East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 29, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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CoT) (5w
,.-uvx tow ever?
t-i; re inc ONE
This is a day tliat we should all remember
a day dedicated to the brave who fought in
our great war.
Buy Cotton Goods Now
Every indication points to higher prices for cotton goods, in fact our pres
ent stock of cotton fabrics, as the fo lowing prices would indicate, are
priced lower than they can be bought in the market today.
fm jl i
" r I I " LU2iV -HISi
irw 1
(jray J$ros. (jrocery (Jo
- n
" 'OCaOt 1QC3C' . 3CE3QE 'OHQ
ScienlG Homey Spending I j
sfwud tr imo-t your nr-HK-jr wftMty ilwtn to make it. j . jj
Tin- Nt4m K "Tit f.et Value ReCefafed; ami to uviml l8
Mjr using ' lt-t System-, ou will lo aMc to IgB
-nor BBSffatMlcaay iir. i.i,- yomr mtpcwnm ami your sl
II 'nil -'.eiaiU i iiniL-licil to any oik- Uitercstotl. jjl
Savings 1H iartmnt. SI
injfjl The American National Bank I
mffi Pendleton. Oregon. 31
k i
3XD You eveR HeAR ms
one, ABouTTHe high Cost
OF H (G-H PR.lC5l UO.K Ms-M
r r-TT-n 1.
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
The following prices are the price
being paid to producers by Pendleton
business houses. Wherever retail
prices are given the fact will be spe
cially mentioned.
Eggs and Poultry.
Kggs, 40 cents.
Hens, 28 cents
Koosters, 15 cents a pound.
Chickens, 28 cents a pound.
Country Ham, Kta.
Ham. best quality, 28c.
Bacon, best quality. 40c
Batter Fat and Butts
dicta a 4,1100,000 bushel wheat crop for
the Walla Walla district. He says
wheat Is two feet high and heads are
beginning to form. Rainfall has been
a little above the average, which is
the basis for the prediction of a large
W nans Predicts 1 our Million
Bushels for Walla Walla.
r. M. Wlnans, cashier of the First
National Pank of Walla Walla, pre-
t attic and Calves at
Kansas City steady
K.VNSA3 CITY, MO., May 29. Cat
tle, receipts 17,000; killing cattle and
i alvea generally steady; somo steers
i shade higher; bulk receipts Texas
steers arriving late.
Sheep, 500: steady to weak.
"ethers. 10.00; BUM 9.50;
hftfhba steady; odd hunchers natives
l fi . 2 r. ; full decks IS. 00.
Ifx:i0 I'ilKiw Cases, excellent quality.
. .each HOC
!.",:! ivqutM Cases, hemstitched, cay h 79o
I23 I , clli-til Quality cae, each ilOo
"2tBO HUr quality seamed Sheets cadi $1.10
81x00 good quality St ami.-.- Sheets, ea. $3.10
7x0 best quality stainl.-i- sheets S9.IM
81x0 best quality S.-aml.-ss sheets .
81x90 good quality Seamless Sheets $2,10
81x00 iM'st iiiaJity hemstitched slieettt $2.08
ae.ineli P. How Tu bing, yard 19c
72-Inch Itlcatiicd Sheeting, good quality
"r.t 78e
81 -Inch hleaelied sheeting, good quality,
- , 78e
OO-uioh Meoclied Sheeting, good quality .
vard Bsc
72. Inch best quality hleaelied sheeting
yard ft)
hi. inch hest quality bleached sheeting,
yard flOc
00-lnoh bent quality btcuched sheeting,
sard $1.10
K I -inch fair quality bleached sheeting V
jartl : -
Stl-inch fajr quality bleaelntl muslin,
yard SJe
344neli Noft finish bleached muslin,
yard s$o
36-Iueh gootl qutillty bleaetuxl muslin,
yard 33o
3t-lnch .-viiii quality Ijuusdaie Muslhi,
yard 3,"lc
3-lncii Herkeley Comet Cambric MunUii.
finished for the needle, yard 3 So
Herkeley Nuntlter 80 Catnbrk- Musi in.
yard 30e
lu-rkeit N'uDibtr 100 Camlsrle Muslin,
yard i S3c
30-Inch good quality Vnblesvcbed Muslin,
yard ttc
3-tnch extra lieavy I nMeaehed Muslin.
