,,1 t PACT. EIOHT DAILY EAST OREGONIA.N, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 16, 1&20. TWELVE PAGES , . . i t ': Pass the Summer in Finest Health Tk iMtpoonful of Dr. CaIci rU' Syrup Papain when tired, dull or eontiptd. .Quick rsultal WE cannot all spend the Sum mer in cool mountain resorts, and those who stay at home and wvher ihreuih the bat days will finrt It wiry to beiriutiouatout iheir health Hot lor-d-i are easier to ditft tban cold, and veo b4 noun, Iboivb it ovt-rhe&ia for the moment, is tfrateful la the syMtem. - , . Ahore all. Wp th bowel a own; that In Itself coois the blood and caiins iha nerve. Rut when the bo we in ate -iitic-gish audnhnw aims of mnFiipaiioo. tkt a teuapoonful of Ir. Caldwell's Syrup rVpMti and yvu will ttet quick rvlicf. fiymp Pti)un t a rotnhinatton of simple Mauve h-tr-ha witb pepa-ia which druir $lt kave raoid for a quarter of a century It la Itae largest k-eUiii liquid lulaliv-e m lb world. Syrup rVpMn Id the family doctor, the chief medicinal reliance of thousands of people in comliat ion and ills of the aiomaeh, liver and bow--!-, in warding off co Ida, headaches, ft-vera and ftuiuwer -. complaints. " Mrt. R. B. V niters of ll Second Are . Birml nab am. Aim has used it in her family tor twelve summer, and she never misses en optxvrtunity of telling herfrieuds how healthy Syrup Pepsin has kept them, ll oiu many uses these summer days. TT T1 Millions of people of all ages suffer rum occasional or mu 4 Lj chrvmc ctmscipaxum. Let them send r IVdlj Dr W R C"" V1 Washington Sr., Monticella, Hi, lira fret sample hooliaf his KKmderful Synip Pepsin, t million buttles were bought at drug stares last year, the largest sale in the uorU. AT THE THEATRES UNA CARPENTER WINS PLAY i IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIlHIIIIIIIIllllllllUIIIIIIHIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllKIIII Arcade . THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Children 10c Adult. 35c ARC.E Tl0AT "DAjrcEROfs liocns- is xsck spf:ctc1E WITH M.VNV THRILLS I Lborr worked for weeks recent ly on the big Thomas H- Inee mo tion picture lot constructing a three story rtck building. On the very eveqtng; that the task was completed, the structure was deliberately bombed and In a few minutes was a smoulder ing ruin, with. the bodies of men and women strewn about under the debris. A few days later work was started an a block of frame buildings. Lightn ing; efforts resulted In the completion of this task in a week's time. But a half hour waa enough to burn then down. 1 i These are two of the most spectacu lar scenes in the new Ince production, "Dangerous Hours,' which rwill be shown at the Arcade Theatre today. n unusually dramatic story is prom ised In this bly picture, with the cur- Pastime Today ,rent labor) unrest and the menace of Bolshevism; as a 'background. Though the action ia developed through series of thrilling episodes employing hundreds of people, a tender love story runs through the plot involving) young misguided visionary and his: more discerning New England sweet heart. The featured players . are Lloyd Hughes and Barbara Castleton. They are supported by a notable cast. The film is a paramount Artcraft and was directed by Fred Nlblo. Udrea 5c AdulU 20c -- ' ' . it I ' ll DOROTHY filBH SAYS aVLAHIES OP STARS ;- ARE EXAGGERATED The picture coming to the Alta Theatre" next week, "Mary Ellen Comes to Town. was the - last one made "by Dorothv Gish 1n- T"fiHforhin. Xow phe is working in Xew Tork and according to her own words, is quite unhttnpv. "To you know New York stifles m?' s-M the little fun-maker re cently, "It makes me so dissatisfied There are so manv thinss T want and so manv t h I I , cannot afford to have, I don't see how people ever have money enough to live here. "I can see people smiling at that remark. Most of them believe motion picture stars are all in the millionaire class. We really don't " get paid the exorbitant salaries . we. are supposed to. But, because of our. wealthy repu tation, we are made to suffer by den tists, doctors, lawyers, milliners, and modistes. 