East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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; (Ehst Orsaonlan Special.)
PILOT ROOK, July l.-Ccmml
loner N. 8. Caverhlll of Caverhlll, and
Merchants B. A. Shields and C.
Walton of Long Creek. Grant county
wore In Pilot Rock Tuesday conferring
with tha business men. The Orant
county representatives are eonferrlnk
with Umatilla commissioner witn
view of obtaining a good all year road
running north and south through the
two counties. They say mere is im
peratlve need for a road with easy
grades from Grant county to Pilot
Ilock and Pendleton. Several years
ago residents of the John Day cou
try hauled supplies from Pendleton
and Pilot Rock but recently has been
discontinued on account of the almost
Impassible roads from Uklah south.
A large delegation of Uklah, Pilot
.Rock and Pendleton citizens' met with
tii county court and commissioners
J'endleton Wednesday to assist the
;iatu county men In securing a good
' The city residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Byrd has been sold to Gottlieb
Kurrle, who with his family will take
possession soon. Mr. Kurrle recent
moved here from Pendleton.
. Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Bond, son
Thomas and daughter Kathrlne
Oakland, California arrived Monday
for an extended visit at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs, George Hayes
of Nye. Mr. Bond l looking for
location In this part of the country
and expects to make his home here
the future. '
Jens Brim and A. V. Schlarbaum
Albee were visitors in the city Tues
Roy Wakter. who lives near Willow
Springs was a business visitor In Pilot
Rook the first of the week.
Judce I. M Schannep and family
motored to Csyuse Monday afternoon
where they visited the camp meeting
of the three Indian Tribes, which
beln held there.
Little Miss Madeline Fanning, the
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Fanning Is confined to her room with
the measles.
William Schapf, the small son of Mr,
and Mrs. U C. Scharpf of Pendleton
a amest at the Marion Smith home
here during the stay of hia parents.
sister Lots and brother, George
Wallowa Lake, for a few days outing
- An' outing party composed of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Hemphill and family,
Ralph Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Todd
Gllllland and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Balrd Gllllland and family motored
to .South Canyon, Sunday, where the
day was enjoyed beneath the' pines.
- Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Keeter and son
Harold arrived Saturday to, make their
home In this city. They will Jive In
the O. T. Carnes property recently left
vacant by Mr. and Mrs. a. X. Johnston.-
Mr. Kester, manager of the Pilot
Rock Elevator, went to Portland last
week and brought his family here,
At the ranch of Henry Caste!, the
alfalfa has lust been put up and the
second cutting la not far off. An ave
rage of two tons per acre was cut and
about i acres of Mr. Casteeis land
In fine alfalfa.
: Berkeley De Vaul came down from
Portland and spent the week end with
hi father Dr. Ascar De Vaul of this
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William
Gloss, whose first wedding anniversary
came last Thursday, a lawn party was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C,
O.' Bracher. Victrola musio and an
hour or two of dancing was enjoyed
trv the Invited ones. At a late hour
delicious refreshments were served by
Mrs. C. M. -Best, who was assisted by
Mft Velma Smith. Those who enjoy.
ed the hospitality were Dr. H. A.
Schneider. Miss Alia Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Rest, William McNutt, C.
Wj Pan Ins, MIfs Elmo. Boylen, Newt
Rover. Mrs. Ruth Royer Hoyt, Victor
Bracher. Miss Velma Smith, C. G.
Bracher and the guests of honor.
- Mrs. Lottie Rls of Portland, I
Kuest at the home of her cousin, Wtl
llam Glass and wife for a few days.
Mlw Vide. Bracher accompanied by
her cousin Andrew Bracher of port
land spent Sunday, and Monday with
relatives in the city, a well as man
lng a short trip to Elk Horn cabin and
Lehman Springs. ' Miss. Bracner re.
turned to resume her work at St,
Vincent's Hospital. ,
v Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Royer, Mrs.
Ruth' Royer Hoyt and.MlKs Ma Eld
rid re YsDent Sunday at Lehman
'.'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering motor
ed In their Overland to lfldaway
Springs, Saturday night and on Sunday
enjoyed the celebration at Uklah.
