East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 14, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
Ralph W. Richards was In Peiidlo-t A. K. Doyle, who has boon respon-
iion luHt nignt en route to Ainee sime lor tno architectural work on the
Oregon, to BJK-iHl in summer with hie
Ltunt. Hr. H. O. Fisher. Mr. Richards
ha a eon of John W. UlchurUtf, or llurt-
kord, lows, and came to Oreiron to at
hsml the Bhrlne oonvontlon hold re
cently In Portland.
It. W. Collins and n. M. Croinmclln
turned this morning from Hpokane,
liteattlo and Portland. In ' Hpokane
they attended a millers' meeting.
IT. L. MurkiiH of Porllnnd is at the
Illotul liowman.
3. Orr of Spokane is In Pendleton
r3d Park came In from Athena this
morning. i
Is at the Hotel St.
It. Copland
George. ,
F. G. Shilke of La Grande Is here.
A. to. Hooper arrived rrom Spokane
this morning,
Frank Stone of Salt Lake Is at the
Hotel Pendleton.
W. D. Allen of Portland Is here.
T. J. Brudgrnan of Portland Is here
on business.
D. I Clark came from Portland this
Paul Mlko of Corvallis !n here.
A Krldel ot Bun Francisco is In town
loday. , ,
J. A. Turner of Fresno Cullfnrnla If
liere on. a visit. 5
Joe Cates of Yuklina is at the C.old
n Rule.
Klks building and the Security apart
ments Is here' today from his home in
CHICAGO, July 14. (A. P.H Sen
ator Lufollctte does not "deem him
self uvuallulilo aH a candidate" for the
new party prexldcntlal nominee. He
sent word to the convention today
that he did not want the nomination.
immediately after tho chairman
announced I.a Follette's decision, Les-
tjr Harlow, leader of the world war
veterans, demanded he be drufted de
spite his wishes. Barlow charged
the convention is "boss ridden by a s
cret intriguing clique" and that II
earlers aro conceullng l.a. Follette's
platform for fear tliat the convention
would adopt It. "
Harlow's appeal started an uproar,
delegates demuudlng the platform be
read. A parade was started and last
ed half an hour. Pandemonium reign
ed with cries of "read that platform"
and "let's adopt 11." When the dem
onstration subsided the chairman re
fused to allow the platform to be
read 1
tiMtiTfO Ollrlly to llld
A complaint field at the court house
today iby John Halloy Jr., charge
Luther Ualdwln and Adells, Haldwln
with abusive treatment of their minor
cntid, Rose Baldwin, aged 14 years.
It Is recommended In the complaint
mac tno cnua ue piacea in cure ot an
Institution. '
"f suppose your new car made a big
hit when you went out in It?" "Yes,
it did. Most of them axe hospital
Good Judgment
leads thousands of
housewives to serve
in place of foods that require
hours of drudgery in a hot .
kitchen. Needs JYo Sugar
Comes ready to eat from the'
here's a Heason" fev GrapeNuls
IVac-lier Is Kinployed
Miss Dorothy Janes has been em
ployed as teacher for school district
No. 82 near Weston. The school Is
on a 12 months basis.
Indlun (;om1h Uncovered
One part of the sheriffs office today
is filled with blankets, trinkets, coats,
saddles and other plunder recovered
from the cache made by Owen and
Har, the two highwaymen who robbed
Tom Hchelal's place after holding up
Kugene Lyman. The Indians have ex
pressed great Joy at recovering theii
thi 12 Months lutxtH
Two more school districts of the
county have gone upon a 12 months
basis for hiring teachers. They are
district No. 102 on McKay and district
No, 110. John M. Mynn and John
Hendrickscn, both officials of the Mc
Kay district were In town today. Dis
trict No. 116 ho not yet secured a
J jewelry Repairing j
til To do Jewelry UcpaU-uig correctly l an art f
iH J-.. i. .111... ... ..... i... (L-
Iold Jewelry as good as new. !
We draw nxclal deNigns to oarr out aujr
j idea tliat you may liavo. i
' Iti mates for eelal JoIm rladly elven.
