SAM rOTOTKKW DAILY EAST OREGONUN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1020. SIXTEEN PAGES I Steady, America! LET US WORK THIS OUT TOGETHER Republicans, It Is Up to U to Elect a Real President This Fall He Must Be the Biggest and the Soundest and the Most Effective American We Can Find In states where the contest was between Wood and Johnson forthe instruction of del egates to the Republican National Convention, the strongest candidate has been Wood, even with part of his backing- among other contestants. Tfce outcome in these states has been a fellows : FOR WOOD FOR JOHNSON MINNESOTA SOUTH DAKOTA VEW JERSEY MASSACHUSETTS MARYLAND INDIANA SEW YORK 'EW HAMPSHIRE IDAHO NORTH DAKOTA MICHIGAN NEBRASKA MONTANA Total number of delegates pledged to vote for Wood at Republican National convention 32 1 . Since the narrowing down of the field the situation is diagnosed as follows: ' A VOTE FOR HOOVER, FOR LOWDEN, OR FOR POINDEXTER IS A VOTE FOR JOHNSON. Here Are Seme Newspaper Estimates of the Situation NEXT WEEK PROCLAIMED AS GOOD ROADS WEEK The Advtaor Aa.ait.te, to which ha been given the task of coordinat ing the activities of the National Ship by Truck -liood Heads week, and which haa the Indorsement of the great National Associations, tfit National Grange, and such leader In national affairs as the Won. Charles l : Town send of Michigan, Chairman of the Sennte Committee of Post Office and Post Heads, und many others, hereby is. n a call for the observance of Nn- J ttnnal Ship by Trucy-Qood Roads Week, May 17th to 22nd. The cooperation of editors, teach- ' era and pastors, with local rgaiun ftlon. Is earnestly requested In utiliz ing to a maximum degree the new ! form of transportation supplied by tha i motor vehlvle In the movement of men land goods. The waterways and rall I wrvh can no longer handle the volume of traffic that must be moved. Dally six carloada of freight are offered for shipment In tve cars that are available or thin purpose. City dwellers cannot continue lo nay the present prices of foods! uffs A national factor In thesa axveaslve costa is the haul from the farm to the town i over primitive roans. True human family cannot live on the present an nual food supply. One hundred mil lion are now starving while half of the In ha bit an ta of the world go to bed hungry every night. If the production Is to be Increased, tho farmers life must le made attractive. Nothing will product this result so surely as modem highways. For Quick. Economical Short Hauls , for the satisfactory transportation of either your goods or your materials you ought to be using Motor Trucks! VOU can sit right down now and figure where they would jl mvc you money, in vesugauon wui snow you mar motor 1 ransporta- will or tion costs less than half the cost of wagon hauling. Other men's experience prove the advantages of 1 nicks over any kind of railroad freight be ft "alow" iKsi ior an distances unaer iuu miles. Motor transportation is the modern wav. F.vrv li knows it. You know it. Why not let us give you the real facts about truck's as applied to your business? MasTeP I 1TRUCK6 m New York TVHmiH Republic The country Is beginning? lo take note o(-lhe character or tha Senator's . nief uperr. He has attracted to hla standard tbe remainders of the old Genua n American Alliance, like-wise the special Champions of Ramon de Valer. ami abw jvdlcals aad heir dupes who regard Lenine. as a treat statesman. Finally, he haa the vociferous lndorse- jent of Hearst, who makes lit- secret of the fact that he hopes Senator Johnson will be defeated at Chicago and that in his Irritation he will consent to bead a third party. X Evening Pas, S. Y April 2a tEkaBpocratlc) Wood remains the one con testant who i . " : '' every where, eten whore there are "favorite sons." The only plare where he makes a distinctly poor showing Is in Industrial centers of radical tendencies. There, on the con trary, Johnson runs best; in ad dition. Johnson gathers In the Germans and the Irish. This is true of NeV Jersey and of Ohio as It was true of Mlchig-an and of Nebraska. Htm York limes, April 29. (Democratic) In New Jersey Johnson was strong in the cities, especially in such cities as Hoboken and Jer sey City, where the German vote is strong. He undoubtedly got the vote of extremists among labor men. The town and country district saved Wood, and, considering the character of his support and that of Johnson, the closeness of the race is not reassuring for those who wish for an end of so cial disturbance hmA for a firm maintenance at thi attitude the notion tuok during the war. Keep the Party Together Tlu- nioHt Impnrtnrq work to receive Immediate attention hi order lo im prove lotial. national and world condi tions irt lo provide roair beds suitable for the economic operation thereon of motor vehicles. May IS. which li the Sunday Imme diately prccedhiK Ship by Truek-Ooml Heads Week, has been designated flimil rtonil. Sntidav Pastors lire re- qhsstcd to preach sermons upon tlfe rnr an the surest, most solution of your transportation permanently satisfactory ortation problems. PirsL bo .use they're quality, through and through. Second, because iw ervL-e is built in, to stay. Third, because they're absolutely practical built by practical truck engineers who have spent a life time in the business. . And fourth, because they coif you, on the average. '.