Wfc SPORTS - Moyms ; A COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE tXASSIFlED MARKETS COMICS TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWQ PAGES 7 TO 12 TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 190 3 ' EfRY SPORT LOVER TO BE URGED TO SEE they bulleve they could fill th Hup- and bout Ted Hoke la .y Canyon space readily. Those who .Thursday nlirht. He has Committee From Legion Post Will Visit County Towns This Week to See That All Know of Saturday's Card. have neon on hand at the l'ondleton Athletic Club gym to hoc the four boys work out ure leaving there Blrongor boosters than ever (or tM bouts. Every town In Umatiiia county will bo visited thla week by missionaries from the local Ic-itlon port to tell sports lovors, first hand, of the biir box I nit card to be given here tlutnrduy ntirht In Happy Canyon. The reconnaissance parties will toe armed with plenty of tickets for those who' want reserved neati without suing to a bit of tronblo to Ret them. I If the boys could carry to their less than a month i neighbors a cinema picture of four of 'and draw' the third. the cieht boxers working nut hero. Yesterday afternoon the pares wore., Kone throuKh by Kuddy Stevens, i mo"' Frank le Murphy, Johnny Flsk and Johnny NoNyo. They Ixixed and shadow-boxed. Then they punched tho hair and thoy Jumped rope. Hoad work Is also a part of their training. uyM foJnK Strong. Tho threo 1)oys who camo Hunday frdm Portlund are limbering tin In jrroat style after showing- on the card there Thursday night. Two of the boys, Noye and Murphy wore given draws and Flsk a declHlon. In the minds of newspapermen there. Noye should hHvo been given a shade over Tfoung Brown. ' All those boys are long on fight and not only put up' a great scrap ever' time they go in tho ring but stop in about as often as any boxers on the coast. Noye has had two tootus at tiotse and the one In Portland In nd has won two Flsk drew with Portland taken nn Joe (Jornmn and many other good boy In the district west of the Miss issippi of lute. Fisk also has fought throe bouts in the month and since January 1 has been In the ring 17 tt ilh tttnudt4gm4ittt u K. C. 8. lwtu-r Tliun Portland Kill. Fans who saw tho $ 1 1 fight at Port land lust Thursday night declare that the dope favors the card here as su perior to the Milwaukio curd. There was one feature on I ho Portland card the upliearaneo of Mike O'lJowd, for mer rntddlewcluht champ, but for tlio other numbers the locul boys have a better matched lineup, they say. Old Man Lethargy, brought on by the warm weather, has made the sule of tickets a bit slower than the le gion post hoped for. Tho committee does not fear that when Saturday night rolls around, all the seats will be sold and every fun will bo glud ho came. Hut advance sales arc what give the boys their' confidence, they say, and they nre going to make every effort to fill the house before the lust minute.. ' ' Come and bring your wife, if she. kronson at Walla Walla to weeks ago likes the game; if not. come and semf her to the Chautauqua," is tho slogan One sacrifice, one assisi, no errors! Aft QUALITY KKIIVICB SANITATION Fresh Vegetables r Onions, Asparagus, Cabbage, Lettuce, Car rots, Cantaloupes, Radishes, Peas, Beans and Potatoes. FRESH FRUITS - Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Apri cots, Peaches, Cherries, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. Pendleton Trading Co. , . . Phone 455 "If It's In the Market We Hav. It," - . adopted by the committee. TWO AMERICANS LEFT T Grand Opening of Hidaway Springs July 3 - 4 : 5 (Masked Ball- DANClNG -Prizes for Best Characters) SWIMMING RACES ' for Ludies and Gentlemen. nRKS - in the Evening Come prepared for a big time. Enjoy the sport if you like fish if you prefer H. E. BRUNDAGE, Manager (By Associated Press.) WIMBLEDON, Kng.. June US. The Hrltlsh lawn tennis singles champion ship has narrowed down to four men and of these two are Americans, Wil liam T. Tilden of Philadelphia and and Charles 8. '(iarlund of Pittsburg. These two American itiayers won their matches handily, while R. Nor- ris Williams If, was put out of the pluying by Theodore Mavrogordato, inn of the English teams for the Da vis cup. . Tilden won Monday from -Randolph L.ycett of Australia In the best contest f the day, although he did not have to extend himself to the degree that was necessary wen he defeated Kings- le on Katurday. Lyeett played a' re marKuniy last game and won te sec ond set, then Tilden called upon some of his reserve strength and won out with something to spare. EVERY WILD-EYED Xaa. WAS ON his feet. OR SOMEONE else"!. AND THEIR soft remarks. REACHED THE next county. AND WHILE I'm not. EA8ILY EXCITED. I GUE8S I was helping. THE PITCHER bean. THAT. CLEAN-UP bitter. AND MY good south paw. HIT A fat fan. RIGHT IN the vestibule. AND HE said "J'nooo. A FOUL tip. RIGHT ON my last cigar." i AND I was lorry. AND GAVE him one. OF MY cigarettes. AND HE saw the package. THAT I took It from. AND 8MILEO and said. "THEY SATISFY AND THAT smoke you smashed, VA8 ONE my wife. BOUGHT AT a bargain. 