DAILY EAST OREOONTAK, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1021 ' PAGE SEVHI WANT ADS CLA FOURTEEN PAOES 1 SSZFIESD Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lobt, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference wr ad ooLrmiv and CLAIglKIBD KIKI I Counting six ordinary words to the Mb and charged by the line. Want ad and locale. Hales IVr l.lnr, Ftrat Insertion, par Una loo Bea add. laasrtfon, per Una fie O week (six Inairtlons), each Insertion, por line 5o 1 mo. each InatTtlon, pir Una.. 4e month contrail, each Inaar tton, per line u 0 12-montii coniract, each In aertlon. per line to No ads taken for lcaa than 2 tines. Minimum charge juc Ada taken over the telephone only from Eaat Oregonlan aub nflrlber and thoaa lined In the Telephone Directory. Copy muni b In our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. FOR SALE WANTED Continued Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Thla directory la especially bandy foi the out-of-towo reader who may want tha nam and addreaa of responsible business man who repreeaat the folowlng lines. All are reliable, responsible bualnaaa concerns who aland ready to give you prompt and efficient ssrvlo. FOR SALB Marquis Phono 4 IT 13. aaed wheat KOR SALE Woolen arena, ai.o 44 rhono 751-R. WANTED-0K3. on fundi - l'honc WANTED Janitor woik or odd Job of liny kind Phone 312-vV utter G p. in. AUTO TIRES and Where lo ism I lii m. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK i CLEANING AND PRESSING OPTICAL FOR SAMS 191, Ford light ilollvory xtia.uu 41G K. Alia. AUTO Electric Work of air kinds. L S. BENTLIJY & CO. Goodyear an.) . Magneto, atarter. Ignition, etc, fi.1 diamnnd ri.. a Tiro service, oils ectrlo Service Station, Garden and and acccascrle Alia and Gurden Ha Court street. M' BEL TAILORS at CLEANERS-1 DALE KlJTIlwr.l-opiviu.i. Preasiag and repniri.o;. 304 W. ; Optician. Glasses ground to fit your Wetrb St. Phone 2I, Pi adlcton Ore. i eyas, American National Bank bulld- . I .- -I'laiae Soil. NEWIODAlf piano. Foit HALE- f vera nnd Rrfnd nearly new ami pr'ee chc: aole or Phone J0. 3 I.UIHT lint SKK l- Kl'tv,; rooma for rent, also me Shaping room for eetif lemn i, nrtiA Uw-a.l.... w.ivii, ng ,,ne loin cmniren ii-rd rail Phone .'Vi-K, ATTKNTinN-i want to hear from ' parly li.i- lit fin in f , Mile, rjiv,- prlee nnd drs, r ptlnn. L. W. Borah, ox 2 18. i hompirhtn. til. ATTENTION Pli: I'l.l u Member Wu f I I'ottiml China pigs (thor otiaWl'rrd i ; ., k, flu each Dick Vphnin. mrmfn r, Hrr.nlalon. LOUT Between Viikiim aehonl hnuar nnd Pendleton on Be be naid, l red sweater return to E. i. office Reward, i Ft He SALE ll..nseild fuinltui 309 S. Main St.. ufter 5;30. WANTED--To rent uufurnlalied or tiouae. J'lionc T. I or lease, small Daftly furnished Rogers, 23-M. OBRTSON MARTY Gntea Half Wfl REPAIR anything electrical on Soles, sOOO In Ilea guaranteed 1-2 an automobile. W. . Chase Co. coat of new tires. tST Cottonwood St. roit RALE S-room house with lots on South hill Phone 610-W. I WANTED Work operating farm 6 J tractor four years experience write Alfred Poarnark, Geu. Del, Pen- f"OR sai.i, ONE set of carpenters tools Address "80-8" this office. diet on. PENDLETON RUBBER A HUPPL.T CO Barney Oldfield. Goodrich Sll- vertown Cord and Pen nsylvanla Vac- i PEKKINS uura Cup 300 B. Court. AUTO REPAIRING CONTRACTORS & BUILDERf PAKKEH UANTIEI.D. Designing. Eni'ueerlng. Constructing, 10 yers experience .'n concrete and brick con- i structlon. CoJumbla Bg., Portland Or. 1 JHICK FOOD Bcratcji food, toe ,t bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, roled r.iy. Lmatllla Hoar Jk tirain'Oo. Fur madeNo i good milch cow. Holstcln and Jersey crossed,' Phono ! 