East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
J. P. Walker, olerk of tlte local
cnmi' th Woodmen of the World,
left thin mornlns for tho head camp
of tho ordor at Yonomlto l'ark on a
trip as delegate from the lodges of
Haute OreKOn. Two other delttKatee
from this dlBtrlet will alto attend Mr.
Walker will peml four day In com
inlttco work and 10 days attending tho
enxlona In the park mot In all will bo
autfcnt from 1'cndleton for a month.
Twonty-flve tndlanH, with warpaint,
blankets and topeen, are to bo ken
to Portland for Shrine week to people
an Indian Vlllatre which will rival the
Hound-Up feature. H. W. Hicks,
traveling; passenger agent for the O -W.
R. A N., la here today to arrange
for tho transportation of the Indiana,
and after a conference with :ion
fetuahee, who "will be In chargr. of thr
tTinatillna, aaya the braves and MUSWS,
Who itll travel In a wpeolal coaah
They will pitch their topees In the
Park block to delight the wondering
ayes of Kimtern vlaltom. and will Inter
In the week appear In tribal dunces.
jggrdlng the offering
siook. in ine concern.
of uddltloiiiil""
Clcll Brown returned yesterday
from Corvallla where he attended O.
A. C. He la an ex-aoldler, huvlng
aerved with the niarlnra and took ad
vantage of OrcKon'.M provision for the
education of veteran.
Wherever travel Mr, ntfn Mrs. J. H,
Novak, there also tiuvela Roddy,
their pel prairie dog. noddy was tak
en from a pralrta b.g village In South
D.iki.ln tK veer" n and Hlnce then
has nOMolncI :i grnlal, kindly disposi
tion. Mr. :uid Mr.. ova- are In Pen
dleton today, traveling by machine
from Western "iooii back to their
homo in Kiuth Dftkpt.
A vet 'I'Sje. sheep shearer la Alex
OI'va pi tiis f-otiniy. Who leavea tomor
row for Milium, Moiit.inn. to continue
his th4eonaecutrre sheep shearing
ae i n. Me returned yesterday from
Hun'.lntrtun, wher- he ahrnreil bands
owned by .1 C. WttrbTger, who has
employed Mr. Oliver for over 11 decade
Mr. Oliver's firm experience In cut
ting the fleece was when he Bhamrwd
sheet, owned by his father. It. 1. Oliver
of Kcho. lie Is employed yearly W
shear the ("uhna, Vey. Stanfleld nnd
..Iher Kind. Krod Markham will ac
eompatiy Mr. Oliver to Dillon, and lat
er they will lie Joined by Mr. Oliver"!
aona. Jess and John, who have been
hearing for 30 yeara under their fath
er's direction.
C, Z. ldleman left this morning Tor
his home In Portland after a visit In
Pendleton al the home or his son, Ir
U D. Idletnan.
Orearonlaiis who are behind a com
pany that Is developing oil wells In
Kanaaa are finding Ihrlr venture
paying one according. lo F. at Blair,
of Ixi tirnnde. who la here 4n the in
terests of the interstate Development
Corporation. The company Is com
posed largely of Pendleton an. I La
Oraade people, among the heavy own
era Veins Kruce Dannls, of La OraOde.
Mr. Itlalr came over yeslerday to con
fer' with C. C. Carr, local agent, re-
Tho Prince of Walea has bought a
Block ranch near Culgary, and W. I.
Carlylo, a, ooualn of 8. It. Thorn paun
and Mrs, M. T. Buell of this city, is
making unhingements for the Blocking
of the ranoh. Mi. Carlylo spent a
great deal of his time In tho county of
Cornwall, Knglnild, on the Prince's
eatnte and selected 20 youigjr perlgrend
shorthorn heifers, shorthorn hulls and
a large number of sheep. Mr. Carlyle.
according to word received by his rel
atives hero, Is also, acting for l.oni
Mlnto and la shipping six thorough
bred racing Vlllles for the prince and
tw.. for lx.nl Mlnto.
ker Taxi Co., vs. the railroad, for
damages to a taxlcab which collided
with n tank cur on the Chestnut
siieut crossing last winter. The rail
road. In Its iinswer. blames the driver
of tho taxi, says be Was driving at an
excessive spied an. I that I lie train and
switching crew were all operating In
a manner to insure safety. The
switching crew wuin.-il the driver but
he iitlemptod to beat the tank cur to
the crossing and was hit. the attor
neys allege in their answer. The rail
road la represented by' c. A. Kpcncer,
Carter & Hmytlie and W. A. Itobblns.
