THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY, NEWSPAPER IN THE INLAND EMPIRE GIVING ITS READERS BOTH ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS ' PAILY EDITION DAILY EDIT TON Number of uoplea printed jf ycatcrday'a riiv. 3,067 Thla pager In a member or arid audited by tha Audit Korean ,.t fir The East Oreajonlan la Baatern Ora-a-on'a greateet nowepapcr ani aa a ailing force lvea to the advertlaar or twice tha guarantied paid clrou- latlon til fenaieton ana umtuua ty ot any other oewapapr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB CITY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 3 NO. 9549 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 29, 1920. FLYING CAVALRY COLUMNS SPEED TO CRUSH RIOT British Cabinet and Military Officials Plan to Raise Mail ed Fist Over Outlaw Bands Through Ireland. TWO CONSTABLES BURNED TO DEATH IN BARRACKS BILL HART MAY BE ABSENTEE SHEPV&- n a. .,. ... I .OS ANGI?) ? jy When Hill" ' .ituro actor w.ih ,, ,t.,.n fnnde demo ,ineo for sheriff of il6 county, Oregon, by a In" move, mint, Ik- said hi? would gladly accept, providing be might be allowed to r .-. 1 1 In Ixu Angeles and visit Hood Kivur periodically. DOLLAR ORGY" IS CHARGED IN RACE OF WOMAN ATTORNEY FOR ( CALIFORNIA NOMINATED ASSISTANT TO PALMER (Hy Associate I'ress) j WAHHJNOTON. May 29. Mi- Annette Abbott Adams, ITnl PBfl H'ates Mtornev for the north ern district jf of California, and who was the first woman in the country to be a I"nitd Htates at torney, today was nominated to be assistant attorney general. SOLDIER POET TAKES FOLLOWERS FROM FIUME INTO NEIGHBORING TERRITORY SEIZING VILLAGES Jugo Slav Government Tells Italy That Armed Force Will Resist Violation ty Gabri elle d'Annunzio's Invaders. will be resisted by force, the dispatch added. GRAVES OF SERVICE MEN TO BE DECKED BV EOCAE LEGION Senator Johnson Had Campaign j Fund of About $200,000. i $125,000 in Home State Manager Tells Committee. SAYS HOOVER WORKERS SPENT MAMMOTH SUM 1ST TEST VOTE KILLS J'reparr Military Force. 1 flly Associated Press) i I' A HIS. May ZD. ;abrlelle d'An nunzio's troops an? reported hero as mmmT " having occupied the .. ape of C'avala- I j a (By l.niled Press) j una, threatening to sj!e Huxzak, In! their advance from Kiume, accordinK ; TRAIN CRASHES INTO AUTO AND If 0 ARE HURT , nunzio, leader of a band of arditti, h.'LH occupied the towns of Kavelaj, and Hussy k, according to a dispsstd. today. The Jugo-Hlav government han t notified Italian author ities t hat the poet's violation of .lujfo-Slav territory Eighteen Pounder Guns, Gre-I nades, Petrol and Barbed Wire are Landed and Armv six Who Gave Lives, Are Bur- Lorries are Rushed. cd Here While Names of 29 Others Arc Contained in County's Honor Roll. By United I 'i .... i LONDON, May 29. British mill, lary officials today took stops to meet the critical situation in Ire-land fol lowing attackH upon aoldler barrack. The graves of Lieut. Kenneth RoDer .1 Lrln i. ...i ...... i.uw ................ ,.,,. u.iiniiUlra rnan. Krvln ..ere nurnau 10 ueain. rile barracks were net nflre by a band of 100 men. .loyu-tieorgo presided at a cabinet Abraham Huff. Claire Myers and Adam O. Noble, who died in the service, will he decorated Pendleton tomorrow under the a pices of the American Legion. Pesldc the men who arn burled hate, there are it l'mutilln. county men who lout their Uvea during the World Some am hu.lul la " ,u Ku . Krance. while othei-M uer.. Ij.ifl t i Declares He Used Only $50,- 000 While Opponents Paid "Tremendous Number" in Giant Campaign of Advertis ing. ! Sustains Decision of Speaker That Suspension of Rules for Six Days for Consideration is in Order. to Information received at the foreign office from lielfc'rade today The dli patch nayH the JiiKO-SlaVH are prepar ing military ineawircs to reaiat d'An ItUftaJo. meeting at which, It in understood, drastic action to cope with Irish dis orders was decided upon. Flying col umns of caxalry have beun sent to I Killnutlo.'k. A motorcyclo corps lias: been organised and Is exoect to the district immediately. Four IS-1 pounder guns and a quantity Imrbed wire wert ianded at Kingston. ! In ,.,. Krance. ius'ii. uray lorrieti are also ne- i Ailelbr mg ruajwa to i 'uonn. rest ' 'i i el Hs in I tie I. ii leri of rifle i sv.ii, .,i. i I..,,.,..- ,..n amnniiilllon, grenades, petrol nnd I v..n vv- i.... u..... ,0.0 A heavy fusllsde of rifle fire was the flrat indication that the con stables In the barracks had been at tacked. Uombs containing burning oil and poriaffinc were thrown upon tho rooof tho barracks, aettlng fire to one wing In which tho consUtblen were cndca orinc to figln off a mob that attempted to bleak through the door. Marching orders have been Issued for roops at Aldershot and other points In F.ngland. nnd these forces are expected to start for Londonderry today. .'lancet Oct. 30. 1918. Killed In action, France. (.'has. A. Brown Oct. 27, 11S. tiled of pneumonia. France. U XV. Brand Jan. 4, 191 S. Died of gas, France. llichard Frederick Itrunton Nov. 6. 1!W8, Ft. Wordcn, burled l'omerov. Wash. Hun). Carlson July 16, 1918. Died of gun wounds. France. (By United l'rcss.) VAHHIXOTON, May 29. Senator Johnson had a campaign fu.nd.of about $200,000. the senate campaign fund Investigating committee learned to day. Alexander McCube, Johnson's California manager, testified that about $125,000 Was raised In Califor nia, while 172,000 hail already l.een accounted by Angus alcSwecn, John son's eastern manager. Met 'aba de clared that not over $60,000 was sp-nt for Johnson in California, where, ac- .I,, '"'", bin was in orde nilttee, .1 "dollar orgy was indulged . , r In by workers for both Johnson and Hoover. McCabe declared that Hoo- WAKIIINGTON. May 29. Tile sol dier relief hill WO passed todn.v by the bouac by JN'i to 92 and was 'in to the j senate. PENDLETON'S AUTO CAMP GROUND DESPITE INCOMPLETION PROVES PLEASING TO 12 MOTOR PARTIES Guest in City Has Leg Broken and Lad is Badly Bruised and Temporarily Blinded at Mis sion Crossing. FRED BENNI0N CAR IS STRUCK BY FREIGHT liy United IreH.) WASHINGTON', May 29. Soldier bun iih advocates in the hmiao failed n the firm tCMt vote to obtain a two thirds majority necessary to paM the For4ny ltll under. himpenioii of the 1 rulen. j liy n vole of 192 to 1H9, the house T GO BACK TO U.S. IF DEBTS MOUNT I I Tourists Bound on Eastern Vis- j its Spend Night as Guests of City Expressing Satisfaction With Accommodations. Picnic Terminates in Miracu lous Escape From Death When Machine's Driver Throws Children to Safety. that KitHiieiiHion I duvH In order to of the rules for six bring up' the boniiH The decision came on a point of order that the rules committee exceeded it power , in re- I : l in Feb., HermU- TAfT LECTURE LOOMS IS RED tFTTER EVENT John 1au rafcteel-f-t Killed In action, France Kussell W. Cham l2t. IIcmuU of war sei I ton. J Arthur Hickman Chapman Sept. , IN1J. Itesuit of war service. Athena. Chariot Cunningham Oct. 1st ltltt Camp lewU, Waih. Frank t! ood ma n Nov. 2 7. 