East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 09, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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. 7i
People Here and There
II" I .!
I. E. Alagrtdar, an organizer for
th )riron Hlfta Cluuiiber of Coin
meroe, Portlund, wu a Pendleton vis
itor I ant evening, having come here
from a trip to the cities ouhC of here.
Carl Engdahl, Helix wheat grower,
left laHt night on a Hhort trip to Port
land with the conviction that he could
leave Ills growing crop now and re
turn to find It thriving after the hard
mint .
W. U Thompson urrlved from Port
land ihlH morning on one of IiIh peri
odical huKincHH viMtH tu his Intarwti
who Ih Mate commander of the order.
The order which iihe repreHenU la u
national one, of 200,000 members,
Mra. Mley, who haa been here vlaitlng
tho local branch, left to apend the day
in Echo In the intereata of the Mux-nbeea.
Nlco J. nlydciiHtcln, rrftlfiafl' of the
I'm. .ill!;, ji-lonr A drain Co., arrived
home on No. m this morning aficr
touring the ooxt and .smilh for thrsa
week on binlncHH. He cume by wn.v
of Kantian city.
Kenootii 3. iimii, paying Inaneator
for the Htute lilgliway coninilaalon,
with ht-udMuartw-.-i at Htilcm. arrived
here lost night fioni ji Orande ami
today went to Milton to liMpec! paving
work going on in that vlrlnlty. lie
will leave for Haleni tonight.
J. P. o'JIrl'-n. i. pn-snl, nl and
mnnaif'-r of th O.-W. K. & .v., 'wan
In tba city today on hla way from
Portland to iji Ordndo, on nrficiai bua.
In- Hie tcrj-ilor' ext.;i(Jfil from
Baattta to (funUngton. J. P. and T. P.
(vrtrian. local agenl tor n-W. Jt.
A. X., uru brothers.
Mrs. K. J. Wllllama and Utile Vir
ginia Wlllluma departed tills morning
for Portland after a month'H visit at
the homo of Mrs. Williams' daughMr,
Ira n. L. Hurrouglm.
James Clinton Kolley, 'after aerviiw
during the recent war, re-lollsted uftai;
riHelviiiii bis dlscliarge ami Is no
with the ir,th fuvulry, at Port I). M
Ruaaell, Wyoming, He is in pendlo
ton and was railed by the illness of
bis mother, Mrs. Kllih Kolley.
Union county, like l'mutlUa, is re
lolaing over an opportune June rain
nntl cn, comlltions in Ihe nelghbbr-
lug country look much better ns a re
sult, says W. H. Morlaaon who return
ed lni nlghl from a short trip to Hoi
Carl I'erlnger has returned from a
'btiHlnesa und -Pleasure Irlp to Portland
and Kealtle. '
, Itobert Bond, who raises cattle both
at Yoakum and In the l!klnh country,
la in the city today on buaineHs.
"wnr Cutler, stale highway engl
nnerln charge of the resident district
about Alhena, la in the city today on
official business.
V. A. Handera, from ih' PMol Rock
vicinity. Is a ttndUHOtl visitor today.
W. M. Hanaraon was over from
vVaiiuiii, Waah.1 ibis morning on a
i buslneiai vialt.
Dr. I' If. Dorn is hora today from
ICcho, where he la a practicing phy
sician and surgeon.
Tio P"od:Hoji 1,-vb-w ,.f He- Wom
an's BcncCM Aajaoclatlon of the Mace
abaajj -i ois- of ill,. ,ri.,n. ;i in tre
gon. sa-. lira. Pantfna Moora itllev.
n bis way to Mabel, Oregon, where
he will give medical aid to Booth-Kel-Icy
loggers during the summer. Prank
Seail'e was u Pendleton visitor today.
Mr. Bcalfe, who has many friends in
I'eudleton, has just completed bis
third year in Harvard medical school
;lih1 will return to Harvard this full
for a ycur's work before getting his
Mrs. Newt O'HaiTH, of Weston. Is
one of many women achnol directors
in Ho- county. She acts on the hoard
in ntafrinl No. ts. Mrs. O'Harra was
in Pendleton today.
