TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONXAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TRIDAY EVENma, JULY 161920. - PAOE SIX iiiuiiiiiiiiimmiiimiimiiii "i"1"" """ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigy ranoi aocaoi ioaoi SodaZ and CM New s VH1T9 FOOM CAUn'liMA daughter f Mrs. Clarke. The Jour- A iru rat lit tho home f Mr. and Mrs ' ic win last un" wiwrawn James R. Jhiifi on imuh harden sire- I ! MIm N'lna FVrth. of Rate. Call- , MISS CUANS-TOX HONORED, fornla. who nrrived Wednesday -v-n- l Miss He ten Cranston, who la visit Ing for a visit in Pendfeton rn r,ue 1o 4okane. She Ik to be here for a or ton dav. WHS. ini.i. WllJ. VISIT. Mrs. David B. Hill will leave (..mor row for II. t Ulvta where she w ill jmu Mrs. W. T. Thy and the two will upend mk at the 1'liy caUa in the moun tain. it.e here from San PIcrm. California, was complimented in a charming way -4cr.l;y when Mrs. Fred H. Ilrown (i,,! Mm Lot Clinton Uvormora wore for a luncheon for her pleas ure. Their guests mere asked to -the home of -Mrs. Brown and sweet pens ind s.'a(a daisies made lovely ap im im moms for the affair. 80JOCRX AT KKACH Mr. and Mrs II. W, Hatch h ix- Iclt for an outing at Cannon Peach. HLAN" MOTOR Tll'iP Mr. Georee It Clarke. Mrs. r;. F. TromMey and little dauchtir Jce. nd Mrs. Oeorpe Clarke. Jr. and daughter. Muriel ill leave Tomorrow morn in(r for Scaillft i v.rl and Victoria. B. C. They IU-V1TAI.. IS SPLENDID In a swrden of snowy Shasta daisies, a perfect foil for the occasion, Miss lis ornall was presented In recital List evening hy Mrs. Frank 10. Boyden. The musical took place In the Pres hsterian Church where scores of folk entered to enjoy an evening uniqual ly delightful and mark-3 by difficult number exquisitely rendered. A rep"toir of credit to a student 01 ownsend i many more years, was presented with ill ,v delicacv and smoothness, yet fine- 1 he trip by motor visiting at Port Tow nsend with Mrs. H. C. XwwtKKi and family. Vr. Norwood is a of doscriniination. and a confi dence and power of occomplishment which bespoke splendid susceptibility THE WORLD'S GREATEST RACE HORSE Being the greatest horse In the world has Its responsibilities. Theblue-blooded turf star Iires like a prima donna of the stage. His yes are as brilliant as the stars in a midnight sky and his skin like he velvety satin of a rose. Samuel D. Riddle of Glen Riddle, Pa., the cwner of the great three-year-old. That's him holding tha iilver bit as he admires the bicesct chattel In thoroughbreds. After gallop his sound, round toots are washed free from ererr particle of dirt. His shoes are forged oC the bluest of steel by the most careful of shoesmiths. After the mercury-footed colt had galloped a new world's record at Belmont Park 2:14 1-5 tor a mile and three furlcogs Riddle was handed a blank check and asked to write in his own figures for his champion colt bus he returned it without the quiver of an eyelash. H O P F'8 IIP Nil "fSTillts APPAREL SHOP MORE . SUMMER APPAREL HAS ARRIVED New Dresses of Voile and Linon S5.95, $7.95, $10.75. Lew Wash Skirts of Gabar dine and Surf Satin S1.95, $6.95, $7.95. to kiKswlcdg-n and eleeance In careful direction. Hummel, Schumann, Mendelssohn. Chopin. MncDowoli. Isehetlsky and Orelir furnished material for tho young musicians craftsmanship, her first sroup winning the audience completely with Its wealth of daintiness and faa tldloxia accuracy. PTOcressliur 0 works of Chopin,' she displayed the same refined perception and In re- sponaing to two encores "will o' tho map- (MacDowcIl) and "O Flat W'alta" (Chopin) her ability and poise were delightful. Tenderness and -subtle distinctions were marked In the playing of "To a Waterllly," and In her closing numbor, "Wedding Music" (Greig), Miss Oor nall won a storm of applause for her splendid reliance, critical nlcencas and fincssse. Adding much to the evening's plea sure Miss Lillian Oil ley and Miss Jane Murphy assisted the pianist, and their delightful vocal numbers wore"Thc Roses Plaint" (Prans), "Bird ef love," (Wood! by Miss Cnlley and "My Ijid- dle" Thayer and 'L.lttle namosel" (Xovello) by Miss Murphy. Mrs. Boy den playing their accompaniments. Patronesses for the affair were Mrs. S. H. Forshay. Mrs. E. TV.