'"mi . FOURTEEN PAGES PAGE KIJBVPi DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 29, 1920 WHAT FACTOR MAKES What i-linrorlrlp n irood mulor truck? What l the aclflc ihlns thut runtinenilM It, above the Inferior truck, to the truck buyer? 'What, t . - - i . difference In price, dlfferentlutoit be tween the, Kuperlor truck and the In ferior? If Iho anmvoi Ih quality, what Bond ut quality In a motor truck? It's eafy t-nouirh to uupreclate quality in a poaneng-er car. Hut when a nan bilya a truck he Isn't looking for nrttx tlc linen, mirror-like finish, or luxur ious upholstery. What Is the r of qiiullty In a mo tor truck? The answer Is one word servlcc. The carefully selected mater ials, the skilled, conscientious work manship, the scrupulous Inspection that (to Into a high-grade motor truck all make for quality. And bunt-In quality comes out In superior service. Quality hullt Into the motor cum rtut In power performance, In sturdy litill-ahllity not only during the flrtt week or month or six months of the truck's life, but day after day, year afler year. So quality built Into tho entlro truck, from radiator to tall liimp, comes out In service (Steady, dependable, economical, long-time ser vice. The quality truck has Ihe stamina to curry It through any emergency and durability to kerp on working, al most Idenflnlteiy. Durability possibly Is nut the most Important attribute of the superior truck, hut It happens to be one of the most consplcuuim char acteristics. The While Company, for instance, " 1 ' has rccor'ls of White trucks records kepi and submitted by Iho truck own. ers, tliciioo'lvcs -thut have run more than 100,000 miles, and uro atlll ouu rnllng evory day vfllh on apparent dlmntitlon In efficiency. These ! crda und they do nol take In all Iho trucks that have attained such mile -ace - show that the character of tho work to lie done or the clicustauces surrounding the uork have Utile to do with the ultimata aggregate of a frtick'n service . Ho many trucks huvc paused the 100.000-mllo mark that that mileage, once considered a re markable achievement, lias become a common place performance. In some Instances motor trucks have so far exceeded 100,000 mllcH knu j kepi tight on running thnt their rnc ords border on the spectaculur. As : .-in IIIUHtrMtlon, a While Truck owned j by Alexander & Wnlllng of Fresno, ICal., has traveled 500,000 miles n I half million miles and Is still in active (service. This miiengc was made, of course. In a service calling for dall runs longer than are required In or dinary service: and It is to ordlnury scrvlco that the greater Interest at taches. A two-ton White purchased by the Clifford's Kxprcss Co., of ITovidoncc It. I.. In December 1912 has nol been out of service two weeks altogether In Its entire seven yenrs of service and traveled more than 150.000 miles. Other examples, hundreds of them, might be cited, say Frentsel & Wniles the local While distributor, but these are typical of the performance nn i,wmr can anticipate from a high- grade, quality truck. y4 Appear At Yoor Best -Instantly If yarn rccctv a sudden caller or an unexpected In vitation you can feel con fident of ahvavft appearing at your but In but a few iimmrnH It renders to your akin a wonderfully pure, oft complexion that It bcvoml enmpariaon. I SHOULD IMPEL CARE Real Estate Bargains 6-room residence, paved street, lot 60x100, in best part of city Lrge 7 -room bouse, large lot. on paved street. All Improve meats paid for. 3 acres, one of the best small tracts near Pendleton. 100x250 vacant comer, pave ment all In on both streets and paid for, splendid loca tion. GEORGE W. ELDER I OS K. Alt He.i. 22T-J Office 03T INSURANCE Life, Fire, Personal, Ac cident and Health, Plate Glass, Public Liability, Au tomobile Liability, Burg lar, Store and Banw, and Growing Grain Insurance. AUTOS FOR SALE 1 new Columbia Coupe. One new Dort; - Ford road ster: one new Cuse; I Packard In splendid condition; 1 Ford Touring, 19 lg model; 1 Dort run 300 miles. Will take Ford In part pay ment on now Dort. GEORGE W. ELDER 10 K. Alia, lira SSJ-J Office OS? "Advances In gasoline cost should Impress on motorists the need of great er care, which means less waste, as--serts John D. Mansfield. General Sales Manager, Dort Motor Car Company. "Fuel consumption of cars varies considerably. Romo engineers have had fuel in mind in designing cars and othr have been thinking of saving In other ways, perhaps. Hut, no matter how efficient the engine, how far It will pull the oar on a gallon, there