80 THAT makei it. A 8ATI8FY. . DOUBLE. HEADER" AND AFTER that. I EYEN saw him. ROOTING FOR the urapirw. TWENTY hits twenty chancel with never a Koose-egi? that's Chesterfield's average on every package. Trust the fans to pick them out. An unusual blend of Turkish and Domestic it can't bo copied.. These cigarettes arc thert they tatitfy! i VACUUM . , SHAMROCK TAKES SPIN WITH BIG SHIPS CREW Oly Associated Iress.) SANDY HOK, X. J.. June 29. The Shamrock IV which will meet the Resolute for tho America's cup off Sandy Hook next month, was Riven a short spin Monday with her full crew of 4 0 aboard. It wus decided not to match hier upuinst tho 23 meter Shamrock but take some of the crew fr6m the lal horse and place them aboard the clmHenper in order to determine hiw to Is Champion Swimmer . Although She is Only 9 3 5 1 Speed Wagon We have taken the agency for this cbunty. ave five for immediate delivery. Speed, economy, 1500 lbs. capacity. V m A f ' fl V :: s , if' , 1 : Sim f" V. m ii .I in m 'in i i CIGARETTES the great grrcen sloop would handlo. l really don't know, mother." with rer full complement. Kain, how- 'You don't know?" ever, which set In Boon after the craft "No. mother; I did think he was co- began Ji.wrJcout(:. brought lim trip inff to put Tin?? ort my finger but lie to an Abrupt eod. Tl i;V I.K'KS T.lfO-MA.V J.KUHKY .CTTV, N. J.,, June 29. (Jene Tuney, liyhtweiKht 'Ijoxing cham pion of the American Expeditionary Forces, stored a knockout over Ole Anderson of Tacoina, Wash., In the third round of a 12-round match here last iiirrht. when the referee stopped tho bout. V.Ui ki:.(U k National Iauiriio. New York 18, Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 2. Boston 3. Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 5. American I.ccnc. Indianapolis 8, Columbus 2. Chicago 13, Detroit 5. Cleveland 7, St. Jrfniis 4. Prciliulrfy a "Wliitc Colliir' Mini. "How's Jobbles getting along?" "Poorly. Jobbles is like many oth er people about here." How is that ?" 'He has a non-rcfillablo purse." Birmingham Age-Horaid. didn't." Yonkers statesman. ' ' ?.r;3 KX-nilXT-S Tii5 mongli. Jessie Have you mentioned leap yciir in the presence of your beau as yel ?" Tessie Do I look foolish enough to pull a scare like that on a shy youm? man and I not knowing where my next toad la coming fcom? Buffalo Ex- Its ojiolusive features make it "tronblc-prooF Western Etectric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its -operation a child can operate it Dependable electric service night and day for your farm. See this plant in operation CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR , j 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Gysi Articulated Dentures. Dental X-Ray by Appointment Inland Kmpire Bank Building Office Phone 330 Home Phone 794 - h. s. Mckenzie, m. d. ; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat! , Office: , 10-11-12 Bond Building . . . . Pendleton, Ore. DULL, THROBBING OR lisiiiimrl. 'Kthol. tliiln'l I wo that younc man the iari(ir holding your liuud last nisht?" 'Yes. mother." 'Whnt w:ir he diiine tli;if fnr',,, Dr. JiinM-s' 'licaduclw Iiviilers Clear Your Head and Stop Nenralida l'ain at Oucx 10c a Patare you take a Dr. James- Headache Powder and in Just a few moments your hear clears and all neuralcin nri pain fades away. It's the quickest! and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing-, ttplittingr or nerve- rucktnjr. Send someone, to the drug store and pet a dime package now. Quit suffering It's so needless. He sure mu jret Dr. James' Headache Powders then there will be no disappointment. DOWNEY'S RfJARICET M rotaj Ac maters - O Are you to be one of our many satisfied customer? this month? . PHONE 600 Vivian f -tor nn nil, nine yearn old. b ono it 1he Ki-eutoifl liitlo whnniors her w. Shn UfoH nil tho miMlprn Htrnkrn lllo a vtTiiii and holds hov- oral rocrdM for lh t raw l, the dat k and breast troko. Vivian w;w Iho w innor of a rni offortHl rocemlv In l anaina fttr the nuiat irfici(nt hov jor girl in physlrial dowlopniPnt exer- I elfa. Amoiw hir nwini' fiiii n m AAn''M. 5 swimnilnR wllh handa and feet tied MSVkm anU HfHHVlng stum. O. E. Holdman Auto Co. Paige, Oldsmobile Speed Wagon, Oakland TJ.HE business man who wishes to I build up his financial charac ter should have a bankinff con nection that can assist him. The counsel of our officers is a business asset of every depositor. f E Master The Famous Walker Balanced Double-Reduction ' Drive. A wonderful axle which combines maximum strength with ideal power-application. Simple, light, self-contained; with all' moving parts running in oil in true roller contact and accessible; with usual axle clearance and with 95 per cent efficiency at the rear wheels. Thoroughly tested and proven in every kind of hard service. Used for ten years by the leading maker of electrical trucks and adopted as standard by one of the largest and best known manufacturers of gasoline trucks. W. C. Garbe, Inc. Sale and Service F. R. RAINES, Mgr. Corner Courl and Thompson. Phone 720 f