TWELVE lAGES feMtt TITO DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1020 r PREPARE NOW FOR i - nv v b. m at w Onlv 2()nion--lioppini: davs rnnaiiK You're sure to b mIoiiis; -oniethin special on that date going to lebraie sonicwhcro,! aiieni a liliit hi o " mountain vacation. Get vour toss in time and be ready, r air offering man) nur bargains in all part? of our Store. Buy now! '! ' 1 ' ' " " " 'J ' T . . - . n . .. ;. THE FOURTH 1 EVKRY BODY'S INTITI.rn TO SVI'IM'VCTIOV li rinnl maki' any difference about pH mark. I conditions 01 tiow vl ale lCMI x.mi ii entitled 1" HBtlMfu nun In the clothes von bus hire, li yuti doni get it --niom-v sack. 1 arts hont "Mil figures" If you are getting heavier, or if vou have always been heavy, vou dont need us to tell you that it isn't the easiest thing to get the Hght clothes; the style that doesn't emphasize your size. It used to be a matter of some anxiety to such a man when he bought clothes. But not now; we can supply you with Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; special designs for men who think they're hard to fit. We fit them. Special Suits at 37.5.0, ' $45.00 and $55.00. Others from S22.50 to $100 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement ' i CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22 WATERMELfAS The First of the Season Arrived Today. Quality is Extra Good. Extra Fine Canteloupes 15c and 20c Hermiston Strawberries, 3 boxes 50c Best Creamery Butter, 3 pounds 1.20 Fresh Country Butter, 2 pounds $1.10 Extra Fine Large Gooseberries to arrive tomorrow. Price, the pound . 15c REMEMBER THESE SPEGIAC SALE I TEMS FOR FRIDAY AND STl RDAY. All Silk and Leather Handbags are priced dom one lliird to 1-2 the former price. t Tricolettes on sale at fully 1-3 less. Sport Silks at greatly reduced prices. Printed GeotgCttftB, values to $4.75 at $2.N.". THESE BOSTON BAGS are making quite a hit with women who wish to take a short trip and don't require a larger hug. They come in tan and blac k and sell at, each $7.85 NEW DESIGNS IN SILk LINGERIE CLOTH Butterflies and bird designs woven in that are particularly beautiful for Browns, envelope chemise, etc. Colors are flesh, pink and white. The price per yard '. $1.25 GARDEN PARTY TAFFETAS are very smart in style and coloring for a summer costume. The qualities are excellent and of the best. We are showing quite a range of patterns at the yard. $4.00 to $4.50 SPECIAL SALE OF ALL SILK CREPE DE CHINE 40 inches wide, colors of pink, flesh and white, $3.00 and 3.25 grade on sale Friday and Saturday at yard $2.39 MORE BOYS' SUITS AT $9.85 We have searched our stock of boys' clothes thorougniy and have selected iftv more choice suits, many of them Oregon all wool Cassimeres, and have addr ed them to our special lot of boys' suits at $9.&5 They're wonderful bargains, the best you'll see in many a day. You can't afford to pass , this wonderful offer by. The Most Clutrinin.'i I )rie"sse.s Imaginable S cially Priced These dresses are reflections of the season's best styles, with many little refinements and in novations that make them unusu ally attra ctive. They're the best de velopments we've seen yet, of the pre vailing tendencies in both street and dressy models. The materials are Georgette, taffeta, messaline and tri colette. Prices range from $28.50 to $55.00 7 jj KOYS" SHOES When you buy a pair of ho for your boy be Bur ami nmko aunltly your ftrnt consideration. Our aim la to gfv you the uitnoHt In quality. hoen thut mr. no -brmiklnff In." that have thM.rhfhf leather, the rlfftt shap- unci Ihu riuht laM. Wo carry tto for boy with 1 1 el-It I ttfiii" Which will liit an long an th nolo. Priqea S 150 to $9.00 If ymir fot soti iimi pain, if you haw full ail P. If your fee! tire easily. If vou har fallen or broken nrhea, e;rH nt vur ahoe iIp pa Mount we have frmHuMte .ttotliMt lu servi you. ASK TO SEE OUR MEN'S SUITS AT $45.00. THEY'RE WORTH WHILE SKNHENN aSEATEST DEPARTMENT JSBHU5 3nePeoples warehouse Ijiiiili'SwHTPf-JT pays to TRff WWSWMlr VISIT 01 J K BARGAIN BASEMENT OFTEN. J RAIN DID NOT DAMAGE UMARNE CROP OF HAY I Many from T'maplne attended the week. The youns people have a mod '.funeral of Veil William who wa-s em bungalow on Air. Harch'a ranch T.zy Oregon Ian f?pectal T-MA PINK. Jdne 10 Monday night r'!et;dlrt rain fell in thin vicinity and fttthoufffr hundreds of tons of