DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OnEGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1020. FOURTEEN PAGES I HUM W 1I.U 'JJIU IB ... '. AT THE THEATRES 4!a s"n-and M?n-! Arcade oi Riotrr 'mimi maim IN HKM AUK UU.i. TYPI IS I s I. IMHIS RKMVOXH 'WILD MOM Mr. Charles Inputs ami luut;hter KK'irtl tn A. Unit Friday. Mr winl Mi HiMolla Ltciiallen mo i M-,: M Walla Walla Friday lO ltond t ho Kith weildlnR anniversary of hot mother and father. Mr. anil Mrs. Lane. The home ol tho Ford .-.i:. -which nna sold last till to Mr. I Hum. haw chanced himdst again. Km in it lat"i; Vought Mr. Doan out and will tin any rr?a'rs on a FVrd cur. . Edward MrCollem. niadoyn Bftgn ci r. Clyde Sands. Paul l,le'-ia)In. Fran cis UcualUn and F. M. WfcitoKy all attended the ball aau In Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Christian and Mrs. Ralph these western, Walan and Jano Wallan were in IVn t characteristic - dletnn Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. p. T. Hales f Pendle ton motored to Adams, Wednesday. Kvard McCallem and t?. Spencer went to Pendleton Thursday. Ivan Blake motored to Adams Thursday. Mrs, Otas l.iualk-n motored to Ad ams Thursday. Miss WUma Hover was the guest of Mrs. I nniHii Sunday. Miss Martha I-abrtdore and sister reilistlo tmospV.ere of "V.'tld Honey."-1 Kva and nephew Arnold motored to tViria Kfn.'tin incidently declares that! Adams Tuesday to do some shopping. Jiuit love tttet old man," and to J or. F A. Uleuallen motored to prove U, she insisted upon having a: Adams Tuesday. clw-up taken, with her own prett u. p. Qralff and Walter Lehman fseo sruv'ch 'l up against the leonine ; mote red to Adams Tuesday. One of the mt striklns feature of lortn Ken-ii'.s rest r&lNLV, "Wild H"iicv." which will b "pan M thi Paiftlme The. ir on Efunda) n Monday are Oa 'typea'" hu !i pi MmoHphera lo the story ami which were el"et( d with ulinott as m.ich iar Were the prin'oaK. "Wild Honey." which Mas written hy lttiij Jwwph Vance and Vowie R, toe, ts partly Western Daact I. all tory and i I eenea. more tha n vestern mininc town habitues are hown. "No i repe teards, was mo of the first orders issued. Theu be ,att a seareh for the necessary type. Mia Kemon pirMWally discovered the atar of the outfit a srizsly, f ha vary, hush headed man. who mhrht have come out of a mine five minutes previous Mlas Kenyou cn aced him on the spot, and he has i-ne his full share to lend to the I u Goldwyn Presents Louis Bennison in o i r i .iaiiuv n irKe t 1 T T T T or me u-u How they woo and fight in the land of Do or Die Paramount Magazine Kinograms ft at urea of the extra man. 1.TA M 1AV NI MONDW i:hj; or RAVt r,i i;kk torn bkxxisovs best Tntenae thrilla vie with situiiti ns hitherto unknown in photophiya of the (Treat West in I-4uis Pennison's newest Itelzwood picture. "Sandy Burke of tha V-Bar-U." vhlch Ooldwyn will present at the Alfa Theatre Sunday. In the role of Seindr Burke the briMant artist surpasses his notable churacter ication of Johnny WlRjrins in his cele 1 rated staicc success. "Johnny, Gel Your Gun." and is riven even freer i. rein to demonstrate his ri:ht to screen stardom than wmk afforded hlni In his remarkably smc-ssrul "Oh. Johnny:' his first cinema starring vehicle. From first to last Bennison shows himself a true son of the West. While battling with cattle thieves in moun tain fastnesses or depleting the plain, every -day cowpuncher of the ranee, there ia always a true Western rlns: t his pert rma nee. A seeker after adventure. Sandy Burke has his fill of Hellen and Ila Blake made a bus iness trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Baby Parr s confined to her home with the measles. Mrs. Pearl Bark of Idaho, who ho been visiting with her mother and father Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dames for the past week will return to her home Saturday. Guy Myloy was a business visitor in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Will Boyer motored to Adams Wednesday. Ralph Wallan motored in from htfl ranch near Adams Tuesday. PITTOCK WILL VALID IS JUDGE'S DECREE Vaudeville JERMON & MACK A Breath of