(00 truck of similar tapaniy. Uu than other good Whenever you see a Master, you see a truck, that is giving seal master transportation service. Every Master Truck owned in this terri tory and there are many of them is giving this same superior, unfailing service. This is what you ought to have in your business motor trans portation that you can count on. You'll find it in the Master. Call us un and let's -talk it overl W. G. GARBE. Inc. Sales and Service Corner Court said Thompson Raneft, Mgr. Phone 720 o R Wood Relation b-treen s" d road and right living, g'Hid roads iind Vhrlsttan' pro gress, and similar theme. Bveryoae is request oil seriously to discuss the matter of the Improvement of the highways. The local committee will make announcement of how the week is to be observed In the community congregation. Tn general arrange ments are made for films to be shown In the moving picture theatres, for public meetings with good roads ad dresses, and motor truck parades and tours. The purpose is to fix In the heart the conviction that the next step to he taken for the welfare of the commun ity, the nation and the word' is Immed iately to improve the highways and to inaugurate measures whereby every mile ..f road bed 'in the United States may be hard-surfaced as sorin an the combined forces of counties, states and Federal Government can secure this result. This Adv. is paid for with money contributed by local supporters of Leonard Wood, el -1 ,vitJ' U'ill ca O TUv A bunt 0 Akron Boy icrats who will Via RK'lUlL'UUe V' ' mvo-s; w . v ; Oyster Bay in July, will carry nf a a riewz Thev are iourted over the Lincoln mgnway in oenmatk tired trucks and after three days camp at Bear Mountain in New York, the national bay scout camp. they will return through Central New York stopping at Niagara Kills. The commissary truck -will be equipped with six wheels, the unusual design be ing developed by engineers of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber And the lullaby Is responsible for many a kid-napping. MAY RAISE SAI-tAJRY (By Associated Press.) , HONOLULU, T. H May 15. Audi tors of the Japanese government has strongly recommended raising salaries of ihe Japanese government officials to enable fhem to cope with the high cost of Japanese veracular paper here. TIRES ARE VALUABLE AS LOOT FOR THIEVES: Had is ever r ecu red to you that tires ja.e valuable end that they should he I Protected front thieves that Infest tha ' streets, whre motor vehicles are Parked? A ood tire, on the spnre Jtlre rark, is easily removed In a short 'tt: . find mnL-Pu inn,f Innt tr.r thn if sneak thief He can usually get It off the W I 'A- r . R 1 rack with little trouble, and does jso regularly, to the tune of $2,500,000 i wcrlh last year. ! "Whenever a man offers a good tire I of standard grade at cut prices that I is, prices that you know are ridiculous ly low, it is high time to ask where ' that man bought his stocks," points out Neil & Barker, Pendleton distri butors of Lee tires. , "In many instanees these stolen tires become the basis of operation for dealers in cut price tires, who secure SS their tires through underground 3 sources, and who seldom realize that I aSlihey are dealing in stolen tires. If S they did know, thev -.vnn!d not hnndle this soft at goods. )TI ES)VMORNT0. M MTh al 10 o', a demonstration will be grreii to show tbe merits of the Wal ker Double Reduction Axle on Master Trucks at the place of Mr. W. Romey, 3 1-2 miles from Pendleton. All wishing to see this work arc cordially invited; deal ers of other trucks are especially bid. Cars will leave the Overland Sales Co. at 9:30 for all wishing to attend. - Do You Know? that half of the car that made a trip to Bingham Spring had mechanical trouble of some sort. that we have a service car ready for, the road at any time of the day or night. that we overhaul and repair any make of car. that each job receives my personal inspection. RUDY TANNLER. It may occur to the dealer (hat ho .. I Is getting tires a low price, but he 2 1 will seldom stop to Investigate. MwOC S) the bet Way to ellmlnnte the tire X thief is to investigate, yourself. Vh tires are offered at absurd prices, look 2 into matters. By destroying the thief, S market of stolen gnrdjt, you will soon 5 put hfm out of business. 2 'The public can be blamed for a j Mi traWI deal of fhis tire stealing. Tho S average owner of an automobile makes 3' It so e;isy for a man to steal a tire, sjthat therp is a great temptation offer 1 rd, especially to Irresponsible hoys. mi Locks are made that will stop these 3j thefts. I'sually the ear ewner leaves 3, the ear unlncked along with the tiro Sinn the spare rack and the whole thing 2! Is stolen. More often he leaves the j (ire unlocked nnd the thief drive it i SrbatAld, takes the tire off I he rack. 2! (brow It in his ear and drives away 2 "Take rensonahle rare and there will 2 he fewer tires stolen. Thvwdtgnto j shady-looklng sales, trade only from 2 reputable firms and tb thief will he 2i unable to profit from his now reall ' profitable occupation." f ATTEMPTS AT BEAUTY I WERE NOT MADE EARLY Western Auto Co. Cor. Cottonwood and Water Phone 530 5 f fTitlllMtllllltlUBtlltlMllltjilUjUnillMl.lllHMIIMIHIIIIIilfMllltllU l II 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 , ft 1 1 II f I i If 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 H 1 1 U I II J 1 1 i I II 1 i 1 1 f I H f H 1 1 U i II 1 1 II l When motor cars were flrat built thay were designed more fur their j mechanical features than for any at- Ij tempt at the boauttful. Von rem em -5' bar the first ears that looked like or- r1 dlnary buggies without the phaftx for the horses. Then cm the bollea with the en frnnMi at the rear, with a little step that folded agAtnst tho The" were high nnd tha pasaengers looked like they wre riding In a second -story house. Then rame the car with the doors on tho sWe, but still without a top or windahteld. Theae were hardly more eonfortaMe than their real Ir -dcessf i ra. Thesi tha car with stream lines and topn and windahelds and four cylin der! and everything. Burn Gas With the coining of Spring and Summer, have a GAS RANGE installed. Do away with the long hot days. The ugly effects of a hot fire can easily he done away w ith by the use of gas. GAS IS CHEAPER THAN CpAL OR WOOD When you are ready to begin your work, simply turn the "sw itch" no fires to make, no fuel to carry. When you are through with -your work, your gas is easily turned' off. No waste fuel, no steaming hot room. LET US EXPLAIN FURTHER TO Y)U Pacific Power & Light Co. -Always at your ncrvlc' ' JPhone 40 f E. Court and Cottonwood