1 had two tiny cavities. filled the other day and what do you thing the dentist changed me JS50 for less than an hour's work! I didn't pay him. though. I left town, And If you hear of me deserting New York rather suddenly, don't wonder why.'".. Miss Clan's' .new picture, "Man Tl1n Co"1 tn Ttvti." Is ntao'i .P "A.tntr"' w'rl who thought l'H'e fwo dtfln't have rn, ernuH foi- her Co f. tn v,w Y""ir " " f hs evern.1 hiirhlv flusin adventtirew singer in a cabaret. Ralph Graves is the leading man and the picture was directed by Elmer Clifton. It is a Paramount-Artcraft. Miss Una pirpnnter' who plays the Hawaiian .dancing girt rn "A Night". In Honolulu," which cornea to the Ore gon Theatre next Saturday July 1?, la a young woman Who hits made her way on the stage by careful study. Play, era are often avked about how to net on the stage, ad how to succeed after they hnvo m'o.)e.l to secure an en gagement. It seems a question which is always being, asked by folks outside the theatre. The Inevitable question was put to Miss Carpenter and the In terviewer found the young lady had very definite and set Ideas on the sub ject of her profession. The only and practical way for one amhitlnus to learn the ways of the staire is to "art" said Miss carpenter. The various schools of acting may 'be well enough in their way, but my observation of their graduates has been that they are harder to fit into a role than a person who has had no training at all. The Stock Company is the !est schupl which can be found in the country to day, while there Is little chance for study and characterization still it does give the student the opportunity to study and see the result certain tntc nnttons and gestures have an audi ences. -Getting to know the temper of an audience proved 'by greatest diffi culty. , Finding our audience and forc ing response from it is of the Kreat secrets of winning success. PLEASED WITH V. 8. ATTrTf.nE ; MEXICO CITY, July 10. (A. P.W J Dr. Alvaro Torre Dial, until recently j confidential agent of Provisional Pres- I ident de la Huerta in Washington, j said he was well impressed with the , att'.tude of the United States toward ' the new government in Mexico, ac cording to an Interview published in ! El Universal this morning. ER SCHOOL BOYS OPEN AT LAKES WASHINGTON, July 16. (A. P.) Slimmer echoola for the training of youths between the ases of 16 and 20 years were opened yesterday at the Hamrrton Roads and Great Lakes Naval Training Stations Enrollments for the schools were received at-the naval recrTTitinff stations and the ap plicants were required to pass the or dinary qualifications for enlistment in the navy. Provisions for these schools "wan made In the last annual appropriation bill. Those attending1 ar& required to enroll for three months in the naval reserve force. They will receive the pay of apprentice seamen for the six weeks' course, amounting' in all to about 150 and also transportation back to their homes. In addition, the navy furnishes all subsistence, uniforms and equipment. . , , While the schools will observe a naval routine in out-door drills and ex ervises, there will be no book and it is purposed, officials said, to conduct them as much as possible on the lines of a "summer camp." Physical de- r -fly, j-yp THOMAS H1NCE Prints WIS SPECIALLY SUPERVISES PRODUCTION A li. Danoerous Hours Y C GAR-ONtA. SULUVAN JQarum6uitjJrkruft '- Qicluiv WW Wi" CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 35c Here Again ' ' ' THE RED TERROR Sweeping on and on In this great picture. Fed by the'dronos, the dreamers, the fanatics who "help" mankind