East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 20, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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PAGE nvz
People Here and There
"J. Clarke, local Hardware dealer, Ooorgo Klna- of Walla Walla is here
leave tonight on a business trip to for a business visit.
rtlwid. J. P. Chasely of La Grande In at tne
uuiei cowman. ,
Elmor Robertson ls here from Ball
Lake today. ' - '
the second cutting of alfalfa will
in soon and the crop will onUoubt-
r be A ffooa, oiut, aucoruinff w aj
Thompson, who was here yestor
from Echo. Mr. Thompson an
klfa grower.
frr. H. . Clarfeia, one or tne pio-
tt doctors of Pendleton, loft yester
on a short business trip to Taco-
lluiley Rothrock of Adams, says
it the harvest has started on bin
Ich and the prospects are excellent.
Rothrock, who was In the city
terday, has 300 sheep on bis ranch
1 has placed a bell on eaeh sheep as
iieuns of keeping tab on the raut-
fl. W. (Jimmy) Hicks, traveling pas.
Ier agent for the O. w. K. & N.
inany. Is In the city many on nun-
Mr. Hicks says that tourist
kel Is heavy this yeaa
v 5 UcIimhI Wlfh Paper.
Florence Kllng was married fo
Warren O. Harding, then as now
newspaper publisher, On July , 1891
In their present home In Mount Ver
non Avenue, Marlon. For more than
18 years, until-illness prevented, Mrs.
Harding was circulation manager of
the Htflr. hr. himhnnil'l nwHiiaiir.
In additloa" she was the rasTistration
I bureau for complaints, . advertising
35 seoonite. If shejkeraps gaining In manager and angel to the newsboy,
nronortlon on the. other two logs she When Mrs. Harding returns to
will overcome her handicap and win Marlon and meets any of the boys
(Continued from pane 1.)
ff. J. TUydonstoln returned this
mliig aftor a Bhort business visit In
Vtland. -
the race.
' ' Itmolute Takes Lead
BANDY IHXIK, July 2ft. (A. P.)
Llpton's challenKer, the Khamrock IV,
sailed over the starting line ahead of
the dofotidor lUwilute In -today's race
for the American dun. A few minutes
after the sturt the Resolute' took the
lead. - s i
The Hhainrock led across the line at
the start. Tho official starting time of
i h Hhumfixk was 11:1 5:48: the Hew)
lute 1:1:16:26.-.The Resolute passed
the Shamrock to the Icoward at 12:ZJ,
shortly-after 1 o'clock the defender
was more than a quarter of a mile
ahead. The Hesolute ran Into a sort
spot soon after and the Shamrock drew
up, finally passing the defender and
going Into the lead. ' f
'he summer normal school In Pep-
ikon numbers amoiuf , J1H . iiturient-
rfhnrs several who nv frn stxitcs
er than Orcein. Anuu; Lhem Is
Hattlo Tneiwhinirer, of Hurn-
Wood. Wlwon.sln, who while on
'tult In the went du'ld.wd lo take nor
II .training in Oregon.
'. ' -'V-mie-came tu J'eudleUiu
i ,rVirtl.tiid th!: mrtilnif.:
W i""ltan 1m here -fnxm Baker.
. aR'Iiliilev of Portland is a the
, B. ;it; wood is In front Portland j ow"
K. Hcrk nf Portland Ik lit the city.
I Koch arrlvnl in tho city from
1 1 land tbla moTning.. .
rl I "inrley Rowi of Portland Is In town.
K. 'Webf l here froiu' Wullu
!a today.
A. naillureeon of Beat Lie is a
i -r la this city.
liter Watson of Taconia regiKler
. the Itatel Peiiflleton.
M. Pylo came In From Walla Wal
: la morning.
ClirlHtensen of Boise, Idullo, Ls In
' Ity on business.
B. Heagy and wife are here on a
nry Botchel is acre, from Oregon
' ' ' '
K R. Olcm. is at tit'.George j
eh , it i t. I
yar tnmto rm do ft I
IhlnsTtl lei m ttwmt i
Ml M(N. WtMirMtm- SM ud 1M
'HlMak ttafne at buy dnftlt, rHf.
mttmn. Krwa I rvCaf for a r iSlivn.tk.
itirHldln rRkd(Jh,sVEUMl BeaauaM I
twlM. twtoklB. gu. haamrMim. torpid llr
M-VltlON', O., July 20. A. P.)
