1 .Ui DAILY EAST 0REQ0N1AN, PENDLETON, OEEOON. TUESDAY EVENING, JTTNE 29, 120 PAGE NINE TWELVE PAG23 i (llu Aaowtfited Press) IWMFJ, June 29. Rporla of the disorders In widely reparated port oi Italy appear to be a coroborute im. prestlon and they ore part of a deei scheme to overthrow the social ordei throughout the entire country. Un employment Id the ulleged reason foi the strikes and rioting now In pro arena. Timely Hints and Suggestions About Building. ROMAN RADICALS SEEK TO OVERTURN COUNTRY iM If. I I I I I 1 I ll.Sllltlfllflillt f 11 A 4 1 r I I II Illlllir I i E 111 111! 1 1 t & I I 1 (l'IIIllglIlimIIKl VII l V V Illiri llV( l&.iA II IIIV fIIIltllV II IVfIIIIIVVIIVXII WIJ V M 1 11 V VS I V W I Directory of Architects, Builders and Supply Dealers. ? If LACHMUND WILL BACK EDDY FORSENATE POST (By Associated Preea.) fAT.l:M". Juno 29. nator Loulh Ijichinimrt of Pnlem. today announced hla withdrawn! as an aiipirant for the presidency of the next Oregon senate. In announcing hla withdrawal Sen ator Lachmund let It be known that he will give hla aupport to Senator B. I Eddy of Rosehurg for the pout, de claring that Eddy'a vlewa are In ac cord with hla own and that (he Rose- burg man Is an aggressive fighter in behalf of the people against Interests "that are prone to swoop down at each session of the legislature and bring about legislation that la detrimental to the best Interests of the state." TWO OFFICIALS OF TIRE COMPANYARE KILLED , (Ily AitaoctatPd Press) POTTWOWN, Pa., Jun 29. Wil liam P. Walsh, president of the Vulc weld Tire and Rubber Company and J am en A. Maney, the general Huper intendent were willed early today by An explosion in a dryer. Frank Walsh a brother of the president, loHt an arm and suffered other Injuries which may prove fatal. VYALU WALLA CENSUS SHOWS 3861 DECREASE (By United Press) - WASHINGTON. June 29. The population of Walla Walla Is 15,503, the census breau announced. This Is a decrease of 1861. HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat less met if yon feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can ma'ke & mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says m well-known authority. Meat forms urio acid which excites the kid neys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to fil ter the waste and poisons from the Mood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from slug glrti kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys oi" your back hurts or if the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at terded by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous "alts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids In urine so It no longer c&unes Irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. . Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent mma-waier unnn wnich everyone on on i a tnne now ana tnen to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. DRINK HOT VATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Jr you realty feci clean, tw$ci m fresh inside, and art seldom ill. If you are accustomed to wake up with coated tongue, foul breath or dull headache; or if your meals sour and ferment, you have a real surprise awaiting you. To -morrow morning. Immediately lPn arising, drink a glass of hot wat with a teaspoonful of limestone Phospvu,, u. Th u intended to first neutral,,, and then wash out of our stomvjh, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intjg an tne indigestible waste, poison,, Bour be and toxins, mue cleansing, ,.eetening and purify. lih en,lpe aU"entory canal. - T S, "ubJect headaehe. back aches, bilious attack., constipation or stomach trouble, are urBed to get a quarter pound of llmestDne pnonhate from the drug store and begin enjoy. In this morning Inside bath? J"Ust as hot water and soap cleanse purifying and freshen the skin, ao hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver kidneys and bowels. Limestone phos phate la an Inexpensive white powder and almost tasteless. Residence Wear Completion. . The Herman Suhl residence, on Monroe street, Is nearlng completion and will probably be finished by July 15. The residence will be one of the moat modern In the city and Is built at a cost of 1 16,000. A notable part of the construction Is the baBement and the flight of steps, almost a carload of cement being used In this part of the liouse. The iiasoment contains the ga-, rage and chauffeur's room, as well oa a completely equipped laundry, a vacuum cleaning plant, heating plant and fruit closet. Vhe main floor of the house is oc cupied by the living room, dining room, den, breaktaf-t doom aS kltci- Living room, dining room and den ere finished In msnniany. with deep paneling In the dining room. Here, e Iso is an attractive built-in buffet, with large mirrors a:.d bevel plate glass doors. The IKing room nnd dining room are separated by an arch with bookcases on eithfr side. The two rooms and den have an einht piece, seven jointed cornice of mahog-I't-y. The den baa a fireplace, aa I a novel feature is 'a disappearing bed which transforms the fien into a sleip Inn room if desired. Vlic kitchen is finished in whi'.e enrmel. with a tiled Uralnboard and si-ik. The stove ha a r.ood and thc.