t ivwr" PAQE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 2, 1920 TEN PAGES TUT Ye ILJi ,1 neckwear, toilet ir wiuui iujju iuuu 3iiurriiLr run iiiHi 4111. 1 011 ji want manv tinnrs. nerimus a new suit, uressiinderwear. snoes. nar, siun. articles. Wc have extra help fdrlomorrowand can servcyou properly. Go prepared to enjoy your trip, that's half the pleasure of Have every t h i n g t o going. wear that you need. 5 . ''''."7---- . . .. . . nl TV V it 1 - X Women's Coats Reduced One-Half "We have never before offered such matchless values in such fashionable coats. Study the stylish materials, the per fect workmanship', the chic and "stylishness tof these garments, and then know they are reduced to make room for the new incoming stock. '. . . Every coat in our entire stock is included all the newest styles, colors and materials. EVERY ONE AT HALF PRICE. T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS ECONOMY 4 SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22 Pendleton's Cleanest, Coolest and Only Fljless Grocery. You are welcome to come down and COOL OFF these hot days, whether you wish to.purchase anything or not. ( . - Refreshing Drinks for These Warm Days; Roesch's Root Beer, Ginger Ale and all flavors of soda wa ter, Welch's Grape Juice, White Grape Juice, Loju and Phez Loganberry Juice, Pineapple Juice, Olympia Sweet Cider, R Porter, Clicquot Ginger Ale, Lime Juice, Bevo, Schlitz, Vir ginia Dare and White, Rock Mineral Water. . .!. ": Only One: More r Dayqf h- Out ' Great Silk Sale Then the original price's 'will go hack into" effect." Make aecial effort' to attend' tomorrow,':, the closing day of.this great money' saving events. JtV your last chance tliis season to save on jiew, de sirable needed Silks. ' , v. - ; ; ' ' ; i A. wonderful assortment of Men's Straws and Pa namas. ... $2.50 to $10.00 New Manhattan . and Eagle Shirts All the new and wanted patterns and materials. $2.50 to $15.00 Men's Fancy Hose A wonderful variety, the greatest assortment in Pendleton . 03c to $2.00 Men's Palm Reach Suits $12.50 to $35.00. New models and styles, cool, good looking and serviceable. Cool Underwear for Men All the standard grades and makes, Poros- knit, B. V. D., Lewis, , etc. All weights and qualities. New Neckwear for Men Smart new styles ' and colors, including tire latest summer wash ties, 35c to $5.00. Extra Palm Beach Trousers, Loth' plain and striped,- just Tight for these hot days; all sizes, $8J0 to $12.50. . ,:. LADIES! Make free use of our rest and waiting "rooms. They're here Tor your especial convenience and pleasure. PENDLETON GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE . TV 1-. TiT 1 e Fopies waronous WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Use Our Post Office Sub Station, register your let ters here, buy your post office money orders here, post your mail here. ' , . . GRANGE HALL RECEIVES - NEW COAT OF PAINT - - (Bast Oregontan Special.) , ' UMAPCCa July 1. Mra. Dan- .J. Kirk returned home Tuesday After a : weeks visit with her brother and his wife Mr., and Mrs. Jim Komine of lewiston Idaho. , A Moore haa lienn painting the roof of the Orange hall. After the fire of last Saturday the paint on the hu tiding ku scorched. - Paul Caldwell haa charge of the is ulng of permits for gasoline forres- i Ideals of the Umapine district, v 5 .oy Ward and son Clifford have in stalled a barber shop and soft drink parlor in the Neterer building oppo ; site the postof flee. 'Mrs. IelValle after a vacatiQ of two served. The new owner . Mr. B. F. Brewer of Walla Walla takes posses sion immediately, bor the time being Mr. and Mrs. Beala have the Jim Mc Knight ranch house rented. EdKar Holm returned home Friday from Portland where he attended the Shriners Convention while Air. Mc Daniel returned home on Monday. W .H. Weathers, father of Mrs. J. E. Jones and' Wm. Weathers, is at the Bake Oven In Milton for treatment. On Friday, morning Mr. Wethers had a collapse at -the home of his daughter Mrs. Jones. Clay Hadley has rented for two years the Harrington place, south of Umapine. Several years ago Mr. Had ley had a ranch in the Hudson Bay place. At present his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hadley of Oregon . City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Herr of McCIary Wash., are visiting their daughter Mrs. Sam Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peterson of Spokane who have been the guests of MOST CAREFULLY GUARDED BABY months with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilfley left Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell on their for her Portland home accompanied way home from Portland left for their by her son Danny. Mrs. U D. Baker and children of Davenpert, Wash., are guests for a few - weeks with Mrs. Bakers aunt Mrs. M. - C. Beauchamp, while Mr. Baker at tends summer school. Mr. Baker Is principal of schools at Davenport. riFaul and Ralph Jones left Saturday evening for a. vacation in and about iPeattle. They will be "the guests of : their uncle at Buckley, Wash. The sale of farm Implements and Spokane home on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Workman, Miss Jessie Block and Ray Records re tunred home on Saturday after a weeks camping up the so nth fork of the Walla Walla river. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Therkildsen and family stopped at Umapine Friday and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Holm. They are motoring to Collee City where Mr. Therkildsen has leas ed creamery. B. J. Kerkendall of La Grande last i live stock on the Claude Beale ranch . Monday was largely attended. Good week bought from' the Garfield Meat prices were realized by Mr. Beale and Company 160 acres Just south of Uma. t the noon hour a splendid lunch was pine. The new ownere will not take j ' ' poasesalon until fall. At present WIN Ham Musty lives on the place. Mike Hamper last week had his lip cut open to the boneaby a blacksnake whip, flourished by-s, 'companion. The wound required several stitches. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Baunders are spending two days this week tn Walla Walla, the guests of, Mr. .Saunders mother Mrs. Anna Saunders. STOPS HEADACHE OR ir NEURALGIA AT ONCE Don't Suffer! Get a 10 Cent Package of I Dr. James' Headaeiie Powders and iet Rid of Pain. ' You can clear .your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache In a moment with a Dr. James Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi- ' cally. Send some one to the drug store Bow for a dime package and a few mo. tiwits after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. Ktop suffer. Imr It's needless. Be sure you get . hat you ask for. MANY INNOVATIONS MARK GREAT HALL VBy'Ansoclated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. The big Job of preparing the Exposition Me morial Auditorium here for the 1920 democratic national convention was directed by George F. Mara of Bridge- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Turnips, Radishes, Carrots, Beets and Green Onions, per bunch 05c Green Peas, per pound - 15c Lettuce, a head 15c Cucumbers, each 25c Tomatoes, per pound - 25c Oranges, per dozen 90c and $1.10 Bananas, per dozen 60c ' Grape Fruit, each - 20c Cantelopes, 2 for - 25c Strawberries, per box 25c EXTRA FINE COUNTRY BUTTER ALWAYS ON HAND c4sps Grocery Dept. . Two Phones 526 r - U 1 " J " 1TT It J-1 I t ft- V t .1-1 ftt'i" II . Mo baby in America is racked 'away- in. its trib with more tender care than la accorded the Declara tion rf Indenendence. John A. Tonner, at right, librarian at the State Department, la Its nurse and keeper. School children are shown above viewing the famous document- port. Conn., assistant to Homer Sum mings, chairman of the democratic national committee. Many Innovations were carried to successful realization In the great 1 hall. One of these was a small ros- I trum projecting from the big speak ers' plntform to assist the speakers. - Easy egress and ingress from the press sections and the platform was made possible by Ingenious system of pas sageways under the platform. The architect. Clarence R. Ward of "Ward and Blohme of San Francisco, arrang ed the seats to the speakers' platform so that one coming from below faced the audience and was able to make a dignified entrance. Charles W. Fay, San Francisco post master, headed the local committee that assisted in arrangements. Tn .-.eating plan, It was said, plac ed tha delegate furtherest away from away from the platform nearer to the speakers than at any previous conven tion. The stands for the 516 news writers were so arranged that each writer had a clear view of the speak ers. Advantage was taken In every de tail of the facilities of the great hall for the comfort and convenience of the visitors, particularly for the wom en delegates and alternates. Three months were taken up with planning the reconstruction of the in tertor of the auditorium, the actual work being done In three weeks. All of the convention arrangements, except those for transportation, were carried out In San Francisco. Mr. Mara has "been a practicing at tornoy for 13 years and is associated with Mr. Cummlngs who is stte's at torney for Fairfield county. Conn. TENNESSEE FIGHTER IN NOMINATION SKIRMISH Builds Health for it contains just the food elements nature requires. Grape-Nuts Food forvVferkers Needs no sugar "There's a Reason (Tiy United Tress.) KNOX VI LLE, Tenn. Lawrence D. Tyson, who an a stripling1 in the SO'm went west to fiiyht Ondiana, today was In the west to fight for the democratic vicc-iresHlential nomination. The pray-haired commander of the r9th BrU'ade of the "Old Hickory" di vision kce to the San Francisco con vontfon ith unanimous support of his Mate's dplepation, thouph the delegates went nninstrunted for a presidential candidate. Aside from heading perhaps as many big enterprises in Tennessee as any other man, Tyson has erved as speaker of the Tennessee house of rep- resenttalveH; was deiegate-at-large to the Baltimore democratic convention. 