; . J it , ii ... J..J ' ,.'1, '. f 'I' ' ? -f TWELVE PAGES f)AIL7 EAST OREQONIAN1, PENDLETON,' OREQOIT, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1020. THE INVINCIBLE VETERAN Beauty Mont Than Kktn twri Tliuie O.U old aayinir that beauty to- only skin deep. That mar be so wlthrthoa who r4 their beauty out of a Ihx but not the genuine sort. Beau ty la really only another word for good health and no woman who is bilious and constipated can reasonably hope te be beautiful. Chamberlain's Tab lets will eorroct those, disorders, then with proper diet and exorcise there is no reason why any young woman TRUCKS with regular features may not hop to be beautiful. ' j She Seut a nootf Kxampl , "I keep- a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolio and Diarrhoea Remedy In the house, at all times aad, have recom mended itj to many friends and ac quaintances who have used It with good results" writes A. O. Newell. New Kensiiligton, Pa. Should you not do like wise? - Think of the pain and' suf fering that must be endured when medicine must be sent for. if -i V t a- i " - , . The diving of Lieutenant XL 8. Fletcher of Plainrlew, Texas, to an expert wlramer, notwithstanding both of his lags were ered from hia body In service overseas, shows the unconquerable spirit of the U. S. veterans. The photograph above ebows this in rlnclble veteran, after having mounted a 15-foot diving tower u: ilded, preparing to plunge Into the pool at the Waller Reed Hos jei'Al. wasuiagWa. D. C UPTON SAYS ViCTORY WAS EARNED IN FLUKE aboard , pteam yacht Vic toria, (By TWlretess to The Associat ed Press) July 16. A victory, that wa not earned is the way Mr Thomas Upton, owner of the challenger, sum med up yesterdays race. "I am ex ceedingly sorry that Shamrock won through a fluke,-; he said, "and. I "wtfald much prefer not to accept the raee. 1 am- convinced by my friends, however, that such a course , would ot be' for the best interests of yatcht in and' that it would tend to .set a precedent whereby a premium, could be '(laced on faulty or slight construc tion. ' . "I lost race . myself," he added, "through a fluke the breaking of a sail, and I knows that the American people sympathized with me. 1 can saj( positively that it is not pleasure or glory lor me to. win a race Through a fluke. With a good steady breeze Sat urday, I am convinced that Sham rock will eomja out a winner." , . Sir Thomas viewed the sace from the steam yacht Victoria, chartered bj.'him for the occasion. The victory gave him no feeling of exultation. He accepted congratula tions tendered him but his interest in the prospects of the next race and his confidence in Sttamrock for future showing was far .more marked than -WHH his interest inj the result of the first day's race. ' from a list of three names that he would submit to them. Now la the Time to Rot Itid of Your 1 ' j Rheumatism. If you are troubled with rheumatism get a- bottle of- Chamberlain's- Lini ment and use it according to the plaii printed directions. Tou will be sur prised at the quick relief which it af fords, t j,'o lhlernal treatment is re quired in cases of chronic or musclar rheumatism All you need is to use this liniment freely. .. ,., . , Booth Tarkington'e "Clarence," the comedy which has1 jitst completed' a fourmonth's successful run at the RUckwone Theatre, Chicago,- will' be presented by the producer and man ager, George-C. Tyler, at the Oregon Theatre. on Tuesday evening. July 20th I witH Identically the same east which played the Chicago engagement. Clarence, a "beetle expert and ento mologist, listed in "Who's Who,'' re turning from the war, as it was in Texas,. is taken home by Mr. Wheel- ef to serve as a sort of man about the house. He tunes the piano, repairs a! leaky hot-water heater,- and Is un usually attractive in his- profile and behavior that U-year-old Cora, her mother, her governess.--and the Swed ish maid suffer palpitation of the heart whenever his footstep echoes through the house. Bobby, the seventeen-year-old son (by Ore9Fry Kelly, of- eounseV frowns on all this and. believing himself in love with the pretty governess (Betty Murray.) takes occasion to voice the boyish sneers, . finally leaves the Wheeler house. to aid Clarence" (Robi ert Adams) as his wife" in his courage out fight against' the potato bugs, young Bobby's trairis outburst prtrvides one of the theatre's real moments.