- McComas. Mrs. Una Sturgis. Mrs. U L Roucrs. Mrs. Norborne Uorkeley, Mrs. Oeorge Hart man. Mrs. Jivscph X. Scott. Mrs. a ft. Thompson. Mrs. P. 13. King, Mrs. itoland Oliver, Mrs. A. J. Owen, Mrs. J. B. McCook. Mrs. Charles Bond. Mrs. Harold Warner. Mrs. Frank Hays. Mrs. J. It. Raley and Miss Beth Smith. A group of maids served as ushers. They were Miss Mary Clarke. Miss Mildred Rogers, Miss Catherine Mc- Xary, Miss Vivian. Estcs and Miss Anna Ilocsch. ; Great clusters of Shasta dulsics decked tho church and showered from baskets which flanked the sides. while the soft glow from a pink shad' ed light fell across the chancel and dainty pianist. Mrs. W. I. Humphrey. Mrs. David B. Hill and Miss Lcura Jerard assisted Mrs. Boyden with the decoration. The affair netted nearly two hun dred dollars, so genuine was the in terest In the talented maid. Miss Gornall, who is not yet fourteen years of age, has won a halt scholarship at the American Conservatory of Mu sic and she Is to go to the Chicago Institution this fall to continue her study of mustc. VISIT r.V SEATTLE. J. E. Ireland and Mrs. If. V. Ire land and family left tcday for a fort night's visit In Seattle. PICXIC IS PLANNED Dearee of Honor members and their families are anticipating the annual lodge plcinc which has been scheduled for next Wednesday. The affair Is to be held at the home of Mrs. P. C. Peterson, 309 Perkins avenuso and a program is being prepared. I,OS A.VCEI,ES SHAKEN BY VUAKli (Continued from page 1.) OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 2ND FLOOR ir'TTT"":. 3 ROLLED BARLEY - " ROLLED OATS WHOLE OATS MILLFEED SCRATCH FOOD BRAN MIDDLINGS Several Injured. . IvOS ANGEL.ES, July 1. (U. P.) Katherine Varncdoe, 11, was struck in the head by a brick when a chim ney at her mother's homo , toppled over. She will recover. Mrs. Emma Ryan was knocked down and trampled upon when a crowd o: shoppers rush ed from a department store holding sale. Mrs. Fannie Firks, In a hurry to rush from the house, fell down flight of stairs and injured her an kle. Reports to the police failed to re veal any serious damage but it is said quantities of glass both In tho bus! nusr and residential sections were broken. One man was . injured by broken glass which fell from a win dow beneath which he was standing. Panic Mils Jail. The quake was folt only slightly at Inglewood and no damage was done there. There was a panic in the citly jail here when the building careened gid dily. Half a dozen prisoners knelt in their cells and prayed. Others yelled frantically to be released and strug- Kicd with the immovable bars of their cjils. . ... The city council was in session and a r.-ember In the midst of a spirited address. "I move we adjourn," shoult ed another member and the motion carried literally with a rush for the doors. Rocks In quantity rolKd down First street hill alost into the business dis- trict In the vicinity of the city jail It was there that the nearest approach to a panic was reported. Volcano Thought Origin. SANTA CLiARA, Juiy 1. (U. P.) The Los Angeles earthquake is proh fably of volcanic origin, local in extent according to Father Ricard, who In spected the seimosgraph at the Santa Clara University for the United Press today.1 - He based his . theory ; on the. fact that although the quake is of con sWerable violence, records on his In strument are so small as to require microscopic examination. The quake probably continued half a minute," he raid. "It consisted of one major tre mor, with four or five smaller ones." Father Ricard explained that the seiosfraph does not give as much im portance to earthquakes of volcanic nature which affect only one locality as there of considerable extent. UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014, 351, 475. EX-TEACHER SOUGHT FOR DISLOYAL TALK WALLA WALLA July 1. (U. P.) Ex-service men and irate citlsena are searching for E. R. Ormsbee, an alleged non-partisan league organizer, said to have made derogatory remarks about American soldiers. A crowd searched Ormsbee's hotel last night but could not find trace of the man. He formerly was a high school In Assorted Cakes r t Finest Quality. Include a pound with your next , Order. . Derby, pound i.'