comes SPORTS MOVIES COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON; TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1920. BIARKETS I IrEasXOreAoriSin) JEE j JESS TROEH IS STATE FOR YEAR 1920-1921 Brother of National Titleholder Puts Down 289 Birds in Two Day Tournament, at Port land, Defeating Seavey. J. B. Trooli, brother of the Ainerl can amateur champion, yesterday won the Htato trupHhootlnir title at Port land, finishing the two day shoot wllh 218 out of a possible 300 bird. J. W. Seavey, who won the title (it the Pen dleton Hhoot a year nco, toil out by making hut 584 bird. Troh not only won the Oreiion championship but hIho registered the high average over all tho nmnteurs en tered In the annual Orexon Slate Trapshootors' aaaoclatlon tournament Willi a maikof 482 target! out of D00. Abner Malt of Portland turned In the socond-bcat Rcore for the three days' Hhootlng, the veteran member of the Portland dun club breaking 49 out of 500 targets thrown during the en- lire tournament. tTanit Vempleton of Portland, former state champion, placed third In the nverages for the three days' Hat of eventa with 47f ahattered out of GOO. As the winner of the atnte title Troeh will represent Oregon at the an nual grand American handicap trap shooting tournament which will be held In Cleveland In Auguat. Among shooters from thla vicinity at the Portland affair were Marlon Hansell and Omer Stephens, of Athe na. Ijcc Matlock, John McN'urlen and llav Spangle, of Pendleton. I,ee Drake, shooting with the Aatorlana. waa another Pendletonlan In attend ance. All made good srorea but were not in the championship clnaa. FOR DOE TO FLY WHEN PILOT ROCK TAKES ON TIGER CLAW PRESENTED ! BY "TIGER OF FRANCE" i Ui LUCK TOKEN TO TIGERS YTafiw tpottv X mm kJJJIMJLTMVZ M Mrwf Round-Up Park Will be Scene of Played Over Game Result ing From Protest and Throw ing Out of Recent Contest. lliy Associated Press. ) NKW YORK, May 26. A tiger's claw, a "luck token" from Georges Clemenceau, former premier of France, waa received Monday by Hugh Jennings, man ager of the Detroit Tigers. De- trolt defeated New York, 3 to 1. "I Judge we couldn't help winning with auch a Jinx chaBer," commented .Jennings. If a woman is willing to listen In a man II Ik because she has no more talk lo unload. QUALITY 8KHVICW HABITATION , Quality Meat BOILING BEEL 13c POT ROAST BEEF 18c PRIME RIBS BEEF 25c RUMP ROAST BEEF 18c CHUCK STEAK 18c ROUND STEAK 20c SIRLOIN STEAK 28c TENDERLOIN STEAK 28c T-BONE STEAK 28c Pendleton Trading Co. Phono 455 "If if. in the Market We Ht It." Fur 1h due to fly tomorrow after noon at Round-I'p park when Helix and Pilot Uork take the diamond to nettle their little diHpute of thr$e weekH uifO, when the Kork nine trot ted out a, bunch of alleged "rngfrn" i romped hiine with a win. The KMine wan protested by Helix, thrown (nit by President Ellis and ordered played over. Kivalry between the two towns is at fever heat. Helix in conceded by many to bo the .strongest team In the league and pn.hably Pilot Hock la little less j formidable, now that the season Ih well under way. The hill toppers 'showed their doss Sunday by tiiin jmlnff the Walla Walla Bears 24 to 4, or thereabouts, the scorer having worn hlnisf-if out keeping tab of the runs. bout wont on All of Hlix will move, down tomorrow afternoon to assist their nine in taking Pilot Kbck down the line again. Out Pilot Hock way they are just as confident that their heroes can repeat the dose handed out at ftellx a few Hun-lays ago. Most of the civilian population in Pilot Hock will also move in and ground rules at Hound -Up park may be found necessary, for a lot of PendletonlanH will also be on hnnd for the fun. Two umpires probably will be used so that both sides wll have no com plaints to make. The battle is one which vitally effects the standing of both teams and both demand complete j satisfaction. One