mm SPORTS MOVIES COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED BIARKETS I " SE- "ET DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, 0BEO0N, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1920 YALE MEN ARE ASKED TO PRAY FOR FAIR DAY FOR HARVARD REGATTA Former Wife of Champion Dempscy Declares Photo Mode Her Sore; Defense Hints at Attempts to Get Big Money. (By Associated PresH. ) BAN FRANCISCO, Juno II. AnKor ot r i tnr from "Jack" Dempsoy u photograph of hiniNelf uh u Philadel phia hhipyard worker In war time wuh the motive that prompted her to make public the fuct mat he was a slacker. Mr. Maxlne Dempsey, hi former wife, declared on the witness hNiiiiI In liempxey'x trial on a charge of evading the draft. Attorney liavln Mc.N'alv. for I lie rte fenae, asked her if her real motive wan not a desire to get (4 0,000 or more from Dempaey out Of the J2f,0, 000 lie was expected to receive for boxing Carpentler for the heavyweight championship of the world, but ahe disclaimed any auch 'intention. McNnb asked if it waa not Irtie that she hud stated in Wclla. Nee, that she was going to get $40,000 out of Dempsey. The witness replied that Beulah Taylor, another InnsMe of. a resort at Wells, hud said she ought to get $40,000 out of the pugilist, and later urged her to try for 175,000, to which her answer hud been that she did not want anything. nefense t lacks Her Testimony. A large part of the afternoon ses sion waa tuken up with unsuccessful attempts of the defense to shake Mrs. Iempsey, testimony that she only received about H00 from her husband from the time his question naire was made out in January, 1918, until their final Reparation December 1. of that year. R. W. Burton, cashier of a tele graph office in Salt l-ake City, said NEW HAVEN, Conn., .Tune 10. Yale men were usked "to pray for a fulr duy" by the Yale News today In a forecast of ar rangements for tits Yale-Harvard regatta at New London, June 8; II discussed the Changes of a dreary delay com plicated with uncertainty us to wheiher the 'varsity will be up stream or down. SOMETHING ELS 'EM HELIX IS DUE FOR A SONG FOR HIRAM Nine Buckaroos and the Mana ger Have an Intuition That Undefeated Farmer Boys Will Have to Bite the Dust. fliw May Km. flnfurilay. Drift of tho two, O . B. Thompson. I so ill Mrs. Dempsey told him thnt ! ".lack nlwiiVH Hent plenty of money when he hud It.' CoL C. W ThomriH, who Is condurt Inir the rune for thf KovernTnent. an- j nouncftd in court that uhiphh crosa j examination nf Mrs. I empHey devel joped new point, nhe would he the MriMt i;overmrnent witneHR. Attorneys I said t lie (HiH mij.-hi i i-ach t he jury 'Saturday. 1 itf STAND' Is due ' Mil, praetlce "fionif'thlrif? teilH mo Helix for a trimming," nld "Shorn liuckaroo out fielder, after I Wednesday night. I Nine more, including Ma linger Spell ! n nd Captain Gunner Ieteron, ex- preed the same view. Kvery one of ; t hern is ffolng t0 Helix Sunday with : lhaL idea firmly In mind. Tho Hftllx hoyH, It Riay he sa Id, have heen ffolng Kreat guns all spring. In spite of the lack of rain. Crop wor ries have not had any effect of their I k 1 1 m o of hasehall and. Just as their lit tle town ,uiis out on thi highest spot ; of anv town that has n team in the l league, so do they sit serenely upon I t hi top of the percentage tahle. Helix has a good little family hall t am that has heen trimming the other j X WwaTf(ffffffWcV,'wa,r Help Your Digestion When ocid-distressed, relieve the indigestion wltk RmioidS Dissolve easily on tongue pleasant to take as canny. Keep your stonwh sweet, try WnUi MADE BY SCOTT BOWNL MAKERS OF aCOTTS EMULSION I"'- simple Your Bou Can Operate It Pacific coast S. COOK CHICAGO Perhaps Edgar J. Cook, si'-nager of Hiram J Vin son's campaign for the G. O. P. presidential nomination, belletes' music will soothe a flock ot dele sates. Anyway he has bad a song pueiisnea unacr me. title of "I Am w W. U Pet. "alt Lake 38 25 .II3 i San FYnnclsco 37 26 .587 1 Vernon 36 30 .545 U Angeles 34 30 .531 j Portland 28 2 .491 i ."ncramento t7 31 .429 j Oakland 27 JS .40 ' Seattle 24 16 .400 rtvn l.'iimu wllW I'.'Kul.irlv. Tile Kii and Thornes, with one or two) or HJram. more- ball DtarerS. have hainlled the! " " local on razzlnir, and Pilot Itoc k a j Tnhn ft. Drum nreulrlent nt lh couple. Atnena and Walla fjtells also lng ( nion Bank and Trust Company have trlppe.i up. Milton gets Its v"at'&n Francisco today told delegates nines at Helix later. , lo the convention of the