3 .'W. JACKSOH Wall paper for.wUo cheap, painting, paper hanging sad kalsomining by day or oontracb t Phone 1034 81 Cajvtn 88. r ' PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. I. J. McAtee, . the PractleeJ Pint Man. , Lowe Bros.. Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING AITA AUTO RADIATOR WORKuW 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. O. Hlasberg, Prop. - ..- --t- EYEr EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glae while you wait. D. A. Iteber, M. D., 7, 8, 8. Beits Bldg. restaur a rnt e THE QUELLE. A good place to oat. FARM LOANS SECOND HAND FURNITURE; SNOW A DAYTON, 117 E. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. Sea a about .a. loan. HEMSTITCHING ' HEM STITCHING at tho Singer shop. Mail orders promptly attended to, LOST Suit case containing wo mans and babys clothing near Lehman or Hldaway Springs suitable reward Leave at this office or The Palace of Sweets at Pilot Rock- . FRED,H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. v Ro'm . 24, Smith -Crawford Bldg. BEAUTY SHOP CAME TO MY PLACE six miles N. of town, 1- brown mare mule, weight 12 00. pounds, branded left hip circle H Phono 10F3 John Roberts. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered IB cents a moath. Sunday included Ga W. Hooker, . agent. Office. Alios Shining Parlor (Al Richardson's Place) 81 Main St. phono 883. MARRY AT .ONCE -We put you In . corresponaenco . wun - cnoueanao" ot charming and rermeo- laaies who wisn to marry, many worth from $1,600 to $18,000. end upward. Particulars free, Address Allen Ward, B '781, Valley, Nebraska, v. j ,-.'... it T USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE! CHEAP One 1-ton fstrr wheeled trailer: 1 8-ton two wheel ed trailer Oregon Motor Gorago. FOR RENT APT& AND ROOMS ALTA APTA FOR RENT Sleeping rovw Pbone 28&-M. ..i, . . FOR RENT Furnished room 1814 a. Oosrt, sleeping FOR SALE All makes ot nsed cars. Call and ttet my list. Geo. W. Elder, 81g Main St., Office Phono 993. Res. Phone 217.J. - . , FOR SALE 1920 Hupmobile, nearly new good discount Inquire Frent sel-Wailea Motos Co., 738 Cottonwood St. Phono 48. ., . -, FOR SALE Overt as d. five passenger, good condition,,- good "tires, late model $200.80 cash, balance monthly payments Oregon Motor .Garage. OFFICII ROOMS -for Pen land Bros, off loo. rent Call at FOlt R-ENT One and 1 room apart. mnt 402 Tustln St. FOR. RENT 4 room furnished apart - men with hath 8 1 4 Contois St. FOR RENT Furnrsaed spts. 88 1 8. Main St. W. M. TlndaU Foooo fll-W, - ' FOR RNT Nlos sleeping Board across tho street 181-M. 311-Garden. Phone GRAYSON TO GET A IllT. , ; WASHINOTON. Aug. 8. (U. P.) Pr?Klitent Wilson's health Is so far restored that Admiral Grayson, his personal physician, hoeeo to takalCOOK WANTED vacution soon, the latter announced. drea Phono IF12, ft HAVKi SOME special bargains In - slightly used automobileo, practically all late models In light cars. Uma tilla Auto Co., 809 Garden St., Phone 417. . . i . FOR SALE t passenger Paige, good mechanical condition. Make -us an offer- and tp-ke It away Blue Mt. Mo tor Co., Inc.. 701 W. Alia, Phono 780. FOR SALE One t passsnger Paige, ail cord tires, good condition, newly lointed. One 8 passenger Roo, ovdy painted, 4 now Urea, 1 good extra. Ons Jtadobaksr Roadster, good condition. See Hoagtand, 711 Cottonwood St. THE LX.rO EST aria one of the oldest electrical manufacturing and Job bing concern in the 'country i now marketing an. automobile storage bat tery . and are desirous, of , making a connection In this territory. , Estab lished battery and Ignition concerns may find it yery profitable to Investi gate this line or it may offer a fine op t ortunlty tor some aggressive battery mem with a little capital to establish himself In a paying business ' Notice of Bids for Sewer Oonal ruction Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office ot the City Recorder in Pendleton, Ore gon up to 6 -o'clock- p. tn; on, August 11th. 1928- for the construction of The Turner Street Sewer Laterals, Plans and specifications for said work may be seen at the office of tho City Sur veyor In Pendleton, Oregon, each bid must be accompanied 4y a Certified Check