SIXTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 15 section two rHE3st Orcxonidiw PAGES 9 TO 16 mMmmLinmmmmi DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1820 STANFORD OVAL WILL ' BE SCENE TODAY OF Athletes From 10 Universities Will Vie ThiB Afternoon in Track Meet; Record Made in 100 Yard Preliminary. (by Associated Iti- i 8TANFOHD I XI Vi: liKIT V, Cal., Mny 15. Tsli athletes with their trainers and coaches from each Df slst loading- colleges and universities of the Par West are In tho second annual Pacific Coast track and field moot on the Ktanford oval thin afternoon. Sports follower here considered Oreiron Agricultural College the strongest contender from the North hut they predicted that Htanfortl and the University of California, would contest for first honors. If the meet goes to the relay raco fur decision. Walter Christie, California coach, pre dicted his team would win, as the state university defeated Manford In this event In a recent dual meet. However, Adherents of tho Univer sity of Washington, the University of Oregon und Washington Hlate College expressed confidence In the teams from their respective Institutions. California won the conference meet last year. Stanford was second und Washington Btate Collego third. KHmlnutlon trials preceding the meet wore held on the College track Friday. Itcsillts follow: First heat, 10fl yards Won liy Wells. Stanford; Snook. Oregon Agri cultural college, second; Merchant, fiilversily of California, third. Time, 10 1-6. Second heat, 100 yards Won by Klrksey. (S); Hutchinson, (C), sec ond; Forrester, University of Oregon, third. Time. .9 4-!i. Klrksey established a new confer ence record but It will have to le re peated todiiy to stand as official. First, 220 yurds Won by Snook. fO. A. C); Hutchinson. (C), second; Forester ). Tlbe .22 1-6. Second heat. 220 yards Won by Klrksey (8; Hendrickson, (C) ond: Orecn. (O. A. C), third. Time .21 1-J. HELIX WILL FURNISH OPPOSITION FOR BUCK Hilltop Team Stands on Upper Perch of League Percent age Table but Pendleton Ex pects to Bring Them Down. Helix will furnish the opposition for Pendleton's Uuckaroo nine on the Kound-t'p park diamond tomorrow afternoon at 2:46. It will be the first meeting of the two teams this season and the second contest for Pendleton on Its home grounds. I ndcr the tutelage of Trace Baker. DUCKS PLAV BASEBALL AND BEST LOS ANGELES lAJr A.VOKI.IOS, May lB.-rH'ortland won Its second straight game from Los Angeles, 7 to 4, two of Its runs boing h' mers by Schaller anil Wister ll. In the elKhlh the Ducks added three to their previous two run when Blue Walker took second on Wister ssll's sacrifice. Schaller walked and pulled off a double steal with Blue, the latter scoring; Schaller took third on a wild throw; Hlglln walked .and stole scored and Schaller arid JSrnglln both scored on Cox's single. The Angels' rally in the same inning nett ing four runs, was not strong enough to overcome the Xorthwesterners' i lead. HOW THEY i iSTAND iMHf:; Opaat Uusm-, v w. u Pel San Francisco 21 13 .611 Portland . 18 12 .601 Vernon 21 17 .554 Suit Lake IK 17 .621 Oakland 1 18 .5H Ixs Angeles 16 17 .471 Hucraniento 15 21 .41 Heattlo 10 2;i .302 VACUUM FEED Of FUEL AIR COOLED Whoro Tlwy Pluy Next Week Vernon at Salt Uike; Oakland at 'acramento; Portland at Han Francis o; Seattle at Los Angeles. LW.mCALVl STARTED EXTRA POWER PULLEY SPIASH OIL LUBRICATION k BURNS UEROSENEi isk; Ouks l.ose Four Straight SALT LAKE CITY, May 16. Oak- ,. j,.i.a , , , 'in u,-i,mi.,Mi lui luv 1UUIII1 ........ ... wouii aiuug in grcai lruight tlm(. by Halt liako Friday, 7 shape and If any of the hurling staff to 4 ln a sam1 Jft.alure uy heavy htt hosen will deliver the goods, the hits tlnB. Oakland tied the score in the and runs will come in. considerable , ,)xth wncn Knlght tri))lc1 wltn tne "' ieiiKin na.i oeen auoeo in i,.ll(,.a . . t( nftp QUAI4TV SERVICE, SANITATION Here's a Straight Tip Take our advice and buy only reliable can ned good. You can't afford to take a chance with questionable stock for the aake of a few pennies. Our canned good are of highest quality, and the price are low. I. SAFETY FIRST Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 4SS "If it' in the Market We Hat It." late to the local Itneuo