THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN THE INLAND EMPIRE GIVING ITS READERS BOTH ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS i DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Number of oopieaprlnted jf yesterday's Tha Boat Oregonlaa la Rulan QMH nn'i greatest newspaper and a a aallinar foroa ili't to tha drles ovar twice tha guaranteed pai ar Shi paper la a member or and audited y tha Audit Bureau of Clroulatlona. (atlon IB rnQioB inn uHwuua ty of any other aeweer. CITY OFFICIAL PATES COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9539 VOL. 33 DAILY EAST OKEOONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 18, 1920. DANIELS LAYS FOR SIMS ATTACK ON NAVY TO PENROSE AND POLITICS NEW ATTACK Oil WAR PROGRAM PENDLt, ON AS MANUFACTURING CENTER AND SITE FOR PACKING PLANTS DISCOVERED IN SURVEY CARRANZA DESERTED BY EAST STATE, IS FLEEING NORTHWARD Republican Committee Report Charges Department With Spending Over $116,000, 000 on Unnecessary Plants. FINGER IS POINTED AT BERNARD M. BARUCH Minority Defends Action Citing Parallel in Calling to Arms of Three Million Men Who Did Not Fight. (By United Press) WA8H1NOTON, May 18. Charg ing that the war department spent over Ut).ooo,oOfl on plants which produced no nitrates prior to the sign ing of the armistice, republicans of the house war department expenditures committee, in a report marie public today declared "the whole nitrate problem was one of misdirected ef fort." Alleged failure of the program "Is j directly traceable to Bernard M. Ba ruch. who admits he was the moving ' spirit, in the plans of the government." ! the report states. Charges Denied. Republican charges are flatly do- ! nled In a minority report which Rep resentative Oarrett filed today anil which asserted that if It was a mistake to embark on the nitrate program, it waa also an error to call to arms the 8.000,000 men who never left the Uni ted K tales. The republicans charge that -plants were located ajt Toledo and Cincin nati "to quiet the opposition of Rep resentative Long-worth to the Muscle Hhoals Project." "The whole program promised nothing in the way of win ning the war," the report concluded. Offer Recommendation-. The recommendations of the repub licans follow: That no further sums be paid the air nitrates corporation or its sub contractors for building of plants at Muscle Hhoals, Alabama, Toledo and Cincinnati. That civil suits be instituted to re cover such aums as may' compensate the United States for the corporation's ; failure to execute its contracts, or I that the corporation bring suit against the government for money now due It. That the Muscle 8hoals plant be leased by the war department for the production of fertilizers. That the Toledo and Cincinnati plants be salvaged. That the plant at Sheffield, Ala., kept for experimental purposes and that 1200 acres near It he sold. "Made -in -Oregon" Study Con ! ducted Yesterday in 16' Local Stores Reveals Repre sentation of 175 State Firms IMMINENT WITH TROOP ARRIVAL 'INTOXICATED, DRFVES CAR; OAKLAND SOCIETY WOMAN SENT TO JAIL (By United Pre.) OAKLAND, May 18. Mrs. Aff ne I-ord Stockton, society wom an, is in Jail here today, commenc ing a six months' sentence fol lowing her plea of guilty to driv ing an automobile while intoxi SECRETARY SAYS WITNESSES ALL SPEAK SENATOR'S LANGUAGE -IT LOOKS LIKE OUUA BOARD 1 4, I Pendleton, us a manufacturing cen fttttr for woolen blankets, cigars, butter, jice cream, flour, medicinal remedies, 4 H!'erageH, bread, saddlea, auto tops. I. here. ai (tinware ana as tne location ror meai ; rttu4iiiA . ft -packing plants, was discovered (By United Press.) Bti PARC, May 18. Revolu tionist cavalry is today continu ing to search the hills and moun tains around Oaxa a for Carrnn za, according to advice received here. vaster day In a "Made-in-Oregon ' survey conducted In IB of the -leading local tores. The survey was made In con nection with. Oregon Products Week, to he held June 14-19. Jleocal atorea are boosting Pendle ton made products and merchants showed a good knowledge of what is produced in the city, say those wh made the survey, (irocery stores vis ited handle only local flqurs. 