N PAGE3 I'ACE EIGHT IT THE THEATRES DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON,' " WEDNESDAY EVENING, 1 flT" ' P JLIAil Jit AO X All , X J4.1 XSJUfl A UM VJA-Ki V ' " , ' , fr-' ., - iM.rrTf -i i.. . i, " " rr I Pastime AIWAUK HMAt n.irMO OP 'HIJX YTIt." .vvnosM, iM-ri i?r, ktoih i THtr'FKJ 1 1AM an.i:i.k each "f hi novel, one or more char ncters to represent the finest achieve ment of Mr. King's view of life, the anility to sacrifice material comfort for ibe- furtherance of an ideal is the (end of all anion, the point of view li'n cany enough to get hurt In a for which c should all str.ve. tmfrie Jam St . tinny crossing, but to nil, at least, r the underlying Kt Into -Jam and Just manage le theme that he has emphasised In "The ,'nrip limousines and motor trucks .by UtreetOallod StralKhf." In thfe story, a ivant Inch la auilo another matter, tvter Inwnunt, the son 'of misslon aa pcdeetraln or motion picture aries, himself a world traveler, rich direnor wilt tell you. and capable, has learned- that wealth fa 'Tilind Youth," a National in Itself h;u no niennmg for him. Ho I'loture, adapted by Katherine Heed nas the ability to earn fabulous wealth from the famous stage success by Lou but finds pleasure In merely spend TcUen and Willard Mack, It was inpr money tor his. own personal com j.liiawii d to stage a Jiicn little conges- fort. Jtis opinions on the subject were lio or motor vehlclrs nt a busy inter- expressed figuratively when b said: Min fill. wn t be done for the "Money would be a doubtful blessing v.eerfit of Ixmls, a genuu French iu the Iwe'if it took away the task of fainter In the picture, who was thus lo et his first taste f American pperd and recklessness. It, wouldn't do at all for friend I.nuls, played by ljeo White, to flirt wit a real traffic Jam, for the ppro tlucfion might thereby be minus an vxoellent actor and the angels' union In Heaven might acquire, a new mem Wr. . . '. LMredtor Edward' Woman therefore Jield a little conference with public officials of Li Angeles. The result was that for one hour traffic was held tip, ort a busy los Angeles street, in tersection, while a slagemanaged traf fic Jam was conducted which was just a satisfactory for picture purchases urd left friend Louis In complete pos session of hla appetite and both feet. Blind youth" will toe shown at the A read theatre, today. ALTA TODAY gathering honey." And ko Mr. King ha made the keynote of Peter Daven- ant'a character the search for idealism in action, for the chance of doing a gracious thing. In the course of the story. Peter is given the opportunity to practise the altruism which lies at the basis of his character. His readiness to give all that he has to save another affects the lives of all the members of two families. Just how it converts their conventional views of life and brings V.applness out of a chaotic sit uation Is developed in the course of the story. Incidentally, l-eier mmseu finds a happiness which he . lone thought would be denied him. - All IK ANil RFPiyiiNto rLLiL.u miLf Us-... i hi w ' A . a sail sa a a 1 i LI AtTHOR'S CAREER REFLKYCTK1 IX ins ORK Basil King, the author of Street railed Straight." which has been picturized by Eminent Authors and made at the Goldwyn studios, ro- ' fleets the strong note of morality and Idealism which, as a minister tie has preached for many years to his con gregation In Christ Church, Cam bridge, Mass. Though a Canadian by birth Mr. King was born on an island In the St. Lawrence American In, his country by adoption. And be cause of his Intense love for American ideals, the author has enbodia in Kesuty More Than Skin Deep Jthere Is an old saying that beauty Is only skin deep; That may be po with those who get their beauty out of a box but not the genuine sort. Beau ty la really only another word for good" health and no woman who is bilious aad constipated caa reasonably hops to bs beautiful. Chamberlain's Tab lets will correct these disorders, then with proper diet and exercise there is no reason why any young woman with regular features may not hope to ba