paoksix DAILY EAST OREQONTAN, PKNDtBTON, ORBGOJt, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY IS, 1020. SIXTEEN PAGES mmr 9 Social and Club News HTi rY lol,!TirAI. PA HTIES, - i Porahaw Is to bv assisted by Mrs. rw of the most Interesting moet-1 Charity lleurd. ucL-ompuntst. mul Miss in of tn Merry. Go Kountl club lls Gornnlt, .1 piano pupil of Mrs. htUl ml the home of Mrs. Gavin nd i Frank E. Bovden. Cfny on Thurmiay afternoon, A short Miss sAi.rxc n i:i;ti i;n Miss Thelmn stihiur, ilaimhn r of .Mr and Mrs. Jewe Sallng will arrive homo thla evonliiR from Portland where she has devoted the" -winter to tudy of th piano and pipe organ. Uh William Boone. Miss 8a ling plans to remain here about month, her marriage to hftlneB mutton was called, after which In struct 1 o papers on the re ptfHIcan party were rd b Mrs. Ola Butsinfrer and Mrs, Clyde Preston, Bhort aketchew by Will H. Hays were read by Mrs. Clarence Preston, after which a fcenemt discussion was held. For the next meeting Mrs. Frank Garrett will be hostess on May 7, when special papers on the democratic party will be read. i Mrs. Slusher visited filqnds and rela tives and 'Went east wUh Mrtl. jlvln Slusher, who recently returned, GOI,K CU:B.Tl) KXTKKTAIN. An intorosVnjf series of festivities Is being planned by members of the golf clnh who have scheduled (a dancing party for Wednesday evening. affair is to be held at the club ho mid will launch a season of entcrtajn tpents, one to be enjoyed each month hy the members and their families. K- P.. Durst of Portland, being ached- The list includes about fifty and for tiled for the middle of June. Mr. j Wednesday's affair mIr. L. L. Rogers. Durst is a civil engineer with the Mrs. W. J. Plarke. Mrs, G. W. Phelps highway commission. The betrothal and Mrs. S. rt. Thompson compose the BTVDEXT RKCITAI, SCHEDULED of the couple was made known In hostess committee. Portland a few weeks ago. Tuesday evening. May IS, has been chosen by Mm. R H. Forshaw for pre- snt;itloa ut her voice pupil In recital. I at Ha 8LUSHER RKTPUNS. The event to to Like jflaoe In the Pres I Mrs. TaW Slusher returned yester fcyterian church at s o'clock and Mrs. day after an extended visit in the east. S VPSTAIKS H O P F APPAREL SHOP a w ami WERE COMPELLED TO ADD MORE DRESSES ON THE $29.75 RACK v iji) Such was the response to our an nouncement in yesterday s paper mat we are adding today a great many more beautiful dresses of flowered Georgette, embroidered taffeta, etc. Values Ranging up to $55.00 NOW $29.75 None sent on approval. i OKU'HIAN CLUB MEKTS. At the home rof Mrs. U M. SpM inr Delphian club members yesterday enjoyed a dclightf til afternoon. An interesting program preceded the. tea hour and included the following num bers: "The Gau la Enter Rome" Mrs. Jennie MacMailer. "Scipio, A Mucin anil Nero"--- Mrs. ft. D. Say res Bright tulips maided from a scar let cluster which centered a dainty table where .Mrs. club presi dent. inesled. and MYs. Floyd Orottp. asked by Mrs. SpuldinK to share thei i meeting, assisted her In serving. Oth i er additional guests were Mrs. Charles Si Jerard and Mrs, E. P. TuIIorh. The next meeting of the Delphian OF INTEREST TO WOMEN This is a Short Letter, but it Brings a Message of Import ance to- every Woman. At Last A CARLOAD OF Reo Sixes Will be unloaded the first of the week. 0 , All sold but one. Who wants it? Western Auto Co. COLE REO DORT Woodford. Vfc "I took T-vdia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound and Liver I tflilt before my cnitd fTwas born and it did wonderful work for we. My baby weigh ed eight and one hat f pounds when born and I did not suffer many pains. You can publish tAni In ter if you wish for I would not be with out your medicine before child birth." Mr?. Joax Libi- RITT, Woodford, Yt. - The reason why Lydia Pinkham's Vegt table Compound is so successful .n overcoming woman's ills is because it contains the tonic, strengthening prop "rties of good old-fashioned roots' und herbs, which act on the female organ ism. Women from all parts of the country are continually testifying to. its strengt sening, curative influence v and as It contains so narcotics or harmful Irugs it is a safe medicine for women. If you want special advice write Lydia K. Pinkliam Medieine Co, confidential I , Lynn, Mskm. Voir? letter will be opened, read, and answered by women only. clrtb will bo held In a fortnight with ! 