SPORTS T'" '" lioyiES " COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE ' ODSSSIFIED '7? " &ARKETS . concs ' TEN PAGES - SECTION TWO PAGES 7 T0 10 TEN PACES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 T(H0 ' ' ',. .V STATE ELKS WILL SEE GORMAN DEf END TITLE U DAILY EAST; OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 1 4jl 920. T : Coait Featherweight Champion Will MM With Earl Baird of .Seattle on Second Night of Antlered Convention. . 8AL.DM, July 14. Joe Gorm&n. of Portland, Pacific Coast fealherweiKht champion, la to defend his title sgalnst Karl . Balrd, of Brattle, In a 10-round headliner bout on the aecond night of the third annual state convention of Klks, to toe held In thla city July VI- 2S-84, The match, alons with, three other bouts, la to be stag-ed under the auspices of the Balem Lodge No. 3. if. P. O. EX, In the auditorium of the Mate fair grounds. DEL MONTE WILL SEE BALL GAME ON WATER DI5I, MONTH. Cal., July H. A wa ter Daseiiaii gome will be staged lit JJul &!nnts July 17 and 18 between teama from the Olympic Club of San Francisco and from Del Monte. Wa ter baa.inll waa Introduced In the Roman I'lifrga at Dei Monte last year nnd furnished exciting competition. The frame la played with aeven men on a side, a pitchen, catcher, three basemen nnd two outfieldera. A water polo boll la used with a abort atout bat. The rulea are the aame aa in baseball with the playera awlmimng to Duses. - Interest la added to the paatlme In that the basemen muat be on their guard to watch for the swimmers aa they even dive under and reach the baaoa Just aa the runnera on a base ball field alide to baae. i Added to thla attraction. Johnnie MoCarty, San Francisco claimant of the ooaat welterweight title, and Ales TrambltUB, the Portland land who la making a bright name for hlmaelf In the aquarred circle, will travel over the 10 -round path, while Puggy Mor ton, of Portland, and Eddie Shannon, of Ban Francisco, will mill for I rounds In the 115-pound claxa. Principal! In the curtain raining hout have not yet been signed up, but the Elks promlae a s-round go of the same class as the principal events. ' Vunder their contract all of the men are required to be In Salem not later than July to finish their training and moat of them have signified their Intention of coming here as soon aa their training quarters are ready for SOLDIER LIGHTWEIGHT DEFEATS SIX BOXERS r a earn. L , -" '' Partflo Coast Ia-uf - - ' " W. L. Pet 40 .681 .......68 43 .674 ......B4 43 .667 . . .. ..60 : 4 ...621 45 46 .496 :. 77. .it r .4o 40 64 MANILA. P. I., July 4. Jerry Monuhnn, a aoldier In the coast artil lery, Btntlnned on Corregldor Inland, haa met and defeated six of the beat lightweight Filipino boxers during the mat few months. Denelo Cunnnela, claimant to the lightweights of the Inlands that Mona.- Kaat, is the only one of the leading irgm weights or the ilanda that Mona han haa not met. Joe .Waterman, a chief yeoman In the navy who ia Hon- ahan's manager, says that negotia tions are under way for a match be tween the soldier and Cabanela, and It Is expected they will meet for the lightweight championship of the Far Kat within a short time. Mona run is a native of Kerry, Ire lan.l. Is 29 years old nd haa been in the United States army for the laat aeven yt-ura. His fighting weight is bet worn 130 and 136 pounds. "I'm here to Tell You" ays the Good Judge , That you get full satis 1 ' faction from a little of the Real Tobacco ' Chew. . The rich taste of this class of tobacco makes it last, longer and cost less than, the old kind. v Any man . who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. ' Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Use the Phones, Grocery 526 Other Depfs 78 s7 rrri MEN'S STORE Use the Phones, Grocery 526 Other Dept's 78 i"- sr-f- Tit Ti I t 1 QUEER LOOKING RACES LAID T( Salt Lake. ...... Vernon Los Angeles . . . . San .Francisco . , . Portland- ....... Seattle ......... Oakland t ..... j-.' Sacramento t. IIIO IJOAGl'R B.SM1AI J, National JmRue Xew York 6, St. Louta 4. Pittsburgh 6, Boston 3. Chicago 3, Brooklyn i. Clncinnatti I, Philadelphia t. New York , St. Louis 4. American Ijragiie Cleveland 4. Philadelphia 3. Ietroit 10, Boston 3. Chicago S, Washington 3. New York 7, 2; St. Iuia 4, . EXCLUSION VOTED IOW BIRMINOHAM, July 14. (A. P.) Henolutlons calling for the exclu sion of Orientals, presented by tho California delegation, were voted down .417 yesterday at the first reunion of the minnow division association. 4JUAUTT KRVICsl BAHTTATIO' Wednesday .. You have broken' the back of the week. You . have slashed six working; days in two. -r- It's customary then, to serve "a little more than usual" to give you that extra stamina to finish the week strong. . One of our delicious roasts will give you that stamina. Pendleton Trading Co. 7 Phone 455 "If h in U4 Market We Hat It" IOC tosaoi losaoi ioboi I o s A Bargain We will have for our customers a bargain in Lam bert arid Bing Cherries for the week and we will have thern at 20c per pound. . Fine eastern lard. Bring your pails, at 30c per 'pound, a .