East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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thCi TT52
DAnrsr east oeecoman, pendleton, Oregon, Tuesday evening, august 3, 1920.
People Here and There
, jMrr7, r rN1 f
Huckleberries nd bears will be
ought by Manual Frledly,' councilman
and school. director, during-the rest of
thla weak. Friends here are placing
odds-on the huckleberries.- Mr. Fried -
ly and bis family bundled themselves
and a week's provisions Into tbelr auto
early thin morning; and headed for the
mountains near Toll oats and will
spend, their, vacation close to nature.
Mr. Frledly Is expected back about
Saturday night. " . . ,
Frank Hllbert, Ukiuh stock raiser, re
turned an this morning's train from
Portland where yesterday he marketed
two carloads of beef cattle. Me had a
load of heifers In the julilpment that
" "Tl'l ' - v
NameBayer" on benuine;
1 topped the1 Monday market at Port
land. '- -: - ;; .
James R. Bowler, eommarider of
Tendlcton Post, returned-this-morning
from Astoria where he attended the
state convention of tho American Le
gion last week end. Harold JV War
ner, another delegate, remained in
Portland for a visit with his parents.
Alfred Winters, who has not Veen
In Pendleton for eight years, Ms a
visitor in the city. He now resides In
J. . Burl, traveling auditor for the
O.-W. R. & N. Co., is In the olty toilaj
on official business. -
II. E. Sweet, of Portland, la hero tr-
W. O. Hale, lone farmer. Is' In the
city on business.
. 1a Albee of Walla- Walla. Is In
tho city.
Dr. J. It. Sponaglo, dentist of Athe
na. Is a Pendleton visitor today.
"BrM," HAYWOOD nkxt:
CHICAGO, Aug 3 -Btatee Attorney
Moyne expressed confidence Of obtain
ing a verdict against "Big Bill" Hay
wood and 34 other I. W. W., as result
of conviction of William Lloyd and
1) fellow members of the communist
labor party on a charge of conspiring
to overthrow the federal government.
f I I W if..
.rt r-
nayer Taoieteor ivapu in", 18 genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Anoept only an un
broken '"Bajcr package" which con
tains proper . directions . to relieve
Hfudache, Toothache, Karache, Neu
ralgia, Rheumutmm, Colds and Pain.
Handy (In boxes ef 12 tablets eost few
cuiih, UruBSists ..Mao .. sett .. larger
Rnyr packages.". Aspirin Is trade
n"r';. '"AYf1 Manufacture Wonoacetlc-
ytvr town malar (to mt d
teatm tuldlcixt to -.kftiaj wnmlU I
m owl 1uUvm: Jmm. n KOROLAMi I
iwille. wl.uje.ouir. , IWtt uui go f
farthest. cbtamrhl at hut dnicctete. wrj- 1
wnr. Mr H rMf for tntnr UmwiU. I
fnrfcadftM vmttvaiina, fiamthm. tffzty I
'. fcffclNB. bu. faMTtburu. torpid lm. ft
bad bfwlh. mtvouumm, dPpalt, Inrtltr
Froa ' Lessons to You
c.Woodvrfnlly eu; to imn to the now
Mrtaaad, Lssra i te 6 eveninrs. thn
wi iHMsaei prsctiM. fur
Bob Saunders, ' local bairber and
sportsman, plans'to leave 'tomorrow
for Seaside, armed with his fishing
tackle; guns and camera, to 1 spend
from four to six weeks camplag and
outing. He is taking a complete camp
ing; outfit from .here and announces
that he will do the- camping stunt up
brown. Lic'iM
The democratic national convention
was the primary object of .a'' recent
trip made by Leon Cohen to San
Francisco, but he remained after the
convention to-visit relatives.'.1 Mr; Co
him returned to Pendeltoh this mora
Inc., '', " "; '. .J; ';
Jimmy Hlmpson, son of Robert
Simpson of the Simpson Auto Co.
left today for Portland where he will
visit for a time and then go to Long
t loach for an outing until school work
starts again In Pendleton.
