East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 16, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
Wlien roiuiluton was s, hum lot of 10 i yesterday foe Oregon City to visit rel-
or IS i the "first families," Iot Iiv- aiives. ,
mmoro resldud horo. 11a remembers
when Pendleton bocamo the county
seati after, a bitter controversy with
Xwlft's station. Mr. Llvormore left
William Jointings Bryan' disap
pointment at the- recent democratic
convention has not dtHheartencd hltn
i t'i i 1
I' , , -
laya James Johns, 8r. who returned
yesterday after hearing liryan at Ui
O-unde and liaker. Mr. Johns thinks
I try an 1H In better health and 'spirits
than when he was In Pendleton a year
oko. The local man praised Bryan
talks, which were entitled "What of
the' Nine?" tho title being; taken from
the Biblical Incident which relates
how the Bavlur healed to lepers, of
which num,tier only one remained to
give thanks. Bryan stated that hi
address Is sometimes called a demo
cratlo speech and sometimes a sermon.
In mentioning- the profiteers, says Mr.
Johns, Bryan likened them to a man
who would sell a pair of shoes for
$1.16, dividing $1 among the farmer
who raised the hide, tho tanner, the
manufacturer and the man who do
liVered the shoes, but keeping the
cents for selling the shoes over the
counter, liryan who Is on his iway to
his home In Lincoln. Nebraska, did not
mention the chances of Cox la the
coming presidential race, nor did lie
predict the future-fortunes of the
democratic party.
11 3
The new middleweight chatnpfon, Johnny Wilson, CSi the other
"StTlsoO. la likely to become famous for bis 14 points. They are:
1 A head tiftit Is somewhat small In eompaiisen with the est
, of hU body. J. A pair of sharp eyes that enables htm to Judge dis
i tance S. Queerly built neck and shoulder that tend to allow blow
to allp oS rather than land solidly. 4. An ability to fight while
! crouching, although be Is tall and can fight while standing upright
last as well. t. Powerful bleep that are. however, not muscle
i bound. . An extremely flexible wrist that he can snap about In a
Uery wicked fashion. 7. Extremely heavy and hard haad4 that make
themselves felt throljj the gloves. ' 8. in astounding long reach .
so long that hia arms seem entirely out of proportion to his body.
JLung power equal to that or any present cnampion t
Ible exception of Benny Leonard. 10. A well-muscled body above
the belt that can stand a great tl of battering. 11. Bder.
printer-like legs that make for speea on ine ""T
m-a. .1.-. !. anmifft, kMn him steady. 13. Oood
hablta aad an eanest desire to kep the place he has won. 14. Ex
tremely good rtnr generalship, coupled with an ever-Drasent left-
.... . is. m slA 4 Ka kaai Af fnOTfl.
UBa that ma sea n uara mi v",
Li. A. Chrrstensenyeivil engineer ef
Salt Lake City, Is a Pendleton visitor
and expects to locate In this county.
He is muoh Interested In the Teel
project. Mr. Chrtstensen is a broth
or of Parley Chrlstensen, nominated
for president .yesterday at Chicago, at
the convention of the newly organized
farmer-labor party. He was chair
man of the committee of 48.
' The wheat crop prospects in Ontario
and Manitoba are excellent, says Dr.
D. J. McKaul, who returned yesterday
from Toronto, Canada, where he visit
ed relatives during thepast month
He states that the crops In Alberta,
however, were not so good and were
Injured .by dry -weather, - Harvest in
the Manitoba district will (beg-in in two
or three weeks, he states.
Fortv-flve crates of strawberries is
the estimated crop from a small patch
owned by Mrs. C O. Brut sc her, of
Weston Moontaln -says Miss Ella May
Harmon, who ' visited the Weston
Mountainjregion yesterday. She states
that pickers started yesterday for the
first time this season and the crop
givea good promise.
P. W. Zcrbel Is at the Hotel Bow
man. .
W, F. Cordon of Walla Walla Is in
th city.
F. H. Frlok Is in the city from Port
land. -::'..
It. W. Alloway of Boise is registered
at the Hotel Pendleton.
1m. It, Fainhlcd is in from Portland.
A. Uoblcter registered at the Hotet
Pendleton today. ' '
3. It- Hayden is In from Portland.
W. T. Noel from Portland is in the
city this morning.
M. N. Knyder is here on business.
J. M- Snydor Is in town.
A. J. Henderson of Portland arrived
in the city today.
(Continued from page 1.) .
Re Declined i'ymnithy--with
wheat, recovering,, later, on scattered
buying by cash interests and helped
I i t
Ride on Goodyear Tires iixThat
Sturdy Small Car of Yours
It surprises certain users of small cars to find
that they can obtain Goodyear Tires at a first
cost ordinarily not greater, and sometimes
less, than that of other tires. - '
This initial value, as well as the very low final'
cost, results from the apoli-ation of Goodyear
experience and care to their manufacture in
the world's largest tire factory devoted to
30x3-, 3Dx3Vi- and 31x4-inch sizes, t r
Such facts explain why more cars, using these
sizes, were factory-equipped last year with
Goodyear Tires than with any other kind.
