4et--iii DAILY EAST OREGONIAM, PENDLETb, ORKGON, TUESDAY EVENING. AUOUST 3, 1830. TEN PAGES fAOE BIX IdOl lecaoc I0C30E y J Social and Club News ,i' 1 "... . . . '": , " 1 ' 1 '" " ' MHH. UVKHMOIIE IN KPOKANB. Mm. iOt Llvermore is visiting rel iiUvh In Hpokano and will remain un til September, LKAVB FOR PORTLAND.' Mr. and Mm. (. It. O'lfctnlel and two grandsons, UeralA and . George McKenafe, left laHt night for Port. lund where they will remain until the end of the aurnmer. ON TRIP TO COAST Mrs. John L. Vaughan and Mrs. v. J. Olarke and small son, Htllle, loft on Monday for Portland and Seaside where they will spend a vacation of nbont two weekH. They will go to the MOTHERHOOD ; WOMAN'S RIGHT How Lyclia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound Helps . to Make VVomen Normal. , hinpton. lnd. "I was in such a rendition that I never expected to have 1 children and m y aunt advised me to take I.ydia E. I'ink ham's Vegetable Compound. It im proved rn y health and restored a nor mal condition of my system -M) that I no h v e a tine baby. Until she was about a year old 1 was v e'r y nervous, and all t!. time thinking something terrible was going to liajipen. If I heard anvone cominit my heart would beat fast and I wanted to mn. Po I took the Vegetable Compound rarn and it helped me wonderfully You mav publish n' letter as the mcd icine is' surelv (treat." M T t. I v 1 Batta. R. K. No. , Box 24, Washing , ton. Ind. Ann: the virtues of Lvdia E. Pink ham's Vegetable C impound is its ahil ity to correct sterilitv in many c&aes . This tact is wll established as evi denced bv f he above letter and hundreds of others . bawt . pubTahed . wi these columns. In m.nv other homes, once chlldlesa tlx: re are now children because f th however, and dealers are shipping sev lact that tydla :E. Pinkham's "egetablej erai carloads a day to the coast. Most Compound makes women normal. of tne Krain being moved out is to fill healthy and strong. early orders for cargoes. iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiHS S . , For Your Particular Appetite I THE JOLLY INN S Will serve you just what you want and wul not annoy S you with things that do not appeal to your appetite. - S . That Noon Meal cannot be beat. Ita variety and 5 the quality is supreme. . s 5 For the evening meal we are preparing TENDER 5 BREADED CUTLETS AND CHOPS. - ' 5 Salads, Fruits, a Variety of Cold Lunch Specials 5 , You will never know the best until you see the dif- s f erence " I EAT A MEAL AT THE JOLLY INN ' B Basement of the Hotel St. George tttiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiuiMniiniiTi EASY TERMS ON THOMPSONS' Mail Orders Given HUM DO YOUR CHICKENS LAY? Try our EGG MAKER $1.00 and 50c $4.75 Mr Ducket. UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014, 475, 351 canal later this wk after spending a few days in the metropolis. WtXtfxMiAFT TO MKET : The Neighbors or Woodcraft will rrert this evening at 8 o'clock In the! I liagi,.. Woodman hall for the initiation of two candidate. I WILL ATTKND STANFORD Miss Fleet Hall expects to !oon to enter Stanford University. jj.he has been attending University of Washington and Is a member of Phi Nu sorority. Wit A. VISIT IX PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Fisher will leave today for Portland and Seaside, to v'stt relative. f MR. AND MRS. PA1U4.ES3 TO LEAVE Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkes expect to leave August 15 for a two weeks- stay in Portland and at coast points. MRS. BENNION IS VISITOR Mrs. A. E. Bennion. of Salt Take, was in Pendleton today on her way to Spokane and visited her son, Fred Bennion. of this city. After her visit in Spokane. Mrs. Bennion will Join Mrs. Fred Bennion. who is now visit ing in Seattle, and the two will return here together. WILL TEACH IN HONOLULU. Miss Jessie Purdy. who Is a visitor In Pendleton at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lina Sturgis, expects to sail within the next two weeks for Hono lulu, where she will engage in teach ing. Miss Purdy, who is a graduate of the University of Oregon, lias ucen teaching in Marshfield. ARE NEW RESIDENTS. Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman are new Pendleton residents. Mr. Sher man Is salesman for the Western Dry Goods Company. They reside at me Carey apartments on Thompson street.' HARVEST IS OX (Continued from page 1.) On account of the unsettled market. neither farmers nor dealers, are will ing to do any trading. Farmers are hauling their grain to warehouses. GRAFONOLAS You should hear the CO LUMBIA , GRAFONOLA dem onstrated in all its different sizes and tones see the super ior workmanship and finish. Every part of the Columbia Grafonola is made by the Co lumbia Company. It is not "assembled" like so many talk ing machines. It is built by people long familiar with the Columbia and Columbia stand ards.' ' We always carry a full selec tion of all the latest Columbia records. , . DRUG STORE Prompt Attention. Packages aav! LLOYD GEORGE SAYS -GERMANS NEED HELP LONDON. Auk. 3. (A. iVAiVote for an advance of P.) The 5. 