1 9 1 8, 'Vancouver, Wa.-J.. Hurl 4 tn l".-j.d If. ton. I 'oil vi. Huffnag-lc 191. Killed in action, France. drover K. Molloman- October , 1918. Pneumonia, Franco. Erlne Abraham Huff January 29, -91 fi. VancMi vr, of pneumonia, buried In I'endleton. ltolert F. Insults Oct. 4tht 19U. Killed In action, France. Dan Lttvenn Oct. 6, 1918. Died of wounds, France. Clark N. Maxey Sept., 1918. Died of Wounds. France. Manuel Monese Jan. 191S. Fenu- tt William Howard Tart, ex-1' j dent of tho United States, make iih 1'Ik a "hit'' In l't-ndletofi hi he seems i tdkhave made in 1'ortlaud. Hapjiy Can- ! yn. the place of hii sddrefj Tueitday lilrht will 1m filled to'everflnwliig1. Mr. Taft to Pendleton under J the auspices of the Hlch School Ly ceum Course. His subject will be I AmcrtcanUm vs. Holshevlsm." Press comment from various parts f the WmI u.-tlara till iintwiaroJ inll.-afn that the incasac- la a big on and that tlalre M. March 6. 1919 I'neu miK h Intereat la belns created. I "" Ff- A. Uuaaell. Buried in The hiiKinrw men of the city plan t.i ' l'e'al' 'n. hold ,i reception In honor of the for- A,l,,m N"l'le Oct. 13, 1S1S. In m. r executtva' Immediately foUowlol ,i,'lk I"hind, III. Burled in hla lecture, next Tue.sdiiy nltrht. He i I'endleton. will arrive from Walla Wall;, t 4:55 j Theodore It. Norvcll Oct 2. 191S. . r. Tnendav iitul will he entertained -. I'll 1 1 mull, uusll. Intluenza at the Hotel Pendleton. He aneaka I at Hannv ranvon at S (.'. lock. The ' 'rank C. l-arka. Oct. 23, 1918. Died ticket aale In reported to be doing well and a full houae la expected. inotil.'i. Krance. 19 19. Hurled SAYS DANIELS WOULD 'GLOSS OVER' FAILURES (ity United Pie) WASHINGTON. May !!!.- - Sen-eta ry Daniels Is inclined to confuse Issues rather than meet them," Ad mirul Stuis said today contlnuiiiKT his Iouk rebuttal in senate naval Investigation. He declared that Daniels tried to "gloss over" failures by arousing- en thusiasm ocr his navy's suecees. furulKhed all deleKate. WILSON ASKS RELEASE OF MRS. KATE O'HARE it. Norton Pullman. W Helix. I Frank I of wounds, France. Hoy A. Prlvett Jan., I'ueutnonl.i, Haiupton. Va ' Cof;iK. Wash. i I-Me T. Sept. ISIK. Pneu monia, France. Archie C. Hiannard -Aujr. 16, l!18, died of Kns, Franc'. Joseph V. Stephen Oct. 1st, 1018 Killed in section, France. Hubert Claud sUUI Oct. 3, 1818. Influenza, Camp Colt,Penn., MTltQn Fra nk Sheldon Clrieb November P', 1!18. Killed In action, France. Glenn P. Walter ct. 18, J918. a. A. T. C. Kutiene, iniluenxn James M. Wel'sler Auk Killed In action, France. Allle Ft. Weddle, Jan., 1020. Purled in Milton. Paul J. Winters -Nov. fi, 1!H8. Brownsville, Tex;is. of pneumonin Curey K. Woods Died I'endleton,! fall of 1919. Buried In Hermiston. Frank Mench Unftds Nov. 2 1st, 111!, Portland. Huried in Ivudh-ion. live udevrtisinK cam pa ign ever seen in California totaled anyway $300.- 00 and probably ran to four or five hundred thousand dollars. Not f2VMM K:ii-e,. ( Ky Fuited Press. WASHINGTON, May 29. Between $fo, 000 and I1SS.00O was raised for Johnsoti's campaign in California. Alexander McCabe, one of JohnsonV managers told the senate campaign expenditures investigating- committee today. "The largest Individual contribution was $."000 by Henry Flelschhacker,' McCabe wild. "William H. Crocker I Kave H000. The funds were the re- ! suit of a state, wide canvass for con tributions." MscCal denied rumors that Vice President Hereon