IZgg Thrower Pay line
William Hronson and Wendell Dron
aon, residents of Cabbagu Hill, wero
fined fiO each In Justice court Wed
nesday afternoon for throwing eggs at
neighbors as a part of a little nclgh
l.urlv disagreement. Both pleaded
guilty end paid up.
Jackson Instate f 131.
Tho estate of tho lato cnanea Jaca
son has been appraised at 1431. The
appraisers were llaipn i-orter, i. t .
Uarrett und lien Trombley.
Ilriiillmrii Aimralscra Named
Herbert Hoyien. Lvl Kldridge and
B. T. Fanning today wero named ap
praisers of tho cstale of the late Louts
P. uradburn.
sues to Kit-over Certificate.
Barah .1. Gross et al.. toduy brought
suit against the Klrht National Hank
of Pendleton to have delivered to
them a certificate or deposit for 15,
Bo on tho I'lrst National Hank or
Athena, which was left with the local
bank as temporary custodian. The
bank is said to be holding the paper
pending the decision as to who Is en
titled to receive the money. H. I.
Watts, c. fc. Prestbye and Petersen,
Bishop & Clark arc attorneys for the
Two More Want rinai Papers,
Dennis McKleney of Ourdune, and
Michael Mclaughlin, of Pilot Itoek.
both natives ofIreland. today wero
listed with the class of II thut will be
examined for final citizenship papers
In circuit court on September 14.
Community Hull Iiicorponuca
Articles of Incorporation of the
Helix Community Hall wore filed with
(he county clerk today. The capital
Is 10,000, with shares at SI each. In
corporators are furl Kngdiihl, f. B.
llllnii. A. c. Mclntyre, Ixcroy Pcnland
and i II. Moss,
11....1 win Opvm Augnxt ao.
'Pendleton arhnols. grammar and
high, will ojien for the 1BSO-1921 term
August 30. says announcement from
Knd P. Austin, city superintendent.
The early Blurt Is necessary because
of the Inauguration of the 10 months'
school term.
Would Revoke Parole
A motion to revoke the parole of
Clulr HtiRhs. a youth found Kiillty re
cently of larceny from tho Red, White
& Blue dairy, was made to the Circuit
court today, lluahs la allotted to have
stolen money and guns after ho was
released on parole and to have escap
ed to Coldcndale, Wash., where he was
arrested mil returned. He will now
be obliged to serve his sentenco In the
stato penitentiary.
Ilnilrossl Ask- IMsmlssal.
The O-W. R. A K- Co. toduy asked
for a dismissal of the case of the Par-
Just a few of the reasons why you
should buy your Groceries at
Sugar, all you want, pound 25c
Good Rice, 5 pounds 80c
Best California Small White Beans, lb. 10c
IxOR Cabin Syrup, nied. size 70c
Log Cabin Syruu, large size $1.35
Make your dollars go as far as they will
by paying cash at Conroy's, a comparison of
prices will convince you.
Canteloupes, each 15c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 1 tins,
2 for 25c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, '
5 for $1.00
Crisco 60c, $1.15 and $2.30
Peanut Butter pint jar 40c, quarts 70c
Olympic Pancake Flour, large package 35c
Mfc T-7Tf !to 'MM, ill 1 1 uti !!HilH!,iii!'fcl,iM! tflllg $MtM SL1 -iS
Two Couples Hot Licenses.
Marriage licensee were issued
Thursday afternoon to Thomas J.
Hart and Golden H. Bromley, both of
Pendleton, and to Albert , VaUffbaUl
of Buker county, and Anicc Barnes
of Weston.
Kngllsh Kstate Probed.
The estate of the late Jacob M. Kng.
lish was admitted to probate Thurs
day afternoon and J. 7.. Kngllsh nam
ed administrator. Clfarles S. May,
W. S. Rayburn and W. H. Gould were
appointed appraisers.