in the sum of 10 per cent .on the amount of the bid,., made payable to the order et the Mayor of The City of Pendleton,-to be retamed to the bidder if unsuccessful, and to be for feited if the bid is accepted and the contractor falls to enter into a con tract in accordance with tho terms, of his said bid. The Common .Council reserves the right to reject any . and all bids ot lt pteosure. - - ' Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 29th. day of Jul 1920. . THOS. FIT GERALD. " . i City Recorder. BE (BEAUTIFIED at Mlas - Robb'a sttonv. Judd Bldg.,- Phono 1050. MARINE-LLC SHOP All kinds ' of " beautiy parlor work. Skin and scalp, treatments-a specialty Room 8, Association Block, Phone 775-R. BATTERIES BATTERIES i rJalred or recharged new and rental , batteries, Saeotrw Service Station. Cor, Oar den and Court PHILADELPHIA ; tlAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. ' W. Tl rliM, rv. Court- Telephone 389, Pendleton.' PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Beat by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Pres. O-LITB Service Station, 408 E. Court rnmo est. .&,,. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles -and genome uiwKemitning., -. K3uad-I Garaxo. Parks s XcbergalL 31 Wwt Vehh DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Wilbur Has a Hard Time Raising Funds.' JY ALLMAN - i 1 ii. ii in i EE JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. see us before you sell. L. . D. Ouneron, Prop. JOB. PRINTING, LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, BiU Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers. Placards, etc.. Printed to your order. East Oregon tan Office. KODAK FINISHING l riB OUR) REPAIRi Df,ri. We fr ture upholstering, reailverlng niir rors, remaking mattresses.-' packing and shipping house hold goods. Wo aiso buy nd .sell household goods , Phone 523,; Riley V Kemp, 62S Mala. ' SECOND HAND STORE WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of rond n&nd goods and ehoeo. Hepalr ing a specialty, Mrin A ibeya, tH W. Webb. St. "i SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STRQBLE. dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods. 3)t E. Ckrarl Phone 271-W. . . . ., Sewing Machine Repairing ALL MAKES ot Sowing Machtiiea re paired and cleaned at Singer Store. PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tollman. Drug Cow THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE LEGAL BLANKS, LEGAL BLANKS-of every desariptisn, Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill ot Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, Complaints, Summons, etc., for sals at Feet. Oregonlsn Offloe LAUNDRY EVERY - Artiolo' Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry. $08 Garden St. MADE TO MEASURE juluQ Ue 'Carl E. Franseen, 735 Main St. OPTICAL' DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist and Optftrtan. Glasses ground to tit year eyes, American -National Bank Build- llivered. - ln Phone 0 47 Mam St. GIVES TREATMENTS r r Rbmima. tlsm, Stomoclx Troubloev, frorVouo aesa, run down condition; etc steam and electrical cabinet baths and medi cated tub baths are used in. connection with) massage, medical gymnastics aad electricity.- 4 3 . Main St; Phono 1073-W. . i v - .. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE meet op-to-dato ofroetual lead ing; science practised. EI F. Gibson P. S..T-; M D- Room 13 Feebler Bldg. PURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LANDSJRVEYGeneral engineering work. 3L A. Lauataie, C tSU River, side, Pendleton, Orac TAILORS Suits made to measure, altering. pressing. Work called for- and do- Phone tnA. WANTED WANTED Olrl kelp Inquire Boston , Restaurs at, . WANTED TO RENT rurnlsbed house Phone 312-M. ranch no chM- MaftueWrtaDCa-a rote. rn oMToo. o na ftuabir ( But witStiE. whv f m.W our c M Y . TxrrH MO SVU) IT! I WANT some OHS.TOS0 Vkw oh your VCaTioW It ill'- u I al II ""' 1.. ' sssl'pi'T-rx-oaill-IMi. IWWMjajMMWssj.pisaaj.Ost ' J,':''i?,j' IT I I T mt tWsMMsWl 1 1 TOMATOES FOR CANNING A liUl TElvNUT BREAD 1 I The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept ' , lJt t s Grocery Dept. ' Phone 85 soioi.ii i riffm lkeSAVo