a0A v.rswt TWELVE PAGES AOK KIOHT DAILY SAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 14, 1920 I Jl "1 T .A. AI.T TOIIAY ONLY ItOMWi'V I S TlIKMK III' tl-at a: -.. . M- 1 reprcasiMe. In hcf pictures she ha displayed an orifraaj. of ftyle and charm lhat la &a ln- etmable as It is apparent. There is j .Irubt but that in "Itomance and Arabella" she has achieved a master eVoe of . irtfetic and realistic . - tine. The srtctoce fs a comedy of pe and I perfe.-tly sult iitful yotrc; atar. wtn'ut Sflnt.ai,.a ,4tee tory. Hit hlgh Hi lo tho :e l-v Wiil idav at the nr partToms, said Mr IVuetii re ferring to the Indian fans, "are gener ally Inclined toward the picture with a predominating vein of melodrama. The V.tst business In done with the heavy type oratory. Kast hull.. ratfier af & peculiar dpipoafttan. we (rant, hut their taate in the drama or.! is axain seen opio- motion pictures la along a hisili and Walter Kd wards directed more Uk retried line, and UN a native rather than an education laMa," Mr. Douetll declared the Fast In dian will pack the houses (or a good crook story containing plenty of action and thrills, and that the light donies- IV IMil tie style of comedy goes tar nnuaht. lf- TtMVVV N IM V IS l.UK Vt rAMMSITV: For Sour Stomach iloaiing. Gar-, Coated Tongue. Headwahe. Bad Breath. Biliom lodUCeatioa or Constipation-take LEY CATHARTIC TABLETS Tbrjr cU-srue the bowdt, sweeten the stomach mad ssTttfarase tbe livcc. Do pipe of i ST. S. Meehsft, Ek Sr.. I'.r. vi Uz 1 W Cica t oimw Cjsssrt Tablets a tborocS ! sod emm peehin lj smi thai iWn mr ttw SoM ETerrwtHiw. K,st Indian nm:ia picture nudt ero are showing by b-offlee -.tt 'ml 1 a ma , fc.r.is thai Naiin.ovt Is by fat the mem popular star of the client vir-inw in that quarter of the siobe. AI1 thro-.iBh India. Ceylon, and Hur ir.ah, In the territory controlled by the j firm of BUod Limited, which dVtrl j butts Metro productions im the Far : East, the doniAad for Nnxlmova; , snper-fa nres is increasing with each I eewlvo production. Mr C. X. FVouetil. who is the nnnafi j ing director of Bijou Limited having j main offices in Calcutta, recently pass- ed through Hollywood. Cailf., accoan- panted by Mr. A. C. Daybeny, one of the . ckv, ,: . - of the company. While in Hollywood Messrs. Douetil &jrd Paybeny visited the studios where the new N&atmova production. -The Brat." now appearing at thu Areade Theatre, wae- made, and in the course of Ms visit Mr. Douetll feho is himself an a rdent admirer of Xaxi in ova's screen portrayals, explained briefly the KG EH 10 BE GIVEN TONIGHT Arcade On Friday. Hay a, at Ijheny dance hall, in .their initial tonr of )i treat. Prof. R. Q. Walton and Miss i v h leetx of Castle School, New (fork City, will give exhibition and fancy classic ballroom dancing with Victor Xigros celebrated Broadway Novelty Orchestra pla ins the latest Brcad- way dance hits. A seoial feature will! j be a prise waits contest open to every ! one for the championship of Pendle , ton. This championship eouplc will' iav. the privilege of meeting Prof. IWaJtoa and his partner for a purse; of $25 sliould they succeed In defeat-! ing Prof. Walton. Prof. Walton Is a ; graduate of the Cast. School. New : York City, and a member of the Dauc- j ing Masters' Association and has made for -himself the reputation as one of the greatest dancers and in- s true tor.-? in the county. To any de sirous .of learning the latest dances. Prof. Walton will hold class instruc tions at Liberty dance hail afternoons, to S p. m., and evenings, 6:30 to 9 a. m. and dance at night from to 12 p m. Come and enjo and dance to this! wonderful orchestra. PiiOP. WALTON. TODAY t f Adults 3&$ m CANDY LADY A BRIDI .CHESS DOROTHY DALTON HiS VIFES FRIENl I NAZIMCfVA The Secret of a Superlative Tire The whole question of uper-tire ts a matter of principle. For there is nothing exclusive in the industry. No patents, no secret formulas prevent a conscientious maker from MftsV ing the best. But cost and compeGtion modify ideals. TKfi Brtinstkjt idea is to pay perfection's price and get it That has been the Brunswick policy since IMS. And h ac-, counts for the growing preference for Brunswick Tire. Motorists expect the utmost from a tire bearing the name of Brunswick and get it. You, too, will be convinced by your first Brunswick, that here is an extraordinary tire, and that more money cannot buy better. Better tires of their type are impossible e-ror. better, tubes. That we guarantee, Try ONE Brunswick learn bow it excels, THE BR UNS W 1CK-B A LK.E-COLLEN DER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street aattSafltat. astfaleW awsaBiBnfHrr ntaw NEW YORK. The engagement cf Miaa M4ty Elizabeth Evans, p iprletresa