of the Southern Pa cific contributed to Johnson's cam - palgn. Hi' su id he couldn't discover I tho "nine millionaires" which Hoover ! men Paid were on tho Johnson prl- mnrv ticket. He named five as the only millionaires among- the -6 Cali fornia delegates. Workers nl INlls. McCabe said the Johnson force used $"0.000 during the California campaign between Hoover anVl John son. McCabp declared Hoover had a "tremendous number" of paid workers in I-os Angeles and Southern Califor nia and that they were at the polls on election day. He asserted that tliere were lfifto Hoover workers In Ixs An gles county alone who received from $10 to $42 each and that .100 Stan ford students ' were paid to work for Hoover In San Francisco. Collector Points Out. I porting the resolution suspending; the j raiejt, Auk VoU' Today. f By United Press.) , ' WA SH INOTON, May 2 ft-. The house today voted by 220 to 165 to suspend the rules for six legislative f days in order that the soldier bonus hill may be considered without am-end'nenta. Immed iate'y after the vote Chair- , man Fordnev of the ways and means committee, t illed up the bill, declar- j Pendleton's free auto camp grounds, despite the fact that the lights, stoves, tables and other improvements have not yet beei installed, proved satis- ' I factory to 12 auto loads of tourists Private Management is Costing! 1 who camped there last night. a & vhat we like about tho camp Public Millions Without grounds," said Mrs. V. C. Arens, who mm . . - with Mr. Arens is motoring from Ya- Voice in Control Former Tax kilna 1o InJhna, the abundant wa iter supply.. We have motored consid I erably and lack of water is often a i fault of camp grounds. Judging from A8HINi;tlN. May 1. The na- the improvements now under way, I lions railroads must go back under think these grounds will compare fa government control soon unless pri-; vorably with many in the northwest." vate managers being to operate effi-1 Another tourist party waa that of clenlly. without calling on the gov- which Mrs. Elma Culp, her son. Fred ernment for financial assstance. Dan-, H. Culp and her grandson, George iel Roper, big corporation head, warn- ' Allez, are members. They are on their ed today. "Businessmen will demand way from-Hellingham to Denver, Col- resumption of government control un-; orado, to visit relatives. less service is bettered quickly." said Mr. and Mrs. I"). S. Sanders anA Roper. "Private management now three sons, of Yakoma. who camped seems to be costing the public mil- at the local grounds last night, are on lions under a guarantee clause of the their first long motor trip and are transportation act. There are Indica- bound for Fairbault, Minnesota, and tlons that under the government's 'dies In Colorado ana Indiana, wnere Ing ho would ask for a vote today. A -,, . .,., rt,.,, they will visit relatives twn-thlrds mUority is required tor j-s six per cent on their investments ' leaving Nebraska last June, Mr. passage of the bonus measure under rt. . ,.., :and Mrs. Bernard M. Boals and two suspensii'll h.