East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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1 ,
News of Pendleton
llcmlrli-kimil Joliw OiUn OMI
It. Henrlekucin, formrly . it iHlix
icher today Joined the Jv'orthorn
alii & Warehouse Co., forced here
an ansistant.to Maniwer B. M. Hunt-
Mr. Henrlckson. .will be a field
:.n during the buylner Mason.
in on dixpluy today at the Allt-n
Co. Salt, bacon, .corte., ten, new
tutor. KUKar and crackorn comprii
the provision. .
Knight i "pernio the buHineRM alone hereafter
ew po. I It wan announced today. Mr. Whiles
npriKed 1 haa taken a poHition aa aaleaman with
. P, Pixmtor Sends Wiire.
.. 1'himUter. Proctor, in a telegram
the editor of the iKlmt Oregoninn to
y, aays he regrets exceedingly Sher
' TlkTavlor'a death and extends ym.
thy for l'endleton people In their
im. Mi . 1 motor, who la famous
ulptor, spent some time here -while
laving Indian types and win a per
nal friend or Sheriff Taylor, Mr.
ootor la now In New York; where
i has a, Mtidik,M ;
llarik -.iiilo.v(Hw S-e Mountalna
All the men emptoyea of the Amer
ican National llank apent waiuroay
rUtrht and Sunday In the mountains as
gueata of Cashier 1,. C. S hnrpf at the.
Klk Horn Cabin. F. H. Moes, of Helix
and ('. W. Pnulua. of Pilot Hock, were
alao In the party. The men report
having had an enjoyable outing.
,'liic Vnvs lUwlxvl, . .
Nine cava of distillate were shlp--d
to UnmOlIu county during the past
onth through the- Umntilla county
, rm bureau. Farmers at Athena,
' ndleton,. Pilot Kock, MiBHion. Van
cle and Helix received -enough to
' lure an uninterrupted harveat. Ho
use moat of the cars coming in con
Ml 10,000 gallons where 8,000 were
dered, an accumulation of about
,000 gallons more than was ordered
suited. In order not to delay handl
g the distillate, a 10.000 car was di
eted to Walla Wulla, where It was
atrlbuted through the county agent.
Clemens & IMiert, Implement dealers
Mr. FrentKel will continue as agentfo
White trucks and Hupmobile paasen
ger. autos.
Use the Phones
Grocery,- 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
lflLf&&J-t- Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Hum Toiialls Jlomored. '
; Miss Helen Raymond la convalesc
ing after an operation performed yes
terday. She had her tonsils removed.
Vncntion Timci at ISuiik
Mips, Olive G'wlnns and Miss Irene
Anderson are employed temporarily at
the American National Bank while
several of the regular employes are
absent on, vacations. , Miss Glee Mo
N'ette, remittance clerk, Went for her
vacation yesterdny and Miss Mildred
Berkeley, bookkeeper, is also out of
the city.
Is Now Kinploye
Miss limilie Hedblum, of St. Paul
Is a new employe at the Carrier Mill
inery shop. ,Miss Hedblum, who Is an
experienced milliner, will act as de
signer for the shop. ,
Bet-onies Stenographer
Miss Elizabeth Sutherland, recently
fiom Troy,N. Y., has accepted a posi
tion as stenographer for the Pendleton
Marble ft Granite Works as Kaat Court
and College streets.
etmlnalH I,unrh on IHsplny
The grub sack of Owens and Hart,
Iminals now awaiting trial for the
order of the bite Sheriff Til Taylor,
Atlvertixlnir Slutter Going )nt
A corps of five women Is busy ad
dressing tubes in which 18,000 Round -I7n
onulora are soon to be sent broad
cast for this year's show.- The work J
Is being done In the new Ttound-Up,
headquarters in the Stangler building.
Several thousnnd postal cards have al
ready been addressed, stamped and
sacked and will be put In the malls In
a few days.