California While the Buck are trying lo hump . Hankers Association of which he Is Helix from First place Sunday, Walls ; first vice president. Walla's tall endcrs will he entertained ! "Bankers must turn." he ssid, "to at Pilot llock for the first time this j ,he orderly deflation of the credit ex- season. Atnena, wnicn nas iosi mor. i pansjon which could not be avoided. VKHVOV KI-.MM: ItraiGNK sanies by cue run than any other team j Thp,.f, lB no,lon for hvsteria or (By Associated Press) ln ,he "r- m"t ""' "n a,ui j gloomy foreliodings hut it is time for STANFORD i;N'IVER8ITV CAU : c"n,,n Twln Cities learn on the Milton recognizing conditions as they exist." had jJune 11 Vernon Kellog. Stanford I '" ,,. The world s circulation of currency University professor, who has ror socne. k ' 7? 7 1. iL " estimated, he said, at tss.ono.oo,- tlms been chairman of the Section of '"",v may ti. . n"' ! 000. an increase of S49.O0O.OOO.00O DdUcsHon of the National Itescarch j cnr'' turned in. j since the summer of 1 9 1 4. Of this in- Council, has resigned from the faculty I i crease fully (16,000,04)0.001) has heen mbled since the signing of the armis tice, lie said. "The recovery from the unhealthy nious issues of credit Instruments to be absorbed by the savings of the peo ple." He said that since 1913 money in circulation had Increased 7 1 per cent and banks deposits 120 per cent. vhlle the average percentage of aclua cash held against these deposits had fallen from 11.7 to 6.6 per cent. In spite of existing, conditions, it Is necessary lo meet the capital require ments of such essential enterprises as the transportation system, housing, foreign trade and the production of needed commodities, he said. "Tile government must adjust Its ex penditures to its income and provide for lis needs otherwise than credits with tho banks," he continued. Excessive taxation that restricts en terprise must be discouraged and op posed, he held. GEORGE C. BAER TO BE LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE AT ROTARY CONVENTION 'here to become Hperetjry of the Coun jcfl at its office in Wtuihintttoii. He lis Die author of a numJper of hooks that on one ocraalon when Mrs. lemp- idenlinir with Americnf participation I Oeorjro C. liaer. :.,cal hardware man who leaves tomorrow for the Bast to i attend a convention of exclusive Win chester dealers the latter part of June, will represent the Pendleton Rotary Club at the national convention of Ro tarians to be held in Atlantic City. June 21 to 24. The primary object of Mr. Raer's trip is to attend the Win chester convention at New Haven, Connecticut, hut because of the dates of the Rotarian's convention, he will be ablp to represent the local organiza- UHe Mr. Raer will be accompanied by ! Western Electric POWER & LIGHT EVERY feature has been perfected not a single one over looked. Running this Western Electric Power and Light outfit is as simple as can be. Touching the starting sever sets it running a child can do it When the battery is charged the engine starts, then you nave continuous electric service night and day. You should know more about this plant it's simple: it's economical. How about your place? CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. vacuum Cleaners Uirntinsr fixtures aejy received money from her hushand toy telegraph just nfter hi match with Fred Fulton, nhe remarked, "Fulton must have hit Detnpsey be cause $200 was Jarred loose from him.' Rurton and two other employes of the office testified to paying tele graphic drafta from Dempsey to his wife and mother on varloua occasions in the year 1918. In the war. and was formerly connect- i ed with the Fond Admlnatration and j The American Relief Adminstration. j AND PITCHES VICTORY I conditions consequent upon war must I MrB.Baer and they will visit St. Paul VKW YOeUi. June li. Twfnlv two members nfMhe TTnion Boat Club of Hilton vlrtuaily alt of wtioni are Har vard men. satteit from here yesterday on the steamer Rotterdam to compete j In tho Heeiey regatta In Knerland. Qi'.M.rry sKKvire MS1TATHIV FOR SATURDAY GROCERY DEPARTMENT Cantaloupes, Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Lemons strawberries and Cherries. Lttuce, Radishes, New Peas, New Potatoes, Fresh Tomatoes, Rhubarb, Gar lic and Cabbage. MEAT DEPARTMENT Your favorite cut in Beef, Mutton, Pork or Veal. Pendleton Trading Co. ' Phone 455 t "If ifi in the Market We Hmrm It" OAKUA.N'V. June it. After seven straight Rumen Holllnff of Oak- j land broke his -streak