PA02 FTV3 r" DAILY EAST OHKOOKIAU, PEKDLETOfll, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 1020 f' TWELVE PAQEU 1 11 11 "" - ii i i- -i -! i r i - i i LL i I &-TI'SIP;i rv. i 1 1 - i; nni . 11 I reopie y nere ana i nere 1 ice F. E. Judd, formerly of Pendleton and now of Portland, arrived In the city thia morning to apend two daya on bunlneiw. He 1 a dlrentor In the American National Bank. W. U Trftimpson, president of the American National Bank, la expected from Portlaad tomorrow to attend the annual meeting of the director of the institution, i John JO. 'Montgomery and C. W. Marsh, 'who have land Intereata In the Judith nutiin dlatrlct of Montana, left lout night for Spokane en route to 1BWlBion on a biiainma trip that will kwp them week. ' Texnrt may look promising to some people, but to Dr. B. O. Vinson, it doPHn't compare with Pendleton. Dr. Vlniion left here recently to look ovfr Textia with a view to .opening a denial office in that atnle. He re turned yenterday, accompanied 1)y his family and will resume hii dutlm an manager of the R. B. Porker tifflccg here, relieving Dr. Charles Mnher, who will return to the Eugene offices. DP. Vinson went from Texan to Ixw Angeles, and thence to Roeeburg, where he met Mrs. Vinson, who mado the trip from here to the flngue river valley by nntn. They motored to Porllund from Rtwehurg Htid H,it Hlirlne wwk hr.fnie eotilinttlnc - tne trip to Pendleton. serving clvi Free water. papers in Milton and A." 0. Voolker, principal of the schools at Hermlston, has gone to Portland to take summer work lln the extension department of the University of Oregon. ' " Bherlff T. D. Tnvlor went to the east end of the munty nn 'himinem tndny. D, B.; Watson Is in the city oduy from Thorn Hollow. ' Zoeth Houser, of Roho, who expects to run for sheriff this fall against Til. Taylor,! wa In the city from Kcho to day on business. Bev.'M. f. Cole, pastor of ' Initle's Chnpel, In Wnlla Walla, W a Pendle ton visitor today. ' " V. B. Ftnnvely, of McLean & Bnavely,' left' yesterday by auto for Portland. Ho will be gone for a few days on a buaineHi visit. . . . , Tennessee's governor In calling a spe cial session of the legislature for Au gust 9, Mrs. Baker warned her audi ence that , SUFFRAGE ADVOCATES ARE WARNED AGAINST OVER-CONFIDENCE NEWS Of THE COUNTY. OFFICES AND OFFICERS (By Associated Press) BAN FltANriHC'O. June Wom an suffrage advocates, at a luncheon, given yesterday to democratic women by the Bon Francisco branch of the Civic Center were warned against over-confidence by Mrs. Abbey Boott Baker of the National woman's party. Although elated over tho action of C0NQY'S .THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY Beat Jap Rice, S pound ....... .......... ...80c Carnation Milk, large can, each .14c CrUco . ......'..:...........60c, $1.15 and $2.30 Van Camp Pork and Beans, No 1 ting 2 for 25c Van Camp Pork and Bean, No. 2 tin, 5 for $1 Prunes, 3 pound ......:..........'...:.- ....50c Small White California Bean, pound 10c Corn Flake (Krinkle) 2 for 25c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for Z Shredded Wheat, 3 packages - r;5 Log Cabin Syrup, medium size 70c; large $1.35 Marsh-mallow Syrup, 1-2 gallon 60c; 1 gaL $1.60 ,. Corn Meal, 10 pound sack . 60c Gold Dust, large package ... ......30c Seeded Raisins, 16 ox. package . 25c Hevnal Tcachera Blgncd lp . The signed contracts of teachers in ;varlous county districts are being; re ceived dally In the offlce of the county superintendent. Today the contracts of Miss Hattle Touchinger, to teach In District No. 81 wai received. Athers which have Just come In are those of .Ml Ida J. Sumnarl, to teach In Dis trict No 114, at Cu-ytiae, and of J. a. Groves as principal of tho Tumalum dWrltl In the east end. COUNTY OFICES Thorn Hollow to luilld A teaeherage Is to be built shortly by the Thorn Hollow school district, Mo I5, according to -word brmi-ght to town today by D. It. Wutson, clerk of tho board. The building will cost $1200 and will be available for the teacher this fall. During the Hot Summer Months don't stand for hours near a stove doing your iron ' ing in the old fashioned way. A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort able. : .. ' ; It is not limited to flat work but can be used for nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered pieces look especially fine after being put thru a Simplex. It is fully guaranteed. - 1 You Can buy them at Milne Electrical Company Pendleton, Ore. We Handle Wiring Contracts. 108 E. Alta Across From Alta Theatre Vpw District Wealthy The new union high school district formed by the union of 10 districts In tho Mllton-Froewater country at the annual school election last Monday. la valued at more than 8,rl(l.u0, as cording to assessed valuations.