I'cii(ih4 Miiys Out Walles
A. A. Frentzet has purchased the
Interest of Wude P. Walles In the
FrenUezl-Walles Motor Co., and will
i rH
l".ioiio l lbi ioi ioi-1
A . 1 "1 A1 "
7-viioiiier iu
Grocery Salesman
We take pleasure in introducing; to our trade
Mr. Leo L. Armstrong, from Greenoughs' Spokane,
who will be with us in our grocery department,
Mr. Armstrong is an experienced grocerymart
and we are sure he will serve you pleasantly and
We now have 17 in the "101' organization, all
working together with ONE AIM SUPPLYING
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
(Private Exchange Connects Both rtrpartmenlat
Want Article riotnmed : - '
All guns, clothing, ammunition,
flashlights, field glasses and ,other
paraphernalia "borrowed 'by persons
for use In the recent man hunt are
asked returned to the aheriff's office.
All articles will Vm returned from
there to their owners.
Dainly Underclothes Luxuriojily Soft
v and Adorable
Ilrinik on Kxtniots.
Vanilla extract caused the Intoxica
tion of Jack Gebhart, according to his
testimony In police court today. He
plead guilty and was sentenced by
Judge Thomas Kitz Gerald to pay lo
fine or five days in Jail. " Bo far he
hajj not paid the fine. - r '
lloldman Auto Co. Moves , '
j The Holdman Auto Co., today took
; over the ground floor of the Motor
I Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood street as
'a display and salesroom. The com
j pany was formerly located opposite the
; fire department on Cottonwood street.
! Oldsmoile speedwagons, Oakland and
I'aige ears are handled by this conr
i cern. . . '
Boot blank Stand Robbed.
Between $36 and 130 in cash was
etolen from the till at the Minerva
bootblack stand last night, the. police
were notified today. The Iqss was dis
covered this morning. The lock on
the door had not t)een tampered with
nor was there other evidence of a
break In the place. The police believe
a pass key was used to gain entrance.
CarpcnlliT l!es at Walla Walla.
I Lars fttebban, & carpenter, who has
been employed recently at Walla Wal-
la, died there last night from brain
trouble. Ho le survived by his widow,
J who "resides here. Mr. Stebban was a
j member of the local Carpenters' Un
! ion and funeral arrangements are be
ing looked afler tay Sandy McLain,
secretary. Ttfe funeral probably will
be held in Walla Walla. Mr. MeLaln
and .Mrs. Stelrtian went to Walla Walla
today to lake charge of the body. '
101 101101101101101101-1
"See Itfle. Before
The Fire"
Five Room Modern House on Grant
street, west of Lincoln school. Small
amount down, balance like rent.
Five Room House on Hazel street,
' large rooms and modern plumbing, $500
down, balance less than rent.
Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, Grain
721 Main Pendleton, Ore.
survey Crew FiiiMies. .
The survey crew in charge of David
". Glass which-has been at work near
Meaoharh on the Old Oregon Trail,
lias completed its labors there and re
turned to the city. It was thought r
highway headquarters 'that this crew
would be sent to the Ukiah-John Day
survey when through In the moun
tains but plans have ; since been
changed. A crew will 'be sent to the
Ukiah district In atiout 10 days, how
ever. It is announced. .
3 '''' jg ' ' ff ' Vif'Si "f
Every garment is of flawless silks and fine cot
tons, stitched and embroidered as pretty and exact
ing as the most particular woman demandsfi pro
portioned to give freedom of motion and priced so all
ma purchase a whole season's supply.
Sheep Sold at, Chicago
The fourth tralnload of. Oregon
lambs to be marketed by Smythe
Brothers at Chicago went on sale yes
terday and today there ibut returns
have not yet -been received here. The
inira iraimoaa, aispnsed of lam wreek,
went 30 cents a hundred over the mar
kefs previous top. Next week the
fifth train will be started from the
mountains for Chicago. The market
is dropping slightly In the east, and
DHcpa fire rot na ciinei aa lhi, - .--
year ago, according to Dan P. Smythe,
Bids Continued
Dids for repairs to Field school were
r.-eivcd by the school board last night
but were continued until more bids
are received. Three teachers were
elected to grade school nOMitinn
three for the high school. Those chos
en for the grades were: Miss Alberta
Hnker. MUa TOv-n 1 1 . . anH i ... i
Wurtenberger and those for the high
scnooi were: Miss Mathea Hanson, K.
