... , rica TWO . ' DAILY EAST OREQON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1920. TEN PAGES Me'rcliaiulise Purchased balance of this month goes on your August bill payable Sept. 1st Shirting Madras . Pretty " neat "stripes in many colors, Sfrjnches wide. Many of you are making up .men's shirts. Be sure to see this fast color madras at the yard 75c ' Neck bands for men's shirts, each . . . ;! . 15c Dark Colored Denim Covered Comforters filled with white cotton, ex tra large, and good .weight, just the thing for campers use, fast colors, will wash well, each . ..... . . . . . t $8.00 : , New Camisole 7' Ribbons "" hots of them,v showing very pretty two tone effects in just the right widths and colors to suit The yard 85c to $1.75. Lovely Silk Blouses in a Sale of Importance Important for you because ,it offers this season's most fashionable and exclusive ; styles, models which fashion ;ljas decreed as' correct : for wear throughout the ensu I ing season, at substantially ' reduced prices. . Important for us because, .we need every available space for incoming Fall mer chandise and we expect these reductions to clear our racks and counters in short order. Crepe de Chine Blouses, $4.98 to $12.50 Georgette Blouses, k $4.98 to $22.50 .lingerie Blouses, $2.50 to $9.50 ' . fefeajj& SSBbw ' . mat mb ., mt i im " VmmtP' , . , . " '.- - "- .. .; i v. ' " We are offering our Men's Palm Reach Mohai r and Dixie Weave Suits at greatly reduced prices. Out stock includes every desirable style and inateriala good assortment of sizes still remains. COME EARLY AND CHOOSE FROM THE GREATEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR. . . . 312.50 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to. $8.95 $15.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $10,85 $17.50 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $ J g5 $20.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $13J0 $22.50 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $14.95 $25.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $16.95 $27.50 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $17.80 $28.50 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $19.85 $35.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $23 65 $45.00 Palm Beach 'Suits are Pieduced to $2g 85 $50.00 Palm Beach Suits? are Reduced to $33 $65.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $42.80 $75.00 Palm Beach Suits are Reduced to $47.85 A BARGAIN is an advantageous pur- price. "T. P. W. Service" means the courte ous, efficient service found throughout the big stofe. BARGAINS THAT MEAN SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS FOR CAREFUL SHOPPERS Jk 3 l ...-. 50c Stationery 39c " 17S boxes in the lot. Bedding Bargain Sheets II. 19;" cases 45c White Sateen Petticoats -Only a few at H.SS Vegetable Brashes 'One bin piled full 6c Kerchief Counter Women's 5c, chllds 5c, mens 10c Kids Roller Skates Only a few left 1.49 Apron Cinghani 33c A new lot of checks. $2.50 Boys' Pants $1.29 Wool mix, all ages. Muslin 3! ight Gowns Long sleeve, choice $2.23 . Toilet Howl Brushes Lon? handle, each 9c Voile Clean Up Sale Medium sized lot, 47c yd. Men's Horschidc Ciloves Wrist length, sale '$1.89. . $2.45 Percolators $1.79 Pure Aluminum, 9 cup Xew Patent Pust Pans long handled, 29c Black Shoe Polish 5c Only Sc Polish In town. Largo Dish Pans Biggest in town. -49c' , Silk. Hose $1.00 , One big lot, black and white. Aluminum Ollendorff The round pattern, $1.93 . You'll appreciate the liberal offerings of good, serviceable Bargains found in this sho p of Economy. There are hundreds of un advertised bargains awaiting you here. Visit The Bargain Basement. Many Midsummer ' ': Delineators,. have not been called for by subscribers, Please, get your ' cpy- Bodice Top Vests White cotton and, lisle thread in thefamous Kay--eer qualities at .60c to $1.75? ,; Womens Silt;o)c I -1 are proving very "popular 1 for summer wear. Colors are brown, white and black.' . At, pair..... $2.00 to $2.65 , Italian Silk , ' Underwear ' The famous Kayser Qual ity. Vests, and bloomers in high grade qualities so easi ly laundered and wear so welL See the window dis- ,; play .. $4.00 to $8.50 $2 Pongee Silk $L39 A splendid weight, even , weave and an excellent val ue at the yard . : . . $1.39 T. P.W. Pure Food " Shoj) ':,'. In Our Model Sanitary Basement Cleanliness Economy Service " 3 Main Line Thones, all 15. All Other Depts. Call 22 TRY MRS. PORTER'S . Home Made Thousand Is land Dressing, Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing Avith your next salad. BotUes 25c and 45c. Very Tiny Sugar Peas, .'"' can i . 