with tools devised by butchers! "Dangerous Hours" Is the story of one who listened so intently to the "call of humanity'" that he failed to hear the call of his own home. See the big strike riot! See the atrocities of the Russian Red Guard! See scores of other stirring scenes you will not soon forget. With au All-Star cast Directed by IVed Niulo IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THENt ART fllM COMPANY Presents DOROTHY CIS M.a"i?y li len Comes To Town velopmer.t, "education of character' and cultivation of naval tradition are set forth as the principal objectives. About 40 commissioned and non-commissioned offices have been assigned as instructors at eacTf school. While no actual cruises for attend ants are planned, there will be num bers of small naval vessels available for their inspection and training in addition to yachts and other small craft for recreation purposes. Rheumatism? Pa!n AV . Always Treacherous Time Summer an Excellent Combat the Disease. . Some cases of Rheumatism "jive very little trouble to their victim during the summer season, and for this reason now is a most favorable time tor take a course of treatment that will reach the cause of the trouble and remove it from the system. S. S. S. proven a splendid remedy for Rheumatism,'especiaN' ly that form of the disease which comes front germs in the blood. Being such a thorough blood puri fier and cleanser, it routs the germs from the blood, thus removing Jhq cause of your Rheumatism. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists-' Write for free literature and med ical advice, to Chief Medical Ad-, viscr, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, i uiAnnrii irootr.Aw ft THE LORD LCWCS THE IRISH ' WARREN KERRIGAN The Lord Love the Irish The Pride of the Force stretched his belt to loveland . A Roman Scandal A Christie Comedy For Sale Improved T.arge Residence on South Hill. Room Residence, North Bide. Fine Residence, Large Lot, North Side. I Room Residence, Large Lot East Knd. 4 Room Residence, E0 foot lot close in. fi Room Residence, 50x200, cheap, terms. e Room Residence, large lot. West End. GEORGE W. ELDER ftlS Main Res. Office MS H For Sale Vacant Acres, goo) house and barn. S Anree. no buildings, cheap. 1 OVxl bo LHtndy Corner, as sessment paid. -, Idl'iir.u Ho. Kill, cheap. 00xl0e 80. Hill, cheap. ( acres Wast Knd, good house nd Urn. t , 4t Acres chenp, good terms. 40 Acres timber. Wee ton Mouulain 'ots or wood. CEORGE W. ELDER Mil Main ftM. tn-J Office M I I RIT7.I BRUNETTE IS KERRIGAN'S NEW , LEADING WOMAN At picking players for roles admir ably fitted to their talents J. "Warren Kerrigan and his producer, Robert Brunton, have few superiors in cine ma realms. This is attested by the noteworthy cast which supports the DODuIar star in his newest W. W. Uodkinson release, "The Lord Loves the Irish," by Monte M. Katterjohn, which comes to the Pastime Theatre, beginning Thursday. As his leading woman Mr. Kerrigan has fascinating Fritzi Brunette in the colorful role of Sheila Lynch and her performance throughout his con vinced star and producer of the wis dom of their choice. Miss Brunette, wl?,o entered the ranks of screen lead ing women in Laaky's "The Jaguar's Claw," has since achieved marked success in "The Still Alarm," "Play things." "The Velvet Hand," "Sealed Orders' and "The Still Small Voice." Those' two noted character artists, Aggie Herring and Joseph J. Dowllng, contribute much to the success of the new Kerrikan production. Miss Her ring in the role of Mother Machree and Dowllng in a rual characterization. By reason of his appearance in "A White Man's Chance," "The Joyous Liar" and now in "The Lord Loves the Irish." the veteran actor is looked upon as a fixture in Kerrigan pictures. His Hugo Strauss in "The Lord Loves the Irish" ranks with his remarkable portrayal of the