Mra. Earl Rankin and son John and
'When Folks
Quit Coffee,
because of cost to
health or purse, they
naturally drink
There's a Reason
DR.cn. DAY
Physician and Burgees) '
Rooms II and 16 Smith-Crawford
Telephone 704 Res. T-r
' '" "'JfSSlSSii ili What if your last coffee did taste muggy and flat? All II
' ' ' 'JWmWt, P WteVV . coffee isn't like that. Just try COLD SHIELD Brand for
' 'vpWWtt your very next'neal. . Learn . for yourself then, hov? . .
mWmB iStMH 0cio. ,d satisfying good coffee can really be. - ' '
' N COtD SHIELD Coffee is revelation to those who first '
.. 'f'MM try it.' Your whole opinion of what the nation's favorite jfrf.J ' .
' I H" drink ordinarily tastes like will change for the better M
.... . . PWj? MW0M0yl. Lots of reasons for thit, too. GOLD SHIELD A,
l'-til' " really different. It has been super- f J
' " s0fi'; u:ll rossted and scientifically blended jf
. ' . ,i 01v by r J'
Best Grocers
Recommend It
Routed. Piclrd m4 CUARANl'EBD hr
Schwabacher Bros. & Co., Inc.
Snult'l Q.Jtn BiuiioesM Mous
im i ei
daughter The) ma of Pullman. 'Wash., ' Mrs. 'Will Ferguson was
are visiting ut the home of Mrs. Ran- Walla visitor Saturday.
a Walla
kln'a tiarenls, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Jacques foe a couple of weeks.
E. T. Fanning has returned much
improved from the Rose City, after a
short Illness at the home of his par
Mrs. Mae Kagar of Pendleton spent
few hours In this city Saturday en-
route to tehman Springs.
MIrs Lillian Cooper, accompanied
her aunts, Mrs Louis King and Mrs
George Hunter to Pendleton, Tuesday.
where she will visit for a short time
as well as attend the Chautauqua In
the county sear. - ' . - ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Hart of Port
land have arrived in the ojty and ex
pect to locate here In hojpes that Mr.
Hart'a health. may-Improve here. They
will occupy the George Done residence
in the Bast part of town. Mrs, Hart
is a cousin of Mrs. Thomae Jacques of
this city. ,;' '...
The regular quarterly. meeting of the
Directors of the First Bank of Pilot
Rock was held Tuesday. The neces
sary business was transacted, nut
nothing of special importance was
brought before the directors.
Miss- Marie Badwa of Portland ha
signed a contract with the Directors ol
Union High school No. 2 to teach In
the school' the ensuing year. Miss
ladwa-ts a recommended teacher of
Lehman and Hldaway Springs
proved to be the most popular place ol
Pleasure, during the two holidays Just
gone by. Among the local people who
enjoyed the swimming -and dancing at
the springs were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan-
lal Macomber. Albert Macombor, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert' Everett, Clell
Holmes. Mrs. Bert Srhook and daugh
ter Gretchen, Mr. and Mrs. Fancho
Stubblefield, CTeorge . Jordan, George
and Bennie Johnston. . Missea Kims
and Alt Boylen, Alfred Wcstgate,
Peter Molntyre of Athena; Mr. and
Mrs. Walter AHrelcht and .Russell
Robertson of San, Francisco.
A family dinner given at tho charm
ing febuntry -home of Mr. ami 'Mrs.
Thomas Jacques,- on. Monday proved
to b or the main affairs to take place
during the holldwn. Mrs. Earl .Ran
kin nd children, of Pullman, Wash.,
ere present ah waa Mr. and' Mrs.
Lon EXter and family, Mr. and Mrs, D.
Hart, Mr. ahd Mrs. Willlnm Rankin
and Mr. and Mrs. James hlttaker
and family. . . . '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and
children of Walla Walla were guests
at the C. K. Rogers home Sunday
Walla visitor Tuesday. .
Dr. and Mrs. O. H, Smith and chil
dren. Ernest and Ruth, were visitors at
Gibbon Monday. . ,
S. & Hutt was a. Pendleton visitor
Mrs. William Gholson was a lyalla i Tuesday.
