FAOBTBft DAILY KA8T OMQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREOON, TOBSDAY EVENING, MAY 8, IMP. . .. ... IT 71 IT? PTAD Q deter mine the 1 WU r Jj 1 VJlYO value of a paper's circulation to the advertiser quality and quantity. THE QUALITY MAY BE JUDGED BY THE METHODS OF obtaining subscriptions. THE QUANTITY MAY BE KNOWN ABSOLUTELY BY an independent and expert audit of the circulation records. BOTH POINTS ARE COVERED BY THE REPORT OF the Audit Bureau of Circulations. H ' .. . THE ADVERTISER WHO BUYS SPACE ON A BUSINESS basis asks for an A. B. C. statement and studies it. IF AN ADVERTISER WHO DOES NOT DEMAND AN A. B. C. statement conducted the other branches of his business on the same method; he soon would not have any business to conduct. ajv ADVERTISER IS ENTITLED TO THE FACTS. AN A. B. C. paper has nothing to hide. THE A. B.C. REPORT OF THE EAST OREGONIAN WILL be sent to advertisers on request.