- KDMAN SUFFRAGE FOR MEXICO IS PREDICTED MErxlC4CTTTJufy 16. (A. P.) Woman suffrage is Mexico in the near future was. predicted by Provisional President Adolfo de la Huerta at a conference with the, teachers and atudenta-of "a woman's school here, ac cording' t BI Democrata- The young women who today votes fop the directress of her school, to morrow will' vote for her public offl eertl, the provisional President is quot ed as having told the delegation, which called on him- for permission to select a Head for the school in case the pres ent directress were removed. The request made- by ' the -young women showed that -Mexico's woman hood is beginning to prepare for the feu Hot. Sen or de 14 Huerta. said. He rnnted the privilege asked for on con dition that the women wouia an elector nominated by the university, and lord Rothermere and eaeh suc ceeding holder of the Viscounty. lxrd Rothermere has endowned two other professorships at English uni versities. In ,1910 he gave- I'U.uuu to Cambridge university for the foun datiorr of the King Edward VII Chair of England Literature, and in 191S he gave a similar sum to Cambridge as an endowment rouna tor mo Harmsworth Professorship of Isaval History, in memory of his second son. who was killed In the battle or the An cre. -." - .-- - HONOLULU WILL LOOK TO ENCIflCLING OCEAN FOR NEWS OF WEATHER HONOLUlij; T .H. July 16 (A.'P.) Honolulu's weather bureau in future will gather statistics from the sur rounding ocean from which to draft forecasts of weather in the Islands, ac cording: to-an announcement by L H. Daingerfield, meteorologist in charge. Daingerfield has distributed to ship masters, owners and agents requests for cooperation in reporting weather conditions at sea. Forecasts from the looal. office' wilt be based oji these s.s they are received through the navy s radio stations. What the OTHER fellow says- LAST CHINESE leaves CALIFORNIA TOWN ' . BEuVtiDSBURO, Cal.. July IS. (A K The city's last Chinese has left town. In former years Healdsburg had quite a Chinese population, and a whole' row of Chinese merchants, laundrynien. and chop houses existed in the early days. Tom Cheun, pro prietor of a local restaurant for the .past twenty years, this week soio urn and has left town. , Several years ago Cheun cut a wide swath for a few brief weeks, having mrried; ' white woman, an adven- tiirRsa. who went tnrougn nis ii.mnx.u.. aecMmulation of years and then disap- neavfed. 'Cheun1 was -tnorougniy ericantzeA and (was known , or his charitable gifts ' ' . OXFORD IS GIVEN U. S. PROFESSORSHIP LONDOX, July 16. (A. P.) Vis count Rothermere has- given the Uni versity of Oxford 20,000 pounds for the establishment and endowment of a professorship of history of the Unit ed States of America, which will be known as the Harold Vyvyan Harms worth Professorship of American hik tor?-, in memory of his son. Captain Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth, of the Irish Guards, formerly a commoner of Christ Church, who was killed in the- war. Under the conditions of the endow ment the holder of the professorship must at the time of his election he a citizen of the United States. He Bhall hold the professorship for 10 years, and shall' be eligible for appointment for another 10 years. The appointment shall be made by in electoral board consisting of the American ambassa"doi af thef time df the election, who shall have a: casting choose vote, the chancellor of the university. SWIMMERS CHOSEN Ar MEETING OF COMMIT i be NEW tfORTt, July 16. ('A. P.) Swimmera.- divers ana wresiiBio ..v 111 repretit the unitea stales ai io. Olympic games in Antwerp chosen yesterday at a joint meeting of the nominating and team selection committees of the American Olympic committee. . The committee announceo selections for the" followmg teams: v - i Women's 100 and zou-mer swm. mini mens' and women s n.gn fancy diving, men s gwimminn Cpffee Drinkers Sometimes . feel a twinge of dissatisfaction; Itmay Be a restless night or it may be a restless liver. "When disturbed sleep or digestion awaken suspicion of coffee as the cause, the safe.jWise thing to do is to switch to Ten days usually tells- "There's a. Reason" ifityPostoCcrsal Co.IncBatfleCrcek.Mich. nd catch ? For any Motor Truck that may be named,-some' owners can be found, who, by reason.., of good fortune or extra g6od care, have received; especially good service from - the Truck they bought, and who are willing to say sjo. Their testimony is interesting anA. valuable far as it goes. I . ,u'';'V-f' V- T sr l - ' . ' i -' Vl "t-'" Butt when you can go to any owner of some particular Truck and invariably hear the same storyf of sat isfatcfon', super-servibe.'eeonomy; continuous operation and freedom from repair bills testimony be comes proof. It will astonish you when you come to investigate, to find how unanimously and sincerely MASTER owners recommend MASTER Trucks; and particularly their readiness to go out of theif'way to do? it K ?; P' -There are many, MASTER owners in your vicinity, and if you are thinking of buying a truck it would cer ; iainly pay you to talk with them. If you do not happen to know their, names, we will gladly give you a complete list. Xou are very welcome to talk 'to any.of them. And we want you "to! M MODEL&-1 1-2 TO 5 TONS OvSriamd Sales is E. J. SAYLOR, Mgr. Cor. Ei Court and Thompson. Ill as catch can wrestling. G'reco-R.oman werstlins. A water polo t'eanf whicTi will accompany the swimmers if funds are available, also was selected. Two wrestlers were selected in each class as competitors and. in, some cases, an extra man as reserve. RESERVE MEN FOR THE OLYMPIC BOXING TEAM r ARE CHOSEN IN MATCHES KEty YORK, JulsJ 16. (A. P".) Reserve men for the American Olym pic boxing team were chosen last niaht in a series of matches partici pated in by men who previously had been defeated by winners in their re spective tClasses. j . ' Bouts , were necessary to decide' but five of the eight classes. The; men ohiM-n. are as follows: Lieutenant Sam Stewart, U. 8. A., heavyweight: Fred Kolberg, U. 8. A. of Niagara Falls, 147 pound clastr, Benjamin Ponteau of St. Christopher 10 PHOTOGRAPH EL WELL'S EYE? AY fev a) . t- f ' : f If K "! ' , j rrs unwise to pot off to-dar'a duty until to Borrow. - If joar (tonaeh . i cid-distwrlMd tnbm KhiqidS th90W id to-dSreetkm eonrfort tothty. A pleasant relief from thm dumnfort f eid-drpepi. KADB BY SCOTT TOWNS MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION !4 CluB,, New York, 135 pound class; rrarjtc ui ueiiairu, mutiny m iivy York, 112 pound class; Seal Brock, Cleveland, O., 118 pound class. U. K. Etchell, Ui S. X 126 pound class, Lieutenant J. A. Cranston, U. S. A,. 160 pound class, and Sergeant Ted Schneider,-UT 8. A'., 170 podnd class. StllMl TRUATl TO DOMINIONS. ' LONDOS, July 16; (Ui P.) -Britain will submit the Anglo-Japanese treaty to the BHtlsli dominions for their approval. It is understood here today. - $1300 Modern full basement Bungalow r rooms and bath. $2310 cash ,aud terms. 4 S&aoniS. room new Bungalow, Imlfi-Huh will terms. $7ft room new cash and terms. bungalow. For further information, see C. E. ROOSEVELT Phone 576 G "CORNS" Ilift Right Off WRhout Pain . fra KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORE "WHJjHIJII A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Vrug More That Yoa Beat, SetrrM Most eye lrou6.es arc caus al by eyestrain and the only relief is glassda ground to fit. If you do rfot have keen somfortable vision it Is time to have your eyes examined as putting It 'off ca- only make matter woi6. The most modern' wjulp nieiit and 15' years' experi ence in the grindinif and fit ting of glasses, at , your ser vice at a reasonable cost if you come herd. ' r ' i , ui - I Ili: lUrTIIWRljij Optometrist ft Optician American National Bauk Bldg Phone: 60S ' id Doesn't hurt a bit! lrop a little "Freexone" on an aching corn, instant ly that com stops hurting, then short ly you lift it roght off with fingem Truly! , ' Vour druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents; sufficient to' remove every, hard" corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or irritation. J.L.VAUGIIAN . . T ' ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC Vtt- The Federal Electric Washer Machine we 'are showing i a new machine.in this city. Before buying ,look it over. Ihone ISt 9i6 E. Court 84. Mi r .-: LWLL. NEW YORK Assistant Dlstrtet Attoreey John X'SA . . . , nn A lha .l.vlnir of JOMDQ Kl WBU , 1NSW MRancniir id inrrwnsvv , - . . . w . .. a . inimH to nhotoeraoh tne reuae or ... hi an effort to reproduce the last It the French pcitae. the dead tnage thrown noon faee of the murderer. The uggesuon This ia an neretoiom ioui WwalU made a short time before hi deathj.t Palra Iteach. DR. K; J.YORK The Celebrated Chinese doc tor with his wonderful Chinese roots and her be. Special treat, ment has cured hundreds of dif ferent diseases for men and womem If any people who may be suffering from any ailnnnts, why not call and see himT Consultation free. THE K. .. YORK OIONESR MKIHCI.N'B CO. 13 S. 7th 8u-ect Walla Wall. Huh, 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii 3 ' - "' For Ychm Particular Appetite 5 1 , S S TltP IAI I V 1VU ,1 2$ inc. JU1.L1 inn Will serve you juat what you want and wil not annoy 2 you with things that do not appeal to your appetite. . That Noon. Mealcanuy,t.Ae..beat . Its variety a the qualit? u supreme. ... s For the evening: meal we are preparing" TENDER S BREADED CUTLETS AND- CHOPS. . v 2 Salad. Fruits, a Variety of Cold Lunch Specials I " You will' never" know the' best Until you see" the dif- f grgncc ' EAT A MEAL AT THE JOLLY IIW Basement of the Hotel St. George ' and S HllllllllllllltllllllllUlllllllllllinilllllllllllllilllllllllllllltlilllllllllllllllllllltHIIIUIiMM 9 i