-ive so far Jorily. Bonus advocates .muster this ma- Mrs. R F. Johnson, of Halt Lake, sister of Mrs. Fred Bennlon of thla city, had her leg broken In two plaoea, and Fred Bennlon, Jr.. nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennlon. waa badly bruiaed and temporarily blinded yesterday at p. m. when a car driven by Mr. Bennlon. wm struck by the rear end of west bound freight train So. 23 at the Mlsslun ernslnjr. Sherman Johnson, little solz of Mr.. Johnson, and Bobby Bennlon. another son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennlon, who were also in the car. were saved from probable death by the quick action of Mr. Bennion, who threw the young sters from the car when the collision ocoured. They escaped without a scratch. Mr. Bennlon was unable to reach Mrs. Johnson, who was pinned beneath the machine, while' little Fred was dragged about 100 feet Sava Train Had no Licit. The party had gone t" Mlsalon for'a picnic supper, and as Mr. Bennlon waa repairing a tire while in sight of the crossing, had seen the freight train go past and stop, after learlnr; the caboose near the section house on the other side of the crossing. Mr. Ben nlon states that when his machine was within about 10 feet of the crossing, he saw that the cars were Backing up but he was unable to stop until hla OTiiny xtr- short. " "ri'y Associated T'ress. ) WASHIXIITdX May 29. supporters of the soldier relief won the opening skirmish In- the house today to force consideration of j ,. ...... . i,'i,.i. ..,,.,,'.' I "I""- ,hp governnicnt. sary to win the legislation under sus pension of the rules. ernment to make up a deficiency of sons motoreu io -ayeiie, luano, wnere machine was on the tracks. The train, about I500.0im.noo for six months- pri- they spent the WInt.r- The' wcre at minus tho caboose, showed no light, vato operation." ! the auto camp last night, accompanied llo 8tatas, ami there was no liraWmim Koper.- until recently, dire, led the !'y r- Qals ther. I-. M. Boals of , gi WVnnfujw-rlgr,t had - .j-., . - " i HturtMI ncr:i n. itii'i iiii.tiiL ami, j tiv yutiy ich nun moridng for Spokane. Other tourists were from Washing--ton and Oregon towns, bound for Mi chigan and other states. While some reported bad roads, none had encoun tered serious difficulty in making the trip. collection of all federal tuxes am com- WhU tmlssloner of tho Internal revenue bu- alarmed at the financial demands which the roads are preparing to make If the govern- well assume control.' RESERVATION LAND IS SDS BOUGHT AT $256.22 ! 10, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 The highest price ever received for reservation wheat land was paid yes terday at the Indian land sale w lien Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harnett hought 80 acres on little Spring Hollow, for $-1,251, an average of $254.62 per acre. The appraisal was $18,(100. MiHon. 11. 1918. t rrcspoiuk"m QWHljoiied. (By Associated Press. ) WASHINGTON. May 39. Before quest ion imr McCabe, the committee questioned Frederick Wile, corre spondent of tlM Philadelphia Public Ledger relative to an article he wrote i was $54. y Kaylnv that Jsfi.oon bud been - raised j was $59, n UAltrornin ror .innnson primary j tracts WWW not soin, one tying nni,r!vitt. Inez FHrris. there. Tne witness said he had heard I Cayuse and the other near the She6- ! nnri' r n ' Tnrtr Italians Take Ourazzo. (By Associated Press.) PARIS, May 29. Italian troops to day occupied Durazzo, the principal Albanian seaport on the Adriatic, ac cording to a Zurich dispatch from Rome. No confirmation has been re ceived of the report that D'Annuncio, Italian poet-aviator, has attacked the The thirty-third annual commence- j Serbs, ment of Bt Joseph's Academy will take i The Rome dispatch said Fiume ln place Wednesday afternoon, June 9, ! habitants marched to the Serbian town at the Oregon Theatre. , j of Sussak. They fraternized with Ital- The