Variety PREMIER TRIO 3 Girls in Musical Moments TODAY Children 1 0c &f jPf United Picture Theatres PRESENTS POBTLASP. May 2?. The will uf the late Henry L. Piltock, publisher j u! the Portland Orosonlan. contest ot which, by a daughter Mrs. Caroline I.adhetter. was made in circuit court thrills from the moment he mates ha here this week. Friday was declared :y to a turbulent town in the West- - oajue eountry valid by Circuit Judce TaKwell. Th- Dtliberato lonir before doing what instrument w;is tlfsposeil of and the it ia iinpi;siblc to undo. estate appraised at $8,000,000. Undue influence on the part of the executor Many a politician who wasn't in and trustees was alleged by Mrs. Lead, politics tot his health has been known better. . to leave the co:tnyy for his health. LADIES! crn He hired rotind up an organized band of thieves and set himself to the task of Pght Inc armed crooks ia their own lair, single-handed. As Rmdy orosTrecs in hi sleuth ing operations a delisrhtful story is unfolded, with Pork", of course-, as one of the central Bjpireft. The other is Molly Kirfov, daughter of Sandy's em ployer. , How he corrals the thieve tnd saves his smeetheart from a fate worse than death precipitates the smil ing hero Into many breath-taking situations. MRS. BOWLING HOSTESS TO ADAMS CLUB WOMEN ALTA TODAY Children, 10c ETHEL Adults, 35c CLAYTON T$e XS COMMANDMENT When Irregular or suppresMed use , Triumph Pills. Safe and ajways de penduule. Not sold at drug stores. Jio not experiment with others; save dls- i appointment. Write for "Heller' and particulars, it's free. Address: Natl- nnal Medical Institute, Milwaukee Wis. HlfIHF55TFR S Pll I f " 7mt n. r.V.."n'. T"M iS3 XL "JO! EXLV1 r A DusruT Faenim "Sfie LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS Zone Grey Tmkm mm .ib nm ' ' J nkoi.jjBM,MM.ll..k. - S0fBQgi65TSQti!YraLW (East Dreouian Special.) ADAMS. May 29. The Adam; Tallies Club met at the home ot Mrs. ; Klla Bowline on Thursday afternoon. Those who attended were Mrs. Charles! Shati and children Charlea ami Ilene: Mrs. MTlck, Mrs. Will Bowyer and daughters Wllma. Helen and Orta: j Mrs. Q. O. Richardson. Ella Bowlin?. Mrs. Charles tjpls and daughters Ilene and Francos; Mrs. Ierto. Mrs John Spencer. Mrs. Harry Larabee and i sons: Mrs. Otas Llenallen. Mrs. Revel- j la Ucuallen. Mrs. T. A. IJeuallen. Mrs. Klt'k MiKensie and biily Nndene: Mrs. Jack llvl'y, Mrs. Rac Aser of Athena and dauehtrs. At 1 o'clock i rcfreshements were served of cake, ' offee. Ice cream, fruit salad and chicken. All spent a very pleasant aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. TJcrt Kirly named j their late heir John Werly after both j grandparents. Bd Wallan. wheat man. motored to Adams Wednesday. Henry L-wls was in I'ei nssday. "wmjlar row cnisatiow:' A Pre --ttOTV of COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEBS AT .YOUR DRUGGIST - A.fc f T SAME OHLV.vofc) SmMH HJBEBS r institution. PASTIME June 8th and 9th DR. C, H. DAY Physician an7 Surgeon Osteopath tooma 21 and 2C Smith-Crawford Bid. Telephone ivi. Res. 749-R I dlcton Wed- Pastime SUNDAY AND MONDAY Children Sc LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE'S POPULAR STORY IN PICTURES Wild Honey With Doris Kenyon COWEOY SPORTS AND PASTIMES A Rugged, Virile Drama of the West, a Refreshing Rcminircencc of Pioneer Days. BILLY WEST COMEDY ARCADE Sunday and Monday Children, 10c .Adults, 30c Adults 25c King of the Cowpunchccr run thorn to earth! Dont fail to sac cveru ecstatic episode of this outdoor chapter picture. Named Marvw "AGM B) JiiiM't Wilbor 'I'nmpkinr. n i . f.i by Walter Kdwanbi IF you were a mother whose daughter hail lieen stolen. IF after years of searching, you found that daughter ..in ..poverty; .offered ..her wealth, luxuries, beautiful clothes. And then-r- IF you loved and admired her all the more because she refused to own you, wouldn't that make A HEART-STIRRING STORY! SEE it in this beautiful picturization of Juliet Wilbor Tompkins' famous novel, with winsome Marguerite Clark as "Contrary Mary." SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION PATHE NEWS PRIZMA 'Adults 35c