000,000 pounds to normally In connection with the Spa coal agreements came up last night in the house of commons., "It was agreed to without revision. Labor members welcomed io ,the proposition what they characterized as a "sen sible change in the government policy toward Uermauy and a practical revi sion of the unworkable Versailles trea ty." Premier Lloyd George saitl the" pro posal for obtaining coal was much better than sending a large, costly ar my for It. He argued Germany must pay her debts either In gold or goods. She had. no goods, he declared, but coal was tho euuivuleni of gold. "However," the premier added, "Germany is tinablo to produce suffi cient coul while her population Is un fit and ill-fed. Hence, she must be helped."' PARTY SEARCHES FOR 'ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 3.A searching party is being organised here toniKht for a hunt for Henrietta McKuuglian, reporter on a Portland i newspaper, who is believed lost In the i Olympic mountains, according to a re- ' port by Forest Ranger Hartslck of Quinault station, who Is organizing the search. Miss McKaughan is said to be four days overdueton her return rrom a hiking trip from Brlnnon, Wash., on Hood Canal to Quinault, Wash. It is believed she may be lost on a stretch of new trail between the Klwha basin and the high divide in the Queets district. MEMORIAL PROJECT WILL BE UP TONIGHT Local men who have been freely discussing the matter of a memorial for Til Taylor have taken the stand ..- r-o one particular organization hall tave charge of the move but that the Commercial ' Association meeting should be used tonight for the purpose of starting the wheels to rollingwith a view to getting a good workable body to handle the Job. It is now the intention to have the Use Howard's Buttermilk Cream and so Should You This tfood tookintf vnnnif woman him - Buttermilk and Cream simple remedies best keeps face, hands and .arms in ex quisite condition, soft, smooth and beautiful-guaranteed. Be sure you get Howard's Buttermilk Cream No matter how well you ee. your eye are not per fect unleaa they are free from strain. Many people who h-'ive perfect vision "ire suffering from the worst for'n of eyestrain, whio.n Is the great cause of eye trou ble. The only remedy for eye urart glasses that givo clear vinion without strain. TtnTough training, mod el n equipment and ovr j yeiT9' experience In the Ht Inix and grind in ? of ul-iR- at your aorvice If you tome litre. .i,rTlwui XatJon.u flank BuMbiS. 1 New Shipment Fine Cheese Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound .', .......75c Imported Roquefort Cheese, pound :..$1.75 Imported "Sap Sago Cheese, large jar 50c De Land's Daisy Wisconsin Twins full cream, pound ' )......., 45c . Wisconsin Brick Cheese, pound ..: 55c New York Limberber, pound ...55c. Tillamook Cheese, full cream, pound . 45c Blue Hill Pimento and Green Chili, package....l5c Parmesan Italian Cheese, bottle 35c Imported Zig Zag Camebert, can ...i 35c Elk Horn Cheese in Camerbert Swiss and Lim- . berger. Large shipment peaches for canning due soon. Hold your orders. Peaches will be cheaper in a few days. Cjray Jros. (jrocery 0. THREE PHONES 0E3OI f V4 jo , 1 ERALD.NE tARRAR in TheWUnajnana therVfpot Al.T V TODAY ' matter discussed and, more than probable steps will be taken tonight to get an organization formed. The people In other parts of the state are expecting something of the sort from Pendleton. It is not contemplated however, that the organization formed will work under the direction of the association. On the contrary it is the aim to have the memorial committee represent all those who desire that the memory of the martyred sheriff be fittingly honored. T MEAN PRICE BOOST WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. (tT. P.) Any appreciable increase in the cost of living following the rise in railroad rates will be due to deliberate profi teering, not to a legitimate eonse quence of the rate boost, Jett luuck, the economist representing the rail road labor organizations, declared. Lauck also declared the public need not fear food and clothing would go up in price unless ireignt rate in crease is multiplied by 4 or 5 when passed on to consumer. "The grat industries of the coun try," said Lauck, "could well atford to deduct from