title role in "The Miracle Man. Wedgwood Nowell, who began his amusement-career as a musical direct or and later supported Blanche Bates, Amelia Bingham and William Paver- sham in some of their biggest success es, is the Kerrigan company's latesi acquisition. On the screen Nowell was seen to good advantage in "Adele." "The Velvet Hand," "Love's Pilgrim age," "The Challc of Sorrow" and "Black Orchids." James O. Barrows and William Kl llngford, long Identified with popular screen succewees, complete the cast of J. Warren Kerrigan's third Robert Brunton production. Ernest Warde. direotor of "A White Man's Chance" and "The Joyous Liar." directed "The Lord Loves the Irish." "Tes " said the man who was proud . of his library, ''whenever I find one of j my Looks with a torn leaf I put it ihroueh a legal process." "What le gal procen?" his visitor asked. "I J have, it bound over to keep the piece." 1 ton on Transcript, I Oregon Theatre lZ Tues. July 20 THE CHICAGO COMPANY, INTACT, FROM THE BLACK STONE THEATRE, I . .'" - , ' . Ill f'A:V jigaramounltfrlaxiftgkture L,;' ' Society Note from The ,r Edenville Tatler: " "Dame Rumor whispers thatvMiss Mdry Ellen who recently left her position at the : ' local soda fountain to take up musical work in New "York, has been arrested. .. - ,J , "In a recent letter to ye scribe, Mary said her cabaret dance act was a 'riot. Must have stepped on a false note and skidded, f say we." ' ., Riot is right. The Truth .is even worse. Come VAUDEVILLE GORDON & LA MAR, "A Broadway Flirtation" BENTO BROS. "A Night at Home" A Sunshine Comedy, "DANGEROUS EYES" Presenting rrrrr: Greatest ji ( t " &S e A Youix Laugh j A 4 W aJ HOME AFTER js-, , ' , V'A tt&- r Seeing ,jr K "-V IfM t' , f r? --aj -n yx'-iMJP X & (Ft W1 w'' V fi iV ir4 youi., V 1 :Ji LPni i " I i-Att long aTa m n ii irtaiaata laatai aiwa i i imilili WiW i Hi i i in an mini i m WmmmmmnUKmMl JL , " 'e'-w W VM III ll.T I I- AIV F.VI ABI.R 4$42 t '4k3LT Tho correct siicn. s'h--RTac'ffut linrja of crthTftructlon. Thf total wheels where they ( Thr! oil r'tn!nfnff hUb-hcarlnga. . u The atttotnu-tio elrtur ia;nal. The Inrh-rlown totul k-yn. Ar fenturfs thnt will mako you Mkr. the UKJHT RUNNING SPEKDV W AI.KN, WAI.KH durnbltlty Is a -story you will ! tnt.-r.Ht-l In, and nmken for (KirfmnlV low inHinirMmnPn nt yolm .'(irltll, B''h,"m rcl,,red on tn WALKS, but Huh Rly at linjirj flbould . i. t'nf' -of our .Pendleton unurn who hve nwhr-d WALKS Addlnv A LhMiriK .Machines for from out to Bix year ore: SlmpMun Auto '-nnipoay, m,X ItveKt'h Hot'l W ork. Hlrkers A I rlrdlr I.. -. rnenlHr-y Co., lee. lfHIIrtii f.ul,l,er A- Mwppljr Ce. vhii ih, i,i fur their rrsnli opinion. r 12 N1I.RS, Gnnerul Agent. CECIL COSPEIt, Local Representative. -vndltiin. Oregon, (live me a w.w.io.s demrinstrstlon. I'm not promising to buy but I um interested. Num Address J WITH THE nF.NTICAL DISTINGI'ISlf I.I CHICAGO CAST. IM'M DING: GREGORY KELLY ROBERT ADAMS BYRON BEASLEY GUY D'ENNERY JOE WALLACE GRACE FILKINS BETTY MURRAY rtTTi'i nnnnnv CLARA BLANDICK JAMES T. FORD " i ' " THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pendleton ttmvxmos ovxmuK c. tvi.iti c " 'Clarence Is the best 11-prTit comeiy ever written by an American." -NfW' York Trlltuno, Oct. 11, lfflfl. "Few evenings may be spent tut pleajuintly as on passed In Bualnfc Itooth TarkinKton'H oomerly 'Clar ence Ijurt night a lflcse nudtenre at the Auditorium laiiBhefl and -nricd and lauehed u era In as line after line of clean, kind comedy rippled out." Sokane Hpokewinart-Review, July 9, l!20, PRICES: First floor $2.00; Balcony $1.50; Gallery $1.00. Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with facilities of the highest character. - .Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex ecutor or trustee under wills. i PENDLETON, OREGON ttfm h? :'S,S, Jt-JJJhlitJMJai.i Mk i nnmi Wl-1 -