East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 25, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of Pendleton
hit. Aiwni In Hospital.
, Mrs. James Brown of Holilman Is
afpatlent In HI. Anthony's hospital.
. . ,
I -resit or little uirl.
A baby daughter was horn last
nWhl to Mr. and Mrs. U O. O'Sulll
van. of etc Aura street.
Tpm Wilson Recovers,
! Tom Wilson, who fractured his hand
recently, has recoverod and rum loft
fit. Anthony's hospital. Mr. Wilson
In employed In state highway work.
Jil tiwaltncy In Hospital.
' Kd Uwaltnoy Is a patient in Ht. An-
thony'H hospital where he was oper
ated upon yesterday for appendicitis.
Mr. (Jwnltncy is an employe of the
Taylor Hardware Co.
jjcM Kuglno Hun Unatteudvd
, For allowing; the engine in his auto
to Tun while the car was unattended
y. II. Halloway was fined to In police
court this morning. The arrcHt was
made by Traffic Officer L,yday.
Tlirv-e Face Drunk Chaincs
Two men forfeited ball on charges
of being drunk, when their names
were called in police court this morn
ing. A third appeared for trial, plead
ed guilty and was fined 110. He went
to Jail for five days. The forfeitures
I. M. CarlMc is Dead moo are not prospecting in oil. but
James Marlon Carllnlo died lust ' several wells have been sunk In Ihc
night at the Htalo hospital, at I lie ago ( region of llielr properly, Mr. Munt
of fit. The body will be shipped to j goroery said. Montana consider
Hherldan, Oregon, for burial. Mr. Car--ably excited over the discovery, of the
lisle, has relatives there. new fields, the well mentioned being
: classed us a high grade yieldrr. The
IMom at Sbati- Hospital. i gasoline content is high und the oil
Mrs. Mlllo IlrallMtelter, aged ut, dleu has a paiuflne base.
yesterday at the State Hospital. Hho
was burn In Cuiryvllle, Missouri. The Box Ou' Houses lisucur
body will bo shipped to Madras. Ore-1 Tiio last ono of the bo car house
Hon, the home of relatives of the dc- at Itleth 'was abandoned today, All
ceased, for burial. ' railroad employes are now housed la
residences and thu box cur homes are
, u, thing of the post..
Use the Phone
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Dcpts. 78
faclfiv Grain Hum New Manager.
Paul Oetoot of the Colfax office
of the Pacific Drain Co., has arrived
In I'eudleton to become manager of
the local office of that company and
the Pacific Coast Klovator Co., suc
ceeding John E. Montgomery, who has
joined tpe H. W. Collins grain inter
est. Mr. Oslroot has been In the
grain business in Colfax for three
years and was also In the U. 8. serv
ice for more than a year. Ho Is a
graduate of the University of Idaho
and ills home Is in Moscow, Idaho.
Otl Near Local Men's Land.
A new oil well, with a 1000 barrel
a day yield, has been shot near l. w
Istown, Montana, according to word
received todny by John K. Montgom
ery, who, with Holand Oliver and
Man I :i.ic- Prom Hospital.
J. Withers, a patient from
Haines, Ore., eloped this morning
from the Kastern Oregon State Hos
pital and Is being sought by guard:
from the institution and police offi
cers. He is reported as having at one
time kiled a man in Montana. With
ers Is described as being 3- years old.
sandy complcKion. five feet six inchcB
tall und weighs about 130 pounds.
wre- Henrv Hawes. drunk. 10, and Judge . II. Marsh, is interested In
pan White, drunk and disorderly, flu. wheat and alfalfa land in the Judith
O. I Moen look the Jail sentence. Basin, near Lewlstown. The local
101101101 101 101 101101-401 101 101
Large Shipment
Just Received.
Curtis "SUPREME" Quality ripe Olives
are fully tree ripened.
The highest skill and extreme selection ren
der them absolutely the finest that can be pro
duced. No preservative or artificial coloring is
We have them in bulk and several sizes in
"Waste Less Buy the Best"
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
(Private Ki change Connects Hutu lie part menu)
loi-ioi 101 101 161 ioi ioi ioi ioi loi.
V. M. C. A. Buttons Hero
Attractive white buttons, bearing
the red triangle of the "Y" and the
letters "Y. M. C. A." in blue, have ar
rived at the office of Cash Wood
county secretary, and will be distri
buted to uil members of the organiza
tion. Secretary "Wood says that mem
bers'can have the lnsigna free of
charge by calling at the office In the
Oespuin building.