Kis li lli-uds Not Guilt)'.
". J, Koch this morning pleaded
not- Kiiilly In Justice court to the
charajk of assault and battery prefer
red against him oy Jim Dupuis anil
was to have a trial this afternoon, pro
viding Oupuis cuuld lie found to testify.
Aunt bin 1-itg Thrower Pays.
David Khnffer, the third of the Cab
bage Hill egg throwera, earne in to
the Justice court today and paid his
fine of 120 for the offense.
(Continued from page I.)
no mistake: to the end that you who
hold In your hands the party's des
tiny may gn forth from these halls,
triuniplaint in the assurance of cer
tain victory; to the end thut a repub
Heaa administration may once again
broadcast the nation with happiness
and prosperity; to the end that the
constitution of our fathers and tho
highest traditions of the American
people shall endure; to the end that
the pntriotie principles and the lofty
ideals of Washington, rff Lincoln and
of Roosevelt shall live on and on and
on the sovereign state of of Califor
nia places before you In formal nom
ination Hiram W. .lobnaon."
The orator described Senator John
son ns the mas first brought forth for
presidential honor by California after
70 years of statehood, and left no con-
controversy In recent political history
untouched as he sketched the sna-
or's career.
are fresh every mornim. We handle the Rood
'JrfflHRioiHs River and Milton Strawberries.
P. mk 4 Strawberries
Egffjf 't H Gooseberries, box
9H- -' 'WKtF I White Cherrieg, per box . 20c
jjuL : ' ''WMfe-&BF 9H .antelopes, each 20c
r"'nm ' I Rhubarb, 3 pounds for . 25c
'"wKm 9 Oranges, per dozen 90c " -00
P,.: i;- :JF7jP5L M ('.ananas, per dozen 1 8JJC
Wti '' -aHasW 5 Fresh Tomatoes, per pound -30c
W f ' jgtBS m Extra large Cucumbers, each 30c
f 'A , BmltiSL m Radishes, bunch 06c
$mm M M-m iJRSHsHam I Onions, bunch 05c
g "n Beets, bunch 10c
Turnips, bunch JJ
Y'-iMiiJi, JBi ''JKKm i M Green Teas, pound 20c
" ' ' f Bermuda White Onions, 2 pounds for ..2Sc
' ' SBBBSSl Lettuce, head 15c
FwOmmUmi stBm Two Phones 526
"' ' ;i""' v'f
Here in a "costuTne talllenr. as the Paris designer calls it.
that suggests alluring possibilities for making over an old suit.
It consists of a straight, narrow slcfrt and a boxooat with three
quarter sleeves that are practically the same width all the way down.
ount of tfie rlnslvc fluid.
Despita two days strenuous efforts,
Mr. McKay was unable to got a car in
which to send easoItn: here, ttiingfl
are utill out to get a few tank cava to'
h:lp combat the shorlage here.
"They are tfe'Ulng .so much jasollnv
at WciKor thut they are obliged 10
cancel Home of their ordors," Mr. Mc
Kay laid today. "They would glad If
dU'ert sonify it. Someone will not let
thr tank cars be Rent west, however."
WeiHcr and other Idaho towns are
reeivin? their gasoline from Catifor
nia and the cnr ore pa-ssini? through
"Pendleton on tho 0-W. It. & N., Mr.
McKay Bay he learned while on the
trip. This situation in one which ha
was unable to find explanation for
and reports will likely be ent In from
her to the oil concerns and lailiuada
in -n effort to obtain relief.
Uoynl Hawtalle in tcd
Koyal M. Sawtelle, local j-?weh
During the Hot Summer
don't stand for hours near a stove doing your iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort
able. It is not limited to flat .work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
It is fully guaranteed.
You can buy them at
Milne Electrical Company
Pendleton, Ore.
We Handle Wiring Contracts.
108 E. Alta Across From Alta Theatre
was elected one of the executive com-Hna(i.
miccmen of the Oregon Retail Jewl-TkiclnV
ers Jim iuuimi, 111 ine, hiau conven
tion which closed yesterday in Port
land. Mr. Sawieile has Tor the pist
year been president of the associati on.