Many women of Marlon. irlhood ac
quaintances, frllcnds or cliums oi
Mrs. Warren O. Harding, wue or ine
republican nominee for tne presi
dency, are enthusiastic over tno pos
sibility that she may preside at the
White House. They say she is wen
fitted for the duties of a president's
wife because "she has a mind of her
generally manages to get what
she wants, Is thoroughly democratic,
likes to give and go to parties. Is In
terested In a hundred and one things,
knows how to talk to every one In
eluding men and once she knows you
"always knows you."
Som Marlon residents say that Mrs.
Harding has contributed in Important
ways to Mr. Harding's success In life.
Ahlo MorM'WouuMi.
Mrs. HaidUig was born here, August
IS, 18S0 and was reared in this city
where she attended grammar and
high schools. Afterwards she studied
music at the Cincinnati Conservatory
of Music. '
As Florence Kllng. daughter or
Amos Kllng, I junker and one or tne
most wealthy men tn Marlon, she Is
described by a girlhood friend, ' Mrs.
Margaret Younklna, as "one of the
best horsewomen I have, ever seen.
Hhe rode and drove more like a man
than a girl," autd Mrs. Younkins. who
said she was more accustomed In
those days to seeing Florence Kllng
dashing swiftly up the street on Billy
her saddle horse, than walking with
the ether girls of her social circle.
Oather girlhood friends of Mrs. Hard
ing told of Aha times when, they used
to 'pile Into Florence's phaeton and
ride with perfect confidence behind
her speedy Billy."
who carried papers tor Menator Hard
Ing when she was circulation mana
ger, phe pats them on the back, It Is
said, and remarks: - "Here 'is one of
my boys he will be famous some
- Mrs. Harding has been a member
of "Tho Twigs," a eurd club' of .Marl
on, $or many year.
tsszrT--;pia ,.. .,
Mowers, Rn.krs' and Hinders are unl'versally'uned In this county
and their owners like them because they are right, f
We carry both makes together with a good supply of parts for
them. This la a very Important Item to be considered In buy
ing any piece of farm .machinery. , ....
Come In and fit up for your harvesting.
Glomons, Bert
Pendleton, Ore.
Phone 867
'SHAKOHAI. July 20. (A. P.) Re
suh that had lax-.n attained by the
first of June In the campaign ' for
funds to hulld an American school In
Shanghai made 1t possible to announce
that the project to build nbt only a
school but In connection- with It an
American community center would be
carried out. The Initial outlay cover
ing a five-year program Is to be some
thing over 500.0"0 and the intention
Is to open the new school in Septem
ber. 1921.
For the past 25 years American
missions hove maintained an Amerl
can school, but as at present, it li
Doused poorly In several dwelling
houses and has been held ti be In
sdetraale. It Is the purpose of those
nchlnd the project to establish in
.Shanghai a small civic, area which
architecturally. In appearance and 4n
all of its details will be essentially
American. The new school will be
governed by a board on which Ameri
can missions and American .business
Interests in Shanghai will be equally
represented, . . ., ix ,
! I
-In these days of general perusal of newspa
pers, people have learned to read advertise
ments with intelligence and Judgment.
The character of our advertising is In keep.
Ing with the ideals and principles of this insti
tution. They are honest statements of facts
an.d may he rolled ujjun for bringing guidance.
' ' " ' ' - ,r ' f . .... W ' .
. Ore.
Larscst Jlllanjoiid pcalcra in Eastern Oregon
LINCOLN. July ' 20. (I P.)
With the arrival of National Chair
man Hlnshaw and scattering dele
gates, the national prohibition con
vention took on aspects of a real po
litical gathering. The prospects of
the prohibition ticket presidential
field went higher when Hlnshaw an
nounced In order to null a solid nrn.
hlbitlon vote. Harding, the republican
nominee, must In his speech of ac
ceptance promise to use his power if
elected to Doth enforce and maintain
tfe eighteen uh amendment.'-
Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder
fully sparkling and refreshing ... ' ' " Mia
An occasional bottle during these Btrenuoua days,
will do much toward relieving the fatigue and nervous
strain of the industrious housewife.
A bottle of WINE-O at dinner, also, will soothe the
irritability of father, when he comes home and finds
the house topsy-turvy.
Besides, it is good for the kiddies.
Keep a case of Wine-O in the house all the time.