Cabot .. yard 33c
3tl-lneh 1'nbleiielMtl Cheesecloth, suiiablt
. .for house cleaning, etc., yard 12'...-
36-hu'li iiii ii.ii.-ii gau yard Sc., lOo
3S-ln-h hleaelied chceHelotlt, yard lTo
18-lnch fancy striped Ctittoii Iluck
Towelhuc, yard aSc
18-Inch .-iia quutlty Cotton Huck Touvllng,
il ae
10x10 lii.ii Terry i'lnth Wash Cloths, pretty
pink and blue borders, each too
12x12 Inch Wash tioliis, giKal quality Terry
t'M.th. blue im tiers, monogram corner,
2 for 9Se
12x12 inch Wash clotlui, finely w$rn Terry
cloth, mercehised liordcr, each 2Hc
Harber Towels, good henvv huck, 11x10
Inclt, doscn ,. $l,2
llordcretl lluck Tow cot. IflxSS In. cadi lyc
t;od qualm Iluck Townla, Woven bortlers,
each 2.V5
Plain bordenxl lluck Towels, I7xt ate
lied nandrtl lluck Ttmcls, good quality
each 20c
10x30 Inch Towels of heavy buck, fancy
bordered end, each 33c
18xSfl-lnt-h I lent- DC l.is iwllcru lluck,
lieinslit4ietl hirlcr. earii 35
ICxtru quality huck In getu-rous slsn,
10x38, each Son
1'vira lieavy lluck. 18x31, each 49c
Linen and Cotton lluck Towels, 18x3-1
Inches, each 413o
Ijim-y hetnslitchel nortlcr Toweta, maple
leaf at terns, with wreath for mono
gram, each 4 Be
Heavy Turkish Hath Towel of ftnciy woven
Terry Cloth with fancy ull-ovrr pattern
In bine or gold. 31x12 Incht-s, each one
2lxl0-lnch tt.Mci of fhtely woven heavy
Terry Cloth with Wreath for monogram.
mertx-rlsed border, each $1.40
Plain White Hath Towels, good quality,
I8x3A Inches, each 21c
18x3l-Jueh good quality bath towel, pr $i0e
J. C. Penney Co A NaBon1denrist1tution
Hay and Feed Pricrs
at Seattle Continue up.
SBATTIE. Wash.. May 29. City delivery-:
Feed mill $52 per ton; scratch
Texas ! feed $89; feed wheat 199; all grain
spiimr chopj $80; oats $81; rolled oata $89;
nariey $78; cupped barley $83.
Hay. Eastern Washington timothy
mixed $47 per ton; double compressed
$51; alfalfa $45; straw $18.
r r. -J aosssssss-sssssssssssss ssi s s-
Many of our drivers average 25 miles
to the gallon of gas.
Our terms are reasonable and our
service excellent.
Eastern Oregon Motor Co.
616 Garden St., Near P. O.
Phone 1027
There's a Reason
Seattle Has light
II. i cipt.s m Yards
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 29. lings,
receipts' $; steady. Prime $14.60i
! 15.00; medium to choice $13.50014.50;
rtugh heavies $12.50 13.00; pigs
f 11.504112.50.
Cattle, receipts 56; steady. Beef
j steers $ 12. 004$ 13.00; medium to choice
(10.000 12.00; common to good $7.50
I 10.00; cows and heifers $10.2549
110.75: common to good $7.00fr 10.00;
bulls $7.5018.50; calves $7.50f 18.00,
cally become the fixed rate of six per food specialties. Sugars were an ex
rent and many large borrowings at ception, falling back toward the close
that quotation running Into n-xt 'on reports of a cut In the raw pro
Tuesday were reported. Further j duct. Sales 550,000 shares,
slight relaxation of time money A sharp reaction In Marks which
observed, butlhls was nlmost wholly cancelled the recent part of the gain
restricted to thirty day maturities. j was the noteworthy feature of the for-
Ilails were far more ncllVe than i eign exchange market,
usual. There was a steady demand j Among intrnntional bankers the
for various railroad bonds at gains of : Japanese lnancial situation evoked
1 to 2 points. Otherwise the move-' much discussion. Liberty bonds and
ment continued to concentrate In j victory notes were lrntulnr but for
steels, affiliated equipments, oils and elgn war Issues, notubly fnltert King
motors and their subsidiaries, with a 1 dom and dominion of Canada
sprinkling of shippings, leathers and strengthened.
As a Republic Track organization we have no
division of interests. Our pole business is mo
tor transportation.
