'Wflt.- TEN PACKS 1 " f AOS SQd DAILY EAST OREOOKIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY II, 1020 aoi I0E30C ii SociaJ and Cfui News liUCITAl, IS TOMORROW HofSB ai'EST 18 HONORED, t r'nmtttimi.ntlnir M'u HaIpii t-'UrrcV With the approach of Thursday. In- ,f oramle who is thoir house guest, torest is centering m me iw-iiai "'.Miss Holen Johns and Miss Mary which Miss Loin Uornmi, pupil or Mrs. ,, ure entertaining a group or r rank B. Boydcn. Is to l presented all fl.,cnds Rt thcr hom0 on Jilck8on ine iTeoytenn enurcn. n nor- trcet this afternoon. Cards are the nail Is an exceptionally taientea " diversion of the earlier hours and a and the fact that tho affair Is to be few aildnlona, gUest8 are couins for Blvon hy a mustclan not yot fourteen ,ca Miss Currey has often visited years of are adds Interest to her ac- i hprf. am, 8M) ,g botrotnod to a former compllshmcnt. She Is the daughter Pentllelon ,an Roy FaHey. who Is .f nev. and Mrs. R. Iv. oornall and , now h lne,r3hl wltn arry Cool, ha. won recognition in musical circle, , , ,he VmuMlA g,,, company. an au for tooth solo and occoininlment I . , H-rnlls,OI, Tno T.ors. MISS uornau IB 10 i-nu i winter In the study of music in Cht rugo. Tickets for tomorrows event are on rale at Thompson's Drim Store or may ha obtained from any of the group of 1'endlcton women who are acting as patronesses for the affair. The pro gram Is scheduled to begin at 8:15 o'clock and Miss Jane Murphy and Miss Ullinn Cuiley will assist Miss Gornall. The following numbers b,ave been arranged. wedding Is to be an event ot the au tumn and tho couple will make their homo in Hermlaton. Miss Currey is a sorrority sister of her hostesses, the Klrls having been members of Gam ma Phi Beta at the University of Ore gon. Her fiance Is also a former Uni versity student and a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. The affair this afternoon Is most informal. Marigolds and garden flow ers of gay hues were used to deck the I rooms of the Johns home. The guest BRIEF HONEYMOON IS INTERRUPTED BY WRATHY PARENTS . . .Fran i Wood . .Chopin .Chopin Rondo Favorl Oontentedness ...... N'Mturne. F. Major Hunting Song Mendelssohn Ixns Gornall The Roses Plaint Bird of Love . . Miss Lillian Culley rionaiae. C. Minor 71 ,tt (.rfui Fude - Xooturne E. Major cnoptn Walts A. Major .. Chopin Lioia Gornall My laddie Thayer hi toaw4-- fro ello t Miss Jane Murphy To a Waterlil.v McDowell tw lrk. Ueschetiiky Waits Imoromptu. A Minor Greig W edding Music " Lois Oornall , . . .Hummel i list included, besides the honoree. Mrs. . .Schumann I James S. Johns, Mrs. Ouy L. Boyden. ..Schumann frs. John M. l)olph. Mrs. Howard Bull. Mrs. A. Bruce Bailey. Miss Mil dred Berkeley, Miss Leura Jerard. Miss Tess Snyder. Miss Elsie Fltx- maurice. Miss Beth Smith, Miss Claire Raley. Miss Olive Gwlnn. Miss Freda Glover, Miss Bula Smith, Miss Kena Hales, Miss Jane Murphy, Miss Helen Raymond, Miss Catherine Thompson and Miss Thelma Thompson. WILL, LEAVE OX MOTOR TRIP rr. and Mrs. E O. Parker, Mrs. Fred Earl and Mrs. Nona La Fontaine will leave on Friday on a motor trip to Seattle. Victoria and Vancouver. They will be accompanied aa far as Seattle by Mrs. R. E. Farnsworth. who has been a guest in Pendleton at the home of her mother. Mrs. M. M. Wyrick. Another auto party which wiU leave here Friday -will be made up of Miss Norma Alloway. Mrs. Harold "SVarner and Miss Edna Thompson, who will make a trip to Tacoma. - j EX JOTS VISIT IX SPOKANE Mrs. C. A. Crabtree and daughter. Mies Frances, returned from Spokane yesterday fter a fortnights visit as euesta of Mrs. Crabtree s mother. Mrs. n. L. Bailev. They motored to Spo kane with Mr. and Mrs. J-C- Marine and while there visited Medical and Liberty lakes and other points of scenic interest. CLUB rlCNIO TOMORFOW Lavender Club members are antici pating their picnic which is scheduled for tomorrow at Barn hart statton The party -will make the trip by train and members are to meet at the depot at 1 4S o'clock