1 loftier, of AH Kinds' So. Waters
LONDON, July 20, Two constables
were rhot dead 19 miles from Galwav.
after which police sacked the town.
setting fire to houses and burning the
town hall, according to a news dis
patch from Dublin today. ,
BY "MARJOIUE" webs. Another novelty was made of
(Written for the United Press.) Isable. The skins were run from the
H&W YORK, July 2V. Winter furstneck Into a deep border at the hem.
are selling In July like hot cakes in '.then reversed and run about the bot
ItOIMiERS GET $20,000.
MINNEWAUKAN, North Dakota,
July. 20. (A. P.) Five men early to
day held up and robbed the bank of
Obregon and escaped with, twenty
thousand cash and liber! y bonds, The
vault and safe word wrecked..
HEIRIT. Syria. July 20. (A. p.)
The Bedouin trlbee of Northern Mes
opotamia have formed a coalition
against the French, while Belsiil, head
of the Syrian state, Is endeavoring to
organize the bandits west of Aleppo
Into a movement against the French
Clashes between the Arabs and French
are expected soon and the situation is
tense. Tho Lebanon legislative As
sembly Is reported to have agreed
secretly with Feisa! that autonomous
fAbanon shall he part of the Syrian'
PARIS, July 20. (A. P.) The
chamber of deputies voted confidence
in government-today on results of the
eonferenre at Spa between the allied
chiefs und the representatives of Ger.
is the greatest Inspiration a man can
have, and the life of the family, yet
hoy many homes In this fair land
are blighted by tho III health of wife
and mother!
It may be ' backache, headaches,
the tortures of a displacement, or
some ailment peculiar to her aex
which makes lifo a burden. Every
woman in this condition should rely
upon I,dlu K. Plnkham'a Vegetable
Compound, made from- roots and
herbs,, to restore her to heuith aud
WANTI3i A cook in liarvest no chil
dren Phone SF13.
UADf WANTS day work, washing or
cleaning Phone (194 -J.
WANTEO Job harvesting with sta
ll unary outfit Inquire Jd Tucker.
Holdman, Ore. .
January. There's a reason. Furriers
have made Milady believe that the
July price tag Is a few bits shy of the
same arithmetical adornment In the
winter time. It may be true and again
It may not, but the fact Is that the
sales force which handles sheer organ
dies and voiles is having a three
weeks vacation while the poor mis
creants whose lot is oast in the Hud
son seal and ermine alcove mop be
dewed brows as they shove North Pole
garb at Cotham maid and matron.
There was a not long ago day when
Milady New York would have emerged
from the shop into the torrid zone of
Fifth avenue or Broadway all swad
dled In her new fur purchase, but this
year fur salesmen say that "women
are showing a little horse sense." and
storing their prematurely purchased
garments in vaults where neither dust
nor moth doth corrupt, nor thieves
break in and steal.
1 It may be true that womankind ls
using sense in her fur purchases of
this year, but cents have nothing to
do with this case. Yester-year's Hud
son seal dolman that went for a song
and seven hundred bucks and ninety
cents is now -an even thousand. 1b
there a cut in H. C. J? If eo4 furriers
were missed when the Information was
passed about. For, whether It be a
seal from Greenland's Icy mountain or
mongoose from India's coral strand.
four figures and mayhap more are re
quired to express Its value.
Hues Brllliant
But, to give even a furrier his due
(and we wager much wUl be due him
for some time), never have furs been
lovelier and more varied. Even acces
sories as linings or fasteners surpass
In fabric and hue those of any' for
mer year. The past year's craze for
the oriental ls persisting into the next
and linings are Dardanella or Carmen
like in gorgeousness. Metal brocades j
gold and silver embroideries, heavy I
satin ribbon, and metallic laces in Al
gerian blue, Chinese red, or Cleopatra
green, line all winter furs from seal to
Bonafide coats with fitted sleeves
are still unknown In the fur realm.
The prominent cut is that of the full
cape flaring from the shouldor, un
belted, and with Mandarin sleeves.
The dolman coat cut straight from
shoulder to hem and unbelted is an
other prime favorite. The modish
long-waistcd effect was shown at a
fur revue by a coat of mole with waist
ex-tending well below the hips, from
hich hung a skirt of two pleated
flounces. Another novel effect was
shown In an ermine model wfih three
scalloped shoulder capes. Narrow,
scalloped bands of ermine overlapped
all tho capes onto the main cape foundation.
Dolmans of Fur.