the price of their pro ducts this freight rate increase In cluding all transporation costs enter ing into wholesale meat prices, maxi mum effect of advance would be less. than-one cent a pound. On flour the increased cost at .Philadelphia, will be about 33 cents a barrel. On a suit of clothes, made i the east and sold in the Pacific coast states, the added freiirht rate will be about 9 cents." He forecast an increase of 75 cents to $1.35 a ton on coal. ' . FEDERAL-EMISSARIES CONFER WITH CANTU MEXICALI,- Aug. .4A. P. ) General Angel Flores and Ronor June Pratt representatives of the De i-a. Huerta provisional government, early today were enroute to I.os Angeles where they, expected to telegraph to Mexico City the result of the confer ence held here with Governor Cantu, 'whlrh are jilaiincd to make it diffl of Lower California. An effort wa.i cult for a prisoner to walk apd almost made ni the conference to compose differences which caused Cantu to break off relations with the federal government. The j:onference was the first step taken which Indicated an urmeii conflict might be avoided and the fact negotiations were actu ally held caused friends of both par ties to hope there may, be a peaceful settlement. MAY MKAJT HlfiHKK MJIOvS CmCAfJO. Aug. 3. U. P.) The freight rate Increase granted the rail ways "may precipitate a revelry of high prices and high wages," declar ed Clifford Thome, the prominent at torney and transportation authority. THOOPHIW FLAY l"OM. HALT LAKE CITY. Aug. S. Salt Lake state troopers soon will be play ing polo. It Is expected, as polo ponlos are to be furnished a new cavalry troop here, according to a telegram from the war 'department. The ponies, it is thought, will be from mounted schools and remount stations where the game was taught. "too late TO CLASSIFY7 f OR RENT Frniohed i room apart- ment 401 Aura . FOR SALE One Franklin automobile t 1100(1 cash. A-l mechanical con- I ditioh Inquire 50J Sycamore Ht., or Sroythe-Lonergan. QUALITY X0E30t THIRD DEGREE STORY Stories of cruolty bordering on tor. ture. alleged to have 'been used by of- fleers in gettln? confessions from Jim Owens und Neil Hart at the county Jail faturday nisrht, are branded as highly exaggerated and unjust by local offl ccrb. The story, appearing in a Port- i:uiil newspaper, was obtained In un iinruew ther-j with a -.n fviio spent HeverM days here last week. The story brought forth protests from several sources that third degree methods of the nature he alleged should not be allowed. When asked concerning the facts, the sheriff's of fice hi.ro gave a different version; Hart, vus Riven a blackened eye at. the hunoa of one of the officers who brought him nnd Owens from 1a Uiiind. w hen, in the . 10 en .-r, he made i i.v.ue.l ' lilting re Tim - about the deiid 9!tiirr in the preirce ..r hi- bifther. W. H. Taylor. . h h. nnd Owena tilled disreso? ffliv in tho 'ail Saturday r Kht and C' i i.i ' j liie iri,iif niiiu than t".e friend i l the j man tho hud orjrJe.ed. No f"r of .he l".t. iid ' ;,a..ri on the o-'un-I i"h, however thi officials said M'lay e er-t 'n the instance i v nere the depd sheriff was defiled In their speech. Owens, stubborn at first, was finally taken to the window of the Jail and allowed to look at the mob outside. He was told that if he would not tell hiK story nnd tell it right, he would be turned over to the mob. Other BUcr acts of hit imitation were brought Into uae to counteract the sulleiuiess of the prisoners but no physical punishment wis inflicted, officlrs declared. " Hart showed signs of having been Ml ruck in the face when stood up for itiHl.?otlon by the crowds wnlch have paused through the Jail. These marks wore frorr. biows vlch. followed his In sulting romurU. " ,. . No new cievelcpments in '' te 1 case wire reported at the sheriff's or dis trict attorney offices today. The "rit ter is worsin on evidence preparing for the trial wlvOi will probably take place in September. , . . Several Oiejron boots arrived at the "cuy " Piacea on tnc prwont-i-. who took part in the Jail orean. i nese are neavy leg irons irpposiiie tor mm to escape. The pi ihoncrs ore all in " a ' more ta!kat'o moi d now and sometimes eni deavor to elicit sympathy front any who will hear Aheir story, it is said at the court house. They are getting lit tle feympiirhy, however, and as far ad possible are being kept Isolated. This afternoon at o'clock they. were again on View tor thr public. 