beautiful. "... She Sets a Cood Example. . I keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the hens a all time n havs recoro-. . mended it to many friends and ac quaintances who have nsed It with go4 results" write A. . Newell, New Kensiington, Fa. Should yon not do like wise? ' Think: of the pain and suf fering that, must be endured when medicine mast be sent for. Now Is Ue Time to Oct Rid of Your Rheumatism. It yow are troubled with rheumatism get. a bottle ot Chamberlain's Lini ment and use it according to the plais printed directions. You will be sur prised at tbe quick relief which it af fords. No internal treatment is re qt.ired in cases of chronic or musclar rheumatism. All you need ia to use this liniment freely. SPA. Julv 14. (A. P.) A deadlock "The !nas been reached by the allies and Ger mans on the coal question and Mar shall Foch and Field Marshall Wilson, allied military chiefs, have again been summoned to discuss possible enforce ment measures. , Answer Postponed. . SPA, July 14. (By A., P.) Allied prime ministers have decided not to insist upon the Germans "replying to the allied ultimatum regarding coal deliveries by 3 o"clock today. The Germans will' be permitted to defer their reply until tomorrow. Expert on both sides are spending the day examining the situation. ANYBODY NEED A . . ROYAL CARRIAGE? I s f OWE 1S FOR SALE r HONOLtTLU, T. H., July 14-. (By A. P.) Anybody need a. royal car riage? Lu Lt Kolstein, administrator of the estate of the late Queen Uliuokalani, has a carriage, used by the former queen of Hawaii of which he would like- to dispose- aad for which there doesn't seem to be any taker. Even the Bishop Museum, to which the carriage was offered, has declined with thanks, as the .museum has no room .to house such a large vehicle. Besides the Bishop museum, Kolstein has tried and failed to give the queen' carriage to the TTnlversity of Hawaii Oahu College, Kamehameha schools, Hawaii Tourist bureau. Ad Club, Out rigger club, Smithsonian Institute and the Forresters. . ' Holstein has asked the court for an order to .dispose of other belongings of the late queen, such as furniture, which is stored and which he fears will be attacked by ants and -borers if i; is not taken In hand and used. : ARCADE ' Jf; J Ji '- ToriAYr:fii V? S ' AV I Children 10c Adulls30c Xewi X Selznici:, presiJenB . BIIMjDTOUTH -Adapted from, the TDlav- bv XouTelleett and VilLard Macik Scenario In Xatherine ReecLr direction hy Ted S.lo.maxt IN ADDITION 'ChrUty Special Willi Fay Tinchncr. "'.'-'v , , LUCKY STRIKE l CIGARETTE ; i . '! ' -k . v Jjl' '", IT is made from he nnest tobacco toasted not ! raw tobacco. . ( - Our famous toasting process develops all the special and delightful Burley flavor noining niv.c xif and"seal9"it in. In this way you always have the flavor fresh when you light a Lucky Strike cigarette. Until you try one you can have no i.dea - what an " un " equalled flavor results. Re member it's toasted. " LUCKY STRIKE PIPE TOBACCO IX is made from the, finest, tobacco, toasted not raw tobacco. ' Our famous toasting process develops all the special and delightful Burley flavor "seals" it Wif ' : and takes out every bit of bite. This is the same toast ing process that made Lucky Strike cigarette the greatest success in ciga rette manufac turing. Buy a tin today and try toasted tobacco in your pipe1. V; V w "'CT?I 111 Guaranteed by -which means that if you don't like LUCKY STRIKE you can get your money back from the dealer Children 5c - Adults 20c . Airr lACoup Thrills and Ipi il PEAilLHltE the iiticK ; SECRET Suspense' ahd;T jhrills. UNIVERSAL ' COMEDY Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee I Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Klsctro Thsrapeutlcs. " Temple Blilg. . BOOM II Pbons 411 f Guaranteed Expert $ $ PHOTO WORK g We 'don't care ,who A S has been ' doing your fi A v, ork or whether it has j J just been satisfactory g 5 Dr not but if it is done 6 at "Tallman's" we make 5 A it ssatisf actory. 