. 50c , Lorn a Doone Scotch Short Bread, pound 50c r Chocolate Eclairs, pound 60c Snow Ball, pound 50c Marshmallow Jelly Tart, pound 50c Fig Bars, pound , 50c Fruit Balls, pound 50c Panama Creams, pound 50c Toasted Creams, pound 50c Honey Straws, pound 50c Honey Boys, pound ....... 50c All English style biscuit, pound 50c To arrive this week, special assortment, pound 38c Gray Bros- Grocery C I When -You buy a preparation on a money hack guarantee you fool that the jg 5 article must be right and. If It la not right we will make U so. THREE PHONES QUALITY' 30C30E IOE30I PERSISTENT WOOER TRIES ROUGH STUFF WITH ILL EFFECT . WINSU'EG, Man., July 18. (U. P.) George Locke, returned soldier, had been a persistent wooer of Miss Myra Fidler of this city, but had been un able to induce the young lady to "set the date." Georpe had almost given up hope when he read a novel by a 'em rough" method and immediately prepared to carry out the author's Bug goslions. , . ... A few days later Ucorgd was arrest cd for shooting Miss Fidler through one thigh and attempting- suicide. During his convalescence at a local hospital Miss Fidlor was a constant at tendant uopir him. , At Locke's trial she said: "I didn't love him well enough before he shot me. to marry him, but I do now.". All was in readiness for the wed. Spanisn autnor advocutlng the "treat ding in case Locke was freed,: but the PALE-TINTED ORGANDIE, DAINTY C0STBQ s N j ' ,r? i 'v K A ixvVx "J J Iff S ? jpw " -) i, x . i: f It iM"r y ' I Js $ y x ( - I l ' a S ' Is the foundation on which wo have bullded a biielness of which a we fool Justly proud. We know by our own exporionco that It pays to g hoop tho quality up another thing that - -. Quality Counts 3 . - 3 as much as the quality Is to be sure you have your merchandise priced S .i.i., vi'hon vnn have observed all those thliiRs deal squarely with S 5 your customers and he will surely become a walking advertisement for 5 3 you and your business. Remember these things and - DUX lUiltU g S ' when you want quality merchandise. S I- 3 I THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE . . s ' I uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii iiiiiimiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7 Judge sentenced him to three years at. floney Mountain. at Btonoy Mountain prison. NEW YORK Here Is a simple costume that Is exceedingly at ' tractive. This particular one Is a pale orchid tint. The hat Is one . of those flare-brimmed shapes that are soft yet hare a distinct and distinguished line to them. The underbrlm is of organdie trifle deeper in tone than the soft crown. An organdie bend and smart bow complete the, hat. The frock has a blouse with a deep- roll-over cellar, short sleeves and a sash that Is cut wider In front to torn girdle effect, then ties In butterfly bow at the baca. 53,554 SHEEP, 9,599 STOCK FEED IN FOREST Sheep grazing on the Umatilla na tlonal forest during the past yesr nuin bered 53.664 whilo tho cattlo and horses totaled S.099. according to a report issued today by R. A. Bootcher, deputy supervisor, of tho local forest ry office, ' 'Timber was sold to the extent of 3.103.830 board feet, the value being 17.847.75, and 2.118.060 feet have a ready boen cut. Free use of timber has been granted for cordwood pur poses to the extent of 943.000 feet, val ued at J8&.84. Most of the timber for lumber sold was for the Tecl pro i Eleven graxlng permits, the report states, were