1 ' POPULAR THIS FAIL ilreen. ranging from the forest tint fumotis in the time of Robin Hood, to the deep Hhadcs of olive and bottle I green will be the leading color for milady this fall and winter, says Mrs. L. H. Tuggart. buyer for the Peoples Warehouse, who has returned from tup to the eastern markets. . Next to green, says Mrs. Taggart, blown In all its varying shades will be prpi;lar. with the old reliable navy I blue a. close third. Nol-tble In popularity will be trhso- tine dresses, transformed from their formerly utility role to dress-up frock thowing trimming of embroidery, bcaos and braid tam the prestige of former years, and I 6 ir v 1 .J'.t V . firings fffw far fa3ppirt&?& EGITIM ATE .business looks " for stead returns, Thfe thoughtful business man forms a banking connection, "With an honorable, capable institution euch aa this bank, and avails himself f the service of its various depart-- ments. will be shown in redlngote, Eton and othef at.'les. ' " Tiro ' tli-lmptrtant question of length and vldth'0f skirt, according to Mrs. Tarsart, l found In the um- mer styles, a3 there will be no change. ?lde,. box, knife and accordlan pleated skirt will continue to be much -worn. with, pialn skirts foi the more formal suits. Jackets of suits are longer and mord flaring. Coats are of the vol uminous type while some are narrow at the .feet. , Cape collars - and fur trimming arb features. , . Mrs. Taggart r r.nounces that the an nual style show of her firm will be be fore the Xtound Vp 608 HATS COST WOMEN , ON AVERAGE 85 CENTS OREGON AGRICULTURE COL LEGE. Corvallis, Aug. 3. How is this Whestf Hun-Down Anacobtes, Wash. "I had or granic trouble for a long time. I sufferer! from backache and those heavy bearing pains, and my blood was in bad condition. 1 had no ap petite and was generally run-down. I used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription in connection with tha 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was completely cured. I always recom mend Dr, Pierce's medicines to all my friends." MRS. A. KEESB, General Delivery. - Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package of Favorite Prescription Tablets Good looks in woman do not depend upon age, but upon bealth. . You never see a good-looking woman who is weak, run-down. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip ion ii the best women's . tonio there is. It is CO years old, and its age testifies to its goodness. tiei iiiiniii-M niiiMiiiiiiii I Reserve a -'" We expect very shortly our next Jloover shipment; ordered last sum mer.. The. call, is so strong, that they usually are' all reserved of arrival. ; ' ' r, "vVp'rpf-nrnrnpnd vour I avtid a wait later that may prove exasperating at S S hduse-cleaning time. The Hoover is the largest sell- i i hig" electric cleaner in the world because , r ; : it Beats As It Sweeps As It Cleans. Demonstrations daily vited. nWe also-demonstrate in venient terms. .t . 4, Word H0S1E FURNISHER Phone 496 ulliniUnilIUMnmWltl1IIIHIIUnilUIIUUminUniliTrnrlIUinUIIUIinUUIIUmilU(U for drowning tho JJi.C . , ; 'V Six hundred eight halw were made by women In Ilentoii, Lincoln, Coos,, Jackson, and Umatilla counltes, at an actual net cost of fGH.lS. rthls work v;as done in connection witt college extension service millinery schools which were attended by 1700 persons. The hats made averaged 85 cents In cost. This represented a saving of $4670.20 based on. the commercial value of the hat at least this wvs the . estimate or vne munnery aiii. Try Eoot Oraconlan. Want Ada. . .'; OIL PAINTING LLSSONS GIVK.N BY AN EMEBT v 1 TKACHER. i. Also cleaning, renewing and repairing j I done. ... i I-HONK 6-M. ' ! ; For Sale I J 7 room resldonce. North Side, all street Improvements paid ,lor. Easy terms. l-room residence. North Bide. street aaaeswnenta ' P.. tin location. . : ; ' " f room resldonce North Side, . new house, modern; easy. terms, tine neighborhood. 7 room modern bungalow, large lot Beautiful neighborhood. 1000 less than cost. 4 room cottage, fine lot, good torms. 10 room resldonce, south hill, large lot one-half value. Come and see thla property.. (-room residence south hill easy terms. G-room residence East End large . lot pleasant locatlont street . paved, -room residence dose In street paved, nicely located, fine neighborhood." '" " ' 5 acree close to town, good buildings. 6-10 or 0 acre alfalfa and fruit farms, abundance of . water, cheap, on easy terms. 100x160 vacant corner, all street Improvements paid for; low price and easy terms. 310 acre farm close to Pendle ton, good house, good . land, 100 acres summer fallow. GEORGE W. ELDER , SIS Main St., IniHcUwi." , IKwuterwe Phone. 3W Office Phone, J. " V. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillltll'lllllllillll" I Hoover this I j A ...... . -. ' - " r in advance prompt consideration to 3 r in our store you , .are in- 3 - ' I the home and offer con- s ' s pany 103 E. Court St I i M TV."i