In the morning. WEB IN -YAKIMA -- - A wedding of interest occured In Yakima Friday when Miss Nellie Darr became the bride of John Ogle. An nouncement is Just being received in Greig Pendleton and the news is a surprise to inenos as me weuauig plans nnu not been made known. The bride is well known here where she has been engaged as teacher of the seventh grade in the Lincoln school. Her hus band Is a prominent farmer of Umatfl la county. After a two months' wedd ing trip to coast points they will re turn here to make their home. S WATTLE. July 14. (A. P.) When William Coleman, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Coleman of Toppenish, Wash..' stepped from the gangplank of a steamship from Van couver, B. C, Sunday, arm In arm with his bride, Mary Howe Coleman, also 17 years old, to whom he was wed in Vancouver Saturday morning he was confronted by his parents, who took him to task for his elopement from home last Thursday. , v The father ot the bridegroom hus tled the young couple aboard a .train for Toppenish after announcing his Intention to return the brldo to hei mother In Toppenish and the bride groom to tho Coleman, farm. The father also stated he would spare no errort to hove the Vancouver cere mony annulled. Young Colenuui't parents profess to know nothing of the bride, except that she had been em ployed In the office of a, Toppenish dentist. ' Cherries GUEST DEPARTS Miss Eunice Leache of Sherman, Texas, who has been the guest of Mrs. Herman H. DeHart for the past week left today for Lewiston. She "will spend the summer in Idaho, Washing. ton and Canada and is to return to Pendleton in September for the Round-Up. SECRET MARRIAGE OF MISS CUDHAY BECOMES KNOWN IN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGKLES, July 14. (U. P.) Miss Edna Cudahy, the 19 year old daughter of Jack Cndahy. and Percy F. Browne, a Pasadena bank teller, were secretly married by the justice of the peace in San Bernardino last week, it has become known here. The bride's father is a member of the Cudahy family, millionaire packers. Browne's father was the late F. F. Browne, of Chicago, founder of "The Dial." L - HOFF'B 3 UPSTAIRS APPARKL BUUf MORE SUMMER APPAREL . HAS ARRIVED New Dresses of Voile and Liiion $5.95, $7.95, $10.75. . New Wash Skirts of . Gabar dine and Surf Satin $4.95, $6.95, $7.95. FOREST FIRE FIGHTING ENTAILS MAMMOTH COST1 HIStSOCLA. Mont.. July 14. (By A. P.) Equipment and auDDlies for fire fighters in the government forests of leoeral forest service district No. 1 comprising Montana and northern Idaho, have been sent o6t from dis trict headquarters here to forest su pervision, .against the forest firo sea son. An Inventory made a few weeks ago showed equipment and supplies storeo ncre to a value of more than naif a million dollars. The else of the task of preparation tor tne nro season is indicated by the fact that the warehouse here contain ed this, spring 17.000 blankets, 2,000 -oiled bed. 75 sets of equipment for 25 men each and numerous outfits for ?rews of smaller size down to two men, na otner articles in porportion. PILOT ROCKPROSPECTS New Shipment of Fine QueJity Arriving Daily Pie Cherries, fry the box, pound , ......12c Lamberts, by the box, pound :...2lc RoyaLAnne Cherries, by the box, pound 20c Raspberries, dew , Berries, Lofraa Berries and currants will be here tomorrow. Place your order with us for canning fruits in season. Country Bacon, pound . 