11111111(1 Mrs. Suyics. lllfl RKTUllN TO MILTON. " Mr. and Mrs. Jease Hurst, nccooi- J imnlcd by their children, have re- ter Hurst, near lVMulteton. Hlj J.ll! RITPVRB IS VISITOl! nil III I' Mi... I'.illu KitIm.v .if ;,,,, I. Ul Ik 1 lllll ft visitor ut the homo of Mr. and K B. Krwfn of ihlg olty. jl EXTRAVAGANCE ! BAH! I i I H So rT--5.. i nu M:.m Slock .r w- nit'. c 4 IHI IlllllHllilllllllllllllll! THE THOMAS SHOP 'nlHIUItllUllllllllHIIIUIIIUIIIIIUItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliniH ilhlNlinillllMIHIIittlllHIHWIIHIIIIINIHniHHIIIIIIinMIIHIIfl WE OFFER THE MOST PHENOMENAL BARGAINS DURING OUR JL Reduction SALE COATS NOW AT $19.75, $24.75 and $34.75 Every good style and material included. SUITS AT ONE HALF PRICE A few at less than half. DRESSES Beautiful Taffeta, Georgette and Tricolette at SI 7,50, $25.00 AND UP. le. Ooral PARIS Trench women bilked Mile. Sore), tbe French tress, when ihe 'appeared in a i recently, wearing a 110.000 t Too extravagant, thev aald Mile. Sore) declared "be had tentlon sf curtailing her t gnnce on that account. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Yams f.Irl Dies. Florence Duffy, the daiinhter of Sand Duffy, reservation farmer, died ya terday of tuberculosis. She ( was 15 years og age. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Will Tea li iii Portland. Miss Elizabeth KniKht. who lias been teacfllllg during the past year in the Stanfield high aehooi. was a I'en rtleln visitor today. he will teach In Kr-anklin high school . next year. vuiHiwiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiimi THE JOLLY INN CAFETERIA Sexvea you the moat particular foods, for the most particular ap petite. Displaying a variety of choice ROAST MKATS, J'RICASSKKS, (.111 I.N VI OF AL.I. KINDS, ( I STAIillS AND Pl'Df STAKIS AND PUDDINCK. THI-; UIJST TO HI! IXlTNI. PjUHSSBtttW. The tnterlor of the Western L'nktn office is lelng recutclmined and paint ...I Later the exterior of the building will be renovated. PrOftoBaor to I,ecturc. Professor Edgar ('. Itaiua tare at the M. E. church on' Monday at 8 m., with Alaska, ifs hla theme. His talk will be illustrated with 200 eolored slides, reproductions of pic tures he has taken. He comes here under the auspices of the Epworth League. GRADUATION DRESSES Real dainty and youthful styles in Organdie and Swiss. PRICED 19.50, $22.50 and $25.00. Biiiiiiiiii fie 1'aclfic I'owcr and Light Company day-long scrsiou during which the "Similar hearings are to be held ait will be heard before the public ser- Lele trie light rates in which a similar Kennewlck on .Tune 17. at Walla Wal- vlce commission on June 14 here, uc-1 advance Is asked,' will- be considered, la June In and at White Kalmon on 'ordlng to the notice received today i Thirteen Yakima valley towns are af- June i; Tn each east- the he,, rings rem J. H. Brown, secretary of the1 fected by tha IncreaseTn oleetrli- Ihtht wUI allow time for informal coaa--om mission. A three eommuialoners. , aarvice. Yakima being the only one to olalnta regarding the service being t is expectel, will be here for the hearing, which will be followed by a auffer from the Increased prje of gas. given by the company He Hill Make Rood Vfite for Fred J.ocMey for Secret ailg of State. He has made fretiuent visits to our county and Is thoroughly fami liar with our resources and needs. For many years he lived In Eastern Ore gon. He stands for Economy and a Square Deal. Paid advt. Teoc-Iiers .signing Contracts. A large number of contracts be tween teachers In the Pendleton scbools and school dictrict No. 16. for the. year 1S0-121. were signed toaay at the office of City Superintendent F. P. Austin. May IS is fixed as the final day for accepting contracts and those who have uccepted but have not affixed their signatures will have intlly curly In the coming' week to go through that formality. A majority f tlje teaching staff in the city schools have been re-elected. FRENCH ARMY ALREADY IHI BKHT ICi: CREAM I.V I'KNIDI.FTOX. Select just what you want to eat from the steam table. Not from a 3 printed menu 2 s Hotel St. George, Basement. r ront Ji,ntrance.-iTiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiHiiiHiiiiiiuiiniiiiirtiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuH nilllllMHUUUIMUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlin BL cm '( )RD'S BUTTERMILK MASH FOR LITTLE CHICKS Chick Fooil, GermOKOne, Scrttch Food Lice Oointnient. All kindt of poultry supplies. UMATILLA HOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014, 475. 351 Will M. Petersen Place a cross "X" be- fore my number, "27", on the ballot, and elect me a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at San Francjiaco from the Second Congressional District: I believe that President T PA It IS, May 1 i. Withdrawal of French troops from the Frankfort and Darmstadt regions. It Is under stood today, has already begun, al though formal orders for complete evacuation of this territory Mve not been issued by the French) govern Hear DR. RAINE Lecture on ALASKA. 200 highly colored slides. M. E. CHURCH, Monday Eve., May 17 8 p. m. . "p Benefit Epworth League. We RecQmmeiid ARCH TOILET CREAM ( - v for relieving chapped skin, for softening and soothing all exposed part of the body. Arefr Toilet Cream rubs right in and is readily absorbed by the skin. The difficulty of finding a lotion that is suitable to your skin is overcome with this excellent preparation. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Order Given Prompt Attention. llSllllllllllWIIIIltlltitltltfllllllllllltlltl IlllllJIItllltlllf f llialli(lil)f itiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiitlKIIIItllllllllllllflllaatU. JURY WILL DECIDE VALUE OF WHISTLE ttl'OKA.VR. May J.". A JufK hero JVInnitay will decide how much an un- illiolJiiblfi whistle in W. J. Buwh'H none in worth to the owner. Buech i 1 1 -. it !. Vn- wjm MtriirL- lit IVauIav WliSOn IS the greatest, I llannan and that ever since his nose wranrioct Procir ont in the """i' "'i wmi me cheerful Bliio. Mtulicrancc of a peanut cn- AITKtl.s TOR CAMIB i lt- AsMffClatfd F'renf. I " AaHINOTOM, afar 15. najlroada history of America; that George E. Chamherlain is the greatest, the grandest Spnatr in the hiatnrV of ,- 4.1. t ar cui, i d the country, through the Association Oregon; that Mr. btarkwea- allOT) H,,i.n and the Amer ther is a eood man: that all ' ' 1 AaaonaMon. today aked democrats, like old sparkl ing wine", are good and use ful. They may fall out, quarrel and even sometimes fight, but are good fellows nevertheless. the Interatate commerce eomoilaelon I to exerciae Kb emergency potrera to relieve the car Khortafr- end trelatit conKehtlon. . y TO CKLajn.TK i,MIN; (By. linltod I'rcna. I W.VKtriNOTVil. May 15. the l.rcHldant tnda''Urncd a jojnt reaolu- (tAri , ,,i I,,., isle', lhi nm.ri.iirlrff Inn (if I am a Democrat "throuch ' l'n.0W tor eelelirHtloii of the tr- and through." Elect me, myi'-"nle,"r'rf the landing ot rn- , . ' - - . , ' i nnm Ht Plymouth. good democratic friends, and I will help to nominate , PROTEST AGAINST -POWER I some great and good demo crat who will be elected ! President of the United SPRING AND SUMMER TIME IS REFRIGERATOR TIME We are showing a full'line of ICE KING REFW"-ORATORS the ice saving kind a not the ice-eating kind. In all sizes, wnite enaoe'eu inicrmrs. inrec v an umrtom lined to keep the cold in ; best nickel trlmmintrs. .So the ICE KING At Crawfords before buying. Prices frofn $85.50 down t $34.50. THE ICELESS REFRIGERATOR will convince the most skeptical when properly set up and connected, that it WILL REFRIGERATE 366 DAYS IN THE YEAR VITHOUT ANY EXPENSE The principle under which the ICE-LESS works h -iir and water. It is therefore neceaaary to .force a draft around tne Da ,'. in a- : nnpiinn mm a o men stovepipe is attached and connected to any conven'ent nn, kitchen range does not interfere with Its operal n. it maintnlnrf an average tamperature for two days perature In a well known refrigerator fully iced. Siting the box beside the clual tents have shown where i'hin three degrees of the tem- MAY WE SHOW YO J? RATES MADE IN YAKIMA (By Aaaociated Preaa.) E YAKIMA, Waah.. May 15. Pro- ,B Crawford Furniture Co. 103 E. Court Street Phone 499 , , . i ' lh- liroiMwrd incriTilM' if jauu 20 per cent in the Saa rates ot M II 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 H M M I M M tl I Ml t t M M t Mil t III 1 1 Ml II II 1 1 M t II 1 1 1 1 111 II 1 1 1 1 1 M ll 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 H M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MIIIMIIIIIIIMMIMIIIItlllMIt lUIIUMHIilMIIIIMMMIIIMIIMIlllllllllllllllllllllllllillHIHIMIIMIMMIIIMIIHIII, StatcsL