Charles May and son Harry, of Wes
ton mouiuain, were Athena visitors
Mrs. McSherry Is visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. S.
V. Sharp, of this city.
, fill la Keel tad be!4 anr 111
bt, Mitel wick !u V .
iilIo aaSe rit.La,V!
(Eist Oregonlan Special.)
ATHENA. July S. Mr. and Mrs. I
David Nelson and daughter Helen of
rendleton, were guests at the V. P.
LJttlcJohn home Tuesday. .
Mrs. Charley Olall of Weston was an
Athena visitor Tuesday. v ,
Mr. and Mrs. 8ims Dickenson and
children b.ave arrived In the city from
Arlsona and will make their . home I
west of Athena.
Mrs. Barrett was In the city from
Weston Sunday. ' ,
j ,Vf ORE' thin two million ) j MS f
' Diamond Tires are Jwg f:0 l fa , I
, 1 i in '' .'use' now, almost one J E , 11 ;j
' 4 f for every third car in the . I 3
' . - ' J.. United' States..; .: . '. M0fff0
I The reason that hundreds M$ilM 'Of 'WS'- ft
are buying Diamond Tires M M I If 1
'I is because Diamonds are MMMvMIi 1 Wl "
II ists buy more Diamonds H ! '$ f) " - I
t I than anv other tire not 11 MJ5 ft ' fi lit I
11 . . ' , . 1 s f 3 f s J 5 f i i : 1
I I . sola to car manmacrurers 1 f ? .5 IZfJ I
' -vj Je 7 X
' i- TonfriieTsl s TT T TiWr sT II KsiriTt WTTT r a.- a--M r
"WWSiMiaWiSleSesa I I
BucrmcuT Fine Shoei
are priced fS.jo to fi4
A QUIET elegance, a rich simplicity, a colorful
harmony conspicuously, beautiful are the
L fine points of our No. 438. Mahogany calf
with invisible eyelets, and'modeling that shows the
latest refinements in style. And on the sole is our trade
mark Buckhecht a symbol that distinguishes shoes
that wear as well as they look.
S..I1I in Pendleton by Bond Bros. '
MANUFACTUKEaS Smce nwtjffim
In Price, Workmanship and Promptness ,
when you patronize The East Oregonian
Job fruiting Department.
Phone 1
f 1
r c .8
Vernicol makes old:
furniture new. ;
keeps new furniture
from getting old -
Den't (discard that old pieea l
fnrnitare jrurt becasM its finiah ia
scratched and marred. Oira it
new lease on lifa witli a eoat of
yernicoL tho jilly-do-over yarnksf
tain. Stains and Tarniahoa tho
wood at each atroko of tho brash.
Scratches disappear almott ma(io
ally. Dries with a rich, har
f lossy luster. .Wears and ireanL.
t'a good for floors, too.
Keep a can of Vernicol handy. It
a mat antidot for careless aerranta
ana thouehtlesa ehildrea. Cornea in ail
the popular finishea. Aak for cpicsr
card and booklet.
Phone 158
513 Main St.
280 ACRE RANCH 6 Miles West of North
Powder, Ore.
About 150 acres in cultivation balance iri pasture.
Lots more good land can be plowed.
65 acres in fall wheat, 20 acres in oats, about 30
acres in alfalfa and timothy hay, 1 acre in potatoes.
A big garden all kinds of vegetables. A good orchard
old trees, all kinds of fruit. Three good springs, '
water piped to house and barn. Good 7 room house
with stone basement. Garage, barn and other out-,
One sp"an heavy geldings, 6 years old; 1 span light
horses; new set of heavy harness, set of old harness;
5 good young milch cows, 1 yearling heifer, 3 spring
calves, new Simplex cream separator, new McCor
mick binder, mower, hay rake, plow, harrow, wagon,
buggy and other implements too numerous to men
tion; 1 brood sow, 7 shoats; 2 doz. chickens. Also 80
acres of timber land 3 miles from ranch. All for
$20,000 ?10,000 will handle this, balance on easy
This ranch is all clear and an A No. 1 title. Crop
goes with place if sold soon.
C. L. Forbes, RJUX No. 1
North Powder, Oregon