school will grant ten diplomas j ian regular troops there, later march this year, four Commercial, and six to ing back to Flume, those finishing the Latin-Scientific Course. The four receiving Commcr- . clal Diplomas are Murrcl Harp, Helen a Kreat deal to this effect and that ca n d Ida t (M In a 1 1 f o r n i a w e re s pe n d -ing considerable money. He admitted that his paper is suppi irting Hoover. , (By United rress. WASHINGTON, May 2 9.' - "A sum l-etwee.i $lfl0.000 and $125,00), was raised for the California primary by the campaign organzat ion in behnlf of Senator Johnson. The senate cam paign extendi! ure ln est (gating com mittee was t"ii inday hy Alexander M' '! Callfornln pttAt Insula nee commissioner and treasurer of the Johnson organisation. McCabe declared (hut Hoover's sup porters spent "elirht or nine times as much as we, at the lowest estimate Ten of the 12 parcels of Indian land j Anderson, Dorothv McLaln. and Hazel advertised tor sale were iold. The Holmes. The six who will receive! ippratsel Value of the 640 acres sold Dipmaa for completing the Uitin-! 5.00, and the total received ! senu. course arc Rose Kilkenny, 48,00. Two eighty acrf 1 ArrPhnii MrtrareL MeTe- I Kathcrine , Doherty Miss Stella Roden. ! PRESIDENT ENDORSES The front of the machine wag ntrTuck and was turned over, panning Mrs. Johnson beneath, while Fred Junior was dragged along In the dirt beside the tracks. It was feared that frag ments from the glasses he wore were ground into his eyes, but tho intact except for the rims, were found near the crossing. Hla eyes were bruised and cut, however, and t pres ent he Is unable to see. His side was seriously bruised and doctors say, that his escape from death was miraculous. Car Total Wnvk The car Is a total wreck. An odd feature of the accident was that the lights of the car remained burning after the collision. The Injured members of the party, with Mr. Bennlon and two children were brought Immediately to Pendle ton In the caboose, by the freight train engine. Mrs. Johnson and ourxg Fred were taken to St. Anthony's hos pital. Mrs. Johnson came to Pendleton two weeks ago to visit her sister, who has been at the hospital since the birth ol a son. born recently. sal nther sules for 4 0 acres in ivuse. appraisal, ( By Pnltcil Press.) WASHINGTON May 89. President 1 Wilson today ordered Immediate re- ; lease from prison of Mrs. Kale Rich- 1 nrds O'Hare, oue of tho so-called "political prisoners, Relesse of Mrs. CVHkrs, Kagone V. Debs, Rose Pastor Stokes and Others has been demanded hy the socialist convention and citizens OOSfim SENATE CLOSES OLD . EIGHT ON WATER BILI IDHTI.W K M AUK I "I S ARK BTKAOV Wli IINC!HANGR! (Hy Afwor-tatod Press! l-OHTI-ANn. May I. All markclK ure Htuady anil iini'ban.ireil. shipr. home. ri NiilpH I ho Han were as follows: J. H. Luck. :! the section wauth o 4Blin. J. T. Mcuallcn Mil 11610.- Charles K. Serell. $15!6 for 40 acres ro ar th rreslo-lerian church; apprais al, sir, 10. H. B. linRNw. $ltf north of ihe ajrneoy near the river; ap pralsal 1 150. I ithi-i liiiitlers wcre Hen K. tfarlln, l:.o; u. A. Dunn. Jljr.n anil John II". oh. fill. Hoyden. Boydet & Thompaon. $10.. 70a for So acres near the Hetlke ranch. The appraisal was $10,700. Aaron M. Isaac. 