alfalfa hay were canM down, the rain was welcomed by the fl,ran grower throughout entire tMtteH. For two wer grain sem-d to be at a and now with the additional inolRture of over half ;in inch, the growers think the wh'-at barley and oat crops are made. The alfalfa hay which is cut will not be damaged to any extent aw Tuesday morning a KpJendld drying wind blew, fiancherw i who had their frrat cutting in the stack are happy ok the rain which fell will make their second top much heavier. Arwaly for th? first cutting Irrigating water la available hut from June first, growers do not dej-nd on ditch water. Jn fact winter irrigation grows all three cutting; and sometimes four. j we.t of Umapine. Mr.-. March was ; Sylvia Ferguson before her marriage 'and is a daughter of Mrs. Annie TY-r-' gUfon, formerly of Weston. Mrs. ! March la a Umapine high school girl. They have the best wishes of the com imunity in their married life. On Thursday afternoon the Ladies' iAid of the Presbyterian church met i with Mrs. John Allen for o tea. Those present were Mesdames Parsons, Cald well, Davidson. McKle, Pean, Phillips. iPhilippi, Trill, Wilson, Harp, Allen, i Bahbidge, Holm. Moore, Wilfley and On Wednesday night fmapine Miase Delia Pliilippi and Thelma Phil young people charivaried Mr. anl Mrs. l.'ps. Hoy March who were married last W. If. Weathers is improving at the "WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?" (hurled Saturday afternoon at J o'clock ;from the Christian church at Milton jby the American Legion. Death came t -v tha Vminv knlrllor - ' i ' . r- (if! Thursday after a long illness from tu berculosis of the stomach. He was tn the United States army for two 'years and was stationed in Camp Lew is. He Was the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Orant Williams, who live at Barrett. ;The-deceased leaves many relatives jand friends who will mourn his loss, i Interment was made In the Milton eeftwfeiy. EXPECT LOWDEN WILL WIN BY FIFTH BALLOT CHICAGO. June 10. Dowaen stock is enjoying a decided boom In the con vention hotel lobbies ss the time for the first balloting draws near. Sup porters claim ha has made big gains in tr east during the last 24 hours and that he will have over 200 votes WKK, WKARV WOMirV Wjes ami tlw n-' of lail ( -1 (!., When the hack acl es and throbs. When ho u sework is t ort M re. When nlgbt brins no i - : nc in. When urinary disorder set Women's let in a weary one. Don n k Kidney Pills are for l.ldneyw Aek your neighbor. Have proved their uortli in I'endle- weak Thi la one Pendleton woman's tes timony Mrs I J. Ntover IH W. Wbb St.. hy 'l have found Doan's Kidney nils to be all that hi claimed of them fur' back he and kidney trouble. Some yeara ago 1 had 4 dull pain In the re gion of mv kltfnVys. At times I could hardly ke p going, as my back felt so Weak and -jre. After had tak'-n one nog of DotttT Kidney Pills that awful gfliser In my back left entirely and fwa abb- Id get around as well as etvr Price C'- at all dealers. Don't imply aK for a kidney remedy r Doan Kidn I'll1 'le wme that Mrs mover bad faster M. it urn Co . jiTMJ.. Bnffklo, X. T. Bake Oven where he has been for two I management of the Western Cattle weeks taking treatment for rheuma- 1 Protective Cnlon. tism. Miss Delia Records returned from a vacation spent with Miss Phillppi at Arlington ( regon, on Tuesday even ing. .Miss Jese lilock attended the wed dng of Miss Pe.ssie Wyrmna In Walla Walla Wednesday night and looked very attractive as bridesmaid at the happy event. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. EL Jones and Dane Hoon returned from a week's stay at Bend, Oregon, where they attended the sessions of lthe state grange. No. 31. They re port a Kplendid trip but fiund that fsectlin of Oregon far later than the Walla Walla valley. Hev. and Mr. Babbldge left Mon day for a short stay In Seattle. They .were accompanied as far as Yakima ihy Urs. W. W. Phillppi who will visit j in that city. Mrs. flabbldge Sr., also i accompanied them and will remain on ithe coast during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. "Hap" Winans ef lonA Ore., are visiting rein t Ives In the ffTmapine district this week. Mr. Wi nans has charge of the sheep industry of Hugh Murray. Miss Hattle Allen la visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Jim Oliver, near Prescott. On June 25. the Hudson Pay Orange decided to hold their annual picnic up the Walla Walla riw-r, providing gas oline can be obtained for the occa sion. Thla event always brings out a large number of Orangers and besides fho picnic dinner at the non hour, games and sports of all kinds are held. A feature this year will be a baseball came Itctween the ladies end Ihe men. The game will last five innings Mrs. R to the Illinois Governor whenever tt f Hniic one nlRhl beci'iue auparenl hal Itullei can, nn s-. ,kki- . ):-u.