- Hee Williams, well known local far
mcr who Is handling W. J. Furnish'
business affairs. Is moving to Portland
with his family so as to better handle
his work. Mrs. Williams left today
for" a visit with relatives at Dufur
and in Western Washington before
they take' up their new home in Port
land. Mr. Williams and family have
occupied the K. M. Oliver home on
Perkins avenue since their 'return
from Canada. " !' "' '' '
M.-iJor E. Ia, ftwartzlander, superin
tendent ot the Umatilla Indian agency,
is a business Visitor In the city today.
!. ;
. 1 - ' ' " - ..j
KL PASO, Tex.. Aug. i. U. P.)
The failure of news to arrive here that
Villa, the bandit chief, has reached
Torreon to complete his surrender,
caused a belief to spread here he may
not Intend to surrender after all but Is
making the government the object of
another trick. It is pointed put on
scores of previous occasions the rebel
leader has misled the government
Many Amerlrans and Mexicans here.
who are well posted ob Mexican af
fairs, have never believed "Villa -In
tended to lny down his arms and re
tire to private life.
raw raaupiMM as MMCpherltr SB
ed la roar buMneu. Two lnana mt4
Me IX yae writ to King Institute Inc.
SA-S4. Stattea t. Mew Yorx. N V. Juat
rvre lor raenclf, thm lurarin otin
v n i 1 i . i . , i . wmTammmml
1 I iiTo-m'Pf V' "' "W', jI- -
Mowers, Hakes and -Binders are universally used In this county
and their owners like them because they are right.
Wo carry both makes together with a god supply of parts for
them. This is a very Important item to be considered In buy
ing any picee of farm machinery.- t ,..
Come In and fit up for your harvesting.
Glomons & Iborf
Pendleton, Ore,
Phone 867
Garment Coniiiauy Sues
The Adams Garment Manufacturing
Co., of Portland, has filed suit .In cir
cuit court against J. A. Schmidt to col
lect, 1S3.50 and Interest from April
24,1920, on a bill of goods alleged sole
the defendant. Henry s. Westbrook
represents the plaintiff as attorney.
Henry Craig Ask OoIIcctton
' Henry C. Craig Is plaintiff in a suit
filed in circuit court against Joe Hod
gson to enforce collection of 14154.60
and Interest, alleged due on an assign
ed promissory note. Raley, Raley
Steiwer represent the plaintiff In the
Ifew I'nlon High to Operate
School will be held in Union high
school district Mo. 3 at Milton this
fall, according to word given out by
Principal I. H. Sevy, of Milton. The
steff of teachers wil be obtained from
the combined staffs of Milton and
Ferndale high schools. The building
for this district will not be completed
in time for the term but It is thought
that Central building at Milton will be
used. The district was formed by the
union of 10 districts in the eaat end
for high school purposes only
llnrniiston Couple Licensed
A marriage license wae Issued on
Monday ythe county clerk to John D.
Lind and Miss Bstella Hatfield, both
of Hermiston.
Teachers JU-lim Supplied.
Nearly all the rural schools in Uma
tilla county now have teachers for the
1920-1921 term. County Superinten
dent W. W. Green reported today.
Most of the teachers have been placed
under contract for the 13 months of
tho year. '
DiHtrlni Vote New IlliUHiij
cnool district No. 87, near Pilot
Rock, has Juat had an election to vote
in a new school building." It will be a
modern structure of one room and full
basement for playroom. Construction
Is to start soon. .; . - ...
Man Sues for IMVarcc '
Hurley Lerne Maynard today
brought suit for divorce against Anna
Uisaberh, Maynard, charging her with
misconduct. He alleges that she re
fuses to live with him and associates
with disreputable characters In WaJla
Walla instead of returning to ethelr
home and caring for their 10 months
old daughter. The plaintiff asks the
ouatody of the Child. : He is representee
by J. B. Perry. ' - '
. Gruen
We were chosen as the sole agency in
' Pendleton for
A watch world famous for its beauty
; and accuracy.
"Fit your pocket like a dollar."
Largest IMamond Dealers In litstcrn Oregon.
DAYTON, O.Aug. 3. (A. P.)