91oo (or l0 acres on. the south reservation; appraisal toi. K. p, Kahar, I13S0 for 40 acres on McKay Creek, appraisal 11150. C. if. Ifmliarccr. Jlsns for 40 acres (By Associated Press) WASHINDGTON, May 29. The platform adopted hy Virfrinia demo- who has completed the proscribed course in music will receive tho music medal. Tho Commencement program will j crats last week was indorsed today by conslft of music by the orchestra of St. j President Wilson as "in full accord Joseph's Academy, in. numbers j with my own views, especially the amoag its pleoea two cornet harps and i statement which sets for the attitude ;i little Irish harp. Several harp 'of the party on the leasrue of nations I duets and tries will be rendered, and and the pressing problems of peace, for 40 acres lnor knMiBal numbers and drills andjfinance and reconstruction." a short play "Magdalene." j Tho Vtrfrlnla platform praised the The cast for the plav is ns follows: j president for "steadfastly standing for I'aphne Belts Mmrdalenc "ie covenant." It agreetl upon the Hose Kilkenny Horodias i Versailles treaty and condemned re- Murrel Harp Herod publican reservations as destructive of Helen Anderson Martha purposes ot the league. Ine?: Karris Salome( Ruth Austin Ruth (The daughter of Jalrusi KYanees Carrol flablnlus Helen Schllckeiser Rculn-n irmn Hichter llhea lessle Schubert Sophora FARMERS' PLATFORM MAY BREW TROUBLE 'COWBOY PREACHER," 72, WILL GIVE SERMON IN PENDLETON TOMORROW (Ity, I'nlted l'rcss). WASHINGTON, May 2. Kndinp a 12 yeur old flKht, the senate tod a) passed the water power bljl us it enmt Ittee In 'ro,n 'nfeicnce. The house bavins petitions to tho white house. Mrs. fHufo was convicted for violation of the espionage act. as were Debs and Others. She hss been at the Jefferson City, Mo., prison since April 14. PRESIDENT WANTS USE OF BATUM FOR ARMENIA Agreed on the measure it now goes to the prevdint. The bill provides for a federal power commission tn supervise development of wa:er power sites on Kovernnient- ! controlled st r rams. The commission Is KiVen power- to Issue leases, pre scribe rates nnd otherwise control cap ' ital Invested In water power projects. iThe vote was 50 to 12. at Tutnuia: appraisal 4..-u. ne ais-'Kln(,p BoU Anna purchased another 4 acres Hose by HeI(,n Hraud,. Zelpha Also dancers and slaves. for $is the appraisal beins l. Chsrlesj K. tferell bought the Jim t .ii va acres for $-SK0: appraisal $2201. A. f. r.indard bid $2T10. ' .imiIhI u. - KvMMlC. 5Soeth Mou.ser, f Rcho, republican nominee ffr Sheriff, spent the larRcst sum of any of the County Ittee candl- ' I hi COMD rtatS wlo. !v... . far filed their nc- UtUlolUlM I IM rUUn counts with Counts m. , i. ii, T. Brown, CONTESTS WILL ftllLE lie expended fir. although he SVSjl u ZSnm w r-n-r i rn rriTr nominated w'thoct nppoaldon. W W ' CONVElNTlOW O t A I O (Ireei nnd H. II. AndeVsasj. reapattss i cnunty schnol superlntenibnt ami county commissioner, seek 'nir reelec tion, snent 2" -neh fr tbr fllint ot their prtltlons. (nbers tfrsm hive flltl ; ar1: .T. T. Crown. oirimtT, $.12".: A. E Perry, s'irveyor, $l,0: n. ft Hur roughs, recorder. r0 cents. K. T Flrown, tleik. 73 cents. fay -1 decisions In Illhlxmo for Dctojcatinii. , The IVnuletou delcuration at the Weston Iioneei- picnic. June 4 ami 5, 'will he. provided with badjres, accord ins; to C. K. Cranston, secretary of the ondleton Commercial Association. I Kriday, June 4, has been designated as Pendleton Pay and local people j ' wil make a special effort to attend Rev. fv O. Rettes. known as (he ; "Cowboy Creacher" will deliver a ser ' mon tomorrow at 1 1 oclock at the j Church of the Naxarene, at West Court fand Matlock streets. lASt Sunday he preached at