401 YWCLVI DAILY kAST 0MOON1AH, PENDLETON, OREOOK, SATWtPAY BVENINO, MAY 29, 1920. FOURTEEN PAGES I I X CAR RUNS LIKE NEW Whm your car's generator goes "dead" when it over or under generate when it acta qutcrty come to US. likewise, the Starting Motor when the pinion gear won't engage ; when it will not turn the motor over when it causes any trouble whatever come to US. No experimenting No REAL SERVICE. guessing ALL " aitar notice how the car rmis alter you have drained the qll frum the crnnkcaso and rentlcd it, anil started the motor again ? If you do no know the feel of the rejuvenated motor. JdM ti y this some of those I dan It will surprise you and Inci dentally help the car a lot TtUH applies particularly to a new car. If ou can take the oil out after fimninu a new car about a week and replace it with new oil, you will be I surprised and delighted." says V. C. EX I'rultt, Haynes distributor. "It is an excellent plan not only to drain the crankenae of All oil after the first 100 miles, but to wash the entire lubricating- system with kero sene. The desirability of this step be comes evident when It Is considered that in a brand new engine small par ticles of metal are shaken off which I fail into the oil base and are carried Into bearings together with the lubri cant. To guard against this danger, the drainage engine base should be filled with a gallon of kerosene. After f that the engine should be turned oven half dosen times by means of the electric starter, the ignition switch, of course, being off so as to prevent the startin of the motor. In this fashion I the kerosene is distributed all through L ! the lubricating system and whatever minute metal particles are encoun tered are sent to the bottom of the I crankcase. from 'which they emerge when the litter is finally drained ot I the kerosene. I Alter the engine base has been 1 starter should again be made to turn I the motor over a half dozen tlmea for An event of more than ordin ary Importance to the 6000 em ployes of the Franklin Automo bile Company of Syracuse was the Opening on May 18 of tho Franklin Employes Cooperative 'Store, where groceries of 'all kinds can he purchased at a re duction of 20 per caul anil more below current prices. Sugar, fur Instances was sola at a price from five to ten cents below lo cal quotations, lMpulnr brands of cigarets and tabaccos aro now carried In stock, and smoked meats and workmen's ch'thtng and shoes will soon be added. Tho store is expected to do a weekly business of $le.00, 37 STATES GIVE 600 MILLIONS FOR ROADS the purposo of distributing the new oil over the aarious bearing surfaces.' Electric Service Station 201-203 West Court St S'arlverV Bill Dctayctf. WASHINGTON1. May JS The ft yon-Kemlriek bill regulating- meat packers will be considered when can- sress eovi.es back after the ncmina- ! lion convention, the senate decided to day hj- unanimous consent. It was agreed to mfctke the bill unfinished business Juna 5, on adjourning or re- easing; for the convention. ! Gates Super Tread Tires MEAN More Mileage A tire that is based on time not mere ly mileage. CORD AND FABRIC Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street Phone 595 locaoi I0E30Z SIX MONTHS I COULD NOT WORK Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Made Me Strong and Able to Work I Recommend It To AH My Friends. Bayonne, S. Si "I had pains in back and legs so that I could not stand caused uj temaio trouoie. I felt su tired all the tine, had bad heaaV acnes, and for aiz moot ha I could sot work. I was treat ed by a physician and took other re medies bat got no relief. A friend toM aoe about Lydia K. Pinkhatp'a Vege table Compound and it has harped me very much. ' am well and strong and Mi able to do my work. I cannot ! thank you enough and I recommend our medicine to my friends who ara sick." Mrs. Scam Sacalagrs&x, 25 ! East I7tb St.. Bayonne. X J. It must be admitted hv every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could sot live and grow in popular - ity for over forty years, and today hokt I a record for such wonderful success 1 as does Lydia E. Piakham'e Vegetable Compound, without possessing great I virtue and actual worth. Such tied : ieines must he looked upon and ermft' i both standard and dependable by thinking person. MMIlimMlfllllUIIUMIIIinirtlMMIMniHIIHllllUIIIIIIIIIIMIIIUIIllllllll!llllllll!llllini!!lllllllll!lli:iMli a I I lltllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHI Thhrtr-.feven states in this country have authorised the expend Hwre of tJ5.S41. 739 for good roads in the next five years. Legislation to atithoriae go"! roads bond issues amounting to t3!)l,i'53,SOo are pending with excellent chances of being- passed. statistics compiled by f. M Wood in charge of tho newly-created flood Beads Bureau of The tloodyear Tire & Kubber Company show that the total amount proposed and authorised for road improvement in the rnited states ln-tl,se,S9.i.52. Tin wide-spread interest manifested lr. better road la shown by comparison' of the above totals with those of 1911, when g,0o0.000 nvns spent for road construction throughout the country. Da a recent trip through the south and west, Mr. Wood found exceptional enthusiasm everywhere for the good roads movement. Largely through educatlonul publicity campaigna in terest has been greatly stimulated by alert civic bodlea. manufacturers of road making material and makers of automobiles and tires. Oood road boosters, who a few years ago were puzzled to find some method of arous- ne public interest in bond Issues for road improvements, are amazed at the ease wltn wmcb appropriations arc passed by city and state authorities. Texas takes the lead in the amount mthorized tor g-ood roads, with bond issues totalling $88,708. 900; Pennsyl vania will .-pond $76. ;17. 945: Callfor. nia 8s.l8S.nati; Illinois (.tS2.8t5: Michigan 52.tO0,rt00; Alabama $30. 