172-R. CARtOAD OK JACK.S from Eastern Oregon Jack Farm on sale at Echo, Oregon. verc and Savage Urea. Z28 E. Court WANTED young women to learn telephone operating. Permanent i positions luaurcu. Salary paid while street learning. Apply to chief operator at ' . telephone office. SIMPSON TIRB SER1CE CO. Xl A.MMtiNS, Automobile Reoairlng. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude- . 1 baker or any make of car. Cervlce PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re-! at n Un,- , Cottonwood, Phone DRAYMEN -Re public and nicRtone tirca corda or e I fabric. 223 E. Court St., Phone til FOR SALIC Black Minorca eggs for hatching O. K. Feed Yard- Phone Sla. WANTED Salesmen who can hiKliKrado dependable nursery stock exclusive territory; o itflt furnished j WALLACE BROS. Flak Tlrea, cords and cash advanced weekly. Commls- f , r fabric. We do our own adjusting alon husls. Address Albany Nurserlea, I 808-12 Johnson Et. Inc.. Alhattv. I irci'mi w AtJiu uu. i;niied wtates Tlrea. Both cord and fabric. Cor. THE "PIONEER-' AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen l.ng, 632 Cottonwood. CALL FENLAND Bros., Transfer nn to move your household goodaw We also pack or store goods. We do eoua 'iy hauling. Telephone 13. PIANO TUNING WE CAN TUNE your piano any wnere any lime fhofii srrapn repwe .Mum.. .Music House 114 Phone at. Umtn St, AUCTIONEER YOUR WEEKLY CHECK limited only by ability and time devoted to Cottonwood and Water Sta, selling our trees. Complete lino al, varieties backing you. Write for' A 1 ITD XflDC terms. Start Immediately. Salem AU I U I UrS Nursery Company, 427 Oregon Bldg., TTt". "St '.TT ZTTTZ. Kalcm. Oregon. .. 1 " 1 "r"' 1 Hacks. Side Curtains 201 FO.R SAL'S OR RENT Upright lano good condition Phone 64, 8 a m. to t p. m. FOR SALE Self propelled eonrblne harvester M. Karstenn Inquire at Jernrd A Temple. FOR SALB Reasonable; gas, coal ' OLD LINE Life Insurance Company Court St and wood combination ranffo Co-! wants arcod man or woman ro ren- I lontal Apartments, no. t. j resent It In Eaatern Oregon, local or wno k.i mM I K"neral agency, no previous experience FOR SALB-No. 1 baled alfalfa ha , nec-sary. A real opportunity to go In business for yourself, we will teach you how if you have the ability to learn. Write or call, Wm. J. Holpa, supervisor of genta. Hotel Pendleton. COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis ic Storle's implement Co., for sale dates. ATTORNEYS DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist Room 1 American Bank BIdg. hone 826 Pendleton. Ore. ;J"R. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room 7. Ternp e ni ls.. Ph -no 772 G loss East : YNON & BYNON Attorneys at law 16-18-17 Belts building, over Bono 4ros. Telephone 1W. ,'CjRAV!P-CARDS as-.-, 'L6IT1NG CARDS, WAddlnir An nouncements, invitations, in-ili d- HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing ton quality, players if Individuality. ts the construction that coontav See P!o-io on display, write or phono ! ' lie lllve, 2S Main St.. Pbona 107 1 J. F. Darnall. Factory Rep., Kohler 'haae Piano Co. Paimmg arid Paper Hanging car lots. For prices write p'. rone W. A. Leathers Hermlston, Ore. AUTO TRANSFER A.M. BOYDEN Stand at Hennlligs Cigar Store. Country trips Phone li. GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at ,gn8 and gtvies to aelect from, j Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. !gae by oregonlan Office. i CARTER c SMYTHE, Attorneys at Law. Office In rear of National Bank