(By Pnlted PrcsH.)
SAN PltANCISCO, June 9. Maxlne
Demoaey, divorced wife of Juck emp-aej-,
today took the stand to testify
against Jack in the government's trial
of the champion on slacker charges.
The defease objected to her testify
ing, claiming she was his wife at the
lime the questionnaire was prepared,
and therefore could not testify. The
government maintained it could prove
Maxlne never wan legally married to
Jack. The court ruled against the de
fense after sensations! testimony by
Ella (loodrich. who said that Max
lne after marrying lumps, y lived as
a prostitute at Pusco, Wash.
It Pays to ray Lash at CONROYS
Cnne Sugar, lb a
'amotion Milk. 14c
Oorn llukn h tinkle, ' for -
Pufr Wheat, package I
Puff Bl and WircldeU U IMI, a tMo
man of Wheat. PMMM IpB
(Mympic Pancake Hour, package a5c
CRISCO 60c, $1.15 and $2.30
Man In n, 4 bnxea S3o
. repa Toilet l"aa-r, roll Jj"
Ilest Crtqic Tolletl'alHT, 3 for 25"
IVnniit Butter P'nt Jura. tOc; quarts, $.
BoUd Pack Own. 2 cans 3Ro
Jelly, 8 oa. glass, each ft
Gold Inat and hca I .sun. ea1 30o
Ollxc Oil (HnniUirt.s) belt on the market
. plots. 90c; quarts. $1.75
Van Camps Pork anil 1 Icons, o. i Una, S for 5o
n Cnmps Purk and Heutis, No. 2 tins, r for l.00
van Oanapa soups, 2 nana 35o
During the Hot Summer
don't stand for hours near a stove doing your iron
ing in the old fashioned way.
A Simplex Ironer will do the work quickly, easily
and beautifully while you remain cool and comfort
able. It is not limited to flat work but can be used for
nearly everything. Your lace and embroidered
pieces look especially fine after being put thru a
It is fully guaranteed.
You can buy them at
Milne Electrical Company
Pendleton, Ore.
We Handle Wiring Contracts.
108 E. Alta Across From Alta Theatre
I ConHtruoiion of an overhead cross
ing nfar pave station on the Oregon
Washiqicton highway, , wan virtually
jogrte4 upon thiy morning when offi-
nali if tho , i r e. v t-, , ,.i,,.,i
the HQM Willi County Judge C. H.
Mrh, Commissioner G. i Dunning
ami Itewidtmt Ciiinrer t-wear Cutler.
The result of tho inspection watt an
I order to Mr. Cutler to Immediately
surrey two possible routes for the
; croHHlng.
The t-sina.il. -J cost of the Improve-
ment varies Iroin iJa.OUO to J30.000,
j Judge Marsh said. The railroad named
conditions upon which it would share
j In the cost and the county and state
highway commission must Hecide be
'twprn them if the plan Is satisfactory,
j One crossing route is to be surveyed
I .it the present grade crossing and an-
other about a quarter mile nearer
j I'endleton.
j H. J. KobertA represented the rail
road company In the meeting.
The Coffee
who finds grounds
Ar discomtbrt in his
coffee cup, welcomes
a change io
Instant PosruM
No loss of satisfaction
in "this richly flavored
beverage. All the pleas -ures'of
coffee, wi"th not
a bit of nervousness, v
or sleeplessness.
Made by Postum Cereal Co.ottle Q-eek,Mich.
CLHVEI-A.VD, C June 9. "Hooze
has had its ancient snd iionorable an
cestry in the-English language uncov
ered here reeently by l'rof. William
H. if ii I me of Western Reserve Univer
sity. .
Labeled for Kenratipns jlh an ety
mological outlaw and bra nded as
such with quotation marks, trof.