000.00; Georgia $15,375,000 and North Carolina S13.4S9.36. One of the largest single projects Is prop, sed for Illinois, where 4,4S.5U has been authorized for the construc tion of 150 miles of road from Bast St. Louis to the Indiana line as part ot a national highway. The Goodyear bureau will lend Its aid to legislatures, cities and towns in collecting data for proposed legislation nd giving Its aid to hasten adoption of appropriation yiHs for good roads with the sama deep interest as Is show ed in further. UK the Lincoln Highway. For Quick, Economical Short Hauls for the satisfactory transportation of either your goods or your materials you ought to be using Motor Trucks! YOU can sit right down now and figure where they woil ijave yoji money. Investigation will show you that Motor Transports' uon costs less man nan trie cost 01 wagon hauling. Other men experience will prove the advantages of Trucks over any kind of railroad freight be it "slow" or "fast" lor all distances under 100 miles Motor transportation is the modern way. Every live business man knows it. Yc u know it. Why not let us give you the real facts about trucks as applied to yout business? rSi Ft mean the surest, most permanently satisfactory solution of your transportation problems. First, because they're eaaity, through and through! Second, because the service is kuHt in, to stay. Third, because rhay're absolutely practical - built by practical truck gineera who have spent a life time in the business. And fourth, because they roar you, on the average, $300 It than other good trucks' of similar capacity. Whenever you see a Master, you see a truck that is giving real master transportation service. Every Master Truck owned in this terri tory and there are many of them hi giving this same superior, unfailing service. This is whet you ought to have in your business motor Ii sea purtation that you can count on. You'll find it ia the Master. Call us up and let's talk it overt W. (1 GARBE, Inc. Sales and Service F. Rr Ranes, Mgr. Corner Court and Thompson Phone 720 The Good Sense of This Sedan Only 200 Pounds Heavier Than the Touring Car. Rides on Triftm aprmas with Coaafort of Heavy Csr EVEN SUMMER EVENINGS sometimes are cool Dust aometirnes blows or rain. You drive more more chances with weather. And summer clothes, especially women's clothes, soil easily. Then isn't it good sense to buy a Sedan Now? Instead of collapsible top which you never lower, the Overland Four-Door Sedan provides a thick permanent top with greater coolness in hot m. Plate class wmdows give you control of your com fort but never cut off your vision. Triplex Sprint makt touring easy . Light weight provides economy. OVERLAND SALES CO. c av utm msm ouusm and mmnnn SB ti W f 1 1 T AY naBBBBBaaBl ll VMn3sHU0 aH ' " '' "A"'- V1' S J tgi MHH FRESH AIR IN MS VITAL AS TO LUNGS That the Taluc of fresh air may be emphasized m relation to tires as It has been in respect to lungs. Is the contention of L. A. Menton, local Fire- Htone dealer at tho Sampson Tiro Ser vice Co. "U your machine Is to be 'laid on the shelf" for a few weeks," advises Mr. Menton, 'it is a god idea, to re move the stale air. pump In enough freeh air to round out the tubes, cover them against the light, and laolc up your car. tin general principle, luow shoul! be filled two or three times a year with fresh air oftener If possible because the effect ot stale air is in itself deleterious." Which makes a man step and thlnl .when he reads stories of extraordinary mileage "uindo on tho original air. PERSONAL INTERVIEW IS GRANTED WORKERS An announcement of an Innovation In employment methods adopted by the Studebaker Corporation, South Bend. Ind.. has Just been received by Wallace Bros., distributors of 8tude baker automobiles. Under the new plan applicants for positions are no longer Interviewed wholesale in public, but are granted personal interviews In private. When a man applies for a position at the factory co-operative depart ment, which at In charge of employ ment activities, he la grven a num ber and requested to make himself at home In tho spacioua waiting-room. A StudetAker representative is al ways available to give advloe to ap plicants. He aids tham hi IIln out applications and helps them decide if they are In doubt, which department they are beat fitted far. "Men prefer and appreciate the op portunity of a personal interview," says Dr. C. A. Ltpplncott, -who Is In charge ef the co-operative depart ment. "They do not like the Idea of bavin some 'hard-boiled' individual bawt out nnesttous or otherwise try I to make them feci as small an pes. rfhl. The man wit whom appHoants at the StudcbaHer plant come Into contact are trained In courtesy and naught to take a friendly and helpful Interest In an who have a desire to join the organisation. "Not does this interest ana cn-on- eratWn end here. Alter the applicant be co roe an employe, he finds such advantages offered htm as anniver sary checks, vacation with yap. life Insurance and pensions, tho chance to own hie home on a eo-operaiive ..In n una co-oDeratlve stock pur chases. In fact, the longer he remains with the Ktudebsker corporation the longer the part he takes as a co partner la its affairs." a meeting of the cabinet to diseuMn ; sine, lieluaevitit commissioner, the Itunsian auestlon following bitter tlnvemneni i.ineinis in'a.l.- attacks on the government In papers for dealing with Orangr) new- effortto kft l.tol-i on;. s presence Kra- sloe, at a cabieut meeting, will make J sine, at a camblnet meeting, will make ever.vj an offer of peace between Kngland and soviet Msdona iM-'-'i i. Including new con- If ever a tire received a real welcome from American car owners, the Republic Grande Cord is that tire. That it is more than living up to Republic reputation for longer life is a source of satis faction to us. A Republic Grande Cord on your car will show how far cord tire construction has ad vanced. 1 Simpson Tire Service Co. L. A. Menton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St REPUBLIC sneaaawanfca CORD TIRES IIMIMIUIIMIMIIHUniH.IMIMIItllllllMHIIHHIIIHIIIIIMIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIHIlrHIIIIII fBy United Press.) . I)NDON, May 21. Llojd Oeorge ifoday unexpectedly returned to Txm-' '.don from tho country and summoned