-o Ik other modern equipment, includins a California cooler. The 'attractive breakfast room is finlsed in cream col ord enamel. Also on the main floor is a small conservatory, glassed in with plate glare. This room, with the porch, af fords an excellent opportunity to see tho river, above which the house is lo cated. ' On the npper floor are two bed rooms, each with built-in closets and window seats. There Is a modern tiled ba-hroom with bevel mirrors and sunken tub. Here also are the two sleeping porches, one of which is fit led with drop windows. Oak is used for the upstairs floor ing, and quartered oak for the down sta'rs. The house is of hollow tile and wood will have an indestructible bcr.lened gravelroom. OWN YOUR OWN HOME Let us show you our complete line of P. & F. Corbin locks uy II Jf I and Hardware. j-mmtlWi I .' "OWN VOVJl OWN HOf 13" CLit 'Universal Stoves &Fumaces ISP 643 Main Street "SERIVCE" Phone 81 " Painting the New Home ! Vet us paint your home at leant let I .gflrtWfcfc. us figure with you before rou let the job. j SiA PURE ; I r ggr xj) paint L LK l jg Can't be beat Paper Han;lrut, Calclmlnlng and Inter- II ? j-bfeC 'r nfworating that trlvea satisfaction, jg IfcS - Ghfr OTJR' ESTTJHTES I MURPHY BROS. p 121 E. Court Street Telephone 1 ' j i J' I CM. GRISWOLD I GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER I . b Residences, Business Builqings, Apartments, Churches, Garages, Farm Buildings, Job Work. Let me give you estimates on your job. - "OWN YOrit OWN nosiK" 1 728 Cottonwood St. Phone 744 fe . . When painting your home, why not get the best. USE ILOUli HIGH STANDARD PAINTS Get my figures on painting, papering and ealeimining before you let the job. Paints,, oils, varnishes, calcimine, . 9mmmma brushes, picture framing, glass, etc. L. J. McATEE TUR PnACTICAfi P.VINT MAN 515 Main Street Telephone 158 1 S V Mill Work, Designer CONTRACTOR .... "OWN yofn OWN HOMK" BUILD NOW and see us for the whole job. We furnish the plans, mill work, estimates, and act as con tractor and builder all complete. Dunham, Brownlow & Payne. 227 E. Court St. Phone 383 QUALITY FIXTURES "OWN VOCTl OWN HOME" Careful Attention Given TO YOUR HOUSE WIRING will give you the best service and prevent many a fire. We use care in all our work ELECTRIC FIXTURES The largest and finest stock In eastern Oregon to select from. We would be pleased to figure with you. J. L. yAUGHAN Pendleton's Bl Electrical Store 308 II. Court Street Telephone 139 See Us Before You Build Estimates Furnished. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Can place you on a home paying plan. . Why pay rent? SCOTT & McGEE A. H. Scott Phone 1161 Pendleton, Oregon J. W. McGee - Phone 435-M News For Mr. Contractor! m - ' . Ir We are in a position to give you service that wont tie up z your work. LET US FIGURE YOUR NEXT JOB. "Own Your Own Home" B. L. BURROUGHS, Inc. Thone 5 W. Webb St. LI (By Associated Prew.) SAN" FRANCISCO, Cat., Juno 29. The Illinois delegation at the demo cratic convention yesterday rejected a resolution favorinjr no reference what ever to prohibition In the party's pint- form and accepted 36 to 21, an affir mative declaration for modification of the Volstead act to permit tue of light wines and beer." One delegate was absent. The flgtit for the "no wet Issue" forces was led by Congressman Flthlan and had strong backing from dele gates outside of Chicago. Cook county's representatives utood solidly for an , outright statement against bone dry. STATE COMMISSIONS TO FIGHT PROFITEERS ADVOCATED BY BRYAN (By Associated Press) SAX FRANCISCO. June 28 State commissions, similar to the federal trade commission, to prevent profi teering;, are a feature of the plank on profiteering prepared by William J. Hryan. With potatoes at $ 14 a barrel, the cutworms and beetles are going to live high tUls summer. Chicasro News. CATTfiR MARKF7T WTCAK. POItTLAND, June 2. Cattle are weak, choice steers 110.80 and 1 11.25. lings are firm, prime mixed are lift.- 50 to $15.75; sheep are steady; lambs are 110.50 to til. Butter is firm. cubes, extras, are 50 cents and ernrs are 3 cents. m A GOOD MEDICINE FOR LOSS OF APPETITE nnA.l dokililv ' and that tired feeling is Hood's Sarsaparilla. This highly concentrated, economical medicine is a great favorite in thou sands of homes. It is peculiarly suc cessful in purifying and revitalising the blood, promoting digestion, re storing animation, and building up the whole system. Get this dependable medicine to tiny and begin taking it at once. If you need a laxative take Hood's Pill. You will surely like them. HERMAN OIAU8SKNIUS Special Agent Idaho State Life Insurance Co. An Old Mne Company that does all its business In the west. 210 Beauregard St. P. O. Bo IS Phone 287-W DR. K. J. YORK The Celebrated Chinese doe tor with his wonderful Chinese roots and herbs. Special treat ment has cured hundreds of dif ferent diseases for men and women. If any people who may be suffering from any ailnnnts, why not call and see himT Consultation free. THE K. J. YORK OHIXKSH medicine; oo. 13 N 7th Street Walla Walla, Wash. DR. C. H. DAY Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Booms 23 and 26 Smith-Crawford Building. Telephone 704 Res. 749-R Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee ; Chronic and Nervous Piseasea and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electro Therapeutics. Temple nidg. Room U Phone 4 1 LET 'ER BUCK 4 We're "rarin to go" and the open season for Grain j Insurance is at hand. Call, phone or write and we will do the rest. Bentley-Graliam Insurance Agency tiStaMished over 30 years.