mm root PMut MAST OBgQOHUH, yPTDUtOW, OMOOlt, TlTEgDAY EVENING, MAY 8B, 1030. TWELVE PAGES HMLE IS CHIC NOTE i AN mOEPRNDBNT MMM niir and aimi-WMkir. at. AT OREOOWl AN PUBUMlINa CO. tb. to.tcifflc tv Pendle ton. Oon. cana-clkM mall UW. IN SAUK IN OTHER CITIES. Imparl) Hot) Newa Stand. PnrUnaM ONI FUJI AT Chicago Bureau. aecuritr Build- ITHSCIUFTTON RiTM (IN ADVANCE) Dally, ona yr. by mall Daily, six month, by mail Dally, three month by mall. Daily, one month hv men Dally, pne year by carrier rehinton. D. C, Bur a HI four- P'.'5'- ?i monUi by carrier nth Street. N. W. Dally, three month by carr V"'. . "mm, ny carrier... her -f the Aaaaelated Preaa. 1500 1.(0 .to 7.60 1.7 carrier !. rreaa. n. --I' Z.' r-l"TL-7TS - The Aaeclated Pre., la ..u.l.el. 5- : -wiit V i"K.VT J!!" L .. "? eilltled to the u.e Tor republication of Seml-WeeVlyi four month, by mall 'so II new diap.tche credited to it or 1 " ot other lee credited In tbl paper I and aleo the local dear publiahed here-1 ,m- iTVlajVo j i tiik LAjrD or IMiKAMN L. Stanton.) When dark hath slain the day (By Frank The dream arc mine! 1 wnke from dreams of tauaa Tct all I lii In life to give away. Sweetheart, are dreams and tears. And dream are tears to dreamers they that know The midnight's (loom and gleams And klns. kin the lips that kHreed them so. And cry: "Trie dreams! The dreams!'' What the Us hi (hat Ood make on the hills The dashing of the stream The twilight calling of the whippooru tils" They only taring the dreams! Still there is something In the green world missed For all Its pride and state The Light that blessed Love' lips that day he kissed HI sweetheart at the gale. Sunlight and arllght from the worlds on high life, and its falth-forihed gleams. But till across the dreary world that cry "The dreams! The dreams! The dreams!" Copyrighted by East Oregonian Pub. Co. a. TAKE THE ARMENIAN MANDATE ASKING congress for authority for acceptance of a mandate over Armenia, President Wilson acts in char acteristic fashion. The president i a statesman, not a small politician. He is a mountain ; not a pile of sand that shifts with the wind. He is a man in whom America may justly take pnde. f the nited States wants to assume its rightful place in the world we should accept the Armenian mandate. Our services j are sorely needed and no other nation is in such favorable posi- j tion to take over this duty. The Armenian people stood stead-! fastly for the allied cause during the war. Thev suffered in-j human tortures and were all but wiped out as a race. But they) never lost faith. They maintained their religious beliefs and i refused to become Moslems. They died but they never sur-j rnHfrpf! Am Vi : : i. i .i j-m - . . w.v. kvwxivuo uauuiia guuiK iu leave lilt' III sun under the heel of the Turks? They will unless Uncle Sam steps forth as the Good Samaritan. There are those who do not want the United States to par ticipate in world affairs. They advise aloofness and say that foreign boundaries are none of our business. They forget that the great war was a struggle over boundaries, the allies resisting an aggressor nation that wished to extend its boundaries by the sword. They forget that because of a foreign boundary contro versy we had to call four million men to arms and spend nearly thirty billions in money. They forget that the Americans who sleep in France are there because this country could not keep out of what was originally a European quarrel. The United States can and should assume the leadership of the world. It is our destiny. We must accept the role or leave such leadership in less worthy hands. We must guide the world to peace and democracy or see the leadership assumed by Euro pean powers that lack the vision and the strength for this great task. European statesmen were at the helm In 1914 and the ship was wrecked. European statesmen are but little wiser than they were five yeajs ago. They still bicker over petty affairs and were the nations not exhausted they would have started a new war before this time. The hope of the world is in the Unit ed Slates and we should get our house in order. It is not a mat ter of charity. It is a matter of self defense. It will cost us less in men and money if we lead than it will if we resume our old attitude of bystander. Congress should authorize the Armenian mandate. EDUCATION RUE education is experience. Schooling is a study of the llL experience of other persons. The aim of the school teacher who understands the fundamentals of his profession is to develop actual experience in the school room wherever possible. "Thus," he reasons, "I shall truly educate." A child might read six text books explain ing that fire burns, and yet not know It. Let him stick his finger in the fire and he learns instantly that fire burns. Reading the text book is schooling. Sticking his finger in the fire is education. The mare education we can inject into the schools, the better it is for the student. There is a private school in New