revoked because of non payment of fees. Crossing permits for 180,000 head of stock were ' Issued. Other permits issued Included those fjor the use of cabins, telephones, etc. . There were 8 cases of trespassing- on the forest, two being proved Ignorant of trespass and four being con vim ed and fined. for Intentional trespass. Two cases are still pending trial. The re port shows that eieht miles of new road has been constructed within the national forest which is added to the 2 miles already completed and 87 miles of old trail. "Right miles of rond were also added by the operation of the 10 per cent fund. One hundred forty-seven miles have been built with out the aid of forcsstry service funds within the national forest, and a total of 195 miles of telephone are now in stalled In the forest. . To dato over 28 miles of fenco have been constructed for drifting stock and 28 watering places have been de veloped. ( l'l.KKT CORPOHATlOV I'ltlVATE WASHI.VGTON. July 18. (A. P.)! Tho liiillcd States Moard Bmorgency" Fleet Corporation wan held to be a private corporation in a decision ren ilerctl In a test case yesterday by Jus' tlce Galley in tho district supreme court directing entry of Judgment for (418 In favor of Commander Frank Baldwin, United States navy, retired', for one month's service as managor of construction for the corporation. ' . . I i GOVKUXOirs IIO.MK GUARDED HONOL.U1.U, July 18. (A P.) Anti-Japanese outbreaks are feared In Korea and government bulldinira and the residence of M. . Hollo, military governor, have been placed undor Tuard, according to Tokio cables to the Nlppu JIJI, Japaneso langusgo news paper here. t Try least Oregoulaa Want Ads.' I'AIJiK KTANW.VItn OP CVXTl RE .. , has gained ground In this country which looks upon the bearing and rearing of children as something coarse and vulirar and to be avoided; but tho, advent of .J-Jugenlocs means much for the motherhood of the rsce. Ikippy is the wife Who, though' weak and ailing, depends upon . lydja E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoupd to restore her tn heath. and when head aches and backaches are a thing .of the past brave sons and fair daugh ters rise up and call hor 'blessed, IirVTBUt IfOMFl FROM APIUC SAX FRAN'CISCO. July 18. (A. P.) - Stewart Hodges, big game hunter, of Chicago has returned from a year's hunt In the African Jungles where he collected stx tons of hides of elephants tigers, lions and other wild beasts. Hodges told of a closo call with death when he was charged by a cow ele. phant from the rear he was .firing on a bull elephant. The monster surged by with her heqd covered with under brush which blinded her, thus saving his life, he said. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt SAI.n Holl top office desk good as new Phone 4G8-M. LiC'ST An Kversharp gold poncll T'bcral reward Heturn to this of f'cp. v "Ort IIP:NT AUKiist 1. to desirable permanent renter, desirable li-room bungalow closo In Inquire "O" this office. victor Henderson is in charge of our repair shop. He will be pleased to meet his old friends at his new location. PENDLETON HAMILTON AUTO COMPANY 801Johnson St. MA RINELLO Improvement Shop r 2nd Floor Association Bldg. , 1 " ' .' v. ".. ' ' Room 6. .; ; Marcelle :. Manicuring Water Waving - Shampooing Skin and Scalp r Treatments a Specialty. YOU LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ' Phone 775-R for Appointment" iMIIIIIUIIIIItHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUMIIIIIIIIIIIMMllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllin t THIS IS THE REFRIGERATOR i we would advise our best, most intimute, most-thought-of S friend to buy. , 5 It is trie famous AUTOMATIC, and we would like show it to YOU! . - WELCOME TO THE DEMONSTRATION to s Fi Company HOME FURNISHER . Phone 496 UUUIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM)llllllll,,lUllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllltlllUlllllillU 103 E. Court St ' structor.