Receipt of letters from many repub
licans and democrats urging a strong
position for the league of nations was
announced todayby Governor Cox aft
er a busy day going through his mall
and completing Saturday's program
for his notification.
More than half of his letters. Gov
ernor Cox said, discuss the league de
clarations of Senator Harding.
"Many are from democrats," he said,
'and said they see a fine opening.
Many others are from republicans and
it certainly looks as If the Independent
republican vote la. thoroughly diasatis-
field." , -
The governor also announced a gen-
eral policy of non-interference In
democratic iwimary fights. In a state.
ment he declared he would not take
sides In the Texas democratic primary
and also explained this was a uniform
policy applicable to' all states. The
governor said he had received man
messages and letters urging him to aid
opposing Texas factions and that news
papers on both sides had been ,claim-
tng his support. '
Ing will be presentation of the Thomas
H. Ince Fire Prevention cup to ihe
chief representing the city with the
highest fire prevention record of the
year. ' ' ' '
Don't forget to have' on hand a case of that wonder
fully sparkling- and refreshing , ! , .
An occasional bottle during these strenuous days,
will do much toward relieving the fatigue aad nervous
strain of the industrious housewife.
A bottle of WTNE-0 at dinner, also, will soothe the
irritability of father, when he comes home and finds
the house topsy-turvy. ,
Besides, it is good for the kiddies.
Keep a case of Wine-0 in the house all the time.
I'M 'IV. v" .'?"'- f! , i 1
' Bottler, of AH Kind. Soda, W
Slirep Alleged Damaged in. Transit
R- N. -Stanfleld today brought suit
against- the Great Northern Railway
and Walker D. Hines, formerly direc
tor general of railroads, for $1886.67,
alleged as the amount of damage done
tc a traimoad of sheen shipped from
Chiwaukum, Wash.. ' to Chicago, in
1919. Careless handling, poor food
and delays en route causod the loss
mentioned. Bd R. Couleer. of Wetser,
Idaho, is attorney tor the plaintiff.
WaUr Violatton Costs $10
Claude Herr. a farmer residing in
the Mllton-FTeewater district, was ar
rested Saturday by Watermaster A;
K. Perry and fined 1 1 0 in Justice court
a Milton on a charge of vlnterference
with the headgates in one of the
ditches. Another man charged with
water violations, was discharged.
Mlntlmru Piuod By Justice
Aaron Mint horn, Indian, nvas fined
f!5 and costs In justice court at Adams
yesterday afternoon on a charge of
driving an automobile while intoxi
cated. Me has been allowed a driver's
license only since July 22, 1920. In
1919, upon complaint of the district
attorneys office, his license was re
voked. Two oamploints have also been
filed in Justice court here by Traffic
Officer Lyday charging youths under
( years of age with driving autos. As
soon aa Justice Parkes returns to town
they will be brought Into court. The
officer declares, that he is hot on the
trail of youth's under la years who are
driving autoa In violation ot the state
vehicle laws.
(Continue from page 1.)
ring on conditions In Poland were of a
very unsettling nature. It can certain
ly Ibe said that the situation in that
territory with its effects on European
political conditions generally must be
given more than the usual amount oi
consideration at this particular time,
Money alter renewing at the 8 per
cent level and loaning at that figure
throughout the greater part of the ses
sion suddenly eased off to a f percent
rate which is the lowest touched in
many -weeks. This occurance in the
last hour quite naturally caused some
na-sty'covering by shorts In the Indus
trial quarter of the list but the most
convincing show of strength was ex
hibited lit the rail department where
a distinctly Impressive class of buying
made Its late appearance and stocks
like Great Northern. Atchison. South
em Pnclfic, Reading, and In fact, I lie
An international industrial exposi
tion will be held next year in Peking
to present the annual wealth of China,
according to the Par Eastern Repub
lic, a Journal here of the Chinese Na
tional Welfare Society of America.
Native products will be gathered not
only from China's twenty-oner pro
vinces, but also from Mongolia, Tibet
and Turkestan.