York City where a number of children of the wealthiest families go from the time they are little children until they grow up and re ready to marry. It is a good school and it is patronized by persons of means and intelligence because the educators who conduct it understand what education is. It is essential that the scion of a wealthy Family destined to assume the responsibility of administering his family's money should be taught how to handle money. The school he goes to, therefore, teaches him how to handle money. It does not teach the subject from a text book. It teaches by letting the student actually handle the money. For ten years the children in this school have been made to budget their expenses. They receive stated Incomes and they balance their expenditures against these incomes by means of a budgt sheet showing itemized outlay. They bank their money in a school bank ; check against it. and go through all the forms of the business world in actual cash. Other private schools in the east are beginning to take up the budget idea, realizing that one of the essentials of education is a knowledge of the value of money and how to use it. The government Savings Organization of the Twelfth Feder al Reserve District is now advocating budget making by the students in all public schools, rich and poor alike, no matter whether the child has twenty-five cents or twenty-five dollars a week. This organization plans to provide these budget sheets. Moreover, the government savings organization is striving to induee housewives to run their households on a budget basis. To do this the organization has had printed 60,000 household bud get sheets, which it hopes to distribute through the women's t lubs of the twelfth federal reserve district. The government wants the support of the parents in educating the chjld. Once a person begins to keep a budget that person is going to save money. The government savings organization knows that the person who keeps a budget is a prospective investor in war savings stamps and treasury savings certificates, not to men Won Liberty bonds, mm A t i 1 TjjB JJm jl fHi mrm I H . fh dp "wfev Mil IkS Bp fB Ijll r.f! Is 8 fi Sj TsaTaaaaaaaaaaa C A Elderly People Have A Daily Health Problem Stomach muscles slow to act as MOST people Bnd I lie yrura slipping by wiUiotit real i. ii ik t. until suddenly confronted with the fuel Unit they ran no longer digest everything Ihey would like to eat. It then licooint'S llicir daily task lo avoid wlml they know to be chronic con stipation. When exercise ar.J light diet f.iil it w ill be necessary to resort to artificial menus. Strong physics and cathartic, however, are not advisable for elderly people. They act too powerfully and a feeling of weakliest result. What Is needed is a laxative containing effective but mild properties. This is best found in Dr. Cntdell's Syrup Pepsin which is a combination of simple laxative herbs Willi pepsin.- It acts gently and without griping, and used a few days will train the digestive organs to do their work naturally again without other aid. Dr. C.ahlw cjl's Srup Pepsin has been on the market since 1 892 and was the private formula of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, who is himself nd digestive organs age advances past 80 yenrs of nge and still tictive in his profession. Itcan lie bought at any drug store and one bottio is enough to lust even a large faulty many months. It U a trust wni I h preparation. In spits of the foci that Dr. CoU well's Syrup Pepjin Xs the largest setKnf Iniu J iaxitm in the ifdrfd, then being ocer 6 million hordes sett? each, many u-ho need its henetts have not yet used it. If you hove not, send your name and attires for a free trial frotde to Dr. W. B. CaMucll, jn Vrashin(eon St., Moiufcelio, Illinois. We DonH Need Any Extra Players to Deal TT17T TV JTl I ilA -at Round-Up Park Pendleton WED., MAY 26TH Game Called 2:45 Pilot Roek Baseball Team. tlonablo enterprises" and to "prevent t'russ Kos Is iho first unit of Scuttle' exaggerated statement regarding en- Oriental fleet to change over for the frineering projects," was recommended h'se "f coal "'e Orient. She will be lli a report presented to th3 convi lion of the American Society ol Me' chanlcul Engineers, which opened to day. i come an oil burner again when lie is I ready to return to Seattle after making far eastern points of call, company officials said. s dull red braid, nine inches wld makes the girdle of thi Wy&ay twill sports salt. Slipped through a slash In the skirt Just below the hips are long ends of the same braid, tied carelessly. toe ends knotted Into tassels. A very short kimono blouse with shoulder sleeves, a broad box plait, f rost and back, and a horse collar of sat'" onmolete the cos tume. . ORIENTAL STEAMER TO BECOME COAL BURNER E PLACED AT $66,000 (By Associated Press.) WASHtXGTOK, May 25 Mxpcn ditnrs of 166,000 dollar?, exclusive of the California primary expense have teen made in tie campaign