. Draper in the commercial 'depart
ment and Marlon K. Ways in the
science department.
You'll Need Drug Sundries
on your vacation. Why not come here and buy
them. Melba goods of all kinds, tooth paste, Elcaya
Creams, Cutex, Nail Polish, Rouge, etc. Prices right.
Brand New Roman Stripe Sashes
$3.50 to 88.50
The real new thing to wear with blouses, dresses
and Eton suits. Offered in many, attractive color
combinations frrwide and narrow widths. Be sure
to wear one of them as they are very stylish.
Smocks and Blouses Made From Our
Japanese Crepe
Insures You Satisfaction
and Style.
You can make up such
pretty ones by combining
colors, as they are now
used. The Jap Crepe is of
excellent quality and the
colors are fast. Comes in
rose, copen, lavender,
white, etc. The yard 73c
I; .W$,
Silky Camisoles $1.75 to 88.50
Wash satins and crepe de chine; mostly in flesh
pink, and chiefly trimmed with laces, filet, round
mesh and other kinds. Many have hibbon shoulder
straps. Some have lace shoulder, lace straps, even
very small sleeves. .
Kayser Silk Underwear
offered in all styles. When we say Kayser under
wear you may know at once that it's of the best, in
quality and fit. Vests, Union Suits, Envelopes, in
plain knit and siik top. The garment. . 75c to $5.00
Women's Combination Suits
$2.50 to $25.00
A fine opportunity for the woman who wishes to
supply herself for the summer with dependable
Underwear at attractive prices. You can buy here
Combination Suits that elsewhere' sell for much
more; made of fine cotton, in regular and extra sizes; t
lace trimmed, also conies in silk, exquisitely trimmed '
with laces and ribbons.
is the coal that burns longest, gives more
heat, produces fewest clinkers and does not
slack in your f ue bin.
fills the requirements. ,
B. L. Burroughs
Phone 5
College & Webb Sts.
Bank Will Open " .
The new Hank of FYeewater will
open on Saturday according to R. W.
Hatch, architect for the building who
visited the east end of the county yes
terday. The bank, of "which J. B. Sav
ior Is president, has 8 2 stock holders
ana a capital stock of 60,0J0. Mr.
Hatch left this morning for' Echo.
where he will look over the new Bank
of Echo building, which Is now under
construction. Mr. Hatch is the archl
tect'and Parker and Banfield the con
tractor He will go also to Hermlstnn
on business, and will return here tills
evening. .
Will Harvest Sunflowers, .
The sunflower crop at the State
Hospital is to be harvested this week
and the two 160 ton silos will be filled
It was at, first- intended that the 10
acres of sunflowers which were plant
ed ould be used to supplement the
corn, but such a tremendous yield
was secured that Indications are there
will not be sufficient capacitv for the
sunflowers without touching the corn.
Hesldea the local crop, other sunflow
ers in the county are ready for har
vest. A. A. Hlxhy of Uniapine has an
excellent crop. Hampton and IJulli-
ford, Louis Attebury and Tom Boylen
report that the sunfrowers are far
ahead of corn. J. B. Troxel, local
dairyman, expects to put up two silos
for bis corn and sunflowers.
' ' v - ''t
' nit '- . i &
-.x jr jir '
Grocery Department
Take Advantage
Spiced Figs,
Figs, in Syrup,
Bing Cherries,
Peeled Muscat Granes.
Koyal Ann Cherries .
of This Special, 16 oz. Jars Tea Garden Preserves, the Following
Loganberry, . i
Grape Fruit Marmalade,
Orange Marmalade,
Lemon Marmalade,
per doz.
