r AOS BIX P4ILT iait otmaomAM, ywrourroit, omioon, momdav gimitnia. may it, ioao r Social J ltltlK Ifl IIONORKU. ' on. r.iiiK affairs complimentary to a recent bride who 1m rcniemlerc here iix Mlm l;dnn Hlnt-er. the lv.it land Journal hu the toltowtns note Mr. and Men Robert Stiles (Mlty lone FTnkert were host for a atatlffht. ful tea Sunday afternoon at thelr.jsldod at the tea urns were Mrs. Stuart home in North Twenty-second street. Moore of Hood HlVcr. Mrs. ENdon honortnc Mrs. It.)bert Mctitnnls of Ta- j Furnish. Mrs. Elulae ftall Cook. Mrs. coma, who was In the city oyer the Oeortte Hotchklss Street. Mrs1. Walter week-end. TmIIiw In artistic arrange- liardwlck. Assisting; In serving and mcnt attout the rocms were used for decoration for the occaaion and as a enterpleee for the dalnly tnhle where urn sm sen mi. aiore man iuu mem- 5". .' - i. Value Horfs ifsiAiKs a r r a r i: i, snor Greatest 15 OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 2ND FLOOR The Paper with the Lovely Finish ( THE exquisite texture of Symphony Writiag Paper pro vides a splendid writing surface. That is why it is the choice of an many smart women for their correspondence. Symphony Writing Papers are to be had in three finishes and a variety of fashionable tints. Made up in many sizes and shapes, to meet every demand of good taste. May be , purchased by the quire or the pound. Also correspondence . -i - r ' , with CflVdlMM. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. The Rexall Store IIIMIIIIIIIill.'llllilllillltllMIIIHIllHtlllllllllillUHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllMIIIIIIIHII BLACIJ FORD'S BUTTERMILK MASH FOR LITTLE CHICKS Clik-k Food, GcTinozone, Scratch Food Lice Oointment. All kinds of poultry supplies. UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014, 475, 351 and Club her of the musical and clen of the city were nrttatlo ctr- Rin.mK the; micsta who called to greet Mr. Mc tllnnls, who was Ml.-w Kdim Water prior to her recent marriage. The imitra were from 4 o'clock to a. At the tea hour those- who pre- about the rooms were' the Misses Ai ita Slater Velma McMuster, Jonnte Hush. Honor Vounmon and Tolnle v cat. I ' ',' . ,l Giving Sale of the year WOMEN'S SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS AND SKIRTS At wonderful reductions Garments are all this season's styles and in many instances are being sold be low today's wholesale cost. It will pay you to investigate News rur.tntr. the nfteroouh Walter llard- wick ami the hostess. Mrs. stltes. samr a group of selections. Miss Tolnle West, who Is n native of Finland anil who Is poaseased of a charming lyric soprano voice, delighted the Bursts with a group of songs In her native tongue. Oil Tuesday evening; Mrs. Meltintlls was ..ft., in the -.iest t.f honor at a mora informal function for Whloh M.rs. stiles was hostess, when a group of jelose friends spent a few deJIVhtful hours toirether. Mrs. Fred (Haw and j Mrs. Arthur I'errln suiyr during the awning for the pleasure of the coni pany. TJl.ViilJAM SPUIN'OS OI'ICN. Tlic springtime opening at Iling ham took place yesterday and the at tractive mountain resort was visited by motor parties from a score of near by towns, many of them from I'en dleton. Anions guests of the. da were: Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Williams. c E Dupuls. M. K. Ilongland, li E. Ash rendPton: L. I). Sharp.- ft. II. Mc (ntyre, Athena; Karl Kulutt. Miss Ma rie Vletchcr. nohbic Fletcher. 11. W. Letcher, Pendleton; I.um Rhea, But ter Creek; Roll Morrison. Adams: fSeorge Clitlds, Pen Simonton, Pen dleton; Frances I.iouallcii. Miss Max- ine Elliot. Adams; C O. Crawford. Iliehard Neil. Morris tlibson. Clifford Compton. Victor McCormnck, L. 5 Lwis, "Wiima Womiek. J. smitli. Pen dleton; cieo. Martin, E. L. Sponcc Milton; O. II. McPherrln an'd wife. Forrest Zerba. I .els Slarkstcli, Athe na: J. It. McCook, Lois McCook. Ague Dyer. Pendlolon; It. U Ila.vnard Mrs. Itaynard. Weston: Dewey Anderson and wife. Dorothy Pedwell, Mrs. Edna Shoal. Charles S. Shoal. Miss nianclie Swaggart. Tud Crablll. Ora Ilowdy- sbell. Dumps Stlllman. J3. J. Murphy and family. Koy Temple. Veva Cook. Hazel Jenkins. Blanche Smoot. Virgil I.undell, Jack Boggs. E. it. Ituckcr. Mr. and Mrs. Wllliard Bond. Betty Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Haley, James Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond, Mary Bond and Bobble Bond. Mr. Campbell and family Mr. arid Mrs. Brace. Harold Godeckc. Mrs. 8. Thomi. son, Mrs. Hendrix and daughter. Mrs. Harper, Paul Flnnell. Mr. and Mrs. George. Ferguson and son. Mr. Tubbs and family. Francis Greulich, James Simmons, Lou Magee, Miss Johnston. Ruth Prncbatel. Alice Flnnell, Charles Miller and wife. Fred Scarccy and wife. James Hall and wife. Pendleton.; H. C. Lemm. Athena: Mrs. T. A. Se- llg. Pendleton; Mrs. L. E. Brannon, La Grande; Rachel Kirk Patrick, Pen dleton: Tex Smith, Pendleton; Rulcn Hmith, Weston; Floyd Hall. Pendleton, Miss Mcitroom, Miss Mable Johnson. J. B. Simonton and family, Mrs. R, Pickering and family; Mrs. M. R. Pickering. Miss Pickering. Pendleton. MACCABEES WILL MEET. For 2 o'clock- tomorrow is scheduled a meeting of the l,ady Muccubees. It Is to be held in Eable-W'oddman hail and will include transaction of im portant business, which will bo fol lowed by a "surprise." IS GUEST OF PARENTS. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Keys arc wel coming as their house guest, their daughter, Mrs. II. C. Sanders of Port land, who. accompanied by her little son. Willard 'M. Sanders, arrived yes terday for a fortnights visit in Pep dleton. i3lri' TO 11KAK (rALdI Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. Johns plan to leave tomorrow- 'evening for Port land where they will enjoy the Uftlll Curcl concert on her return visit there Wednesday. Mr. and Mm Johru will C ITT THIS OCT IT IS WOKTII MOXKY Cut out this slip, enclose with 3' and mail It to Foley & To.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chlgaco, III., writing your name and address clearly. You w ill receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs eilet and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back: Rheuma ttsnt, backache, kidney and bladder ailmentjs: and Foley Cathartic TaMeta. a wholesome and thoroughly cleana insr cathartie. for constipation, bilious nci. headache, and sluggish bowels. Mil's CREDIT Ticrunoif 'in, i,mi Backache, lame and stiff muncler and rheumatic palm? are often symp-. tome of deranged kidneys. "T had weak bladder, bad kidneys and liver." writes Willie Carter. Iuxar, Pa. "I could not sleep well and my back pained me awful. 1 had a dizzy feel ing In the morning. Since taking Foley Kidney P111 f have been reliev ed of ail such ailments." They rid the system of the poisonous acids that cause aches and pains. Sold Every wharea SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES - AND DARKENS HAIR ' ' Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. Tou can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and luatroua ulmoat over night rf you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's ! Hage and .Sulphur Compound" at any S drug store. Millions of bottle of this g old famoua Bage Tea Tteclpc, iinproytd 3; by the addition of other Ingredlenta. S are (old annually, aaya a well-known fdruggiat here because It darkena the hair aon naturally and evenly that oo g on can tell It baa been applied. . S Those whose hair la turning gray or S becoming faded have a surprise awalt S lng them, because after one or two S applications the gray hair vanishes S and your locks become luxuriantly S dark and beautiful. S This la tho a of youth. Cray S haired, unattractive folks aren't S titer arojnd, so get busy with 2 Wyeth'a Cage and Sulphur Compound 3 to-ntght and you'll be delighted with S your dark, handsome hair and your S ' youthful appearance within a few spend tho remainder of (he week With relatives mid friends, returning home Sunday. MRS JOHNSON IS OUKsT. Mrs. 8. F. Johnson and son. Slier nan Johnson, of Salt Lake, are guests it tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred t'ennlon. Mra. Johnson Is Mrs. Iten. Ion's slater. wktCyME I A BY DAIGIITER air. anil airs, i-sui ciuikhih ui mw Lllleth street uro being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter Which irrlted yesterday at the home of Mra lailla Tivvlor. on Arc street. The wee maid haa been named Olorbi June. Una weighs six and ono half pounds. BIRTHDAY IS Old, Hill RATED Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanscom was the arena Saturday evening of a delightful affair which marked tho birthday anniversary of Mr, Hanscom. A party of friends mo tored out for tho evening, enjoying gamed and card-s during tho earlier hours and later, an informal supper. Tho guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanscom, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reos, Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Struve. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cresawell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Marly, Mrs. Anna Furnish, Mrs. Paul Jone.s, Mlsa Ine-i (Tutf, Miss tJeorgla Fletcher, Miss Kathryn Fur nish, MLs Evelyn Strove. Hoy Fur nish and William IfansCoui. MISS BERNARD IS C.t'EST Miss Catherine Bernard, of Spokane is In Pendleton vhdtlng Mlsa Rose Ross and Miss Mynle Rosa, with whom sha attended the New Tork School of Music and Art. Miss Bernard la a tal ented musician and is composing the music and words of tivo sOinga which ire soon to be published. She arrtveu here Saturday ajid will return to Spo l.ane on Wednoraay. HAPTEP. WILL Vlfc'IT Members of Rualico Chapter, o. E. S. jire antldpatlffg an event of Wed nesday evening wrhen 'thev have been asked to be guoet of McKen-rie Chap ter of Athena- The local folk will mo tor to: the neighboring city for the af fair. KNJOY DAY'fl OUTINO A picnicking party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simonton, Mr. ana Mm, It Camp pel I, Mr. and Mm Jock Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. William f.rack motored to Uingham Springs yesterday to spend tho day. W-Jl.t, Mr, BXTKRTAIX Clil'l! and Mrs. alter Cresawell are i to bo hosts Thursday evening for meeting of the Fortnightly Ilrldse Club, Us members bein-5 asked to their home on Madison street. MttS. M KAN'S IS (lUEitl Mrs. Arthur O. Means and little stm Arthur, Jr.. are guests In Pendleton to day from there home In Vale they having accompanied Mr. Means tvho Is attending the convention of commer cial secretaries'. T0K10 GOVERNMENT SCORES VOTE VICTORY - (I'y United Press.) TOKIO, May IT. The government -cored a victory in parliamentary elec lons. gaining a majority In the diet. UKIAH YOUTH IS ILL WITH TYPHOID FEVER (ICast Oregonian Special.) UKIAH, May I J. Fred Castool ana wife were called to snlcm in re tponse to a mcss:igo telling them of the serious nines:- of their son Delbert I'li'i is attending school there. He is II with typhoid rover. John Wolf left Tuesday for Pitts burg, Pcnnnylvaiila to be u 1th his sis ter, who Is dangerously HI. Dr. DeVaul was called to Uklah Wednesday to visit Cmirlay Ilynd, M'ho is ill at his home four miles east of toivn. Ifcncry LAZlnka Sr., and Henry Jr.. came in Monday, going on to the La- lnka ranch for a few days on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kottlncier of Alba. were business visitora In Uhlah Mon lay. Mlsa Forrost of Pendleton, came In on the stage Monday evening and re malned Tuesday, working in behalf of the Salvation Army. The people of Uklah and vicinity responded lib erally, as they always do on like oc casions. Arthur Mcltobcrts made a business trip to Pilot BocR and back Auesday. After visiting a week In Ukiah with relatives and friends, Mrs. Alia Chll- ton returned Saturday to her home on Bridge creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger return ed Saturday to the tiazlnka ranch to remain during the summer, after spending the winter near Nye. Arthur Fulter of Hermiston was in Uklah a few day-s on buslnoes, the first of the week. Miss Hckn Mcehgs, who has been ttscltlng school during the winter near Pilot Rock, has finished tho term and returned home Monday. The flnl examinations were taken Thursday and Friday, which closed :he Ukiah school. There are nine eighth grade pupMs taking tho exami nation. A free dance was given Satur day night by Volly Peterson In honor it tho school children, who have done excellent work during the school year. Mra Ida Russell and Miss Helen De- VaUl of Pilot Rock, were calling on friends in Uklah for a few hours Wed nesday. Louis Johnson, who was called to Freewatcr a short time ago on account of the serious illness of hia three year old son, returned to Uklah Wednesday evening and reports the little one well on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slaughter and daughter. Mrs. Tannler, left Friday for Drewsey. Oregon, to work on a large stock farm. Floyd Martin left Wednesday rer Pendleton, where he has employment with Penland Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston, moved back to their ranch Wedensday after spending the winter In town. HHMillWli WE OFF ER THE MOST PHENOMENAL BARGAINS DURING OUR Stock COATS NOW AT $19.75, $24.75 and $34.75 Every good style and material included. SUITS AT ONE HALF PRICE A few at. less than half. DRESSES Beautiful Taffeta, Georgette and Tricolette at $17.50, $25.00 AND UP. GRADUATION DRESSES Real daintv and youthful styles in Organdie and Swiss,. PRICED $19,50, $22.50 and $25.00 MlilllW Irer. farm Thursday and no vera 1 othor families who were here for the school will move back to their homes soon ror the summer. and Mrs. Wood Glbbs and daughter Tressa leavo Monday for Vancouver, to make It their perman ent home. Mr, and Mrs. .ibbs havo made Uklah their home for a num ber of years and have a host of friends here who regret their going but wish them well In their new home. Mr. CHhbs will hove employment In the shipyards where his brother. Warren, has employment. 