lEastIScOreAoniari) FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 29, 1920. WILL GIVE SLANT AT 1MB LEADERS Milton-Freewater Postponed Contest Will be Decoration Day Event at Round -Up Park; Walla Walla Sunday.! Mlllon-Proewater will neel lVnn"--ton In a Decora tlun Day liiiHt'lmll ... 'f at Jtoiind-I'p pnrk Hoaday ariornoon at I: (I, It WilH n mi. .in,, ,., u( ,,, ,i headquartrt-H today. The game la to tjike the placo of tho contoat pont lned from Sunday. May I). It will tU the flral meeting f the two tenmit on tho local field. Walla Walla will bo the vinltlnK team for Sunday's fame, which will Imo be lulled at 2:45. Pendleton fun will havo the otinorlunltv of Heeinc their fuynriteit In action on two uc- ' cewdycditys and Manauor Spell Is .hopeful of taklmr both anie. Jut to ahow the fans that It can be done. : Unless lomnrrow is a hot duy. Hockey U'armuih will mount the hil lock for the HuekurooH and twist them I around the Hears' necks. Wolla Wo.1- lu bus not been winning very conslst isntly of lato, but is reported to have j bolstered things up for the game with lh locals, owing to the rivalry be tween the circuit's largest towns. Wlil Williams, who has warmed the 1-ench most, of the season, probably will 4li0b Monday's game against tho Twin Cities outfit. Me Is a nifty twlrl- ei when In shape but has had a sore arm part of the season. He believes he Is ready to trim the Invaders in Monday's game. Dave ltoherta, who handled the strikes in the Helix-Pilot Hock game Wednesday like a big leaguer, will work in both games. It was said to day. He speeds up the pluv COAST ENTRIES SHOW F TEAM WILL START OVERSEA SUNDAY ?'. HOW ihey! i&XSKAND Ll Stanford and California Place Men in All Events Although Their Combined Strength is But Eight Athletes. Pacific 4'oast f.ragiH-. w. r, Kan Francisco 30 IS (Hall Luke 2 21 i Portland 24 20 I Vernon 27 25 ehumnioiiHhlp. (he lrpiied Htaie Lawn ! -Ti k I nl 9 Tennin Asnocfatlon announced lant ' " ' . ' nih. The war department granted ; ""amPr,, Jj -K permiHSlon for the team io go on thej'e:i e transport, it vuh mated, after official of the association had explained hut the Hteu ni'-r originally chonen, the ' Kaiei ;nAiiKUMte Victoria, would not; Jo simple Your Bog can operate n NEW rORK, May 29. Th Ameri an DaviH cup team will Mall Sunday on the army transport Northern. Pa cific, Instead of leaving next month for England to compete in the Enullbh Baitafaction to both sides TIM.AMOOK MAN NAMED PIIIIJVIRLPI1IA, May 23. For the first time In many years an outetnnd-1 nail until June 12. Iiik favorite failed to develop In the The member.-; of the team are; Wil- md Klvea preliminaries of the inter-colleftlate Itam M. Johnston, Sun Francisco, 'track and field championship here to- American champion; William T. Til-day- 80 closely were the trial heats I den, II., Philadelphia, national runner fouRht out nt Franklin field In the 11 j up; Richard N. Williams, II., of Mos evenis contested that at lie chose of j ton, and Charles ft. Oar land, Pitts- Hy Associated Press) -Governor Olcott he day any one of five or six Institu ! thins was lu a position to capture the 44ih championship of the I, C. A- A. A. bur; h. RAT-EM, Ma has appointed T. If. Handiey, of j in the finals tomorrow Tillamook, to he corporation cnmrniH- i Twenty colleges and universities sioner in pl;. . of Henry .1. Hehjdder- placed one or moro men in the semi man, whom the governor asked to re- 1 finals and finals scheduled for Satur- : i;'n late yesterday BOXRR niOffiHT IRAD 1,1 VFS. I'HILAUEUMIIA. May 23. Hlink McCloskey, the Philadelphia heavy- wcinht boxer, reported murdered In Paris two months ago, is alive In BIG im&GUm BAttBBAfcfc. National League. Boston 6. Brooklyn 3, New York 4, Philadelphia . Cincinnati 6, Pittsburg I. Chicago 6-7; 8t. Lou in, 2-0. American lyeajriie. New York 4, Boston 3. Cleveland 13, Chicago 6. Washington 6, Philadelphia 4. Detroit 3. St. Louis 1. Pacific Interna t Intra I. Seattle 3, Spokane T. Tueoma 3. Victoria 0. Yakima-Vancouver, no game ra QCAIJTY Si:itVI('F5 SANITATION The best the market affords Fresh Fruits, fresh Vegetables, the very best brands of Canned Goods. Extreme low prices on meats meat that pleases, meat that is guaranteed. We are here to serve you. Our rapidly grow ing accounts mean satisfaction and economy to our customers. Are you going to be one of the many this next month? Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 "If it's in the Market We Have It." sa 11 day, not counting the one and two-mile Alexandria, Egypt, letters were re- j race's in which the entrants wore notlcelved from him today by his father,1 'required to participate In elimination ' Max Silverman. On April 23 a cable J i heats. t 1 dispatch reported that the torso of u Pennsylvania, the hosts to the vis-! man supposed to he McCloskey had r iting athletes from all purls of the j heen found In Die river Seine. I east and the Pacific coast, led with ni FOR COAST OLYMPICS I total of IT,, with Princeton next with ' 14. Cornell was third with 11 quali fiers. California and Dartmouth were 1 tied for fourth placo with 7 and Stan- ford wan fifth with 6. o Itroords Are Broken. Notwithstanding tho perect weather ; and track conditions, no records (Sore ; broken. The feature of the first dyv'H contests was the remarkable showing made by the two Pacific coast vendues, California and Stanford Crossing the continent with a eornbln 1 ed force of hut eight entrants, these 1 two ins' tutions placed at least PHILADELPHIA. May United States naval academy LOS AXOELE8, May 29. Entry' blanks for the Pacific coast Olympic coast Olympic games track and field ' tryouts to be held at Pasadena. June ; 26. were mailed today to schools, col- ' j leges, athletic organizations and indl-j vldual athletes In all sections of the' I west, it was announced by Robert S. ' 29. The j Weaver, president of the southern Cal- ! varsity , ifnrnia games Olympic committee and l by three-j of the southern Pacific A. V. A. Of-' "ni- j eight defeated Irinceton quarters of a' length of open water In ; ficials of the latter organisation will the childs cup race, the opening event j meet here June 1 to discuss means to, of the 16th aamual American Rowing; raise funds to send Pacific coast ren- one association regatta over the Henley resentat lyes to the final Olympic try- We 5 tern Electric POWER & LIGHT r?VERY feature has been perfected not a single one over? looked. Running this Western Electric Power and Litht outfit is as simple as can be. Touching the starting lever sets it running a child can do it When the battery is charged the engine starts, then you nave continuous electric service night and day. You should know mere about this plant it's safe; simple: it's economical How about your place? CHAS. MILNE f lan In each of the 11 evens and closed one-mil,- and :.r0-yard course on the outs In Boston. I The navy led throughout, winning in j seven minutes, 3 2-8 seconds, while . Princeton's time was 7:09 4-5. Roth 1 these crews left Pennsylvania and Co 1 lumhin, the other starters, three i lengths behind after racing a mile. Mshman's Needs Fly Hooks That Catch Fish. Ginger Quill, Blue Upright Flying Cad dis, Wilson and many other good patterns. Sp Also we have the Baekmore Easy inner. Have you tried it? 0 Sol Baum For Fishing Tackle Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone 646 line Afternoon with a total or 13 o,ual- I Schuylkill river Friday 1 triers, i ne sirengtn or tne westerners j was about evenly divided. Stanford ; placed two men In the 100. one in the ( 120 hurdles, one in the high ump. ' one in the 120 hurdles and one in the brr.nrt Jump. California went her rival one better wifh qualifiers In the : 440 rind ft80-yard runs; the broad Jump, shot put, hammer throw and I pole vault. Stanford would probably have even ed the score hut for the fact that Klrsky was obliged to pull up In the ! ?!' 