He will be succeeded by F. J. Donnen
June 11. Late again hi
tling under way, the republican na-
under agree-
mentto stay in scsnion until a presi
dential candidate had been nominated.
Prospects were for a all day and pos
sibly nil ntffht session.
At 10:0fi o'clock the secretary be
Lpan 1 albne tne mil (r states for nom
berger, of Astoria, who
ttnatlons. Alabama passed, Arizona
1 to Kansas for the nomination
General Leonard Wood by Gover
nor Henry Allen, of Kansas, seconded
by Frank Knox "f New Hampshire,
and Mrs. Douglas Hoblnson of New
i ork, the caridfdtttfy og General Leon-
was "elected aid Wood was placed before the con-
vt ntion.
(Ity Associatod Prs.)
CHTCAOO, Juhe t. tihentn Gov
ernor Frank f. LoMrMa unto Uucoln
Congressman XV. A. Hodcnbcrg of
Illinois today placed the name of the
Illinois war governor LowOcn in nomi
nation. He said In pin t:
At no time since the birth Of the
Republican Party has there been
greater need for tho exercise of calm,
deliberate and dispassionate Judge
ment in the selection of a standard
bearer than there is today. A spirit
of rebellions unrest is abroad In the
land. On all sides are beard murmur
ings of discontent. Tho times are
pregnant with the propheey of gloom
MM despair. COltf I deuce has dls.ip-
pea red and tho splendid optimism of 1
tho former dan. once our proudest .
national Mtt. has given way to an
over-present fear of impendiuK disas- J
ter. For seven years the tfhip of State,
straining in every timler. has lecn
drifting in b sea of uncertainty, its
pilot confused and Ivewildered by
strange voices In the air nnd lured on
in its vacclllaUng course by false UBhLs
along the shore.
A solemn responsibility rests upon
the republican party today. Many dif
ficult and perplexing prnhlems. social,
e&onomlO nnd industrial, growing out
of the world war are pressing for
solution. In the crucial and critical
period upon which we have now enter
ed the nation demands as its Chief
Kxeeutive a man of clear brain and j
steady nerve, a man of vision but not
a visionary, a man of ideals but not an
Idealist, a man of works and not of
Illinois h;tA such a man.
We present him to you as our candl- j
dato for President.
We present the patriotic governor ot
a patriotic state. Frank Orren Low-)
Southern Idaho has an abundance
of gasoline but getting curs in which '.
to transport it here Is the problem. I
Clyde McKay, president of the Pendle
ton Autohiohlle Association, said this
morning upon his return from a gas
oline luiying trip to Weimr, Idaho.
The Weiser people have announced a
willingness to sell hu city uny gm-
Mail Orders Now. Seat Sale Tomorrow.
Prices, $1, $2, $2.50 Plus Tax.
JlllllLIUiinU 'b S lllllltutfrp-
WuBSBSBBt A mCf JullliTrrHSt
.ItlHitlTff- ,
4 yfarii
On the Illuminated Eunway
Pure fresh Lard
No. 1 30
No. 3 85c
No. 5 $14
No. 10 - 92.75
Plenty of Chicken for Your Sunday Dinner
fempire Meat Market
"The Old Reliable"
Established 1890
Plume 18
The Ford One Ton Truck is one of
the sure business utilities, and likewise
just as big a necessity on the farm.
Fanning is surely a business proposition
wherein success depends upon economi- j
cal methods with up-to-date machinery, i
The Ford Truck will prove a great econ- j
omy on the farm. The marvel is "how (
the farmer has got along without it all
these years." It is a servant that serves,
always ready and always economical.
Price $600.00 without body, f. o. b. De
troit, m j. .i
Cor. Water and Johnson. Phone 408
IS ifii
209 E. Court
Phone 445
With each order of Soap we will give Free, one
Soap Dish, value 35c;
Palmolive Soap, 3 for 25c
Cream Oil Soap, 3 for 25c
Sunny Monday Soap, 4 for 25c
Goblin Soap, 5 for 25c
This offer is only for Friday and Saturday.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 East Court St,