45c Carotene, 2 cans ..i 25c Gray J$ros. Grocery Go. hiumiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE THOMAS SHOP illlllllllllllllllllli a THREE PHONES QUALITY T OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO 2ND FLOOR - -' Rolled Barley BY CARLOAD LOTS, TON LOTS, SACK LOTS. BEFORE BUYING YOUR SEASON'S SUPPLY, APPLY FOR PRICES AT UMATILLA FLOOR & GRAIN CO. Phoue 1014, 351, 475. PILOT ROCK. July 14. Prospects are the best- they huve been for sev eral years around Pilot Rock for a bounteous harvest. The hot winds have done very' little damage to the crops. By the end of this week Pilot Rock will be in the widst of harvest. JUr- and Mrs. K. R. Lester and daughter Mildred returned Wodnesday mornins after a short visit with Mr., and Mrs. Guy Stuart of Carlton, Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart were former residents of Wlot Rock. Mrs. JIomer Mentzer and children of Walla Walla, Washington, accom panied by her sister. Miss Hazel War ner are visiting their father A. P. War ner. Mr. Ora AUen commenced harvest ing his barley today. . He reports a lit tle damage to his crop by the . hot winds. Mr. F. P. Riley returned Saturday morning to resume his work as O.-W. R. ft N. agent in place of Mr. J. O. Hoffner, who is visiting In Spokane, Washington. Judge and Mrs. I. M. Schannep and family left in their car Saturday after noon for a bwo weeks vacation. They are going to Portland and then to Cra ter Lake. Newt Royer had his tonsils remov ed Wednesday at St. Anthony's hos pital. His mother, Mrs. Joe Royer, and his sister, Mrs. Ruth Royer Hoyt accompanied him to Pendleton. . He returned home Thursday. ' Mrs. W. T. Kidwell is expecting her sister Mrs. W. M. Haines of Elder, Missouri to arrive some time this week 'or a visit. Mrs. Haines is vifting relatives in California now. Mr. John Stevenson was a visitor to the county seat on Friday. Mrs. Leslie Parker and small son visited 9 few days this week at the home of her sister Mrs. Porter Royce. t Jewel Jtoork wa a Pendleton visitor Thursday. Mr. C. W. Mathews shipped a car load of horses eat last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans of Pen dloton are visiting friends here for a few days. Mr. Bvans formerly owned the Arnold planting farm. Mrs. Floyd Boyd entertained at a small dinner party Friday, the 9th., in honor of her husbands forty-ninth birthday. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Owen Carnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. P.-U ridge of Colorado Springs, Colorado, are visit ing at the home of Mrs. B. B. Hutchin son. Mr. Patridge is Mrs. Hutchtnsons aldest son. Miss Velda Roork accompanied her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson of Pendleton to Bingham Springs to spend the Fourth. ' Miss Ebba Holiest of Wewanee. Illinois, arrived last week for a visit with her brother, Roy Hazelleaf, who is one of the proprietors of The Palace of Sweets. Mrs. tiara Mlllerand baby daugh ter are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ross Pickering and other relatives here. William McNutt will have his ton sils removed Wednesday. Mr Orvlli Rogers of Bllensburg. Washington is visiting, relatives and friends at Pilot Rock. Miss Cora Grant Is working for Marvin Hutchinson during harvest. Mrs. Glass of Portland Is visiting at the home of her son William Glass. The Pilot Rook ball team played tno postponed game with Mllton-Freewat- er last Sunday. Mllton-rreewaier won by a score of to 0. Mrs. I. Terry and small son or i-en- dleton have been visiting friends hero for a few days. They returned to their home Monday. Doctor H. A. Schneider spent tne week end In Portland. Miss Velma Smith who Is stmployeo. at The Pilot Rock Pharmacy Is en- Joying a weeks vacation. A oarty which Included Alex onaier, George Ooane, Doctor H. A. Schneider, Roy Marcum and Ralph Burgess leu ' Perry Houser, Arthur Osborne, and Charles Manning each shipped a car load of cattle to Portland on Saturduy- f Mrs. Twig Hlnkle underwent nn operation at St. Anthony's hospital on Saturday morning. Mr. Walter Klrkpatrlck and his son Hugh of Pemlleton-visMed 8unday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Klrk patrlck. , ,Mr. Ed Hammer of Gurdane was a business visitor here Monday. Mrs. R. Msthenv l -uitin. a few days at the horn of her son, Uen ton Fletcher of Pine Grove. Monday afternoon .31 of an inch of rain fell. This will benefit the grain that is not very far advanced. " Mr. Tom Gibson shipped a carload of cattle last week. " Miss Alta Smith will leave Thursday for her