of Herbert Hoover, John PV l-m-cy. Hoover man ftSer, testified today, before the senate investigation. Total receipts were placed at $62,000. (fy Associated Press, t SEATTL.B, Wash., Mny L'5. Be cause of tho oil shortage In Oriental ports, the Pacific Steamship Com pany's sils-mmr I'rose Keys is being: onverted into a coitl burner at Kobe, j according to nnnouneeuient at thoj company's offices hero today. The ; 9100 Reward t $10U Catarrh Is a local dlttase greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CAT A HUH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acta th.ough the Blood on che Mucous Sm Capes of the Sys tem HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease. gives the patient strength by Improving, the general health end assists nature In, doing its work. $100 00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MBDICINB falle to cure. Druggists 75c, Tettlmonlale free. o, unio. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, MECHANICAL ENGINEERS FORM "CODE OF ETHICS' ST. LOUIS, Mo., May IS.- A code o. ink designed tu prohibit mechanical pirinwrq from nfftlinf inff with "cities- Doctor Cupid That love sometimes cures dis ease is a fact that has been called to the attention of the public by a prominent physician. Love is not, however, the cure for all women. Many a woman is nervous and Irritable, feels dragged down and worn out for no reason that she can think of. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription gives new life and new strength to weak, worn-out, run-down women. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is now sold by all druggists in the United States in tablets as well as liquid form. Roseburg, Oregon "I suffered something terrible from an organic trouble. Could scarcely stand on my feet. My head and back ached so hard and I was weak and nervous. I had severe pains in my side and my limbs and feet ached. I was also troubled with constipation. I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discovery, and Pleasant Pellets. These medicines cured me of all my ailments and I wawell and strong." Mrs. W. D. Moore, 1246 N. Jackson Street. How Strange Things Some times Happen "I want to write you to let you know i hat I have taken 2 more dose of MayV" WotiaVrfnl Remedy, and have -rained 10 pound in the lust 2 weeks, ilthough I am thinner around the waist than before, beeauwe the bloatlnK my Htomach ha all gone and 1 am t'eclinff liko a boy ugain. There never was anythinR in this world half as Rood this medicine." It is a simple. harmless preparation that removes the atarrhul mucii from tho intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which cause practically all stomach, ivr-r and Intestinal ailments, Includlns appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. HERMAN t'l,.lssi;Mi:u Special Am m fdaho State Life Insurance Co. &n Old l ine Company that doe a! It business In U.e west. tlO Beauregard St. P. O. Box St PboiM MT-W. DR. C. H. DAY Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Room 23 and 2t Smith-Crawford Bide. Telephone, io. Res'. 749-It Auto Repairing Our work is being done by factory experts. You are at liberty to coftie in and help on your car per sonally inspect it yourself. We do all kinds of Repairing and Overhauling and are. at your service. Every job that leaves our shop is absolutely guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICE OF $1.00 PER HOUR Garof alo Motor Repair Co Below P. 0. Watch Us Grow. Phone 279-W ! ' 612 West Alia Street "niiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnmiiiiiiiiiiiiin i I SCRAP I RON f Guaranteed Expert PHOTO WORK f We don't care who j has been doing your vcni-lr nr whether it has y. ' " - w- j just been satisfactory 8 ar not. but if it is done at "Tallman's" we make it satisfactory. Films in before 10 a. m. out at 6 p. m. Films in between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. out at noon next day. Enlarging a Specialty. Tollman & Co. I failing I nurlC We need 1000 tons of good cast scrap iron, to take f care of increasing demands for our castings. See Hamersley Foundry Supt. BURNS FOUNDRY and MCH. WORKS nilllllllllHfrtllllllimilHIUUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIIIIItlllllllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIiri Thomas Crown MOWER yariable Speed. The Mobt Successful Machine for Alfalfa. For sale by Stutgfs ft Storie Pcodktoo, Or J Walla Walla, Wash. GastleGate Is a coal that gives maximum heat. Is a coal that leaves no clinkers. Is a coal that does not slack. Is a coal that outlasts other coal. Is a coal that is cheaper because it is better. B. Lr. Burroughs Incorporated Phone 5 College & Webb Sts. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pendleton Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains snecial denartmonts with facilities of the mgnebt cuui aru i . Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex ecutor or trustee under wills. PENDLETON, OREGON