generally is a chance for the driver to I save by being observant. "What at first may call for Intimacy j with everything the car does until It reaches the stub's of a task soon will 'become' a habit, unnoticed, but effect -j ing a great saving. "Economy of Dort cars has been an i nutKtnndiiiff feature since the first crop It results from the triple heating method which converts gasoline Into powerful gas and a double exhaust sys tem which Quickly clears the cylinders of dead gas. eliminating resistance. "Under ordinary usage the Dort has unusually low fuel hills, but when the owner la ever watchful the record Is quite a bit larger. In fact, there are drivers who surprise us with their mileage, und they do not find that watching I his detail detract any from the pleasure of motoring. On the con trnry they enloy their fun at a lower expenso than the other fellow, ond that condition nlways has an appeal." TRUCK PNEUMATICS 00 NOT PUNCTURE ... jCs Vb JBj Tempered Rubber f S as m LA Tn hit fliiMt for hotter tread ma- M Vf 1 terials, Barney Oldfield tried many lxtA v w; compounds of rubber tried them II I Ksra rv n vain unti a clever chemist III W ' brought him a tire the tread of ' 1 A I 1 which was rubber, tempered M vjf Vi-' with zinc- .'Swl 11 fjf B That tread outlasted all others the "Master II I mK m JcW m. M Driver" had ever used. Ever since, Barney Oldfield has trusted only H I I m "W WM to tires with zinc-tempered treads. I W l M . Today we offer you the zinc-tempered , I I Im m. B Oldfield Tire a tire you can trust as Barney I l I VX1 fV B Oidfield has trusted his. Iff fV. 1 I 11 Equip your car with tires like those that III S V si I I Im stood up under the Master Driver's most I I lSTl I 1 I f. ( 1 cruel tests Oldfield Tires! Bui . 1 V y I fX T PTTATTIT 17Ti-Ar T?TTURT7T? Mr TTlrT V PO BJ 1 J Wm. Dunn, Manager. . I l V 11 )V M m Phone 40 Cottonwood and Court Sts. One phuHo of the uc of uncumnttc truck Utm which has worried tho truck owner to no amaH degree U tho liOHriibUity of puncture. "Heffardlng punctures, " says W. V. Xosan. managrcr of the pneumatic truck tire department of the United State Tire Company, "our records show that an owner need not have a moment' worry- about them. 1 have recordft of trucks operated fn practl- OLDFIELD TIRES Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Zfcronlo and Nervous IMaeaaa and Ulaeaaea ot Women. X-Ray Elec tro Therapeutics, remplo Bdf. Room It Phone 1 SPRING DEBILITY Less of Appatitc, That Tired Feel ing end Sometimes Eruptions. Thousands take Hood's .Sh rM PS -rllla as their spring medicine for that tired feeling: nervous weaknpss. Impure blood and testify It mskes them feel better, eat and sleep hot ter, and "msken food taste good." Spring debility is & condition In which it is especially hard to combat disease germs, which invade the nys tem here, there and everywhere. The white blood corpuscles, some times called "the little soldiers in tho blood," because it Is their duty to right disease germs, are too weak to o good aervlce. Mood's Sarsaparllla Increases the "flttle soldiers" and enables them to resist germs of grip, influenza, fe vers and other sttments. It has stood the test of three generations, givlngentireAgtlsfaction.net it today. If a laxative or cathartic is needed, take Hood's Pllla. " The Most Trustworthy Tires Built 39 ca'ly every elans of business, showing that pneumatic truck tire have been in service anywhere from one year to two and one -ha If years, anil during the entire time have never been off the rims. , "The rural free delivery division of the t -nlted States IVst Uffhe Depart ment operates i pneumatic that t he home of the Pa mon Valve In- Mead Huick Car. FYom a. pixty icre garden spot to tho vast area f over H.Mn acres, II-; .I'stiaies Flints wonderful growth and' size. Detroit is the first city In the state, j ! rand KSLplda second, wit h Flint truck engines. When the truck is standi UK at the lottdttlg platform or elsewhere the engine should be stop ped. Fntess sumo 'watch is nmlntain-t-d over the drivers they will idle their tngines to avoid the trouble f making a fresh start Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. IS fleet nf trucks on I close competitor. Jutt hw lone thi probably larger j one time little Indian village w ill rc I her In the country. They punctures that they s necessary to carry than any havo had so few no longer believe spareji. "Am for mileage, I find In our rec ords reports on set after set of tires which havo rendered better than 20, 