vacation. She will spend her vacation at Waltsburg, ; "Washington, Miss Elma Boylen will take her place at tx.i Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrd and family moved Monday to their new house In the country. Mr. and Mrs. Gattileb Kurrle moved into the house which Byrd's vacated. . Mr. William MeXutt was a visitor to the County seat on Friday.. Mr. George Roork was in from his ranch near N'ye on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and son Norman were Pendleton visitors Sat urday. ' - Mr. Leslie Parker bit ed Saturday for a visit with his wife and ion. Judge t. M.: Schannep was a bus iness visitor to the county scat Satur day. - Mri. C. A Cooper and daushter Lil lian returned home Saturday after a short visit at the home or Mr. and Mrs. L. H. King of Pendleton. Mrs. Melissa Abbott loft Monday for visiting friends. During her absence a vacation at Seaside. A SPECIAL COMBINATION OF VALUE AND , C STYLE IN THIS OFFERINC: ! 3' Organdie ! Silk and Summer Frocks S3 5 w . On Special Sale From $10.00 to $27.50 s Made to sell from $19.50 to $49.50. Surprising values values which lie in the smartness of the styles, as well as in the quality of the fab rics and trimmings. Anice assort ment of light and dark colors to choose from. ; ALL OTHER GARMENTS GREATLY REDUCED. X t3 S3 ' 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllll MARINELLO Improvement Shop 2nd Floor Association Bldg. Room 6. Marcelle Manicuring Water Waving Shampooing Skin and Scalp Treatments a Specialty. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Phone 775-R for Appointment. Do It Tonight Sit down with the wife and figure up the present value of your furniture and personal effects. That would be what you would lose should the fire occur today. ' Then come, in tomorrow and we will write the additional insurance you will find necessary to give you proper pro tection. Bentley-Graham Insurance Agency L Established over 30 years. . ; I I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltiiiii'- j Keep Kool r ) and Keep Your Health S YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING LIST OF SUM- 1 5 MER NEEDS ENTIRELY IN KEEPING WITH THE 5 PRESENT WEATHER. THERMOS BOTTLES IN ALL SIZES... , BATH. SPRAYS, PRICED FROM $2.00 TO $4.50. 1 TALCUM POWDERS, VANISHING CREAMS, BATH S 3 POWDERS. 7 .. . BATH SPONGES, ALL PRICED TO FILL YOUR I 3 WANTS. 3 a S 5 31 ; : CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU ' ' C TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU , THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE illllllMIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIflllllllllllllllllllllllllhilllllllHIIMIMIlC Absolutely accurate . knowledge . and a wide experience enables us to give REALLY DEPENDABLE SERVICE on DELCO and various other systems of STARTING, LIGHTING, IGNITION. Our stock of parts, excellent fa cilities and equipment assure you of PROMPT SERVICE. Moderate Charges. Electric Service Station 201, 203 West Court Street miiUJiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii'i'timii iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiinj SIUERS SPECIAL a a a SELLERS KITCHEN CABINET I , ,. i,.t. iifii a. ihmkI KltJ'lu-ii cabtmt Uko Hie Sellers you . 3 have tHi de how nuuiy KU-im, I tour niunii trmiMo. how much time, ; I tomiier ami wmin rnenry It would hivo. Puw tlie goo-odd oookhiB S I - articles rllit at your riiuccnt' tl. Keep your kluihen orderly.. Sy. s trmatbies and UimToro lotwetw your mi. ? But iiie In and lot u SHOW mi how the Kellers does these thlncs s j and why It dotn lUTITKIt THAN' ANY OTIIHK K1TCIK1 CAM- t XKT. If you want reUef from tlie tedium of oookliUT, WOW to U 5 J limn 1a a't. It. j Come tir and see a Kellers Cabinet Uiiikmtow. i- ; Fi Company 3 v. HOME FURNISHER - I; Phone 496 103 E. Court St aj HIIUIllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU',lllllllllUIMIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIil Rl ( Honoay xor lew usumt ' r. Creek. , . . .