building. American J Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat J. W. JACK.SON Wall paper for sale cheap, pointing, paper hanging and kalsomining by day or contract Pfc, Phono I0;U W Calvin at. I'AINTS, Wall Paper, picture Fram Irg. J- S. licaten. the PractlosU Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. FOR SALE CHEAP Brown-Lewis RTound power harvester 18 ft. cut, run one season Address "90-8" this office. Pilot Rock Pendleton Auto Stage ' FEB & FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despain Building. OPTICAL Dcpr shape glass Iteber, M. !., 7, , any site, style rhile you wait. I. 8, Beltz Bldg. a. RADIATOR REPAIRING FOR RENT A-1 tXECHANK wants Job overhaul ing combine's or enlerplllnrs. Have hail 8 years exierlenee running cater J pillars. Kiinranlee antlsfurllnn, belli In repair i iik and runnnic would prefer steady work until seeding In over. Can go oat at onco Address 7X this of fice. ORIENTAL RUG DISPLAY at Hotel Pendleton will 1m open Monday. Decoration Dny from in a. in. to 10:20 p. m. Collection: roiiatsta of Persian. Tnrlrt-ih. Turkoman. t'aueaHlun, In dian and Chinese rugs. All lypra will lie shown and comparisons made. It) FOR HALH-1 15-H. P. Faulk gas. dis tillate or kerosene engine A-l con- VPTa AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. dltion, mounted. If. A. D., Weston, Oregon. Street. It, F. i FOR RENT Furnished Apia. In quire 713 Mill St. Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. e leaves Pendleton at 10:80 a. o. Loaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. . Leaves rendleton at 4 p. m. e FANCHO STUBBLEKIELD, Prop. ' i ' ! FOR RENT Two rooi FOR SALB Two lots, north side, east ; only 501 Clay St. front, no grading, no retaining walls, level, first class neighborhood W. D. Humphrey, 107 E. Court St. , tptvudulls j LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT -Nicely furnished 3 room ! loKTJmT7hoT kevs on ring'Tith apt.. Thone 24 8-M. Bool( Rclrn this office. R. L KEATOR, Airorney at Law, Room 24, miih-Crawford Building. 8. A. IOWELL. Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Despaln BIdg . A. NEW BERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP & C7-AR1C At totne' at Law. Rooma 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford building. "EYE-SIGHT SPECIAJJS2 DR. A. M. SIMMONS', eye sight spe cialist Pcnland BIdg.. over Tall man Drug Co., Pbone 438-J. FARM LOANS ALT A ALTO RADIATOR WORK--701 Eisi Alt street. All maksa M . radiators repaired. Work i i C BlasWer. Prop. 1 J FOR RENT Furnished FOR " WICK- SALB New S-room room 1314 E. Court. modern house, near Lincoln school 14500, I200 cash, balance, monthly payments. Jo Kerley. Phone 477. Sleeping For rent Room for one gentle Winn --Phone 2tl7-M. FOR SALE Late model light delivery, run 2100 miles, like Is an opportunity to learn more about I now, private owner 1200 less than a these beautiful art weavlnga. Come ' new one. this year's license goes with and visit as you would In our gallery. It Phone 207-R. -Cartoilan Bros., Inc., Established I Chevrolet OFFICW ROOMS for Penland Bros, office. rent Call at I-OKT One bay mare mule. ,1 years old, 15 hands. 2 inches high, brand ed Joe. left shoulder. ' a. M. TURNER. Attorney at Law Rooms 7, 8, 3. Despaln building. -NOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Fanr. ioans. See us about a loan. RESTAURANT : HB QUELLE. A good plaoe to RUGS I attractive rugs bus a,J !d ingrain and Brusaal ear the Walla Walla Fluff Rug I Walla Walla Ave., JAMES B. PEZIRY. Attorney at Law., IEMSTITC1IING t the Singer shop. Walla, War.h., Phone 1877. HEMSTITCHING yoi Pels Co.. Walla MISCELLANEOUS Office over Taylor Hardware Com rmny. Mail orders promptly attended to. NOTICES IN ItH NIJ The following described animal have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton .to-wlt: One bay mare mule. 5 jeara "hi. weight about 1000 pounds. Branded one roan horse: weight about 1300 pounds, t yeara old. Branded I- A. left shoulder. One bay terse. 