The Dalles, where his ap I pearancc attracted considerable at I tention. Rev. Bettes is an unique figures in the religiouti, world and has accom plished much good in his travels around the country, lie is 7' years of aire, yet hale and hearty. He travels (By United Prase.) NEW YORK, May 29. Strong indi cations that the republican party will be bidding for trouble If the Chicago convention writes into the national platform the plank dictated by t lie framers of any radical labor group la seen In remarks of Oovernor Allen "f Kansas, In his debate with riamnel ilompers here last night. "The yxdtti cal party in the forthcoming campaign that hasn't the conservative courage to stand out and pledge to public proec tlon against the wrong and error of in dustrial warfare will travel down the pathway of cowardice ami defeat. Allen said. ' Ii. . M. ( . I hi liiiiiriiv. The ranye In tha Blngrhnm ranion Is lu (."oil couillllon. Has It- A. Hott- (Tiy Aa.oelateil PrM I HOI SI: PAVOR8 IIIKI.AMI W'AMINlTO. May S. In arbt- WASHINGTON', May 9. A ram t ratine the boiindarlea of Armenia. Utton. "vlewliiK with ifinve concern.' I'reaitlent Wllaon. If la said, will Insist conditionR In Ireland, "and evpreaalne cher. deputy auperrlaor for the I'mu that tha new republic m nlvan acceaa sympathy with the aspirations of the tllla National Korest, wh'i rvture-Ml to tha sea through Bamm, which the i,-ish people for a government of their from an Inspection trip toilay. Air. allied auprame council hia tentatively own choice. ri lnHi..i,, nh,rla i,Mir,.,l s!fly by h'.ise anil wagon, and has four contests amoiiK delegates to the ti,Bnllcvea lo aH9ist In transporting I covered 1S.0S1 miles accompanied by probably se'lle all disputes, which ln-!pi0'neer to the picnic. Kach Hotartan nls wife, in th, three yeara. volve 111 seals, members of the n-jwB tUKe three pioeera to the picnic. HI. conveyance Is Ingeniously ar tton.l committee said hero tndav un() tm, organlatlon Is asking the aid ranged and comfertuhle though small. Precedents In four major rulings WfHj0f other car owners so thHt all plo- It is a f-mrwheole I wooden cart, and govern polnta raised In other cases, ' m,ers wm ue sure of trnnsportation. COBtaVtM drawers which pull out of It was said. ' y. IX TaJor. C. P. A. Ijnergun and . m stcrious places tn which la thai ; James H. Kates form the Rotary club : wherewithal to make camp and a com- I (TpQT TES SLEEP" commlttex In ohatrM t anwtvmaota. fort&bla bed. and, as tho pa mon ex- Ileporteil by Major !. Moorhouso, weather observer. Muxiotum, TO. Mia ilium. 40. Ttarometer. 29.(0. TRAIN INSURES DURATION decided ahall be ., free port under In- tei-alluu control. boose foreign affairs ile ol 11 ii Ftoneral i- Hei.l. i The funeral of the late Q. W. Mlt- WALI.A WAI.l.A. Ma- 29.-;-OeorBe Ichell. of Milton, was held this morn-Washtna"t.-u Smith drank some lemn lug from the Folsom chapel, with Rev araa reported out of the Hottcher will leave tonight for Walla 'extract, then walked down the rail- I J. M. Cornelison of fleatlne. The bod v ommittee toila. ".,llll where Till day. tie -will renmin until road track. Ile lay down to sleep It was laid to rest In the Olnev off His funeral will be held Sunday, ten. where Mrs. Mitchell is burled I OMAN liKHKADKD SAX PEDRO. May 19. Henry Pi per, yeoman first class, waa beheaded today when be was struck by the pro caine- pellor of an airplane as It was being tuned up in the outer harbor. M WEATHER FORECAST Tonight ami Sunday fair. A