0-yard dash with a muscle cramp : while running easily in fourth place. Olympic Scouts IjOok On. 1 f H n 7-KfTi j 1 Oittwe.i r well balanced tennis which under thej coaching of Ijiwsoii Robertson and Kenne Fitspatrick, are expected to put up a (rreat battle for first place hon ors Saturday. The athletes are competing under the watchful eyes of tho American Olympic committee, which will have the final selection of the team which will represent America at Antwerp next. August. The entry blanks cover nineteen : regular events and a special one mile relay race, teams for the latter to be' made up of any four candidates rep-J resenting one organization. Rules of the A. A. U. will govern ! and entries will close June 19. The! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixt the Red and Blue gaining third place ; Tournament of Roses Association, un by a remarkable rally in the last fewjder whose auspices the try-outs will hundred yards, finishing four feet be gold for first places; silver for sec ahead o Columbia. ond and bronze for thirds. JUNEY HURLS SHOTPUT BALL AND BEAVERS WIN1 PORTI-AND, May 29. Junoys, 'pitching was gilt-edged yesterday aft ernoon and Sacramento was shut out. 7 to i', making the series two-all. Paul; Fittery. one of the Senators' star southpaws, was bumped for 12 hits and the seventh Inning: produced flock of five runs. The winners looked good in the field and played bang-up hall all the way. Seattle Wins slimfest SEATTLE. May 29. Seattle won SltlgfcM from Salt Iakc, U to S, the l",-;ls nothitting the Bees and hittliiB with men on bases. Five pitchers were used and the lead changed four 1 times. Senttle started the battle with four hits and four runs in the first. The Bees garnered four runs Oft five bits In the fifth. I OHILE ! Speed Wagon Aupx-ls Win on Sai mdw n.v I.OS AN1 ICI.KS. May t, l.os An- srvpx tonk 11h second stniiKht ivanic from Vornon. S m t. Tho nnnels took (he Iciul from Ihp first, but th Tiuorxj tied the score In the ninth. Titer, i with the 1'ase.s loaded McAuley sent a rmrilko fly to ftdlnfton, scorltifi Rllis Oaks Win In i-'th SAN SRANCiSCO, May 29. In B IS Innlnit pltrhlnn duel hetween H. j Arlett and Scntt. San Francisco lost to. Oakland. 4 to I. In the lL'th with, the bases full. Miller cleared the cir cuit with a two base drive to riffhtfutld I ience. The Peals cot their lone ran In the latatn n Iwo hits and a wild pitch. We have taken the agency for this county. Have five for immediate delivery. Speed, economy, 1500 lbs. capacity. O. E. Holdman Auto Co Paige, Oldsmobile Speed Wagon, Oakland PKOFKSSIOX Ali BOXIXG 11VWI l (By Assoelatfd Tress.) ST. I,l'IS. Mo., May 29. Profes iruonal hoxliiK was suspended Indefi-1 i nltely here today by ordor of the; board of police commissioners. A ma - . Iieur t'onteMs will not lu- iniertcreii j with, it was said. Thrc local elhi have been eonductinn no decision pro- I fessionnl entertainments and t'tinunis I sionrr Thomas Sheehun explained j j that today's action resulted from the 'alleged failure of the clubs to abid. by (the Uoxiub reKUl.ltions. IH )MMF M WftUK WINS J ItNli)N. May 29. Tho rare for! j the Manehesti r cup. at one and one-; i half miles was won torifny by rmiiiin'i I de Terre. Square Measure fin tubed I ala uoon toAicA eu&rv rm a RSI &ucce&iS must Auid - K . ... M UK sincere desire to serve 1 the business men of this commonwealth is vvinnine JH its proper reward. Our increas- IH nuiiiuei oi ueposuors proves gs jy that this bank has won the confi- y J Asr wse cauUOUS management. cU)C m w llJTN.f'i'! J-i...! 1 x 1 , Fj a j n .W45 u"t UMI i "u a" "iiu-ii except irouoie nil tl I J work in the heat and dust din r i l J j Trouble that is lessened by the use jy j of DIAMOND TIRES. 1 11 Dare Tire & Supply mr; Company Distributors y Diamond Tires Auto Accessories Ij DR. J. EDWIN SHARP EXntal X-Ray tj :'.ppolitinBf Oral ArUeoutM iMOtnraa. , Ottlo Fbona (If. Bom Phon Tf 4 H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. Bye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office : 10-11-12 Belts Building Pendleton, Ore. - PHONE 600 For meats that please the en tire family. DOWNEY MARKET 1 Base Ball BLUE MOUNTAIN LEAGUE SUNDAY AT ROUND-UP PARK PENDLETON vs. Walla Walla ADMISSION, 50c 1 ZZhI 224 East Court Phone 134 M CAME, eeond and Happ .Man ran third