40c Fancy Small Stringless ! ' Beans, can ; 35c Fancy White Asparagus ' Tips, cans. . . 30c and 50c Whole Baby Beets, can 30c Fine Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 15c Fresh Local Cucumbers, " each 5c and 10c " Buy your vacation "needs here. We have the best assortments and the Lest prices. ; 'a ;:. - ' penbletonS greyest department store rr FeoBies waronous 1'K'S.WM WHERE IT PAYS TO TRA PE' Iffii-igllMlX Of Visit our Straw and save dollars on a Panama Hat Sale and new Slimmer hat. IRSE FALLS ON MAN'S T: ' " tK&st Oregontan Special J" . , Ot'nDAXE. Joly 2. Dick Gates Had the misfortune to have a horse fall on his foot Saturday. While no bones are broken, his foot is badly bruised and very painful, j Roy Montgomery sold " bunch of beef cattle to Dillard French; deliver ing them at Pilot Bock Friday, where TYeneh Is shipping; several carloads of his own to Kansas City. Jlrs, Pat Monaghsn and" two chil drcn were overnight visitors Friday SEATTLE, July 2. The problem of Japanese lnrnvSTation was discuss- (ed from half a dozen angles by wit nesses called to testify at the opening hearing here today of a number to be with her parents. Charles Ely, at the ne,a in the state of Washington by the ken to Ir. DeVaul at Pilot Rock. The two children of F. V. Chapman, were sick last week, and Xftv D Vaul was called but after a few dways they were taken to Pendleton. The chil dren have been having the measles and nave taken a relapse. JAPANESE PROBLEM - SERIOUS IN SEATTLE mill. ' 7 Dillard French and wife returned ! last week from a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Cleve Walton, of Iong Creek. They were over night visitors at Roy Montgomery's on their way home. ' Pat Monaghan Is working at the "Alike Daughlry ranch through haying. Frank"Chapman and family spent last Sunday at the borne of Bert Reed r. Clay Catea came up from Clark- cton, Idaho, Sunday for a visit with house of representatives' committee on immigration and naturalization. Five members of the committee, head ed by Kepresenttaive Albert Johnson of Washington. Japanese control approximately 20 per cent of the retail grocery business of Seattle, according to IX S. Gill, for mer credit manager of the Seattle Produce association, who presented statistics gathered during his own in- vestigation. 'The Japanese force upon the white man a competition that cannot terprises in Seattle which he said had been prepared by inspectors in the city, fire department, and a list of Japanese on the assessment roils of King county. The first list containo.i the names of 1462 persons, firms or corporations of Japanese nationality. TO IXVESTIGATB BOCT. ... j - - v - i Governor Edwards today orered a sweeping investigation into the man ngeinent of the Fulton-Wills boxing bout in Newark ' last night, when, it is alleged, that hundreds, who had paid us high as 915 and $20 fpr admis. Hion tickets, were unable to get into the arena because of the Inadequate system of handling the crowds. RELATIONS WITH U. S. Try Kast Oregon Ian Want Adit JUDGE TABOOS VAMPISH VEIL relatives In this vicinity. Mr. Cates successfully be met. because they and M-lli neh? in haying while here. their families do their own work and ' Guy French and family, who have live, generally In the back rooms of twen rhsiting- in Willamette valley I their stores," Mr. Gill declared. 1 with her parents, have returned Xo their home on Butter creek. Kdison ' Js'orthup returned home with them after having been In the hospital the past two months. ; The sawmill will close down next . week fur haying, which has begun in this vicinity. " , . , Mrs. Xtillard Trench and sons Her-: twt and John, went to Pilot Rock the ! last of the week to bo gone several Mays. Jack, having been on the sick list j or some time and will have medical : id. - - - l 4 Mike and Pst Daughtry, On a Mc fAnghlin and LHilard French shipped kronen of sheep .Saturday to the Kastern market. . T o trvckji are battling lumber from Mr. Gill said that in 115 there were 7 retail grocery scores operated by Japanese in Seattle. Today there are 18. he declared. He added that he had found that Japanese control about per cent of the mails in the) public markets. 