If you drive' a Ford, Chevrolet, Maxwell, cr
Dort take advantage of the opportunity to
enjoy real Goodyear value and economy;
equip your car with Goodyear Tires and
Heavy Tourist Tubes at the nearest Service
30 SV4 Goodyear
All-Weather Tread
30 x S V4 Goodvesr a w e f
Siniilc-Cure Fabric, -'
Anti-Skid Tresd... A
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cont no
more than the price you are avkrd to pay
for tube! of lets merit why rik covly
eatings when such sure protec
tton U available ? 30 x 3V4 $j S 0
in waterproof bag - I
Silver for
In, our north window we are show
ing a display of moderate price silver
in the beautiful Chippendale pattern
of Rogers guaranteed plate.
Just the thing for summer bunga
lows and at appealing prices.
Set of t knives and forks (modeled
, bandies)- f 10.00
( Tea 8loons S2.25
C Salad Forks S-V50
Sugar Spoon .$1.00
Butter Knife '
. .S1.00
Largest Diamond IKlcrs in Eastern Oregon
t v
by reported sales for export. Cash
rye had a firmer appearance, selling
at two cents over July as against July
price to one cent premium yesterday.
At Work on Road -
Accountants are auditing the books
in the office of Miss Grace Gilliam,
county treasurer.
Takes Vrbtntycr to Salrm
Joe Blakeley, deputy " sheriff, left
today for Salem, taking; with him Clair
Hushes who is to he lodged in tho
State Penitentiary to serve a term- of
four years. Huehes was convicted 01
the robbery of tle Red, White and
Blue Diary on March 11. 1921. His
parol was reveked by order of Judge
G. W. Phelps, of the corciut court.
Divorce Is Axkrd. - -
Tlllle Nolan today fUed with the
county clerk a suit for divorce from
GeorKe Nolan. ' The complaint states
that the couple was married July 24.
11, In Vancouver and that he de
serted her July 28, 1919. 'There are
no children and there is no real pro
perty. The plaintiff askrs that her
former name, Tiliie Itltnor, be restor
ed, 8. A. Ijoweli, of Pendleton is at
torney for the plaintiff. ,
MEXICO CITT, July 16. (By
Ralph H. Turner, V. P. Staff Corres
pondent.) De La Huerta government
frustrated projected coup d'etat with
the capture of General Pablo Gonzales
and Carlos' Garica and Jose Santos,
who were preparing; to execute a well-
planned maneuver for the overthrow
ing of the present regime. It became
known today.
Gonzales, who was formerly candi
date for the Mexican presidency, is
said to be a leader In the scheme.
Garcia was his chief staff, rtu-toe gov
ernor of the state of Luevo Leon under
Carrauza. They will be court martial-
ed on charges of rebellion, the war
office announced. Court martial Is
expected to bring sensational tlls
clousurctf. .
A revolt waa to have x-en started
wth an attack on Neovo Laredo, to be
h-d by Onn-nls, for a double purpose
of controlling the railway terminal
there and embarrassin-f the Dela
Hmerta government and possibly
brinKlng complications with the Unit
ed States, It was said. It was also
planned to bring together all tho gen-
oral factions In Mexico.
MEXICO CITY, July 16. (A. P.)
Gcnetral Pablo Gonzales, former can-
didate for the presidency, and alleged
leader of the abortive revolution of
Neuvo Leon, whose capture was re
ported yesterday, will be placed on
trial immediM.tely. according to an of
ficial announcement today.
WARSAW. July 16. (A. P.) One
American has been killed and another
missing In the battle between the
Poles and Bolshevik! in the region of
Minsk, according to reports from tho
Garfield Street from the .North line
it Jackson street to the Sooth line of
Martin Street, together with the esti
mates of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof with a state
ment of the lots, parts of lots and par
eels of land to be benefited by such
improvement and the percentage of
the total cost of improvement, which
each of such lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land should pay on account
of the benefits to be derived from such
improvement, and,
WHEREAS, the council has examin
ed such plans and specifications and
estimates and found the same satis
factory and the estimates therefor to
be in accordance with the probable
coat of such work, and.