-.- bo nominated. It Is reported &nai m;w yoiu acts tk;itiii;h. 11 I'ciuiHVlvaiiia circles Ijowden will 1- strong as soon aa BprMri dark horse chance grow dim. Another claim is the Michigan delegation wont stand long for Johnson. It In expected, how- lev r t hat a few Minnesota fieieaies will desert Lowdcn. rrly last March at it Hi MI'H,1V1X PI.KAlts GVtlPV. (By AnoaiateJ PrrBH.) SALEM. Juno 9. Ji? M'llllnlx ynrtrrday plenJel KiitM' when ar rftiKnpfl on !h' rhiirif of nHsnnltinK with Intpnl to kill J. VV, Hti'iKer. fi prominent Marlon county farmor. Ilo will I e Hfntt'invfl Monday. Mrs. Stolir- (lly I Tnlt.-1 IYs.) fine m;i . Juno in. .Vow York will be virtually "olid In votinir for candl !lat.!i anl on par.v plunk. Senator WWadKWorth, oh airman or inn aeiena tlnn. ainnotmcod after n two houra cau rim of the (.'lafl'on MONTANA MAN rAXMDATK (Ttv A!tKi:itrl Pres." CHPCAOO, Jim ln A new oamll late for the reptrhlh-nn rtee-pretln- tiai nornlhitttan ApM to lay -when ih. .rettiry of Male' of Montnna sent i.n the flrftt ballot an.l will haye a total ,. . aeeiisr.,! hv .fnlUnly with i t nl r- of Ihe .leleuatlon retlfi- Of about 550 on the fourth or f"h ( (nh,)il.,r(K , k( nr (Mtoafut, ,,, . ,.i,.M Nho-ln that Jowph M. niton ballot. Lowden boomers claim f,r, of , (ft hp fP(1 nn(M ,h term. I of Misoouta. had wcelvwj Of per tho New York defecation will w'n( Bteffrer w(a f,. , m ,, , , primary. COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark ens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. . NEW YORK "Xeb air? Taxi anr-pan -of toe-city 7" So did Doug 'alrbanka, who Is believed to make mere money than any Gotham axi driver, address the folks who gathered at tbe station to meet tsa sad his bride, Mary Plckford, when they landed from Los An gel. It's a case now, says Mary, of "Where do we go from here?' Bue hankers for tbe London saa lampa and the lights of Paree hot as gh, ' Uoug chances hi mind so often." she doeea t know. Oramlmother kept her hair beanti . fully darkened, gloaay anil attractive Iwith a brew of Hnfre Tea and Holpbor. Whenever her hair took on that dufl, jfadeel or ptreakeH npeparanco. thla jHlmlde mixture wan applied with won- H. Welman ha returned to drfiil effect, fly aalring at any trntg Ihar-Walla Walti home after a vacation i at ore for -Wyeths Saare and Sulphur i On Sunday evening the Unfred jt'ompound," you will get a large bot Hretbren church at t'maplne bngan lleof I hin old time recie, Improved by revival meetings the Ferlea to last twol'he addition of other Ingredients, all week!-, it ! thought tit preaent. On, ready line, at Very little coat. Thla Sunday evening the camp meeting pimple mixture can be depended upon J whP-h hna been In prurresa tut t'wo to reatore natuial color and beauty lo weeks ifnder the Free Met hodM . hair. chui. h of Walla WaNS closed. I A well known downtown drought s.iya everybody uses Wyeth'H Safe and c.ATn.r.Mi:N un.i. ii".irr. sulphur Oompouad now k fRy Associated 1'reaa.) Idarkena st naturally atid evenly thai ! RAN JtSK. June 10 Kepreaentntlve j nobiMly can tell It has been applied--cattlemen from ftfcMorafceJ Oregon, jit's so i-asy lo use, too. You simply N'evada. I"nh and AriTonu. will meet dampen a comb or Koft brush and here June 1 for the purpose of set- draw II through your hair, taking one itlng price on beef and feeder call le Utrand al n time. Hy morning the for the remainder of this year. Prices gray hair disappears; after another frnm the cattlemen to the UMaiBM jhplflf usUim or two. ft Is reainred to its Iconaumer will also be reported upon, jnataral color and looks glossy, soft iThe meeting will be held under the isnd beautiful. HEINZ PICKLES ARE ALWAYS GOOD, We have a complete line of -hulk and bottled pickles and if you want the bct, phone 871 Sanitary Grocery , OAK B. Ill I.AP.,!'rop. Tbe Moat in Value The Best in Quality