'He recommended! the passage of an act similar rb the Chinese exclusion act to regulate Jap anese immigration. . Colonel William H. Inglis, director of the Washington state veterans' wel fare commission .asserted that Jap anese had taken positions formerly held by ex-soldiers, and that they were still holding them. He cited a list of positions which he said were now largely filled by Japanese, In cluding chauffeurs, mill workers, bo th My SHwndlt to- Pilot H'ick and tel and restaurant help, farm hands rBdltaa which takes most of the land mechanics and helpers. Japan- reserve supply. Jam Pedro made a trip to Pilot Rock ; FViduy. ' - Ralph Fletcher had the misfortune catch his foot in the rake naturaay eee have taken a commanding posi tion In hotel management here, he asserted. Phillip Undnll. city councilman and former overseas lieutenant, offer- ttrtritatig Ma (sot badly, lie was ta-. ed statistics of Japanese business en- 11 "-.V I s rz M In BUBN'OH AI RR3,' July' 28. (A. P.) "Tlio new and firm current estab lished between the United States and Argentina docs not escape the notice oi Argentines, who are fully aware of it. iiid Dr. Jose Luis Cantilo, mayor of this city, In addressing the members of the local American Club at lunch eon recently. ' " : ' "We vl w this movement with pro found sympathy," he'contimied. "Wo are Just at the commencement of the oommyciul and industrial activity of the Argentine Republic. We have much- to expect from American colla boration. Our lands might still Ikj said to be deserts; our mnes oncx ploited; our Industry In the embryonic slate; our commerce but recently awakened, quickened by that activity and Intelligence which characterize the American. It indicates that the lime has" arrived for na to Join this movement nnd our efforts should be directed so that all business men of the gieat republic of tbo north who arrive at our shores should find the adhesion and the warmth ncceHary to the do vehement of uctivity and progreMs." Quality PRINTING at Keasonahle Prices- East Oregonian Printing Department Hiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiinimiiniifj 5 For Your Particular Appetite - .- a THE JOLLY INN a 5 Will serve you just what you want and will not innoy "S you with things that do not appeal to your appetite. That Noon Meal cannot be beat. Its variety and j 5 the quality is supreme. g sj For the evening; meal we are , preparina TENDER 5 x BREADED CUTLETS AND CHOPS. .r';r; ,.,;,' ., Salads, Fruits, a Variety of Cold Lunch Specials a s You will never know the best until you see thg dif- S s f erence. 7 1 1 5 EAT A MEAL AT THE JOLLY INN 5 Basement of the Hotel St. George TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiililllllllllllllllllllillllllU. SAN FRANCISCO When Dells Pattra. sel f-styje.d "Egyptian Princess," was summoned to court on an smbeczlement charge, shs appeared In tbis Tampisb Egyptian costume but tbe judge didn't vamp worts whoop. "Co boms sod put on some regular clotties," aid as - . - INSIST THAT VILLA OFFERED TO GIVE UP MEXICO CITY, July 28. (V. P.) Francisco. Villa telegraphed to Pres ident Do La Jfuerta offering to sur render unconditionally the war minis try announced. Villa had cantured Sablnns In the stale of Coahulla, whence he telearaiihcd Huerta. lie said railway traffic In Coahulla had been Interrupted and asked to whom to surrender. Tho president replied suyliiif his surrender would be acci lit. jalile provided ho repairs the rallroadx j he dextroyed. (In was told to report , to 'leneral Martinez at Torreon. ; ; . j.L. .vaugiian: ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC The Federal Electric Washer Machine we are showing Is a new machine in this city. Beforevbuying look it ever. rbone ISi ' SOS B. Ooatt a. .np.w wiu, nt i. ta nn i T'iKI't. July 29. (A. P.) The f 1 house of peers yesterday adopted nn , ) Income tax bill providing for Increased jt.ireH to permit of army naval extensions. IT'S TOO LATE after you have lost your crop by HAIL to thinJi of t Hail Insurance. ' - 4 ' 8 vvnen you consider the amount you have at staKe 5 j can you afford to take the chance? BentJey-Graham Insurance Agency 5 i Established over 30 years. a