'Mrs. Fayette Mettle and Miss Marie Mettle, were In town Thursday shop ping. i Mrs. Maggie Walker, Mrs. Fannie Ujvcla-nil. and Mrs. Utile Plant left jThursday for- their home near Dale. . Fred Stclwer and J. J. Chlsholm of ' Pendleton and. several vicious looking bear dogs, spent several daVs last week at the Dazinko, ranch hunting bear. Spring seeding Is In full blast ana with ideal weather, which now pre vails, everything seems favorable for Ih.t farmer. Ocorge Caldwell left Tuesday for Bridge creek to assist In the spring fa ruling on the Bond ranch. Mrs. William Mecngs returned from Pendleton Monday ESCAPED AN OPERATION Br Taking Lrdia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Compound. Many Such Case. I'airo, III. "Some time ago 1 sot rr bad with female trouble that I though! 1 tiouli! have to Ik operated on. I ni l a bad displacement. I My right side would i pain me and I was so 'nervous I could not' hold a glass ot water. Many times I would have to stop my work and sit down or I would fall on the floor in a faint. I consulted I several doctors and every one told me the same but I kept fighting to keep from having the opera tion. I had read so many times ol hydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it helped my sister so 1 began taking I have never felt better than I hi it. are since then and I keep house and am ablf to do all my work. The Vegetah'e Com pound is certainly one grand medicine." Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 3311 Sycamore Street, Cairo, 111- Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will re lieve. We freely acknowledge this, bnt the above letter, had many others like it, amply prove that many operations are recommended when medicine in many eases is all "that is needed. ' If you want special advice write to f.vdia K. Pinkham Medicine Co. (conn denttali, Lynn. Mass 3 7 SJD5PJ3! Why suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? p. G. C. preparation for goitre bss bene fited maar. Whr par K.eral hundred dollar, lot sa operation to remove a solire when O.G.C can be obtained lor such cornpsraii.elr small expenditure? O.G.C. when properly sppiied si.es sstis lactonr results, or rout raoner will be refunded. OOP I. mU aiwi :i . Write lor booklet. Address Dept. 2 O.O.C CHEMICAL COMPANY Seattle. Washmston fee mm illlllllllllllllllHIII THE THOMAS SHOP lillllllllllHi llllillihl mm Reduction SALE Clyde and Wulter Jfclmh'k Ic,ft n fcw days ago for their ranches over south, to finish their spring seeding, j Hainan Prairie is now looking fine with stock of all kinds thriving, ltoads are getting good and aulos are corn ing and going over the mountain dally. lieu Case of Dale was In Uklah Fri day night. He came over to move his fartilly back to the farm at tho close of tho school. They left Saturday morning for tho farm. Oscar Itllbcrt of Itrldge creek, met with a painful accident a few days ago while holi'lng to brand cult lo. lie was using a horse In throw the cat tle and the laligo broke. lie was thrown violently to the ground, strik ing on Ins shoulder, which has dis abled hliu for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison left FrWay Tor rtrldce creek for a few days' visit with Mrs. Allison's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mecngs. G Tlii3 Dlnlng-Room Floor An Appetizer Many n otherwise attrac tive dining-room is spoiled by t'ae floor. It may have lieea well enough to tart with perhaps a painted or prh. hed ooi Boor. But elidiDr i li.'irs and scuffling feet have left the surface iJuE and scratched. Afloor of Armstrong's Linoleum in the dining-room is far durable than juiioied wood to c clean and perfi sanitary. Colors and patterns for every taste 1 purse. Crawford Furniture Company 10.3 E. Court St. Phone Phone 496 496 mill! f Dr. Lynn K. Blakeske Saronle and Narrooa pan an Diseases of Women. X-Hay Elec tro Therapeutics, rem pie Bdg. Boom 11 Phone 11 HERMAN CliAUSSENIUa j 8MWlal Agent Idaho State Life Insurance Co. (La Old Wna Company that doe all Is business In the west. 110 Beauremvrd St. P, O. Bog i Phona SST.W. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOM Apply JOE ELL, 735 Main St. KOEPPEIVS. PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Drug Store Thai Serve Toss ties. Guaranteed Expert PHOTO WORK We don't care who has been doing your work or whether it has just been satisfactory or hot, but if it is done at "Tallman's" we make it satisfactory. Films in before 10 a m. out at 5 p. m. Films in between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. out at noon next day. Enlarging a Specialty. Tata & Co. 4, luiiiifiiHuuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiir.iiiitiiuiiiitm Mrs. Mary caateel moved, oaca to