- This gives the district a greater valuation by nearly a million dollars than the Pendleton district. ' The directors of the union district are chosen from the chairmen of tho 10 districts and wUl ierve until the next annual ' election. An official canvass of votes case on the proposition shows that It won by 158 to 2, nearly to 1. - " . " .- - - o County FaJr Money RooclveU. y The county treasurer today recelveij from the state treasurer a check for I229S.04, this bounty's share of the state- county fair fund for 1920. The money will be portioned out by Miss nrace Gilliam to the various fairs In the county this year. Industrial and county airs get a portion of this fund. COJTVEN-TIOXALITIES (Continued from page 1.) . : WHILE HOUSECLEANING ' Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder fully sparkling and refreshing WINE-0 An occasional bottle during these strenuous days, will do much toward relieving the fatigue and 'nervous Btrain of the industrious housewife. . A bottle of WINE-0 at dinner, also, will soothe the Irritability of father, when he comes, home and finds the house topsy-turvy. Besides, it is good for the kiddies. . Keep a case of Wine-0 in the house all the time. Bottlers of All Kinds Soda Waters Manufacturers: FHNDkkTO.V, OREGON adopt the rules under which the 1912 convention operated, placing all states under the unit rule except those In which there is a mandatory statute providing for the nomination and elec tion of the delegates in congressional districts. Theer is such a law In New York and the delegates from several dlatrlct. There is such a law In New to act Independently of the delegation as a body. fn the Oregon cose, one of the four delegates at large died after the pri mary. . John Schuyleman, who ran fifth, claimed the seat. The state committee Ignored his claim and elect ed R. R- Turner to fill the vacancy. There was no state law or party pre cedent to govern the case and the com mittee voted to unanimously seat both delegates. Previously the national committee voted unanimously to scat Turner. The committee on rtiles' adoption of a motion of rejection of the unit rule in states where there ore lawa re quiring election of delegates by dis tricts will split the New York delega tion if the report Is adopted 'by the convention. - ' -' - ' The McAdoo people came on the con ventln floor today fon the first time with a working organisation, includ ing a floor leader and a representative on practically very state delegation. Their problem was to find enough sup porters to round np a two-thirds vote. Tammany emerged a victor in a. sharp contest over the liquor question In the New York delegation. By ad opting steam roller tactics. Tammany succeeded In Instructing the New York member of the resolution committee to vote for a wet plank. Tho republican partyM pratform I" entirely "lucking In principle" through which Intelligent and forward-looking people can express themselves, Presi dent Compers of the American Fed eration of Labor declared in present ing to the resolutions committee the demands of organized labor. j The credentials committee upheld the rulings of the nattoatil commit tee In the Georgia and Missouri con tests, but decided to sent both the con testing Oregon delegates with half a vote each. The committee on rules at the dem ocratic national convention tackled again today the knotty question of whether a state delegation could be bound by a unit rule. . The rules committee put a twency minute limit on tho nominating speeches. The seconding speeches are limited to three or five minute each. By a vote of 24 to 11 ; the rules committee knocked out a unit rule as It applies to the New York delegation. . Franklin Roosevelt, assistant secre tary of the navy, opened the argument before the committee, favoring a reso lution permitting New York delegates to vote as hidivldunls, thus breaking the unit rule. The change was favored by New York delegates who want to vote for McAdoo. Under the unit rule they claimed Tammany would control the delegation and cast a solid vote for whichever candidate Hurphy favored. TJie publicity rooms here from (which an attempt was started to find i a house In Washington Tor Hiram Johnson, are now being used by the if houses for the delegate fti San Fran- Tea ' Weather Is Here and with It your favorite tiirnnicr beverage, be It Uvtl Ua, b'mofiaile r some other drink. ' Kimimer drinks mt-m morn cooling anl more satisfying when Hlpprtl from a tall, thin glass; and the uw of the long, ' KliiHlrr, graceful ICKO THA M'OONH adds Im measurably to the enjojment of the drhik. ' At mr More aro Ic-d Tea Hpms aJKl leml Tea Glasses that will apitear Ui good advantngo on any table. . They arc well made, the designs are pli-aslng, and the prices nxxlct. . Special Glasses at $4.00 the dozen. Special Spoons at $4.00 the dozen.