Sawtelle's f j
Inc. . I
Largott Viamoud Dealers la Eastern Oregon ' ' L
I mi l l .1 inn ma I II ismMsss"1"ll'"M a
tr iTP
Paint it today
Use it tomorroTT
KemetruVw how afcabb; tha
eld car looked . yesterday
alongnlde of your" neighbor's
ewcoa? lldc yx f eel Ukvt
an ootcaati ; '
Dont left Qx& worry yon
get can of Lowe's Auto
aaobllo Varnish Colon and
sake yoor "old boa" look Uka
a new one. Paint It tadsy aal
drive It ot of the sane tot
Theea Antomobilo yarnlsS
Colon are made la all tha
popular colon. Eury to on
flow on like cream. Coma
In and ask for fref booklet
Thone 153
513 Main St.
No Iiullfitinent lulled
Indictments against Owen and Hart
will not be presented by the district
attorney Just now because of the pos
sibility tbat evidence of farther crimes
committed tiy the two men may be
unearthed. . Until Sheriff Taylor has
finished his investigations the prose
cuting officials will follow a waiting
policy as It may be discovered that
the two men are wanted In other
states for even more serious crimes
titan are charged to them here. -
Spring Lamb
If you could ee the fine lot of choice lambs wa
just received you would want some for your very
next meal.
We never had a better assortment. .We can give
you any cuts you want chops or roasts.
Get Our Price on Smoked MeaU and Lard
Before You Buy.
Empire Meat Market
The Old Reliable"
Phone 18
(Continued from page I.)
Marshall and .laffo
t'omo to Tie in Game
(ByA. V.) Frank J. Marshall. United
tilatca ohess champion. Jumped into a
tie yesterday with Charles Jaffe of
Now Yor,lc for the leadership of the
Che.sn Mitsters' tournament here when
Jaffo lost his adjourned game to a
Mlotkowskl of T.i AnKeles.
A. C Kocppen & Bros.
Tbe Irng Store That Serrea
Ton Beat.
I ntniiiiifiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiliiitiiiuiiiniiiltiMitiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiM,
A Toothless World
In emphasising the fact that the man or woman who has good teeth has the" best
chance to remain in good health, the New York Medical Journal declares;
So far as wc have been able to judge from medical hiatory, the teeth
of mankind were never in uch bad condition as they are at the pres-
ent time.
There has been great progress in hygiene, sanitation and preventive medicine
whereby the human body has been built up and protected, but tooth decay has not
-j been arrested. If nothing is done in that direction it will only be a few years compara-
: lively until the race is toothless. ' , . , -
Manifestly the great cause of decay is the lack of use. Soft foods have taken aavay
1 the necessity of chewing. Therefore it is obvious that a change of diet is necessary by
adding those things which are hard to chew and requires vigorous effort to reduce
to the proper degree of mastication. Not only is this necessary for a proper develop- 5
ment of the tooth structure, but it adds vitality to the gums and thoroughly cleanses
the teeth. Raw foods and fruits are beneficial, also. , s
The man who starts something to bnng the tootn nacK along witn me omer or
f gans of the body.will confer a great benefit on the world and may be classed with the
" saviors of mankind.- ". .. f 1 ,' " ' . . 1
Dr. Thos. C. Ohmart
erlny Owen with his revolver, the
sheriff told him" to give tip or he
would kill him.. Owen, wlio had pre
viously been whining and playing
crazy took the sheriff at his word and
said he was ready to quit.
In the chase after Owen, Taylor
used his auto for a time, then was on
foot and at one stage of the pursuit
used a horse which he secured In
Hieth. Wlille using the horse the
heriff cut through several wire
fences. The finish of the chase was
made on foot. '
When the two me a were first ac
costed on the railroad track Hart was
deprived of one pistol but the offi
cers did not know he had a second
Ktin concealed. When Owen made the
rouble Deputy Bushee .turned to
Taylor's aid and left Hart In custody
of Kugene Lyman and Bill Ralston,
the latter a Pendleton high school
student who was working at Rieth.
Hart pulled his second gun and cover
ing the hoys made a iretaway. He
was finally captured a mile and a half
west of Birch creek by Deputy Jake
Marin. Hart Is about 29 years of age
and Owen is said to be 22. Hart as
serts he comes from Montana and
Owen hails from Idaho.