umpire at such a (game might have rough sailing, j Just who will be in the respective I lineups will not be known until to- morrof. Managers Kendall and Cas tcel, however, are losing no time in whipping their athletes into shape for J the hardest tussle of the year. The game will be en lied as on Sun idays, at 2:45 and the usual admission j charge will be made. JIMMY WILDE DECREED WINNER OVER WALLACE National I x'atrue Ktokidlngs. W. I,. Pit tabu rg 17 Cincinnati 1 Brooklyn IS 'Chicago 18 St. Ixuis 14 Boaton 12 New York 11! Philadelphia 11 American I'aKnc Standing Cleveland - 21 Boaion 1 Chicago 1? New York 15 St. 1 .on la 21 Washington 12 elphia a Can Operate It (By Associated Press.! TORONTO, Ont., May 25 Jimmy Wilde of Kngland, world's champion flyweight boxer, outfought Paty Wal lace of Philadelphia in a 10 round bout last night. Wilde received the referee's decision after a close contest. The Britisher obtalnd a good lead In the early rounds but his American opponent showed to better advantage as the 47 FANS IN GAMBLING NET SPREAD AT CHICAGO Fishing is Fine The fish are biting better now than at any time this season. GET YOUR OUTFIT NOW! My stock is complete and new. Let me help you choose. Sol Baum Exclusive Sporting Goods Man Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone 646 I (MOBILE I Speed Wap (By Associated PreR3.) CHICAOO, May 25. Chicago made ita flrat move Monday to stamp out gambling at baaeball gamea when po lice anrTdetectives arretted 47 bleach er .spectators who were alleged to be making bet The men will be ar raigned today. The raid waa the outgrowth of ac tion decided on recently between John Heydler. prealdent of the National Iiml'uc, and B. B. Johnson. American league head, to atop gambling at ma jor leagua parka. Detectives have heeri stationed for a week, in the bleachers where the arrests were made. At th end of the second Inning of the game between Philadelphia and Chicago a aLgnal was given and detectives and police sur rounded the men. Will Bar Bettors from Park William Verek, president of the Chi cago club, said all persons found guilty would be barred from his park here after. President Johnson was enthusiastic when informed of the arrests but de clined to make any statement, because, he said, the arrests were made in a National league park. The crusade against gambling has spread, to the minor leagues. Club owners of the American Association, as well as the Three 1 and Western leagues, have completed plans to com bat the evil. Throe Taken at N'"w York NKW YOKK. May 25. The crusade to prevent betting al major league base bal panics reached here today when three men were arrested at the Tolo Orounds. charged with disorderly conduct. In thai they offered to accept wagers on the outcome of the game between the New York and Detroit Americans. E LEW TENDLER DEFEATED (By Associated Press PH1I-ADKL.PHIA, May 5. John Kilbane. featherweight champion. and Harry "Kid" Brown. Philadelphia fought a six-round draw last night. Brown carried the early part of the contest, but Kilbane opened up in the last two rounds and evened the fight. Kilbane weighed 124 -? and Brown 125. Eddie Pitzsimmons, New York, defeated Lew Tendler, Philadelphia lightweight, in eight hard rounds. UK. IJrlAWK BA&EBAU National Iagiic Brooklyn I, Pittsburg 0. New York ?. St. Lout 4. Chicago C, Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 4, Boaton 2. American Ixflgno Boston 5, 9t Lrfuls J. Detroit 3, New York 1. Chicago lOPhlladelphla 3. Pacific fntenuUional Seattle 3, Spokane 8. Taeoma, 4, 4; Victoria, 3, 8. Vancouver 4, Yakima 12. ny roKTiiAn mas F.MfiNATr:n I .OS ANGELES, Cal., May 25. Most of the visiting entrants were eli minated yesterday when play was re sumed in the A. A. 1. national cham pionship handball tournament, both singles and doubles on the Los Ange les Athletic Club courts. Results in cluded: Joe Lacey (Y. M. C. A.) de feated Charles Osborn (Multnomah A. C.) Portland, 21-10, 21-16. M M (.n WITL. KXTKIl MEET. NEW YORK, May 25. Ichiya Ku magae, the Japanese' tennis star who holds third place In the American ten nis rating, has decided to play In the Olympic championship tournament at Antwerp, it was learned today. He will toil from New YorTt on July 8. MORAN DRAW'S SISPFXSION (By Associated Preas) CINCINNATI, O., May 25. Mana ger Pat Moran of the Reds was today suspended by President Heydler of the National League until he apolo gizes for remarks attributed to him in a newspaper article about the conduct of umpires in recent games at Red land field. Moran denies he made such a statement. Pet. i , 12 .586, Western Electric POWER & LIGHT EVERY feature has been perfected not a single one over looked. Running this Western Electric Power and Light outfit is as simple as can be. Touching the starting lever sets it running a child can do it When the battery, is charged the engine starts, then you nave continuous electric service night arid day. You should know more about this plant it's safe; it's simple; it's economical How about ycur place? CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures Sometimes a man 1b as badly fright ened by an imaginary snake as a worn in Is by a real mouse. DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Rmy by ?.ppolntmaai I Qra! Mulatto UantoiM. inland Kwipir Oak Bid, ; Of flea Fhoaa US. Horn Phona T4 H. S. McKENZBE, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office: 10-11-12 Belts Buildlaf Pendleton, Or. upon uAt'cA eorry rA OUR sincere desire to serve the business men of this commonwealth is winning its proper reward. Our increas ing number of depositors proves that this bank has won the confi dence of business circles by its wise cautious management. PHONE 600 ttar For the best of Meats. DOWNEY MARKET giWHITNEY HORSE TAKES M BELMONT PARK CLASSIC! 2 i II We have taken the agency for this county. Have five for immediate delivery. Speed, economy, 1500 lbs. capacity. O. E. Holdman Auto Co. Paige, Oldsmobile Speed Wagon, Oakland (flv ASSOCUltCd Troys) Ni;v rORK, May M. Henry PaVna Whitney's Wild Air .won the metropolitan handicap at one mile at Helinont Park Monday over three other starters. Wild Air. hy Hroom-ntlek-Verdure. led BOroas the finish li two open letinthB In I -IS 4-5. i r. ( . nimiM-in.s ....... driven, wa.s Beoena, sin iwpsjiiw m irww of On Watch, an addod starter, owned I by O. W. I .oft, while corn lassoi into El from Hildreth s stable, was five C lengths away. The winner and tne mmrein pan were split favorites with the public I flt odd of II to in. with as much as !. to l holnit laid analnst the added eolt I i Watch. It was the smallest field that ever competed since the elassls was Inauan rated In IftSl The value of the rac to the winner was 3,g5. AUTO ACCESSORIES THE NECESSITIES that distinguish the CAR from an Automobile. Make your automobile a Car of distinction. I'M, MOORE HEATH l.YVt'll JErt8KT CITY. X. J.. May :r.. -I'sl Moore of Memphis, outpointed Joe Lynch of New York In a i:-round bout lost nlfht. 5s Dare Tire & Supply Company Distributors Diamond Tires Auto Accessories 224 East Court Phone 134 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN NEW AND USED Trucks 1 Winther, 2 ton four wheel drive, pneumatic tires, new. Have discontinued this line. ( Offer for sale at large reduction. 1 Nash, 2 ton in first class shape, starter, lights and long wheel base ; a bargain. 1 2-ton G. M. C. Brand new, at cost. 1 2-ton G. M. C. Slightly used, and in first class shape, cab and body A regular bargain. 1 new Reo Speedwagon- $100 less than cost. 1 Republic 2-ton Rebuilt and retired. 1 Ton and a half Republic Rebuilt. These are all trucks of first class condition and have many others not listed. W. C. Carte, Inc. F. R. RAINES, Mgr. Corner Court and Thompson. Phono 720