Many big, wrappy dolmans of gray
squirrel or mole are shown. These
have long, straight back panels blous
ed a la Russian at the waist. Back
and sleeve are cut Into a flaring cape
effect falling unbelted from cuff to
hem. The most expensive wrap upon
display so expensive that the exhib
itor would not name his price was of
tiny ermine skins arranged so as to
form a huge spider web in front and
back. The cape was barrel -shaped,
the Increased width of the body being
effected by a flaring circle of spider)
torn so as to form a contrasting shade.
Hudson seal coats ' of thirty-six
length remain the good old standby.
Contracting bands of squirrel. Cana
dian marten, or Australian opossum
are used lavishly with seal. For sport
wear are shown short box coats of
leopard trimmed with seal, or chic.
short coata of mole or squirrel with
fitted lines. White furs are taboo with
the exception of ermine which to be
really 11 faut must only be worn at the
right place at the right time.
', SANDY HOOK. July 20. Shamrock
IV. British challenger for the Ameri
ca's cup. wae required to give Res
olute. American defender, a tfn.e al
lowance of seven minutes and one sec
ond in today's race, the regatta
committee of the New York Yacht
Club announced last night. This in
crease of 21 seconds over the pre
vious allowance followed the granting
of the application of the Upton craft
for permission to use a larger club
(Continued from page 1.)
doubt then the abllith of fresh devel
opments to make any marked impres
sion on values at this time or at least
until a further recovery reverses the
technical foundation.
Oats Selling pressure- was feature
in this pit throughout the session and
there was surprise that prices did not
recede further. This seemed to em
phasize a healthy technical condition
spot premiums were well maintained
at 6c to "c over July for No. 2 white
and 3 to cents over for No. 3 white.
Crop reports continue very favorable
as far as oats aro coucerned and
many private authorities are now es
timating larger yields than suggested
in the July 1 government -report,
(From Overbeck ft Cooke Co.)
NEW YORK, July 20. There was a
marked Improvement in the tone of
the stock marftet today. The wage
award on the railroad labor board
was made publio early and while It
was hinted that the railroad brolher
hoods may make strike threats still K
is believed that no actual labor trou
ble will develop. Quite naturally it is
believed that I. C- C. will announce
a sharp 'increase in freight rates In
the near future. Call money was In
more liberal supply In this district to
day and it ls believed that the peak of
the money strain has been reached for
the present at least. The rather well
liquidated condition of the general
stock market would seem to make ad
visable to .pursue the buying side at
favorable opportunities. particularly
are we impressed with the Idea that
the railroad shares will In all proba
bility lead the market in the . next
swing In prices.
INXH-'STROUa BOY of 14 years wants
work, either In city or country
Phone . 24K-W.
FOR RENT Room "with sleeping
porch suitable for 1 or 2 men cltse
in Phone 3w-K.
WANTED AT ONCE Ford mechanic
Stmtison Auto Co.. Water and
' "' T -, ..- -S
' ili . -v -v il
J. ' ' ' - .-Kit:' . . 1 . i J
e-- . f-tTTV
-kv-' -- " '
Every family ought to have a nice smoked ham on
hand. It's mighty fine to know you are prepared for
emergencies. ' ." .
Our new supply of hams, just smoked out. We have
all sizes large, medium and small, and can save you
money whether you want a whole ham or just a slice.
This lot is extra fine. . Get our prices before you buy.
Empire Meat Market
. "The Old Keliable" . ' ' j
Established 1890
Phontl8 I
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-
East Oregonian Printing Department. t
209 E. Court ' Phone 413
" , "... , " ; ,.i
The credit to a working riian to
day is nothing but a draw back toi
the amount of his saving. It would
be a favor for you to ask any one of
your neighbors who pay cash at a
cash store about their savings, and
if they would return to the old cred
it system.
When you turn to the cash pay
ing plan, do your trading at a cash
store, and not at a credit store. The
same old credit prices that has held
you from making a saving for so
many years will soon be forgotten
and success will await you, for to
" save is half the way. . , ,
rayCash fUcwv Mora Pay Lata
209 Eaat Court 9I
During the Hot Summer
don't stand for hours near a stove doing your Iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort
able. It is not limited to flat work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
Simplex. ' .
It is fully guaranteed.
You can buy them at j
li J,u ; - 'I
Milne Electrical Company 1
Pendleton, Ore. " '
' . , We Handle Wiring Contract.
108 E. Alta Across From Alta Theatre
Johnson Sis.