7 years old; weight about 1000 pounda, whito face, no brand. One sorrel horse, weight about 000 pounda: (our white feet, white face, blntch haaad. loft atiouldor. If said animate are not claimed by the owners of those entitled to their poaaesslon. cost and expense paid nnd I FOR SALB Modern 8 room house- I new paper and paint Phone 538-W or call at 4 05 Lewis St, FtiR RENT Ught housekeeping rooms 301 S. Main St. FOR RF.NT Small furnished apt. Inquire Arlington Rooma FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room 313 W. Webb Phone 761-R. LAI 'NDRY1NO done at home Phone j 4 58-W. IF YOUR SEWING MACHINB give trouble Phone 75. : HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs Ralph Haasell 417 Bush, Phone , 281-M. ftALEY A RALET Attorneys at Law Office in American National Bank building. 'RED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Jldg. BATTERIES rtI BALl-3 OH KXCILVS'GEtiood num.' bnip, iiifuTii ann up ju d8tv Movlnc picture nhow ttotltff tin btirtlnera. Otiod G room modern roc Idcnce. Trn aharen uf stock In a nw rlck bUildlrMf. paid 11 per cent lat year; In a good town In Washington. Will take Pendleton property or ranch near by Geo. W. EHder, 108 . Alta :-t . Phone CAT. lOR IMMEDIATE s.M.f; at a Racrifle .".Jrt acres farm land, 645 acres i FOR KENT Modern Steeping rooms als parage. Phone .M6-J I M3-MUI St. ! P n RENT Furnthed room suitable for cne or two 710 Johnwon St., or 1 Phone 763-M. , FOH KKNT Furnished housekeep ing rooma suitable for two- 902 E. UAPfilt TEMJ'LK DANCB HAXX formerly Moose danefe ball ) i; Inuulrc a ai,a""-' ro PrWl or Manecs nmun week daya. Parties dusiring to rent Jsanie Phone 1I5 V or see Alex Man ning. INSURANCE SECOND HNUNmiRE upIbSlstIsring a SPECTAITT Phone 522. Repair work our hobby. vV'e buy and sell household good. Riley AY Kemp, 523 Main. JOB PRINTING Bluff. Phone 204-M. NOTICE Notice of Payment of Cil.v of Pendle ton lniproeineiit Bond Notice ia hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bend No. 11, FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooma , (j toaru across ine sireev. rniim rS-M. 315 Garden. i : ' . Iiiifv.air.r. irna en2inea. O . I . . .4.1 . 1 ' . . i""" "Pou i'i mvaw j sutumobiles and general llacKsmitn taken swnv wltliln ten dava from thai tlomil date hereto, then' at t o'clock p. m. ummerfallow and large farming out on tha th day of June. 1910. 1 f". Wh Is estimated would bring the aald animate erlli be sold to the tlO.OOO.e.i nt auction sale. Price 159. hlchest bidder, at Dublin nuotlon. for 7 00 and JlS.9uO.00 of, which may be cash, at the Clt Pound. In aald City I paid by nssumlng a mortgage against FOR RENT Nicely furnished front sleeping room with bath accomrao- paature land, lease on 1340 acres sddl- datlons, north side 385 700 acres of crop, 635 acres of Pendletdn. the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such coats and ezprnees ot making ale. Dated Nils Sth ds' of May, 1920. AL ROBRRTS, City Marshal. The Cary AMtrtneiits Now open. Rooms and apartments. Everything now and modern 617 Thompson St. WANTED IN BANKRUPTCY In the lMxtrht (Ymrt of the Vnilcri HtaU-H ror i lo iiMi -lit of Oreron Tn the matter of Fred If. Flak, a Bankrupt. TO THE