- SAWTELLE'S rstalilllicl 1KK7. : I t . I largest Diamond Dealers in Kostcrn Oregon Cisco. So far they've naa more suc cess than the previous occupants. : There Is a prevailing opinion here that the republicans would not 1e quite so sure if they had it to do over again at Chicago. "fitvn tho nomination for July 4," Is the plea of the hotel keepers, who promise a big celebration If the 3", out) crowd will remain over until Inde pendence day. Who Raid that oil and water don't mix? liere's na uoneney, on kiub and delegate at large from California, and Bill Bryan with reservations at the same hotel. - A group of San Francisco house wives are "laying for A. Mitchell Palmer. They have a bunch of que- tlons to fire at him about what his de partment has done to bring down the price of shoes and things. We've held off the bread-wagon and milk-wagon drivers from striking during the convention." said Mrs. Ed ward Scanlon of the Housewives' League) "We want to know what Mr. Palmer thinks he's done for us. and why he thinks. the women should sup port his ambitions to be president." . Over 300 college boys and girls from the University of California and Stan ford University are ushering for the big show. They were picked from the political science classes by their profs who wanted them to see how the coun try is being run. The first piece of confederate money to be passed during the oonveiitfon has been discovered. A bellhop In the St. Francis is still hunting for the south ern delegate who gave it to him for a tip. N Newa hounds figured Pryan tried to slip into San Francisco incog. He or dered his reservations at the St. Fran cis as "W. J. Bryan, Miami, Fla, .Try' Alexanders for Your iFresh Fruits and Vegetables - PRESERES $1.50 Tea Garden Apple Butter, No. 10 cans Poppy Brand Jelly, No. 10 cans- PoDDy Brand Preserves, No. 10 can Shasta Brand Jam, 7 oz. glasses (all varieties) 25c Heinz Apple Butter, 2 1-4 pound jar FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER EVERY DAY $2.25 $2.25 ..85c e-i M A i.l Grocery Dept. J i. TWO Phones 526' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Woman to cook on ranch Phono 2F5. WA.N'TBO Lady to do laundry work Phone 512-it. OW6 x e f i -v J WalK on Lamb If you could see the fine lot of choice lanba we just received you would want some for your very next meal. , We never had a better assortment, any cuts you want chops or roasU. We can give you Get Our Prices on Smoked Meats and Lard Before You Buy. - '!'' Empire Meat Market "The Old Reliable" Established 1890 Phone 18 Isn't it true that you would paint your floors oftrnrr If you didn't hare to keep tb house upset o long waiting for the paint to dry? Wouldn't you do it oftener if you could paint one half of the floor one day, thea move the 'furniture over from the other half and paint that the next day? Well, that' just what you can do with' Lowe's Hard Drying Floor Paint. Thi fact, together with the way It tandi wear and tear i the reason it is used o much on restaurant floor and (hip deck. t , Coma in and tilt for descriptive literature. . ... . L. J.McATEE The Practical Paint Man Phone 158 513 Main St t . DEERING AND JMcCORMICK BINDERS We are furnishing repairs today for these ma chines used here in Umatilla county since 189S; this is 22 years ago. Think what this means to the user of a Deering or McCormick Binder. - It's service you want and get from demons S Eborf Pendleton, Ore. Phone 867 tuc UNIVERSAL CAR $ HAVE FORD MECHANICS REPAIR v . YOUR CAR The mechanics in our shop who will adjust or repair your For eurV or Ford truckv are men who underm ami the Ford mechanism and who know the Ford way of making repairs and replace ments. They are experienced Ford mechanics and because of their Mmiliarity with Ford Cars can do your work more intelligently and more quick ly than other skilled mechanics wljo lask Ford experience. j The work on. your . car will .be done In a Com pletely equipped shop with time-saving- Ford tools and equipment. Whether your car needs an ad justment or a thorough overhauling1, we are pre pared to Kive you careful and prompt service. and nothing hut the Genuine Ford-mad parts and replacements will be used. When the Work Ih fin ished, the charge will be the reasonable, standard Ford prices. , J Our stock of F'rd parts is alwfas-s complete. And, our Frd garage and Ford mechanics are al ways at your service at any time. We are Auth orised Ford Dealers and not only repair Fords but aJso sell thorn. Drive in or 'phone. He -fair o your car and your pockerbook, SIMPSON Auro CO. INSIST OX tiKXnXB Ftltl P.4KT8 209 E. Court Phone 443 DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERYj Pay Gash- We just ask you to try this plan one day, not a week or a month, and you will always be a cash buyer. . T Pay Csh ReceiT More DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 East Court St, r . .