175 Firms Rejirewentcd. The survey showed that 175 Oregon firms' products are represented in the stores. The cities In which the pro- lage 90 miles south of Mexico City. He(rtucts are made include Portland. Sa and a small escort were traveling Peak of Turmoil is Apparently PHRTI ANfl WIN RF Developing Rapidly as Long- 1 um 10,10 ff,LL UL gZSS EST Campai8n HOST TO SECRETARIES LOCAL POLLING PLACES ANNOUNCED BY SHERIFF I uitiw is Soon. (My I'nlted l'ress.) WASHINGTON. May 1 8. Oarrnnza Is fleeing northward and Villa Is en route to Mexico City, unaccompanied, according to stute department advices today. Hebe I agents here believe that Villa will be appointed chief of the Mexican constabulary in the northern states. The American embassy at Mexico City Informed the department that Carra n sta was see n Sunday e ve n i n g passing through Topela, a small vil- MORE TROOPS COME IN MIDST OF RIOTS northward. The state of Yucatan, the last to de sert Carr&nza, Is reported t o have joined the revolution. MURDERER OF NINE WIVES IS NOW NO. 33,7751SAN QOENTIN Negro Burglar Traveling Com panion Loudly Demands "What fo Ah Gotta Ride Wid Dis Here Bluewhiskers White Trash." lem. Albany. Pendleton and Tilla mook. Apples from Milton and Her mfston, potatoes from Weston and cheese from Stanfield were promi nent products shown. Included in the displays of Oregon Made products, besides the products made in Pendleton, were whisk brooms, loggers' shoes, Indian dolls, dress goods, baskets, brooms, soap, rasors, men's and women's clothing, potato chips, stoves, trunks, furniture, mattresses and canned and bo! i led goods. . . . . For Display Week. . . The complete list of products and the names of the local handle them was sent to Oregon Pro ducts headqua rters in Portland, for use during the display week In this city. Arrangements for Military Con trol Practically Complete in Londonberry, 'City of Dread ful Night 7 ' . BY WHJBB MJLJLnrt United J'ress .Staff Correspondent.) LONDON, May 18. A crisis in the i north, west and south of Ireland is Oregon Association of Commercial Secretaries. The association complet ed its first annual meeting in Pendle ton about 11:30 last evening and most of the visiting delegates departed for all indications today that General Mac- ! ineir nomes on eany trams tooay. ) . i . . , . Instead of semi-annual sessions, the ready has begun his long-expected 1 , "7 ... . . . , t I sooation w111 meet but once each j campaign to restore order in the is- j year hereafter, it was decided. The I land. Thousand of fresh troops are association will lay plans between now j being distributed in the west, and j and next spring for further growth southwest, dispatches arriving here and development and endeavor to Polls will be open Friday from 8 a. in., to 8 p. m.. for the primary nominating and state referendum elections. There are 13 voting places in Pendleton, all of which have been selected by the sheriff and are being prepared for the elections. Voters, regardless of party, may vote on the referendum measures Friday, but only democrats and republicans nually Hereafter ; Pendleton j may vote in the primaries There are separate naiiois lor me measures auu candidates The voting places announced today are as follows: Precinct 32 915 East Railroad. Drsnlnnt ? 9 I' A Wt'lfs in ra VP ' I J " .-.l.l'lll- III 1 II' lit" A I. Ill'-t-LlllK Ul Lllt3 AT NEXT SESSION Association Plans to Meet An-; Convention Ends With Dis cussion of Experiments. Portland sometime next spring will state. The government is reported to be j ready to adopt drastic measures in j Londonderry, which newspapers today described as "a city of dreadful night.' make each meeting more worth while than that preceding'. 