Robbed Tom ScliclaL
After holding up Lyman Sunday
night the two men had plundered the
home of Tom Schelal, well known In
dian. They turned the place upside
down and made way with valuable In
dian trappings which they carried
with them in a trunk. The Schelal
family was at the Cay use celebration
at the time and the robbers evidently
felt their theft would not be discover
ed for several days. Among qther
things stolen from the house were two
rifles and three pistols. The men had
the pistols on them when captured
but the rifles had been cached with
the other plunder Just below Rieth.
Owen Is regarded by the officers as
a desperate character and Hart as but
little better. Owen's cunning plus his
cold blooded vlciousness made him a
hard man to deal with. Even when
finally captured he grabbed hold of
the sheriff's gun in a vain attempt to
wrest it from the officer. The sher
iff could easily have killed his' man
then as at other times but he was de
sirous of taking him alive, which he
finally did.
Marin as "Sore."
Jake Marin admits that when Hart
fired at him he became mad and for
a time was ready to kill. He had only
a pistol with him then and quickly
secured a rifle with the aim of doing
some executionary work. However,
he cooled off and waited his time so as
to take rhe man without killing him.
When Owen was taken by Sheriff
Taylor the latter did not have any i
handcuffs with him. He took Owen
on in front of him on his horse and
thus forded the Umatilla and reached !
Rieth. From there the men were
brought to town by auto. i
In the chae after Hart, Deputies
Marin, Joe Blakeley and State Officer
Cassldy participated. Various other,
men helped in the chase but none oth
er than the officers met up with the
desperadoes. I
WASHINGTON', July 14. (By U.
P.) Opponents of women suffrage
received a temporary set back yester
day in their attempts to forestall the
operation of the 19th amendment after
ratification. Justice Bailey of the dis
trict of Columbia supreme court, de
nied that an injunction to restrain
Secretary Colby from issuing a proc
lamation of ratification for the amend
ment. f
FOR SA.1JJ 1S18 Keo speed wagon
In A-l sliape Phone 561.
YOlT.VCf WOMAN" wants work 81
Thompson, I'hoiw 740-J.
WANTED Man and wife wants Job
on ranch Alta Apts.. Phone 74ff.
Office Hour: t a. m. to S p. lit.
riiraic 507
yiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiim iimmmmiiiiiiii
Garfield Street from the North line
of Jackson street to tho South Una of
Martin Street, together with the esti
mates of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof with a state
ment of the lota, parts of lota and par
cels of land to be benefited by such
improvement and the percentage of
the total cost of Improvement, which
each of such lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land should pay on account
of the benefits to be derived from such
improvement, and, ft
' XVHEREAS, the council has examin
ed such plans and specifications and
estimates and found the same satis
factory and the estimates therefor to
be in accordance with the probable
cost of such "work, and.
WHEUKJAS, the property recom
mended by the City Surveyor to lie In
cluded within tha boundaries of the
district benefited is in the judgement
of the Common Council properly to be
included within such improvement
District and no property is excluded
therefrom which should, properly be
Included therein; and, - . "
WHEREAS the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of Gar
field Street either gravel Bitulithic
pavement. Concrete pavement or War
renite Bitulithic pavement on Crushed
rock or crushed gravel foundation Is
at this time necessary, therefore, be It,
REWLA ED by the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton that it Is
expedient to improve and It Is hereby
proposed to Improve said portion of
Garfield street by paving the same
with either gravel Bitulithic pavement
Concrete pavement of Warrenite
Bitulithic pavement on Crushed rock
or Crushed gravel foundation; such
pavement to be constructed and the
surface thereof to be finished upon
the established grade of said street
and the street to have curbs and gut
ters and all other things in accordance
with and as shown In the plans and
specifications for the improvement of
said portions of said Garfield Street,
prepared by P. B. Hays, City Surveyor,
filed with the Recorder of tald city on
the SOth day of June, 1920, whi'.b said
plans and specifications are hereby
particularity referred to, and be it fur
ther "
RE80L.VED that the Engineers
estimates of the probable total cost of
such improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimates was made and
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Survey
or of said city. In the sum of $14,834.05
and was filed with the Recorder of
said city on the 30th day of June, 1920,
Is hereby included and hereby rererrea
to particularly; and be is further
RBSOUVRD that the plans and
specifications and estimates for such
improvement as prepared 'by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City qf Pendleton on the SOth
dy of June, 1920. be and they are
hereby adapted and approved, and Ee
It further
RBSOLiVEP that the cost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lota
and parcels of land to be benefited by
such Improvement, and the owners ot
such lots, parts of lots and parcels of
land so specially benefited by such Im
provement shall be liable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, ami be It
further, '
RESOLVED that an Assessment
District is hereby created to 4e known
Assessment District No. 6 8 em
bracing the property 'benefited and to
be assessed for the payment or sucn
improvements, which Assessment Dis
trict shall Include all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land lying and being
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Dcscriiittou of Acssmcnt IMstrK't
Jfo. 68.