CREDITORS I IP Fr'od H. Flak, of tho County of Umatilln, and District aforesaid. Bankrupt. NOTICE IS HKKKHY OlVaSJf, Thai on tho 25th day of May, A., p. 192". the said Fred H. Flak, was duly adju dicated a liankrupt. and that the first meeting of Ms Creditors will be held at tha) office of the Undersigned Referee In Bankruptcy nt Pendleton. Umatilla County. Oregon, on June '.Mil A. D. 1930. nt ten O'clock A. M. on saM day. at which time and plnee the (Ted- WANTED Cook at Rlelh Hotel the land. See J. I . Moore at Farmera Security State Bank. I .a Crosse, Wash EAUTYSHO KB BEAUTIFIED at Mtr Robb'l shoo -Tndd Ride.. Phone tie FOR RENT Down stairs sleeping rooms, outside entranctj 514 Lil lieth St., Phono S02-W. FOR RENT Ttvo rooms close In j rent free to party for caring for child whllo mother worSa Phojle 869-W. on thereof to tbe undersigned at the . oriii'iKdii .aiioiiui i.:oii, j tnuieiiill, Umatilla County, Oregon, on or after June 1, 1920. Interest on the above Bond ceases June 1, 1920. Dated May 20. 1920. LEE MOORIIOUSE, City Treas., by H. W. Dickson, deputy. BATTERIES repaired or recharged new and rental batteries. Eleetrfc i""" LETTER HEADS, Envelope. BUI FHIIADEIiPHM DIAMOND GRID ' Hcadj. Loose Leaf BUI. Cooimer BATTIJIIKP naranteej for IRjcial Forms, Dodger, Placards, etc months. W. E. Chase Co., A20 E. I printed to your order. East Oregon Court. Telephone 269. Pendieton. j ian Office. KODAK FINISHIING PERFECT DEVELOPINli and print-. Ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tall man Drng Co. . U M. BULLOCK, Metropolitan Ufa Insurance Agent. Phone ;ti-W. JUNK, JUNK. JUNK miT. v,..:r .funk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you we BUY AND SELL an sine oi mo ell. L. D. Cameron, Prop. ond hand goods and shoes. Repalr- 1 ing a specialty. Martin lieya. 10 : w. Webb. SECOND HAND STORE CATERPILLAR WORK i Round-Up Car:.?e, Parks & Neb- ergall, 312 W est Webb. CHIROPRACTORS DlTLENA A. BOONE. Chiropractor office over Cash Market. 10 9 E. Court; Phone 1063. Plonevr Picnic Twenty-eighth Annual Tte-Un!on, LTmatllla County Pioneer Weston, Ore fon. June nh and Tith. For RENT Nicely fur n to hod Apts Bco Mr., W. P. Daton between 4 U 6:30 at 614 Cosblo r at olTlco 117 E Court, nlnu three v 216 Willow St. sprtim lay ffi XntU e Iloti.n. Cayiifo a s stiiso leaves 1 r first lrjp af s springs at 11 i'l lingliam mlleton Ifri .. m-j arciM's Jf-nv Btnjrli I.lngbam Springs at 3 ii-rn.. 'arrives in four room apis., ot I'endlel' n G p. in. tytaiul at Tahiisn.0 Drug Store Geo. Gtyer, Pb-ne 30iV uK. R c. fc!,L.-sVuRTH ypeclaliising In nervoua diseases And diseases or i women. 9 to 12 i. ril 5:3fl p. m KveninfS 7 to s. Phone 706, Smlth Ciawford IluildinjE. Pit. LORBTTA H. STA KB A -10 Peel ler Bids. S to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 5 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; Phones Of. 638. Kea. till SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLK, uealer Ln new and see ond hand go-.da. Caah paid for second ham. good. Cheapont place t.j buy household good 110 V Court i t'hone i71-W. s Sewing Machine Repairing ALL MAKES of Sewing Machine re paired and cleaned at Singer store. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE LEGAL BLANKS of every description. ) 2 Blank Deeds. leases. Writs. Bill of A STEAM CABINET BATH ln connee aales. Contracts. Subpoenas, Affidavit tlon with Swedish massage and ex Complalnts. Summons, etc, for sale at erclse will keep you in good condition East Oregonlan Office. I both physically ana meuuaur. " J"- are sic rt a to u nw v u u a "--- i will build you up again. Tylor IHM.