000 miles. We have records through main In third position, has the popular tlon of its state guessing, for the mil- j lions of dollars now being spent by the Huick Factory in new additional build-, i 1 - and factory plants, means still further additions to Flint in increased population. Further months might j poaanar runt rinu aain cnangin us SERVICE FREE SERVICE Are You Giving Your Tires a Square Deal? They are entitled to as much if not more at tention than any other part of your car, so don't neg lect them just make use of Bentley's Free Service "IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE" We may bo abort of gaa, but we're r long on service L. S. (Spenoe) BENTLEY CO. Inc. Goodyear Service Station Alta St. Phone 755 Opposite P. 0. Gas, OiK Greases, Accessories. ino LniiG.i states in praetteally every I sundlnir In advancing to. the position class of ertfea of from lo.norf to 50,- of the big sister of Miss Dynamic De 000 miles, ifmi those of 40.000 to 50.- trait. O0U were In extremely hard service. j The United States tfobby Cord pncii- matie Is especially adapted for rough or muddy roads where good traction is essential." REALTY TRANSFERS BUICK FACTORY HELPS MAKE FLINT BIG TOWN ; IIKKU8. I SERVICE FREE SERVICE Hack In Ihe earlier days when Flint wna n Vjjlage of 1,500, with an area e-f sixty aonni. It was merely an Indian trading onlnt. nnd the Inhabltllta thoe days "trupped." swapped horses, and harK'itned with the itii? I'hiefs and their Squaws. In 1905 when the Butch factory built its first bul$dlnffa here. FHnl grew rap Idly to what was eonsldered a wonder ful population or some 13,0011. Dur ing the next five years Bulck Tmsiness expanded to such a degree, tlfnt when the censust of 1!10 was reeorded it showed n population of 38.500. I'n dor (he new census returns Flint advances from the sixth city in Michi gan with ii populutlon of SS.fiftO in ''.id to third place with a population of 91,599. Added to these figures during the past few dayst are the recent annexa tions to this city which will give Flint u present population exceeding 1 on, 000 or nearly 14! percent increase. Such remarkable growth so far, is" one of the highest records of the 1920 I. S. census returns. It h;us been largely brought about through the lo cation and expansion of the main- mnnth Itulck Molnr 'n tthint. in which Institution nearly persons I are dally employed, thereby aiving aj livelihood to more than TO.tlOO of Flint's population. There few cities in America t hat enjoys the distinction of having such, a world wide reputation, for upon bo: h heinUphcrejfj it has become known as Mary (Ktta Ai nberg to Cunningham Sheep A Land Co., $200". 8W i-t Sec. and NE 1-4 XV 1-4, Sec. 21, Tp. 1 s. il. SI. Kugene H. Knoits to Walter W. Wijincr $10. BW 1-4 SV 1-4, Sec. 27. SK 1-4 SB 1-4, Sec. 28; S 1-2 NW 1-4, lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 34. Tp. 2. Sj A. H. V. M. Davta to F. X. and M. M. lohns $10. N 1-2 X 1-2 SV l-4 Sec. i, Tp. 3. N. K. 35. Klfsha Begley to II. M. Rogers $400. Lot 9, 'Block G, Hermiston Orchards. Ira Arbogast to J. V. OhenauU MVQO. X acres in BB 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec, i 1. Tp. 6. X. K. SB. Toy-toy & Wa-ho-po to .1. D, Owen, tV. SK 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 14, Tp. 1. N. H. S3. Wm. Wagner to John Pitman $10. - 000. NR 1-4 NW 1-1 NW 1-4 Sec 34. Tp. . Mt K. 38. Ji K Allen. $:Ono aley'j Add. I'endle il.. R. Simp' T, Cole's Add Frank ie F. Cox t Lot 3. block 10. li ton. Charles BatchelOT to son $300. Lot 9, Block 7 l'cililteton. A. H. Cog to Addle K $1000. K 1-2 Lots 7 and Hons i s Add. Pendleton. Walter L. Lehman to John T. Osle. $lu. Lots i and 2, Block "K" Jacobs Add. to Jacobs' Add Pendleton. Joseph W. Cralk to Kay C. tloode. $1.00. NW 1-4 MNB 1-4 Sec. 31. Tp. :, X. R. 29. J. H. Kennedy to H. S. Murray. $10.- HIHI, X v .Mete and bound tract tn NW 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 3. Tp ... X. K idling lOnghie OMUl Mlllboui rf gallons of ftel are w:ist d evcr year through tho idling f OUT O'DOOR niDUCIITC 1 hi f IV I" -1 SSI fir I v: women i j iSMiS? I These garments are made of the very best j M''' Khaki obtainable and are tailored in the lat- IS V) 'TN rafvlU jf - 1 Pnr irtA I At mm Nnrfnllc Coa1s. Skirts. Letririns. Tronser Mirlrlv I'l .vTJri-r-irs:ai aim omri uiuuks aiiu iiau. For the Men Norfolk Jackets, Cuff Trousers, Lace Trousers, Leg ems and Hats. . m t aill I SEE OUR MAIN STREET WINDOW DISPLAY I H LLkjyJJJH BaWaaaaaw AUTO SUPPLIEs" SPORTING GOODS