While the silk, tea and porcelain in
dustries will be exhibited as industries
In which China leads the -ntprid. fine
arts, decorative antiques, such as
bronxe, brass arid antimony wares, em
broldefV, rugs and lacquer wears and
tealewood furnitures will also be seen.
The Temple of Heaven, national
shrine for seven hundred years, will
be rebuilt to house the exhibition.
President Hse Shlhi Chang has or
dered $S,000,000 to be spent on the ex
position work.
This Is the first international expo
sition China will undertake to carry
out, nnd all friendly nations will be
invited to participate.
1X)3 ANG-KIJ3S, Aug. A. P.)
Fire chiefs of tho Pacific Coast will ;
hold their 1920 convention here Sep- I
tcmber 13-13. A feature of the meet-
CBNTEK, Texas, Aug. J. (A. P.)
A mob of more than 1000 men today
stormed the county Jail, battered down
the steel doors, wrecked a steel cell
and took out Use Daniels, negro,
charged with the murder of a white
woman and hanged him to an ' oak
tree in the court house yard.
The lynching followed announce
ment by officers of a confession made
by the negro to the grand Jury and also
to the district attorney.
The wife of a farmer was brutally
attacked and later found unconscious
near her home Thursday night. Her
skull was crushed and her body bruis
ed. She was brought to a local sani
tarium, dying Friday.
Captain W. A. Bridges, commanding
Company I Seventh cavalry, receiv
ed Instructions from Austin to protect
the prisoner, but was una We .to nnd
any members of hia company in time
for mobilisation.'" ' ' '
5 . .,
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. t. (A. P.)
Absolute exclusion of Japanese and
permanent disbarment of children of
Japanese from American citisenship
were urged by Major Bert C. Ross of
Seattle before the hearing of tne
house immigration committee here
this afternoon. "Major Ross said he
spoke as- representative of the anti
Japanese league and the national com
mittee of the legion dealing with the
subject of Asiatic Immigration. He
read a statement charging that hun
dreds of Japanese entered this coun
try on passports In -violation of the
American-Japanese agreement and
that an "emotional campaign" is fee
ing financed by the Japanese Interests
In the east favorable to Japanese nat
uralisation." Congressman Johnson C. Box of
Texas, left during the afternoon ses
sion for his home In Texas. Gn the
ve of his departure he declared that
congress can no longer ignore the
Japanese question and that It must
be ' considered from its economic
standpoint at the next session. The
hearings In this city were closed this
afternoon nnd it was announced that
Congressmen Albert Johnson ef Wash
ington, an .1 John B. Baker of. Califor
nia will continue their hearings la Se
attle tomorrow morning. k
At Home or Overseas
there is one ready cooked
cereal food that. 1,-3 always
dependable for staunch
nourishment combined
.with pleasing flavor, and
in convenient form. i ... : v
is always ready to eat It
is compact There is no
waste, for every atom is
food And Grape-Nuts in
its wax-protected pack
age keeps indefinitely in
any climata
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc.
Battle Creek. Michigan
Lunch Meats
Nice Cold Boiled Ham -fJu I
Fine Minced Ham
': ' Nice Fresh Bologna
Fine Liver Sausage 0 j
Fresh Weinies
" '"' Fresh Lard
Hams and Bacon
AU kinds of nice Fresh Meats just
- . - - received. ' 7-
Empire Meat Market
The Old Reliable"
iSstablished 1890 ; Phone IS
209E.Coart y . - ' Ptm 40
Portland Bread
Gold Crest Butter, 2 pounds $1.25 :
Pay CmK
EMt- Mora
I0f Eaut Court Sit
Republic ) Tires
Regular Price $26.00 !
"Water and Johnson St.
During the Hot Summer
don't stand for hours near a fetove doing your Iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A SimDlex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while ypu remain cool and comfort
able. It is not limited to flat work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
Simplex. . . . ,
It is fully guaranteed. .25 1 rX"l I
You can buy them at iSEJI.22 I fU
Milne Electrical Company
Pendleton, Ore,
ZXandla JVirin Contract,
OSEiaifa Across From Alta Theatre
f general rail department.