- i "NEVER A FLY" "The Table Supply" Phone 187 and 183 73d Main Str) . CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Props. PARIS. July 14. (A. P.V So many queer looking races, (despised- out siders defeating illustrious horses) have been uncovered at the metro politan tracks since the opening of the racing season that Baron Maurice de Rothschild, himself one of the largest owners In France as well as deputy for Pnu, has brought the matter to the at tention of the French Chamber. Baron de Rothchild has asked the chamber to pass, a law for the sup pression of book making In Pans and largest citlea in France, and mooks to be reploced by Pari-mutuel booths in the cities. The French government receives ter per cent on all moneys taken in at the nari-mutual booths at the various tracks. As the amounts bet at the different tracks vary from 6.000.000 to 10.000,000 franca dally the French psvernment derives from the racing industry a revenue of between buo.uuu and 1.000.000 franca per day. Baron de Rothschild said In the French chamber that more money was bet with the banks operating In Paris each day than at the tracks; estimat ing that 10,000,000 francs per day were wagered In the city alone. This is a net loss of 1,000,000 francs a day for the government. He charged that several races had been run with such flagrant evidence of crookedness that had such racing been attempica in England or America the owners, train ers or Jockeys would have been ruled off the turf for life. . t It has been allepred that the book makers gather in all thecity money in the forenoon, no bet being accepted under any circumstances after one o'clock. This gives them ample time to Journey to the race track and. if they find that they are overloaded on any one horse and stand o lose too much, to use a little persuasion on the Jockey piloting the animal. Jockey Brethet has Just been ruled off for life. He was up on Zizanie II an overwhelming favorite with the public. He did not finish in the mon ey and his bad riding was so evident the was an apprentice Jockey, not an expert In the gentle art of pulling a horse) that the Judges summoned hfrr into the stand. He promptly admitted having pulled the horse but claimed not to. be acquainted with the men who had made It worth his while to lose the race. This .is one Instance out of many which Baron de Rothschild snys will kill racing In France unless the gov ernment takes stern measures for the suppression of bookmaking in Pnrls. NEW WORLD'S RECORD F EAGENANDSPENGLER WIN IN BOXING FINALS ' TOLRDO, O., July 14. fRy A. P.) A new world's record for three-year-old paring geldings were hung up at ' the Fort Miami track yesterday after- noon when Rifle Grenade carrying the : colors of the Lon McDonald -stable. paced the first mile in 2:0 1-4, cut-. ' ting a quarter second off the record j IllflU l I'll -L in. , "I I 11 1 11 v " ington two years ago. King Watts, owned by George B. . Dudley, of Youngstown, Ohio, and driven, by Lon McDonald, won the I Tecumseh. 2:12 trot, $5,000 stake. In goinf wsy in ,Ji first heat ; Driver Hlvde. who was driving B. Dil lon, was thrown in a collision and 1 1 slightly cut about the head. Calgary , Earl won the 2:0r pace In straight 1 1 heats, while Charlie Red captured the i 2:07 trot. . ' i Rifle Grenade won the three-yrar-old pace in one, two. three ordor.-. i r. x l , i:-. 1,1 rT" r'i f-- Iii-u T !"Wsl . rt."K '. I I: ' l--;l :c-,.:- y4wm ' 7 H WWW:' i f; II 1 TA 1 ku jxuppenri leimer Good Clothes j STOP ' Today there's no difference between the clothing tastes of the American man who lives on the farm and his brother in town. The mart on the farm not only demands sensible smartness of style, ' but ali-o quality that gives longer wear true economy. He knows that Kup penheimer good clothes are an INVESTMENT. , - s , ' $50.00 to $85.00 2Jemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There h one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist or a 35c or $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritatidhs, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. Zemo. the penetrating, satisfying liguid, 19 all that is needed, for it banishes most" skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. TheE. W. RoaeC.ClevcUad,a. ; DR. C. H. DAY. Physician and Surgeon Jl Osteopath . . .. .f ' Rooms' 21 and 26 Smi.h-Ciawford I Building. I telephone 704 Res. 7M-R HERMAN CLAl'SSENICS Special Agent Idaho State Life Insurance Co. An OU Line Company 'that does all Its business in the west. 210 Beauregard BC P. O. Bo 13 Phone 227-W H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: 10-11-12 Bond Building Pendleton, Ore. DOWNEY'S IVIARkET FARMER:? If you are looking for harvest meats, you are looking for us. NBW YORK, July 14. (Tty A. P.) EM ward P. lOuffon of Yle, and Wil liam SporrR-ler of New York, lust riifrht wn In the finals of the Olympic box in tryouts in tho 175 pound and heavyweight clowea respectively, the finaln of the other classes will bo do elded tonight. tigen van awarded tho Judges decision after a lively bout with Sergeant Ted Schneider. 17. S. A., while JSpeivgler, niemher of the New York police club, won In the same way over Lieutenant Sam Stewart. l 8i A. IOBOI ioi: VERNON SCORES START, BUT FRISCO WINS OUT SAX FRANCISCO. July 14. (Fiy A. P. Vernon scored once In th start today, hut. was promptly suppressed and San Francisco won out, 5 to l. Connolly tied the score In the fourth with a home run Into the left field bleachers. Tho Seals made two more in the sixth, and dittoed In tho eighth. iCHlifornla, made his debut at short 1 for San Francisco, accepted two chances and mado ohe hit. rl I &J,"A 1 11 . i- " II Its exclusive features make it "trouble-proof Western Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct onnected type of Western Electric Power and JLight is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it. Dependable electric service night and day for your farm. See this plant in operation. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Yacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures 1 UMATILLA COUNTY FARMERS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD As long as you haven't a cramp in your right arm yon can buy a car new or second hand. Bring an hon est face nnd drive a car away. . 0. E HOLDMAN AUTO CO. Paige and Oakland. Oldsmobite Speed Wagon. 632 Cottonwood. ' Thone 337 A