415 Lewis. Precinct 34 High school building-. Precinct 35 Court house. Precinct 36 City hall. Precinct 37 Pendleton hotel gam pie rooms. Precinct 38 Bowman hotel. Rail road street side. Precinct 39 Field school. Precinct 40 Residence, 708 Aura Precinct 41 1301 East Alta corner Ash. Precinct 4 2 Hawthorne school. Precinct 43 County library. Prerinct 44 Lincoln school. Recalls Speech of March 24, 1918, Which Declared Pro crastination of Department Delayed Peace at Huge Cost. ALMOST IDENTICAL TO WORDS OF YEAR LATER 'Figures, Phrases and All" Point to Strange Plagarism for Political Purpose is Charge Before Committee. (By I'nlted Press) SAN QPKNTXN PKN1TKNTIA It V". May 18. "Bluebeard" Watson, con fessed murderer of nine of his "wives' Is now "No. li.ffi in San Quentin prison. Besides hts identity, he lost his locks and heard. Fitted in the prison garb he began his life sentence at 10 o'clock and was assigned to work ui a Jute mill. TAFT SPEECH, JUNE 1, AT HAPPY CANYON WILL END LYCEUM COURSE Experiments Cited In last evening's session, discussion store which r A large body of troops arrived all"8 commuea on tne topics ui.en up LoHdonncrry last nig ni, roiio-wing tnree j """V V " - nights of rioting between unionists and Sinn Peiners. Arrangements for military control are reported practically completed. Troops are taking over private . res idences in tho disturbed areas of the south and west. HALF TANK LIMIT IS PLACED ON GASOLINE PIONEER, IS DEAD Theodore Howard, aired '", and a resident of this city since 1873. died late yesterday afternoon at St. An thony hospital. His death was duejffottll ri(j "lu hi coinpitfuiion i uim-ucn. Mr. Howard was well known in Pen dleton, having" served for several years US fire chltff, and also as a member Of the city council. He engaged Jj the contracting lousiness in this city. He in fturvtved by three brothers, one of them being Joshua Howard, of rTpokane. who arrived here this morn Inc.v Morborne Berkeley is distant cousin of the deceased. It has not been decided if funeral service will be held here or in,J3po ksne. Mr. Howard was a prominent member of the L 6. O. K. and If the , servlees are held here, the local lodge wrll be In charge. Identity 1'nknomi. (By I'nlted Press) RICHMOND, Calif., May 18. "Bluebeard" Wataon, slayer of nine of his wives, left for San Quentin pris on today where he will serve a life sentence. "Bluebeard" attracted lit tle attention during- a 30 minute stop here for very few peoplo knew of his :irrival from Ios Angeles. Watson, who was not handcuffed, appeared very weak and emaciated, and was carried from the station to the ferry in a patrol wagon. Threatened hostile edemonstrations, expected from persons in cities en route from l .us Angeles, did not oc cur, officers said. Negro fiuttenant. Trouble with a negro burglar J. T. Heard, who was taken to San Quentin Lyrlth Watson, developed a-s soon a he fdund Watson to be his traveling com panion. He threatened violence anil waxed voluble in his protest-. "Ah aint in no class like dat, ahs an I honest burglar, ah am. What fo ah wid dis here bluewhlskers white trash?" he indignantly demanded. William Howard Tuft. ox-President of the United States will speak at Hap py Canyon. Tuesday. June 1 ;as the last number of the high school lyceum course. The advertising; campaign! was launched today by H. E. Inlow, principal of Pendleton iigh school and Arthur Uudd. managrer of the Ly ceum campaign. Jt is planned to have the grade schools assist in selling tickets. Reports from other places where Mr. Taft is speaking say that he Is a big drawing card. CORN VAI.X'K BREAKS CHICAGO, May IS. Sensational breaks in the value of corn took place here today. It was a general rush to kaII nnd dearth of VmverR. the July delivery undergoing-an extreme fall of Jan auto belonging to State Parole Of seven and ji quarter centa per bushel. 1 fleer Varney. ESCAPED, IS TAKEN SALEM, May IS. Jack Trice, who escaped from the penitentiary March 27. was arrested today at Rolla, N. D.. according to information which prison officials received here. He waa receiv ed at the penitentiary September 11. 