White calfskin vamp with reignskin top, military heels
welt soles . . : $4.00
: LOT 4
j White washable kid shoes, welt soles, military heels $6.00
LOT 9 v I
Black kid oxfords, leather Louis heels, flexible soles $7.50
LOT 13
New Smaltz patent ties with light welt soles and Baby
kouis heels . : $9.75
LOT 14
New Smaltz bronze oxfords, light welt sole, covered Lobis
heels . , $9.75
LOT 15
. Patent Colonial pumps, turn sole, covered Louis heels $6.85
idiu, the C Prhnrpf residence ' ?alI
and Uie Hon l.UirroiiKhs 8hd fire. The
Iukh wits unuHiiuiiy i;iif,re imih inonin,
according Jo Chief liin?old.
nve Fires Last Bfontlt.
Thre were five fires In Tendleton '
in July, naTi William F. Htnpold.
rily fire chief. The total loss was
i about $5,000. One of the fires wus a !
j K'ra. fire near the Pedro residence. ,
j 14MU 1 H" HM-I- HITS IIIlllM(t-U H
Ueuce on IMne street, the Garrett res- j
FriM'st Mimiiiiir improves.
Krnest Fanning, who sustained se
rious injury during a recent fire at
Pilot Kock, is convalescing, according
to reports Jrom St. Anthony's hospital.
Mr. Kanning's nose was injured by
splinters from shingles, and his wrist
was badly fractured ny a fall.
prediction that BUtsh recoirm- ' ments with the f.irmer allies of th!th Knnlotnn rhunfor hv "R.
lion ould be t-xtemicd has been re- imperial Kussian government." "We lenbach. commander of the
7U" Mom Jan representative 'will nalurallv expect Moscow to pre-
of the hHal organisation in Chicago, j 31nt evidence of the sincerity of her
I intention to carry out her obligations,'
' he s;tid.
Millerand's interview Is the first
tclear-4.ut. categorfical announcement
Jof the terms under which the dtplo-
be restored be-
Moscow. It is the
in any public
expression has definitely committed
post, at a meeting here today. Th
executive committee passed a resolu
tion for presentation to the stale eon
vention of the American L.eugue hei
In September to endirse the Columhiu.
basin reclamation project. '
yrOKAXl:, Wash,. Aug. S. A. P.)
A prediction that railroad managers'
will chnrllv lha t iiit.wi IJ..j I
win Kmiloves" Association, the nrtiin. f
isation of "insurgent" switchmen and
yardmen and that its members now
'otj "vacation" will return to .worK
within a f r w d a y a, wa s made today
by C l- McNeil, eecretary of the Spo
kane brunch of the organization. He
rOUTLAXD. Aug. 3. (A. Th
cattle market is lower. Oood to choie
steers are $9.50 to $10. The hog mat
himself to the recognition or the nar- i ket is steady. Kg are steady nni
PARIS, Aug. S. (Copyright bv T. rowing down of conditions to a single ' unchanged.
P.) unce- siiinds ready to recognize ( credit prejequsite. "
Liir uoisneviM ice moment thev as
sume the international obligations of; IOVF lilVF.N" SU'IVUT.
the former Uussiau government. Pre-j PPOKAXK, Wiih.. Auk. S. A. I1.)
mier Milleiand told the irnited Press.' Support for the plan of the Kaini.-r
He said these obligations include 'post of the American Legion at Se
"Fint. a payment of all debts: second. ! attle for a national educational cam.
L'H1CAU). Aug. 4A. .)
Vhtat made a steep advance tn price
tday as a result of Increased ecu
lative buyi n ir stinuilated by Kuto
pean war talk. Ieemner wheat open-
the acceptance of treaties and the ob-; paign by the American legion was d at 117 and closed at $2.29 March
servance of all international eni;a ' OJskvd of the executive commute ef'oiened at $i.2d, closed at $$31Si