Hulme finds "booze has a pedigree
longer than that of most kings. Its
earliest spelling, according to Prof.;
Hulme, was "bowse." Iater writings
Hhow it , was "bouse" and finally
"Both as a noun -and vrb the word."
Prof. Hulme said, "written 4bowse in
middle English literature as far back
as 1300, had "the meaning 'to drink to
excess.' About 1GO0 the word lost the
honorable character it h'ad and 1
came a slong word. The particular ;
'bousing' is recorded as carlv as 1523, '
and 'bousor' was used in English in !
sentence which had previously been
pasKed upon te prisoner.
"Diok" belonged to 12 year old Mary
Svchwartz, One day he ran along to
the grocery store "with her brother
and While there bit lenu ( 'hisno, a
miss of 18. The police Judge who
first beard the cut meted out the
extreme penalty. He did not how
ever pass on the ext en tutting circum
stances. Borne youngster in the store
had stepped on Dick's tail.
(By Associated Press)
BT. I.OI'IB, Mo., June 0. Closer
co-operation between capital and la
bor was advocated as a remedy for
industrial unrest at today's session of
the association of operative millers, in
con ven t i on h ere.
D. C. Morton, vice president of P.al
lard and Ballard. Ixniisville, Ky., In an
adilreHs urged fair play between em
ployer and employee. Discussing
profit s ha rin g he . asserted wages
should increase as profits increase and
that the rate of dividend and the
scale of wages should rise and 'In
cline together.
Pendleton eon have all the gasoline
H needs for some lime to oome pro
viding tank cars can be obtained to
transport It here from Idaho, says
word telephoned to J. R. Raley, pres
ident of the Commercial Association
by Clyde McKay, president of the Pen
dleton AummolHle Association who
: left last night for Southern Idaho.
Mr. McKay obtained one carload of
gasoline early today and It was re
ported to be on its way to Pendleton
(when a Later message informed the lo
!cal dealers that the order had been
cancelled. Efforts are being made
now to get tank cars at Portland in
which to ship the oil. As the Idaho
towns are on the O. S. 1., It may take
a little extra time to get the tanks.
It is said, but It Is possible that by the
end of the week a shipment of three
cars will be here or en route.
OMAHA. Neb., June . 9.--Character
witness testimony In behalf of a .dog
was taken here recently before Judge
Estelle in district court. City attor
neys objected 1 0 the' admission of
such evidence but the Judge ruled a
dog has as much right to it as :i bii-T
The good character, of the dog,
which had bitten a girl, was thereup
on established to the satisfaction of
the court and he annulled the death
KANSAS riTY, Mo., June 9. A
1.,1-i.t.. in mklnh . , . i t . , J '
persons marched was one of the fea
tures of the Mystic Order of the Kn
chanted Realm Tuesday. Bands teapti
grottos in twenty cities were in line.
Yesterday afternoon the delegates and
visitors heard an address by Jwhn I.
Williamson of Missouri supreme court
representing Governor K. D. Gardner.
Do Not Get Careless
With Your Blood Supply
Impurities Invite Disease.
You should pay particular heed
to any indication that your blood
upply is becoming sluggish, or
that there is a lessening in its
strong- and vital force.
By keeping your blood purified,
your system more easily wards off
disease that is c ver present, wait
ing to attack wherever there is an
opening. A few bottles of S. S. S.,
the great vegetable blood medi
cine, will revitalize your blood and
give you new strength and a
healthy, vigorous vitality. Every
one needs it just now to keep the
system in perfect condition. Go
to your drug store and get a bottle
to-day, and if you neJ any med
ical advice, you can obtain it with
out cost by writine to Medical Di
rector, Swift Specific Co., 109 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Us,
FOR SAI.B FWlRrtn disk tnlkinB ma
chine Cull Ward Studio.
WANTKIi TO Bl'Y Good sorond.
hand Imby huKKy Addroas "S-X"
this office.