The experience of the Republic factory, and
ours, based upon thousands of cases, is your
protection when discussing motor transporta
tion with us.
Pendleton Auto Co.
Established 1907
Heats These Buildings
Hotel Pendleton
. ' Hartman Abstract
New Elks Temple
Peoples Warehouse
Alta Theatre
Pastime Theatre
Temple Block
Bond Bros.
City Hall
St. Anthony's Hospital
St. Joseph's Academy
East Oregonian Block
Pendleton Woolen Mills
Pendleton Auto Co.
Simpson Auto Co.
Oregon Motor Garage
Oldfield-Peterson Garage
Bowman Apartments
French Restaurant t
Quelle Cafe
These comprise the largest users of
fuel in Pendleton. They selct "Pea
cock" because it stands for
Order your winter supply
Phone 178
liquidation or IliiHlnesa.
Spreading. Says lltin's.
NDW TO UK, May 29. -Duns today
The liquidating process that began
some time ago in certain branches of
business, but which has only lately oc
casioned general comment, has con
tinued and Is widening in its influence.
If not yet everywhere apparent, the
movement toward readjustment is
plainly discernible in variuos quarters,
as in textiles and hides and leather
and footwear, and Is manifested both
in current price tendencies and in the
conditions affecting future operations.
With an unusually backward season
and a congestion in transporatlon that
has seriously disorganized commerce,
somo shrinkage of transactions was
to bo expected, but these restricted
elements do not fully explain the pre
vailing disposition of some dealers to
oonfind commentmepts within the
closest possible limits, and the In
creasing cancellations and revisions
of orderH.
Weekly bank clearings $7,670,675,
241. i
Quality Quantity Service
lluslnesN in Wools About
at standstill at linston.
BOSTON, May 29. The Commercial
Bulletin today says of the wool mar
ket: "Business during the past week has
been .virtually at a standstill both In
lite east and west nnd the small sales
which have been effected have almost
Invariably been at the evprensn of
prices. Quotations are very difficult to
make with any certainty.
"The situation In the goods market
is still very unsettled, although can
cellations are not reported in so heavy
volume. The transportation situation
is still very bad, but It Is hoped that
conditions wll! begin to improve pres
Scoured basis:
Texas fine. 12 months, $1.60 1.65;
fine. 8 months, $1.46 1.60.
California: NV.rthcrn, $1.65; middle
county, $1.65 1.60; southern, $1.30.
Oregon: Kastern No. l staple, $1.90
1.95; eastern clothing, $1.60; valley
So. 1, $1.60.
Territory: Fine staple, $1.90'i2.0fl:
half blood combing. $1.65; 3-8 blood
combing, $1.20f 1.25: fine clothing.
$1.60 1.66; fine medium clothing,
11,104$ 1.55.
Pulled: Delaine. $1.952.00; A A,
$1.70; A supers, $1.45 1.60.
Mjuhnlrs: Best coming, soft 65c
best carding. 55oc.
Wheat Ranch
One of the finest wheat ranches in the Northwest is
to be put on the market at once for immediate sale.
This ranch is in a high stale of cultivation, a constant
and great producer, and is unusually well equipped. Deep,
rich, volcanic, ash soil, fine buildings, splendid water sys
tem, electric lighting plant, and complete outfit f big
tractors, combined harvesters, motor trucks, and general
farm implements and machinery.
Over 10,000 Acres
Will be sold as one ranch, or cut up in smaller parts.
Price below equal value elsewhere.
Convenient terms to suit purchasers.
For complete details, communicate with
Oregon Agricultufal
"IJ Broadway Building, Portland, Oregon
Or C. C, CI.AKK, Arlington, Oregon
Holiday Approaching Has
Klfcct cm Market,
NBW YOHK. May 89. The ap
proaching holiday had a perceptible
effect upon the volume of business In
the stock market toduy, dealings fnll
Ing to normlnal proportions. The
tons wai firm to strong.
Call loans held at what has practl-
i 1
. -i r t
A aorioaa uneaployaent situation areas.'
x-arTlc aan war without work. So Ova
gon'a aanufaoturara inoraaoaa the aanbsr
of thslr eoployesR.
greater output followed with the attes
tant, prooien or rinding a market. Tbe
xei at rouna - tna axoallance
(oo'a aroauola ersated
"OTsr tat tp".
of ore-
aaa aaa aarrio
Utea toduotrioe rt oro 0