1919. for a term of not over five years for obtaining money on false preten ses in VmatiMa county. He escaped with Robert Grant, an other trusty from t'matllla county in j The delegates often went into perience" meetings and the chief gain was in exchange of ideas and experi- ments which had been applied to the ' various clubs. One of the most in-' structi ve discussions was that led bv i ,. . . . T. K. McCroBkey. of Salem, who told i WX a tank of gasoline ,s all that of the county federation plan in vosrue j allowd L in -Marion county. A similar plan was P"dle'OI unU1 thf P"fnt .?.tf recommended to rmattUa. county sev-1 remov Thte de- . .. . M (ztx. i cision was marige m a meeting last eve- eral months .ago by -the Oregon State i between R. T. Vidian, local Chamber hatha not beenworked out. staJdard Oil manager, J. R. Raley, Meeting Shortened .president of the Pendleton Corn- Before adjourning, the association mercial Aociation; Mayor John passed resolutions thanking Pendleton . . directors of the Auto for its hospitality. A number of .thing's planned for the pleasure -of the visitors were postponed owing to the desire of Secretary Nelson to rush the program through in one day. CONSIDER SOLDIER RELIEF (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May IS. House republicans were notified today by Representative Towner. of Iowa, chairman of the party conference committee, that -soldier relief legisla tion will be consmered at a party cau cus tomorrow night. mobile Association. Upon Invitation of Mr. Vivian, the auto dealers examined the supply of gasoline on hand and found that there is sufficient to meet normal needs for proba.bly 10 days. After that no new supply is in sight. All retailers of gasoline in the city agreed to abide by the ruling and sell only enough to half fill a motorist's tank. Drivers of autos were requested to refrain from unnecessary driving and co-operate in every way to pre vent a famine. KEEP THIS IN MIND ON MAY 21 I NEW BATTERY SERVICE IS I t'KI'iHa HT CARS MOVED WASHINGTON. May 18. Progress In handling the freight jam waa re ported late today by the Interstate commerce commission which announc ed that the movement of empty freight from groin leading had begun In a large volume westward. ( A new battery service station, spec ializing in tho Vrest-O-Llte. line, has opened for business nt 406 Rast Court street, near the Roesch Rottllng Works. It Is operating undr the frm (name of the Automotive Rat tery Ser vice Co. w C Loyd and F. L. Jewett are the managers. One point In eaqh county is desig nated as a distribution point for Prest-O-Lite service and the local concern will be agents for Pmatilla county. In addition to specialising jn this serv ice, the managers have announced that thev are prepared to take care 'of all makes of storage batteries. RISING WATERS OF MISSOURI RIVER BREAK OVER DOCK DRIVING 1 000 FROM OMAHA HOMES (By United Trees) , The dykes on the Iowa side protect- OMAIIA. l.y tl. Rlaine waters of Ine Council Bluffs are hohline well, the Missouri river broke over the east ' Should a break occur there the west Omaha dyke early today flooding six square miles of that section of the rity and rendering nearly 1000 fami lies homeless. Several houses are In danger of being swept away by tha flood. The river is higher than at any time In IB years. No loss or life occurred and the flood to now subsiding. end of Council muffs would be In seri ous danger as the river would have a clear sweep through a Ibw-iying dist rict populated by 10,000 persons. The river has broken into ltke Mnnawa. causing that body of water to over flow. Manawa park In Inundated. Several hundred summer cottages and many of them occupied were cut off by the water. '?L1 "L ' s, - : ... , ,. HIGH SCHOOL FORENSIC i SQUAD RETURNS HOME j With the Eastern Oregon debate 'championship to their credit and nearly a week of royal good time be j hind them, the Pendleton high school i debate squad is home again. They 'iid not win the state honors, but were ittble to car.