Menu, i in l Servicer. On Sunday.
The annual memorial services of
the Tutullla Indian Mission will be
held on the reservation on Sunday.
The Indians will go to tho cemetery on
Thursday to put It In order. On Sun
day flowers will be placed in the
church and in the afternoon will be
placed on tho graves. Kev. K. J. Con
nor, Indian minister, and Itcv. J. M
C'orneilfion. Presbyterian missionary
will conduct the services, which will
bo open to the public.
Seniors W ill lOdlt I mil. i ti
The staff of the Lantern, the offi
cial publication of Pendleton high
school, headed by Ivan Houaer, editor,
1; planning a special' Senior Edition as
the final appearance of the little sheet.
The edition will lie extra size and ad
vertising will be sold at a slightly In
creased rate. The publication will in
clude senior pictures, accounts of stud
ent activities and the usual number of
news stories and Jokes.
I ri slime-n Iflect, Lfosam Queen
Through tho hard work of her class
mates Thelma DuPula, freshman can
didate for Lyceum Queen in the high
school contest, was elected over the
other candidate by a safe margin.
The contest wus between the various
classes of the high school, the one sell
ing the moat season tickets for tho
lyceuni course being permitted to elect
its candidate as queen. Aa a result
of the freshman victory Miss DuPuls
will receive the promised honors.
"See Me Before
The Fire"
The Hartford Fire Insurance Company is get
ting out a new policy that will guarantee the farmer
that he will not lose any money on his (rain crop.
This la the finest protection ever offered to any bus
iness man. The hanks all over the country are en
dorsing the policy and recommending it, Let us show
you the protection offered.
lJi I rged to Apply.
The Umatilla county Red Cross is
urging all ox-service men w1k were
injured or who contracted disease
while in tho service, to apply for a
certificate of injury. The application
must be made before a year after the
date of discharge or resignation from
the service. The Red Cross states
that even though the Injury or dis
ease were of minor character, the cer
tificate should be secured to protoct
service men and their dependents.
Insurance, Loans,
Seal Estate, Grain
721 Main
Boy fiocs Tlu-oygli Window.
Alvln Itoss, errand boy for The
Peoples Warehouse, ran his bicycle
through the twp pane window of the
Carrier Millinery store yesterday af
ternoon. The boy was coming down
the street from the post office, and
was attempting to turn into the alley
near the shop when the wheel swerv
ed, the handle bars hitting the corner
where the two panes Join. Both panes
were shainsed into a thousand pieces
but the boy fortunately escaped en
tirely unhurt. The windows were insured.
We will guarantee that our f. o. b. delivered price
on building material will be as low as any competitor
whether in or out of town, quality of material consid
ered. Let us
this to you uj we have wherever we have been given
the opportunity to do so. If you want a load of the
best Coal, call
m I
mm i
1 wFZI 1
si.ftvi i:
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Party and Play Dresses for the Little Girl
Sturdy little ginghams or devonshire cloth for her
busy morning, dainty lawns and nainsooks to be
donned after her nap; or the frilly dresses for those
important first parties they are all here awaiting
your selection. Prices to suit all.
Pretty and practical all wool sweaters for children.
One style slip over model with Dutch collar and
sash, knitted in fancy stitch. Another model with
tuxedo collar, made in two tone effects. Another
style with sailor collar, colors pink, turquoise, seal
American beauty, buff and coral; sizes 4 to 14.
Prices $7.50 and $11.95
111 Our Art Department
on 2nd Floor
Ratine $3.00 Yd.
You'll certainly like the way this splendid fabric
akes up into dresses and skirts. 45 inches wide s
You will find at all times brand
new and interesting things for
needle work, fancy goods and
things for the home, such as pil
lows, towels and draperies. Pay
this section a visit next time
you're down town.
An Exposition of Pretty Summer
A finer art is manifest in these new hanging, an
art that reaches new heights of beauty, individuality
and exclusiveness. To see these pretty cretonnes
brines delight to the sense of beauty and a wish that
some of these lovely hangings might add comfort
and beauty to one's own home.
50c to 2.50 Yd.
Package Embroidery Goods
The Bucilla Make is thee best kind to use because
the garments are ready made and they fit of fin
est materials. Most anything you wish is found in
these packages. Have a look.
35c to $3.50
Embroidery Thread
Most any shade you may desire in silk and mer
cerized thread for embroidery work. Yes, and any
kind you want. The colors are fast and easy to
work with.