and frequent C- jn-aeticefi have also built up the deferf- j Hive strength. Manager spell had not j decided today as to his choice of pitch- i era for tomorrow. Helix Up In Itftt? i Helix leads Pendleton in the per centage table with two wins and one defeat, the latter having been protest ed. Pendleton has lost one and won -ne game, pilot Hock, also up in the .C6T clnss. journeys to Athena tomor row and Walla Wttlla will play at Mil ton In a return contest. ttert Curtain. , an experienced um i'ir., will hold the indicator tier to morrow, having been signed to the staff recently He supplants Claude .Miles, who has joined the local squad s an outfielder. The other change to morrow may bo in the local out field, where Jack Beck, of tho high school, U making a strong bid for a berth. Pmtft SHIM in Air The protest filed y Helix on the name won by pilot Hock aj Helix last Hunday is still unsettled, according 1o ! Kf'x 89111a, president of the league. Moth teams are now making chnrgts of imported players and a long-drawn-out argument appears in sight. The probability 1 that tho fintno will be thrown out and ordered played over. While Helix protested against three men on the PHo rtock team, because Of their being alleged non-residents, it is said that Pilot Rock has counter 1 ehargct of the nam nature. On tho Helix nine Is one man from Weston a,id another from Adanis, Pilot Rqck charges. Home doubt has been ex pressed ns to the residents In the Helix territory of a third player. The league officials are following thn con stitution so far in regard to the etigi- two outs hud been made. Three Salt Lake runs were scored In the same frame. MIA; IK HAKKHALL- National UaiHU Philadelphia 3, Cincinnati 4. Boston 4, Chicago 7. Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 1. Ajnerh an l, ati' Detroit 8, Washington I'aeiflc Inh-roaiional. Tacoma 4, Vancouver 6. Vakima 8, Victoria 4. Spokane 11, Seattle 5. A Vei-inm Evens Swl SACIIAMKNTO, Cat-, May 1 batting rally in the, eighth Inning Mr sisted by poor fielding Judgement on the part of Stumpf, allowed Vernon, to even the series; defeating Sacramento 3 to 1. From me. on the mound for the Tigers, let the Senators down with fivo hits. SexUlio Bea-ts Seals SAN KHANf'IKCO. May 41...- -After loBtlng 11 straight games, Seattle downed the Heals 2 to 1', in a 32-in-nlng pitchers' battle between Dcmuree and Lewis. San Francisco made one run In the fourth, when Fitzgerald walked and WILLIE JACKSON BESTS JOHNNY DUNDEE IN 12 ROUND BOXING CONTEST! scored on O'f'onnells single to center. Seattle tied the count in the fifth and Lrought in the winning run in the 12th when Wolter doubled, went to third j perlor at infiRhtimr on amiorn.s sacra i ice ana scorea on Nixon's fait to center. NEWARK, 1ST. J.. May 15. Willie I Jaclfson outfought Johnny Duridee in a 12-roundPbout here last night. Jack- I son had the udvantage in every round except the second, which went to Dun dee, nnd the third, an even one. Jack- son weighs 131 pounds and Dundee I 12!. I Dundee received considerable pun ishment about the body and held fre quently. He took the aggressive in the second rourfd, during which he caused Jackson to miss many blows. From the fourth round on Jackson kept after Ills opponent and in the eighth landed several hard blows with Dundee up against the ropes. Jackson was su ARE YOU A FISHERMAN? IF NOT We can make you and your whole family one BY GIVING YOU THE PROPER TACKLE and telling- you what is right. Fish with the right thing at the right time is the secret. SEE Sol Baum Exclusive Sporting Goods Man 0 I t Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone 646 blllty of players, but whether a strlrt or loose Interpretation will be made is not decided. (MOBILE I Speed Wagon ATIU-FTFi; DROITS 1F1. WALU WAbLA, Wash., May 15. Peter Poimen, high school student, dropped dead at the finish of a raco m a high school interclass meet Fri day afternoon. His heaYt and lungs wore snid to have been , affected gas while fighting with the. A. E. In France. He was an orphan. YAXKKKS MX'ST MOVK. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 15. The New York American League baseball club will not use the Polo grounds for Its New York City games after the close of this season, according to an annoucement here today by Manager McGraw of the New York Nationals. by The lease held by the New York Am F. ericans will expire at that time, said Mr. McGraw. and will not be renewed. Its features make it "trouble-proot' Western Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it Dependable electric service night and day for your farm. See this plant in operation. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners lighting fixtures DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dantal X-Kay bj Appointment 3ysi Artleaiatao jjsnttaraa. H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office : 10-11-12 Belts BuUdin Pendleton. Ore. ENTERED IN E- 0. MEET! Pendleton, Athena, Hcrmlston and I Pilot Rock are represented in the Eastern Oregon hljgh school track meet at La, Grande today. Sixty-one athletes from various high schools in this section are represented. The meet is the first which has been held In La Grande since 1915. ' Athena in represented by Bob Ko prlva, while Nell Hoynton will repre sent Hermlston. Both were point win ners in the Fmutilljt county track meet hi'ld recently in Pendleton. William Ward, who is on the Milton team, won the 50, 100 and 220 yard dash at the county track meet here. Aii"tht?r member of the team is IV-'ii-nott, of Milton, who won the mile Pilot Hock's team is made up of Bra cher. Smith and Jordan. In the PendJeton team are Snyder, i J. Saunders. L. Warner, Terjesoti. Stonebrcafcer. Itlghy. Straughn. C, : Saunders. Kitmr, B. Warner and La Hue. Following is Belt's team: Tunnl- Cllffe. Rodman. Fong, Stoddard. Ben-1 neit. Cundiff. Palmer, Christly, ,ed- dos, Dooley, Gardiner. Waltz, Gilliam a nd Butes. Mad", Kiihup. Batcliff and Wilson form Enterprise's team, with Bleven and Ted Mays on Joseph's team. La, Grande Is represented by Crippt1". Siuulbors:, Larscn. Wlllia nisop. Thel-1 sen. Smith, Kingwell, Bio k land, Garlty. Proctor, Stoddard. Newlin, Bian. Klvctto and Thompson. In ' Wallowa's team are: Lyman, Greer, Castcel, Balrd. Morebek, Tul- Icy anl Johnson. I I g AGGIES BEAT OREGON I Install lOmplre 3aak Bide. sfcL SBBBimL Ottla l hons no. Horn Pbons 74 I, I p y downey's market I f w 1 1 mi G-OGirWtt t m 1 t INI .... H y JtiJb man wno na stao- m I tion with a reliable bank Hl tmr incf ittitinn lc thr man n hn i mm 3m R establishing the i-ight to ask for H credit. We render every finan- N Itf cial assistance to depositors con- '3 Uy sistent with sound banking prin- itf ' ' Cipl" S I PHONE 601 I STANFORD LOSES FINAL ! We have taken the agency for this county. Have five for immediate delivery. Speed, economy, 1500 lbs. capacity. O. E. Holdman Auto Co. Paige, Oldsmobile Speed Wagon, Oakland (By A-Neiutrd Pres. t KPGrctCE Or.. May K. The Ore gon Agricultural college baseball team j won from I'nlverslty of Oregon Friday afternoon by the score of 1 1 to . The I game was marked by heavy hitting On the part of bo4h teams. The score; O. A. C. 14 H 4: Oregon HI. Batteries Keene and Gill; Jacob berffer, Jacobson and Leslie. WiUhlng;loii Wins I S I A NDK(Mtl IMVKHSITV. al.. May 15. University of Washlnyton defeated Stanford I'nlverslty, 5 to 1. In the final game of Pacific coast college eonference baseball here Friday. Washington made four runs in the sixth and got seven hits off Stanford's twirlor. Washington, 5 7 2; Stanford, 154. Batteries Leonard and Land; Dra per and Bundy, Tires For. the Sunday trips to the moun tains, the long cool evening spins. A DIAMOND will give you heller satisfaction. Dare Tire & Supply Company Distributors Diamond Tires Auto Accessories 224 East Court Phone 134 Ml Hi.; i ii n in i mm EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN NEW AND USED Trucks Winther, 2 too four wheel drive, pneumatic tires, new. Have discontinued this line. Offer for sale at large reduction. Nash, 2 ton in first class shape, starter, lights and long wheel base; a bargain. 2-ton G. M. C. Brand new, at cost. 2-ton G. M. C. Slightly used, and in first class shape, cab and body A regular bargain, new Reo Speed wagon $100 less than cost. Republic 2-ton Rebuilt and retired. Ton and a half Republic Rebuilt. These are all trucks of first class condition and have many others not listed. W. C. Garbe, Inc. F. R. RAINES, Mgr. Corner Court and Thompson. Phone 720