-y off the Eastern Oregon 'contests by a large margin. The Pendleton debaters were enter Itained at various fraternity houses. Mary Clarke stayed at the Kappa ! Kappa Gamma house, .Lloyd Austin at ithe Beta Theta Pi house, Arthur Rudd at the Alpha Tau Omega house, and iNorborne Berkeley spent time at sev jeral. All report a wonderful time jand are enthusiastic about the Uni versity of Oregon. The debaters were I accompanied on their trip by H. E. Il.ilow, their coach. All the debates were held behind closed doors, with only three judges ln.3 on audience. This was an entirely i new experience for most of the con j testants. I Pendleton was successful in the pre liminary contests and the semi-finals, where they won the Eastern Oregon j championship. When eliminated the ! Pendleton affirmative had nine out of 'a possible 12 points and the negative ! had two. This tied the affirmative ith the other high teams but as Cor- vallia and Salem negatives had 11 of ' tho desired 11 points the local squad ; was forced out. Corvallis won the finals by one ; I oint. (By United Press.) WASHINGTON. May 18. -Senator Penrose is behind the attack Admiral Sims is directing at the conduct of the navy during the war, Secretary Dan iels intimated today, continuing his testimony before the senate navel com mittee. In bringing the Pennsylvania repub lican chieftain into the controversy, Daniels conveyed the Impression that he believes politics is responsible tor Sims' charges. He quoted from the Penrose speech of August 2. 1918, 10 which he blamed the secretary of the navy for "procrastination" and delay ing active naval participation for three months at a cost of 16,tO,0Oe.9p and many lives the same accusation forming the keynote of Sims' attack. Dansuagie Identical. Daniels remarked that the several witnesses testifying In support or Sims "all speak the senator's language, fig ures, phrases and all." He declared they were either plagarhsts or receiv ed thought waves from Penrose by the ouija board. mmft .vi Guided Letters. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, May 18. Senatgor Penrose, republican, of Pennsylvania!, not Rear Admiral Sims, originated the basic charges against the navy de- parement contained In the admiral's letter of January 7. Secretary Daniels asserted today before the senate na val investigating committee. The secretary recalled that the sen ator In a speech In the senate Mareh 24, 1918, declared that procrastination. on tne part oi ine secretary aeiayeu the termination of the war at least three months and cost 815,900,000.090 and many lives. "The words used by Senator Pen rose were almost identical with those used by Admiral Sims over a year later." Daniels said. 'HAWK,' 3-PASSENGER PLANE TO FLY HERE The Hawk, a three-passenger ajr plane, will be in Pendleton Friday. Saturday and Sunday for exhibition stunts and passenger carrying flights. The craft is owned by the Thompson Aircraft Co a concern which operates 12 ships. R. S. Thompson, who will pilot the Hawk, has Instructed in acrobatics. bombing and cross country flying in the U. S. army and has carried more than 9000 persons on aerial joy rides. The plane carries two passengers and the pilot at a time. One of the features or the visit will be a contest for free rides dally. At 3:30 each afternoon the prettiest girl present is to be taken for a ride. The first five persons to ride that day jr to be the Judges. .D -HEX JOITIXEY SALEM. Way 18.- With T cars In line, the Pacific Coast Ad Men's cara van, bound for Stockton, California, passed through here today. COMES TO DEADLOCK Reported by Major I-ee Moorhousje, observer. Maximum, 7 2. Minimum, 41. Barometer S9.60. Low and falling. ihii'Iim Tlu I'u tlaud Telegram , ., ,.r . Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. May IS. A dead-j lock on the army reorganisation bill VII reached today hy senate and house conferees, ftenate provisions to reor- j ganize the force caimd a breach and ; the question will be brought before j the house fo:- vote. The disagree ment. Chairman Wudnworth said came despite an offer from the sen- i ate toelimlnate senate provisions for voluntary military training: of youth : between IS and SI. wmm mm Tonight and Wed. fair and w firmer.