4c to 8c Skein
Good News Wire Lamp Shades
In our Art Department you'll find" a big assort
ment of good wire lamp frames for any size you may
so desire. We also have fringes and braids to trim
them with and big line of models so you can pattern
Lamp Frames, each 25c to $3.00
Fringes 75c to $1.50
Tassels 10c to $1.00
Braids 15c to 35c
makes uo
and offered in rose, tan and
linen and is fast m color.
pink. Launders like I
Drug Sundries
Face powder, creams, S
cutex, toilet water, tal-f
J. J AT-
I'll Ml I II I W 1H ' I 1111)11 11 -
- " I
polish, etc., in fact
everything you need to ri'v
"make up" your toilet.
----. ------- 3
Pearl Buttons 5c Doz. to 50c Each
. g
Pearl Buttons for every purpose. Baby Dresses, g
Waists, Blouses, Coats, Skirts and the like, in many 5
styles and sizes. When yon need buttons come to us 5
for them. I
. ;iri s
r n mm ,, i- 1 . . .
All colors.
Hair Nets 12c
Cap hair nets, without elastic.
Rain or Shine
Offered in plain shades
and fancy stripes and plaids.
The new short style is the
latest. See them.
$5.50 to $15.00
Silks for Sport Wear
$4.00 to $10.00
Such as Fantasi, Trico, Tricolette,
Cuscadeaux, White Rajah, etc. Some
are in plain shades, some in fancy
patterns. They are exclusive and up
to the minute.
Soon be time to wear these clothes,
so begin to think and plan on the
styles you want. We'll be glad to help
you. Let us show them to you.
House Dresses
Of course you'll need House
Dresses. Why not buy the materi
als now and make them up.
Calico 25c
Percales 35c and 45c
Romper Cloth 50c
D. Shire 50c and 65c
Dress Gingham 25c and 85c
Wool Fabrics
For that suit, dress or coat are
here in abundance displaying the
newest coloring and weaves. Such
as: French Serge, Epingle, Gabar
dine, Tweed, Homespun, Velour,
Broad Cloth, Silvertone, Wool Jer
sey, etc., in all the leading shades
for soring wear. We'll be glad to
show you $1.00 to $5.00 Yd.
Silk Trico
An entirely new silk fabric for
dresses, some would call it jersette.
Comes in all the leading shades, such
as turquoise, Pekin, rose, navy, black
and white.
Trico is a splendid wearing silk and
especially good for dresses. Buy a
dress length off one of these shades,
you'll like it.
New Silks for Shirts
$3.00. $3.85 Yd.
Just received a big lot of silk shirt
ing for men's shirts. Offered in neat
stripes of many colors. They are of
good quality and all silk. Make the
man some silk shirts for summer.
Art Antique and Filet Laces
In new and distinct designs specially for fancy I
work, bed spreads, scarfs, etc. Offered in several
widths, suitable for many things; yard 20c to $1.00 I
Lingerie Clap.
Gold and silver, plain and fancy 65c to $3.00 I
Fancy Combs
and Hair Pins 50c to $2.00 1
iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiwiiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 iimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
He reached ao high he touched
the aky" and on the other haad
'he'a only aa big an a minute."
Th daat la Van Albert of Am
atardam. He'a 1, weighs ICS
pounde and stands 8 feet. 6 inches
In his socks. His little friend,
Sepptonl. the midget, hails from
Switaerlsnd. and towers two feet
la the air.
Ml.h soJiool cadets
Tomorrow niumiug at 11 o'clock
oomes the eru.uA Military Keview of
th liov's Cadet Corps of Pendleton
high school. Commandant Earl E.
nelachmann will be In charge of af
fairs. The review will include a flan
raising ceremony, drilling by the two
companten. competitive drill by -.quads
for isllver cups and military maneu
vers. American eglon men prob
ably will serve as Judges in awarding
I be sUvur cupct. The general public Is
invited to the exhibition which takes
I place on the front lawn of the high
j school.
llarlx-v-iic To Bo JUId.
Boardmun has Invited the people
of Pendleton to uttend a big picnic and
barbec'ja to be held at tha IMU-baugh
ranch on tho line between the. Board-'
man project and the John Day district!
on Monday. May II. Music will be
given by the Heppner cornet band,
and Bromett Callahan. Portland law-;
yer who onus a ranch on the project, j
Is to speak. In the afternoon, a ball
game will be played, between Arllng-
ton and Hermlston. A feature of the!
day will be a demonstration from life, :
showing the desert as It was. as it Is
and as It will be. The celebration will
terminate In the evening with a dance.
Pfee?YOlJR I W.
on Our Lm