912; came within four votes of being L'nited States senator from Tennessee, and received the vice presidential in MAY SERVE ULTIMATUM By United Press.) . BAN FRANCISCO, July 2. An ulti matum ia being prepared to be serv ed on the resolutions commltteee by advocates of the plank favoring Irish independence. .Itie committee was warned if It failed to include the Irish independence plank, the Irish question would be carried to the floor of the convention. The ultimatum was drawn up at a caucus of convention delegates favoring the Irish indepen dence plank.- CONDEMNED GUNS, MORTARS, HOWITZERS" HELD FOR DONATION (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, July 2. The war de partment has available a Quantity of condemned guns, mortars and howit zers for donation to municipal cor porations, posts of the Orand Army of the Republic and soldiers' monument associations; Oolonpl A. W. Mulsh. Lady Druggist's Advice Taken ordnance office of the eastern depart ment has announced. Applications mny be made to the office of chief nf ordnance, war department, Washing Guaranteed Expert f PHOTO WOT?PT Z -Glasses ground to fft your eyes will give you bet'er or If--more comfortable vision. U . ,. SBJ - We don't -cafe vwho g rloino' ' votir 5 or whether it has 2 . at TA en satisractory g Dr not, but if it is done 8 at "Tallman's" we make a has been work just been' Films in before 10 a. m. out at 5.p. m. Jb llms m between 10 a. and 6 p. m. - out at noon next day, Enlarging: a Specialty. American National Hank Hiilhllng. I'lKuie 0U9. & CO J "My sister-inUtw Is a druggist. 53he told me of several bad stomach and liver cases which were benefitted by taking; Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and advised me to try it. I had numerous bad attacks due to bloating and hud almoett constant pain in my Btomach before getting your remedy. I am feeling fine now." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and el lays the inflammation which causes practically ail stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, Includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. At all drugglAts everywhere. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash poisons and toxins from system before putting, food into stomach. BANGING: M - t .? -A - .4. Bingham Springs July 3 - 4 - 5 F.P. BRUCE, Prop. Wash yourself on the lnalde hefore breakfast like you do on the outside. This la vastly more Important becaue the skin pores do not absorb Impurl tiefl into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. Kor every ounce of food taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If thi waste is not eliminated Say by day is quickly ferments and sreneratee poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood Rtream, through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment. ' A splendid health measure la to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of hot water with a toaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It, which Ls a harmless way to wanh these pot- vote of of the 100 delegates' state convention June 8. dorsement without a single dissentln sons from the stomach, liver, kidneys at the,lnd bowels; tnus cleansing, sweeten ing; and freshening; the alimentary canal before eating more food.' A quarter pound of limestone phos- ; phate costs but very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make anyone TO MOVK ItOVAl, ItKMAIVS RIO DR JAXrriRO, July 2. Re commendation that the descendants ofian enUiusiast on inside bathing. tlnn ... II tha lost I.' ... f.f I V rirazll, be Invited to allow his remains to be brought to Brazil during the.On- itennial Celebration In Will, has been imade by President ressoan a message jto Congress. The president paid high tribute to the work in Brazil of the former Emperor, especiail in regard to national literature and defense of .the country. , FOR SALE Late model Hupmobile, fully equipped. Good tires, first class mechanical condition. Ellis-Schiller Co. ' PHONE 871 PHONE 871 ' . ...V - ,.F Sanitary Grocery 1 JUST Phone 871 for your supply for Sunday and Monday.' Out stock is now complete with ,'v QUALITY GROCERIES Sanitary Grocery DOAK B. DXrkXtKT, Prop. The Most in Value The Best in Qualitv PHONE -871. f -' - PHONE 871 WA