4 t Film3 in before 10 a. t m. out at 5 p. m. , , t Films in between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. out at noon next day Enlarging a Specialty. i Tollman A Tn 'f lUllllIUil U UUi j (j ellii rtnwirlsts d CAR LACK SUSPENDS STEEl LON'OONtoBRR-rr jsly '14. Efforts will be resumed this summer to 're cover the 4,001,000 pounds of gold hIIH lyins; in the wrecK of the British aux iliary cruiser Lnurentic which was sunk by a mine off the mouth of Lough Bwilly in January, 19S17, while on her way to New York. The bullion is in bars each of which is worth 1,200 pounds. Althgether the raurenttci carried about 1,000,000 pounds in gold when sunk. It is estimated that about 3,009,000 pounds since has been recov. red. Up to now the weather has lieen unfavorable and, as the wreck lies in an exposed position, the salvage work can be dons only in tfie finest weather. It is expected that some blasting will be necessary trt get at me compart ments in which the gold was carled. The work Is being done by the Ilni er, a salvage shi. WALKER HINES OPENS PARIS BRANCH OFFICE PATHS, July. 14. Walker T. Hines, former director-general of Kailroads has opened offices in Farts for the purpose,of arbitrating the auewtion ot river shipping under the German, Austrian and, Bulgarian treaties. Mr. Hines was appointed Arbitrator for all this work and expects to be in Paris severs! months. Tin Is aoromp.tmed CHICHESTER S PILI U TUB 1IIAMONII iBBANO. B Urund, hy two secretaries and a aKsistttnt, M. liricer ClageU. Mr. Hines soon will call together the' delegates fro mtlie -farious inter ested countries- to discuss the proced ure of disposing of the shipping on the Danube, Rhine, Kibe and Oder riv ers. Mr. Hines will determine under the .tirrinun, Austrian and Bulgarian treaties, Just what whipping sliull ho SOPULM Cnfl r.ENttRATIOKR" I 'LT V Ml I , J" tT JTTm7 '- ATM A Pre oslt1mv erf" COMPOUND COPAIBA and CIJBCBVJ AT.YOUH DRUGGIST .,. AtVS.Hr NJl Mprl,Y.vuil SuhMituliOfi. tnken from these countries in part payment for reparation and will also distribute the shipping among trie-allied powers. 1 x; lle yy IN For Sale Improved Large Itesldenee on South Hill. ' Boom Residence, North Side. Fine Henlilcncs, targe v Lot, North- 8ido. 5 Boom Residence, Largs Lot IJnst Knl. f t n ' 4 ltoom Residence, SO foot lot eloso lr, - p f S lioom Itesldenee, 60x200, cheap,- terms. tf ltoom HcMldenrs, large lot, ' Went Knd. GEORGE W. ELDER MIA Main . lies. 2ST-J Offlcw MS For Sale Vacant 5 Arrwi, ffooil fioiiw knd barn. 3 At-rcH, no building, cbeap. l'Hixir.0 landy Corner, aa- scKHtnnnt paid. IOOxUiO So. Hill, cheap. 100x100 So. Hill, cheap, s 6 UtTfM Wast Kud, guoA houjn and barn. ,ft 48') Arros chnip, Rood tnrma. 40 AtrcH timber Weston Mountain IIHh of wood. ? GEORGE W. ELDER 1 NI8 Main lies. 211:1 Office MS RISH JRUCE DEMANDED LONEtOV, July 14. (Webb Miller, U. P. Staff Corresponaent.) A reso lution demanding an immediate truce between the warrine factions of Ire land and the withdraw of theMrit Ish army was adopted in a special meeting of the trades union conifrcss representing thousands of Brltixh workers at Westminster yesterday. The resolution proposed a bullot on a treneral strike unless the troops were withdrawn frimi Ireland. Call Special Session. LOXDON, July 14. (A. P.) The proposal to employ direct action if necessary to force the government to withdraw Its troops from Ireland and cease the manufacturing pf munitions for use In Ireland and Kuwda was de feated today In a special trades union congress called to consider labor's at titude on the Irish question. AIM A. 1 THEATRE TODAY Children 10c Adults 35c !' Rcx'BcacK present x v 14 i r j i i ti ij f i m ki fiiii u- THE MAN SHE HATED the man whose love she h,ad scorned laughed at because he was poor and she, a daughter of the rich. Now he had eome back; a man of. wealth, position and power.1 While she she was the . daughter of a thief her name besmirched and on the eve of her marriage, to another man. , ' He offered to clear her" name to' save her father from prison. ; Dircttccf bu Wallace Worsleu - With aldistingutihed ' castjncludingl . :';r NaoiX3iUto:4'MatQnSi