Commencing on the Poiithwest cor
ner of Lot 6, Block S, IJvcrinores
Add. to Pendleton, Oregon, thence
North and parallel with the West lin
of Garfield Street 1020 feet; thence
East and along the South line of Mar
tin Street 260 feet; thenco South and
pnrallel with the East line of Gar
field Street 1020 feet: thence West
ulong the North lino of Jackson Street
360 feet to tho point of beginning.
And be It further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this
resolution together with the notice
that the surveyor's estimate of the
proportion of the cost of said work to
be charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land Is on fllo in the of
fice ot the City Recorder, be publish
ed for a period of ton days In the East
Oregenlan, which newspaper Is hereby
designated by the Common Council
for the publication thereof.
And further notice Is hereby given
. .i -. .
209 E. Court Phone 443
New York Journal of Commerce,
March 27, 1920:
It is safe to say that while formerly
the retail grocery business represent
ed approximately 75 per cent credit
and 25 per cent cash, today we observe
an almost absolute reversal of this or-.,
der. 70 per cent is cash over the coun
ter and 30 per cent credit. For this
reason you can see the cash store is
leading and the old rredit systems will
soon be a thing of the past. . ;
The real saving is paying cash at a
cash store.
PayCash Receive More Payl
-.-Ti 209 East Court SS, . "
Notice Is ' hereby given that at a
regular meeting of The Common
Council of The Otty of Pendleton held
at tha Council Chambers in Pendleton
Oregon, on July 7th 19:0 the follow
ing Resolution was duly adopted:
WHBREAf, the City Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the SOth
day of June, 1920, under directions
and by requirement of the Common
Council file In the office of the Re
corder of The City of Pendleton, plans
snd specifications for an appropriate day of July A. D.. 19:0
linpntvpinrni of the following ii:iiii.-l TIIOS. FIT7. OER AI.D.
street in salil cltv- Cilv Rwonler,
that the surveyors estimate of the
rroportion of the cost of said work ta
be charged against each Lot, part of
Lot, and parcel of Land on account
of said work Is now on file In the of
fice of the City Recorder, subject to
Inspection and examination.
Dated at Pendleton Oregon this 8th
The mechanics In our shop who will adjust or
repair your Ford car, or Ford truck, are men who
understand the Ford mechanism and who knew
tha Ford way of making repairs and replace- -ments.
They are experienced Ford mechanics and
because of their familiarity with Ford Cars can
do your work more intelligently and more quick
ly than other skilled mechanics who task Ford
experience. "
The work on your car will be done In a com-
pletely equipped shop with time-saving; Ford tools
and equipment. Whether your car needs an ad
justment or a thorough overhauling, we are pre
pared to give you careful and prompt service,
tnd nothing but the Genuine Ford-made parts and
replacements will be used. When the work Is fin
ished, tha charge will be the reasonable, standard
Ford prices. '
Our stock of Ford parts is always complete.
And our Ford garage and Ford mechanics are al
ways at your service at any time. . Wa are Auth
orized Ford Dealers and not only repair Fords but
also sell them. Drive1 in or 'phone. - Be fair to
your car and your pocketbook.
During the Hot Summer;
-' -
don't stand for hous near a stove doing your iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort
able. It is not limited to flat work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
It is fully guaranteed.
You can buy them at t i
Milne Electrical Company
Pendleton, Ore.
We Handle Wiring Contract.
108 E. Alta Across From Alta Theatre