- LEGAL BLANKS LAUNDRY , over Taylor Hdw. store. Phone 1079-W -rVERY- Article Laundered PerfectlJ. ...,, ir. . .urninrilTtn There's an agent In rour town. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC iToy l aundry, gos Garden St DRS. TEKPENIN' ; ( hlroprai tie. and Sanipractora. 516 Tualin, rhone 442. 4i. WANTED flood clean East Oregonlan office. raga at The WANTED Few sets of harness. Phone 612-M. good used WANTED At the Arlington Roo chambermaid Apply In person. 00INGS OF THE UUFHS TOM HAS THE IDEA. IsMWBHj iY ftLLMAN llora may attend, prove their claims apolnt a truster, examine the Itank rupt, nnd transaet such other bualness as may properly come before tho said meeting. Done at Pendleton, Oregon, this 27th nay of May, 1920. Til' is. KITZ OBfRALD, - Referee In Bankruptcy. ipilre Rleth hotel, Rlelh, Oregon. WANTED Olrl or woman to do gen eral housework, lnaulre 701 Jack son St. WANTED Woman wants work cook ing on ranch or road St. Elmo Rooms. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR RALE on 3 1-J ton Duplex truck, almont new Phono &F25 allot ,Rock, Oregon FOR SALB Ford 1317: Jefrery. 1917; Federal truck, 1917. Prices are right. Frentsel-Walles Motor Co., Tit Cottonwood St., Phone 46. FOR SALE OB THADE 7B-H. P. Tractor- good condition will trade for young mules or horsea- Phone 10F3 or address CJeo, C. Hill, Pendle ton, Oregon. WANTED Pasture for 16 head of afoek. R- B. F. Hoeaington. Uermla- ton Oregon WANTED Experienced woman to bake cakes ami pies good wages Tho Wistaria. WANTED Tree trimming, wliidow washing, wall paper and chimney cloanlng Phone Smithy, 38 1-J. HELP! HELP! We can give steady employment to several girl or wom en Apply at once at Domestic Lean-dry. FOR SALE -One 7 passenger Paige. all cord tires, good condition, newly painted. One t passenger Reo. newly nalntari. i new tlrea. 1 ood extra. On Btudebaker Roadster, good condition. WANTED TO Be Iloaglsnd. 721 Cottonwood St. I WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to Job work city or country. Phone 101-W. call 114 Llllith St. FOR BALB Bulck bug, DilS, 1375: good meohanleal condition. Bulck touring, p-Sfr, good shupo, 1!",00. Palga touring, light 1911 model. I9J1 Man well, good Urea, lie". Terms on all sale mue Ml. Motors Co., Inc. J'hpn ;k,-7ih W, AHn, BUY Re-ddenco lot. prefer edge of town on flat must b cheap for cash. Phone 7(5 or call C. E. Harmley, 223 15. Court 8t. LADY OR GENTLEMAN agent went-f ad for the city of Pendleton. Sell j the original Watklns Products. Known i everywhere. Write todnv. Walking Co 51 Winona, Mlnu,, MS 1 . . ., w ,,-r U . IT WtHM -a... ,v- I I ;f WW 1 '""'vi".' pvwni i . 1 iff 1 efct "iioovii ' 1 v rv" i , y Y A NEV4 NECHTIE ANP I ITS A WICE , ' JPZ ' 0 ! f osettN PUNKM SOPrVSt I - Till OH -1 eiueas i I - V" TlfJjBB"1 shake this olo . - Twat? Just wirtAV vff(jK'aB' l'vue.oT That's A i fV Uccos-Amo TrieJ 1 - - ; . ''' ' --nfilr,-,- - - : JMADEJO WEASURE SHIRTS Idndgren Ixnnscen, 785 Main St. OSTEOPATH Tin moat up-to-date effectual lesd- . Ing science practised. J F. Gibson, P. 8. T. : N. D. Room 1 2 Pee'oler BIdg. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineering work. T A. I -a n.-dale, C. BV, Klrer. aide. Pendleton Ore. TAILORS DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd BIdg.. Tele I phone. Office. BOS; Residence 279-W. I " ! IR LEVA MeCONNEl.L Osteopa I thic physician and surseonTemple Bldg. Office Phone 347-J. Res.. 70-J. Over Tallma Drue On. II CLOSED MONDAY DECORATION I)Y ill honor of the many who can not en jov otlr Iiajnint?. The Dean Tafom Co. Meat Dept Phone 86 Grocery Dept Phone 688