WHEREAS, the property recom
mended by the City Surveyor to be in
cluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited Is in the judgement
of the Common Council properly to be
included within such improvement
District and no property is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein; and;
WHEREAS the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of Gar
field Street either grave! Bitutlthic
pavement. Concrete pavement or War
renite Bltulithic pavement on Crushed
roek or crushed gravel foundation Is
at this time necessary, therefore, be It,
RESOLVE by the Cemmon Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton that It is
expedient to improve and It is hereby
proposed to improve said portion of
Garfield street by paving the same
with either gravel Bitulithtc pavement
Concrete pavement of Warrenite
Bltulithic pavement on Crushed rock
or Crushed gravel foundation; such
pavement to be constructed and the
surface thereof to be finished upon
the established grade of said street
and the street to have curbs and gut
ters and aU other things in accordance
with and as shown In the plans and
specifications for the improvement of
said portions of said Garfield Street,
prepared by F. B. Hays, City Surveyor,
filed with the Recorder of ald city an
the SOth day of June, 1320, whiTh said
plans and specifications are hereby
particularity referred to, and be it fur-
RESOLVED that the Engineer's
estimates of the probable total cost of
such Improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimates was made and
prepared by F. B. Hayes. City Survey
or of said city, in the sum of H.334.0o
and was filed with the Recorder of
said city on the SOth day of June, 1920.
hereby included and hereby referrea
to particularly; and be is further
RESOLVED that the plans ano
speeificatiens and estimates for such
Improvement as prepared y the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 0th
day of June, 120, be and they are
hereby adapted and approved, and oe
It further
RESOLVED that the cost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lota, parts or lots
and Darwin of land to be benefited by
such improvement, and the owners of
such lots, parts of lots and parcels oi
land so specially benefited by such Im
provement shall be liable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and be it
RESOLVED that an Assessment
District is hereby created to be known
as "Assessment District r.o. s em
bracing the property benefited and to
be assessed for the payment or sucn
Improvements, which Assessment Dis
trict shall include all tots, parts of lots
and parcels of land lying and being
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
DeanipUon of Assessment District
Xo. .
Commencing on the Southwest cor
ner of Lot . Block S. l.lvcnnore's
Add. to Pendleton, Oregon, thence
North and parallel with the West line
of Garfield Street 108 feet; thence
East and along the South line of Mar
tin Street 260 feet; thence South and
parallel with the East line of Gar
field Street 103 feet; thence West
ulrwg tho North line of Jackson Street
2(0 feet te the point of beginning.
And be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this
resolution together with the notice
that the surveyor's esttmate of the
proportion of the cost ef said work to
be charged acainst each lot. part of lot
snd parcel of land is on file In the of
fice of the City Recorder, be publish
ed for a period of ten days In the East
Oregenlan, which newspaper is hereby
designated by the Common Council
Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of The CVmmon
Council of The tlty of Pendleton held for the publication thereof.
at the Council Chambers In t'tndicton'
Oregon, on July 7th 1920 the follow
ing Resolution was duly adopted;
WHEREAS, the City Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the JOth
day of June, K2S, under directions
and by requirement of the Common
And further notice Is hereby given
that the Surveyors estimate of the
rroportlon of the cost of said work to
be charred against each Lot, part of
Let. and parcel of Land on account
of said work is now en file In- the of
Hce of the City Recorder, subject to
Council file In the office of the Ke-insnectloa and examination.
coracr of The City of Pendleton, plans Dated at Pendleton Oregon thia sth
and specifications for an appropriately of July A. D-. 12.
improvement of the following named TIIOS. KITZ GKR ALD. .
street iu said cltv: Otv Recorder,
4. V1'
Get our prices on Hams,
Bacon and Lard before
you buy.'"
Empire Meat Market
Ia. s-The Old Reliable" m : .
Established 1890
Phone IS
209 E. Court Phone 443
This butter is one of the finest on the market,
Roll - -
Green Beans, per pound -
Tomatoes, per pound - ,
Dry Onions, per pound 05e
Spuds, per pound
Beets, per pound -. -T
Lemons, per dozen -
Oranges, per dozen nef
Green Onions, per bunch . "r?ef
Turnips, per bunch .. O5
Remember that we are the only store that handles
Gold Crest Butter. Packed in 1-4, 1-2, 2 pound roll.
Money guarantee with every roll. Try this butter
and you will use no other. Ro!l : -$L25
ry cJi
Receiva M
209 Eat Court S,
, C
Paint it today
Use it tomorroT7
' turn amabbr tb
Id car looked yesterday
alocuralda f jroor neighbor
ewooeT Usvterw feel Ufca
Dont let fkai worry yea
- get en ef Lowe's Aata
aobfla Vanish Colors and
uke year "jU W laok Uk
anrea NBtfttadtyaB
Mr It ssjt f ta carmcw ta
IkM Automata Yn!sS
Celers are mad ia ail tha
popular cetera. Easy to nm
flow en Vk cream, Cseoa
in aad aak far fret boeklat
Phone 158' 513 Main St.
During the Hot Summer
don't stand for kou.s near a stove doing your iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort
able. .
It is not limited to flat work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
Simplex. . .
It is fully guaranteed. '
You can buy them at ! ! '
Milne Electrical Company; "t
Pendleton, Ore.
We Handle Wiring Contracts.
lOSE.Alta Across From Alta Theatre
J of