FOR UF.NT 8-nxim unfurnished
house for 3 monthH $35.00 per
month. Inquire 312 Willow St. or
I'hont, 4&2-W.
LOST Mlack leather port folio con
taining advertising matter pertain
ing to Deloo Light, hook.i and papers,
with my name thereon. Firuler Call
6'iS-M and received reward F. T.
FOIt SAI.B Nearly new Samson 30-S
Sieve-Grip tractor. This machine is
cnpable of pulling either .1 or 4 plowa
and is in the Itest of condition having
heen used hut a very few days. Price
11200. Cost $1650 new. AddreM
Boach A- Trover, 444 Ferry St. Salem.
IX lUl'M
Tho following described anisaala
have !oen taken up by the marshal el
the (Sty of Pendleton, to-wlt:
One roan sorrel mare, white face,
right hind foot white. years old
with sucklpg colt, mouse color, brand
ed bar V.
One bay horse. 6 years old, weight
1000 pnuuda, 4rajided liar V.
If said animals nre not claimed by
the owners or those ejititled to their
pox-session, costs and exeiwcs paid
and taken away within ten days from
the date hereto, then at 2 o'clock l.
m. on the 21st day of June, 1S20,
the said animals will be sold to the
"highest bidder, at public auction, for
eaih. at the City Pound, in said City
of Pendleton, the proceeds of jitich
sale to be applltd tn 'I,.- payment of
such coats and exjiehses of muting
lW.1 IM 9th day of Juie, liU'O.
A 1. ROBKKTS, city Marshal.
First Annual Ball
Given by Pendleton Local, No. 273,
American Federation of Musicians.
June 9, 1920
The music will be the best ever heard in Pendle
ton. An orchestra of 12 picked musicians.
Everybody invited. Come and make the first
of these annual affairs a grand success.
Gentlemen $1.00, War Tax 10c. ladies Free.
Lots of Pep. ComBetoit and Courteous Floor
Manage rs.
Country Butter, 2 pounds $1.10
Strained Honey, 1-2 gallon $1.75
Strained Honey, quarts 90c
Strained Honey, pints 50c
Chipped Beef, 7 oz. jar.
Chipped Beef, 3 1-2 oz. jar.
Beechnut Sliced Bacon, 9 oz. jar 6!c
Beechnut Sliced Bacon, 5 oz. jar 1 40c
Hip-O-Lite, a ready to use marhhinallovv creme,
Pints 40c; quarts ?5c
Mrs. Porter's Fruit or Kig Pudding,
7 3-4 oz. cans 25c
Curtis Pimentos, 7 1-2 oz. cans 20c
Del Monte Peeled Green Chili, can, 2 for. . . . 25c
cttcrtm" Grocery Dept.
Two Phones 526
; is.
Pure Fresh Lard
No. i m
No. 3 85c
No. 5 81.40
No. 10 $2.75
Extremely Low Prices on All Smoked
Empire Mee t Market
"The Old Reliable"
ei 1.
Established 1890
Phone 18
- 5M
The. Ford One Ton Truck is one of
the ure business utilities, and likewise
just as bijr a necessity on the fann.
Farming is surely a business proposition
wherein success depends upon economi
cal methods with up-to-date machinery. 1
The Ford Truck will prove a great econ- j
omy on the farm. The marvel is "how
the farmer has got along without it all
these years." It is a servant that serves,"
always readv and always economical.
Price $000.00 without body, f. o. b. De
Cor. Water and Johnson. Phone 408
209 E. Court Phone 445
Lemons, per dozen 35c
Oranges, per dozen ; 65c
Butter. Gold Crest Creamery, roll $1.20
Franze Portland Bread , 15c
Head Lettuce, best in market, 2 for 25c
Cabbage, per pound 07c
Picnic Hams, per pound 27c
Swift Hams, per pound 48c
Swift's Bacon, per pound 60c
We guarantee every article with money back.
Pay Cah x Receive More Pay Leaa
209 Eaat Court Si.