and defeated Portland, S to 3. Oakland overcame a three rim lead that Portland made , in the first inning when with two out j Miller drr.pped Koehler's fly. Ilee-H Again float Seal. SALT LtAKJO CITY, June 11. Speed J on haaea coupled with timely hit en- ahled Salt l-ake to ncore a 5 to 3 win I over San Franc-nco. St ott, Seal , pitcher, was replaced by Lewia in the fifth after five runs had been aenred off him. Off Leewla the Bees sot put two hits and no runner farther than e second station. Seattle Shuts Out Vernon. T.S ANO&LE8, June 11. Seattle found Picrey and Dell, the Vernon pitchers. easY to hit and won, 8 to 0. Piercy whs knocked out of tho box early in the first inning and Dell who replaced him allowed 15 of the via-i Itors 17 hits. On of theni being a homer by Eldrefl In the eighth. Angels SiHit tlble lloader. i SACRA MKNTO, Jnne31. Prough i won a pltchinfirbattle, 1 to 0. over; I Brown in the second game and en abled Sacramento to split the double header with I oh Angelen. The first game went to the Angels, 3 to L necessarily be gradual," he continued. Pointing out that the government contracted an indebtedness of nearly I $17,000,000,000 during the war and I added to that $4,u00,000.00o of -Victory losing 1 r.cdea In the spring of Drum said tl is nopeiess to expert i nee enor- Chlcago, Philadelphia, and New York j ; before returning here. Mrs. Horace Mann, mother of Mrs. Baer, will ac- I ! company them East as far as Superior, i Wisconsin, where she will visit a sis ter and will later return with Mr. and Mrs. Baer. The Itching and Sting of Blazing, Fiery Eczema DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental x-naj by Appointment OtsI Artlcuistso Usnruroa. , Office Fhone it. Home Phone 7M el s. Mckenzie, m . D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office: 10-11-12 Belts BuildlB Pendleton, Ore. Semi Like the Skin It on Fire There is a harassing discomfort raa.ffl hv Eczema that becomes ii torture. The itching is almost unbearable and the skin seems on fire with the burning irri tation. A cure from local applica tions of salves and ointments is im possible, because such treatment can only aH.iv the pain temporar ily. Thr. disease can only be reached by goh;g deep down to its source. The source of Eczema is in the blood, the disease being caused by an infection which breaks out through the skin. That is why the most satisfactory treatment for all so-called skin diseases is S. S. S., for this remedy so thoroughly cleanses the blood that no impuri ties can remain. Get a bottle to day, and you will see results from the right treatment. Write for advice. Address Medical Director, 110 SWift Laboratory, A''anta, Ga. PHONE 600 MONEY NOT AVAILABLE NOW FOR SPECULATION SAYS BANK PRESIDENT (By Associated Press. 1 TA jF90 BX Gal. June 11. Is must be clearly understood that there is no money available now for purely spocu latlve r inm-Hcssential enterprises. SIGNS SETTLEMENT J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC The Federal Electric Washer Machine we are showing is a new machine in this city. Before buying look it over. Phone 13t MM E. Court St. SATURDAYS TABLE SUPPLY ' g Another week has rolled around and the problem of another Sunday dinner is staring us in the face. The Table Supply, the cleanest little store In town, afforda ou a place to satisfy your wants without worry. With an abundance of goodies from a mar ket full of fine U. S. Inspected Meats, Fresh, Crisp Vegetables, Fruits and Quality Groceries, coupled with a high class of service will please you. I "The Table I Supply" Phone 187 and 188 CHAS. D. DESPAIN A CHAS. Props. w 739 Main Street GOODYEAR 8 JwF n v Mm n r ,i 1 Just the right cut in meats is here for your Sunday dinner. DOWNEY MARKET lOBtC Mes o. w. co cos mo CHICAGO Mrs. Oat Winter Colostmo, widow of "Big Jim," lste Tie liar ot Chics to, was wearing deep aonralac when she signed papers that made a settle ment ot her husband's estate THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pendleton SSBMEMBERSB tederai emamaE BsfekS V S T r. MykW Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with facilities of the highest character. Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex ecutor or trustee under wills. PENDLETON, OREGON J Master Trucks One of the few trucks with long life under heavy duty. Get the confidential opinion of the Master owners on this subject W. C. tt, Inc. Sales and Service F. R. RAINES, Mgr. Corner Court and Thompson. PbotM 720 lit esse! I