of the famous "Mary i Eijabeth" tea and candy rooms' in Fifth -siaenue, to Henry D. ; Sharpa ef Providence, B- I., adds r iw chapter to a moat Interest ing American business romance. First making candy to add ta the family income. Miss Evans de veloped into a successful candy manufacturer. Pastime TODAY Children 10c Adults 20c J. WARREN KERRIGAN IN - THREE X GORDON In a play of the west. INMATE AT SALEM HOSPITAL DIES, 102 tBy Associated Press SALEM. May. 14. Daniel Mc iCarthy, 102 years ojd, tfied yesterday jat the state h6spital for the insane where he had been an inmate for 12 ;yeant Pased on the average per ess : ita com, .Vfcaarthy'a einw to the !stata in his . years at tha Institution haa been $10.S00. The atfthoiities have no record o? bis early life or rel atives, these having hetna turned in ;j aoKpitaJ fir- years ago. JAMAICA GINGER ALL THE RAGE IN MONTANA (V.y Associated Press.) RT TTK. Mont. May 14. An un-parafleif-d epidemic of "cramps in the stomach"" la sweeping Montana, ac--ordtng to U K, fe-. u fgTul pro ARBUCKLE in THE GARAGE VAUDEVILLE 3 SOCIETY GIRIS 3 Vocal ami Intninifiital. SYLVESTER Talkative Trickier. Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis ' PENDLETON Rl RIJER tK SI. PPL Y CO. 305 East Court Street. Phone 135 w.W.eJVfM THE STORY OF THE COLVULE VALIEV The Tolvills Valley Is located about two houra' ride by auromohlle north iffil-.e cltv of Piok:ir.o. In Stevens Counl. Vah. The valley la from dao D four miles in width and ir practically level. The anil in ihe bottom I a k silt loam and on the h'irher lands a clayey ICMim. The rainfall Is about !1 Inches and comes at vry opportune time .1 urine the summer as well as it other seasona. . Wheal, .ata, rye. hnrley. urn. alfalfa timothy, clover aMlM'and all rCNM irops arc mown In the valley, an well a, different varieties of veitetablM and rait, it iK not uncommon to have yieldsof 40 huajielx of wheat. lo bushels of oat. s and four tons of timothy hay or alfalfa. : . .1 c ' Nowhere in thrf Inland Empire is there'a better stock country. The hlrla on earn side of the valley affords thousand of acres of free open range that s well classed with hunch grass. The range is well watered With good par spring w-arer and lakes. The winters are mild and It Is necessary to feed only about four months of each year. The livestock hanks In the valley win loan you nearly ian pCr cent to buy cattle provided vou have Ihe feed and facilities for Hiking ears of them. M'lWI'lJI BABC.OM 23n acres of fine bottom land ISO acres In i iiltkvatlon. f, uteres in II moth hay, is acres in alfalfa: on good county road, in miles to CoteUss. a good barn 4ix81'; a good house and all the other htilldlngs ysa can think of. Just rods from school house. Good fencing and partly emed hoc tia-ht. Joins r. tlrr-. with the place at this ies. 20 tons hoy, J milch rows, : plows, disc harrosrs. id should hV worth' double this wood rurige. i iWner is an old man Time and included in the price are 3 hogs, cliir k.'tnt, e. : --. I,i, ,-. I, .1,1 moer, rfcke and all tools. I'rice I In a short t (me. Oth r places from tisia.oo to I3on.ooo.no. Come and go with us to the folville Vlle and von can sea for yourself. . OHK'l'l.V WASIIIMiT'lN KANCItKS CO.. tvo.,m . i,,n,.i.i jut rnot.e r. tl lu. m in Hotel Keystone Comedy sj J IAS BABY DOLL BHaC3l roo; iBBBawUBM II ihition enforcement officer for the . r nevlln stated today lhat the demand for Jamaica ginger ts un-.A.AAaa-...4 T I .. , written to Wash ington rtardlng regulations govern ing the sale of the "medicine." Ur ic. St.-' ire p rmltted to il two- nnn.e bottles of Jamaica ginger. which contains SO per cent alcohol. for medicinal purposes only. Mr. Dev lin explained. 6- For th wear atjd tear of the daUv gnhd a food that rebuilds GrapeNuts "with a urqquerj appetizin Howr. FARMER CONFESSES TO MURDER OF FAMILY ' i t t j 1 stri WASHBURN. X. D.. May 14 Hen - y Laypr. farmer, baa conf.. - the i jgll?inF ot the Jactb Wolf family a 'ihiT ehorf- brtt, Jake Hofer on the Wolf farm three miles west of Turtle; . S. !.. on April tt. It was an-j Bi acid here today by J. C. WilKams, jl I state's atiornt-y for MrClesn county. There la a certain thrill In rea.ding h attverttsemrnti. these day, because tfcey contain not only news, but inr goostl news that pi ices kio ceminc ; Btdar. . . 1 I I SMS m assa miva Asn smi All m a B w i"r'"" ?i i Tut im Hh iimnai uhm m i i m iiiLiiiiui iu i iuiiml uniiii m lj KOEPPEN'S i I of Pendleton 1 j DRUG STORE J jl f??Zfrp. I I I Offers an unexcelled banking service to In Jfl II HI cuviauai8 ana corporations; transacts a g PI general banking business and maintains H I I I J...t ...:.u tin.; -m ... IH 1 Rll J- willow " c 11 AttLUfiro Ul MIO 1 1 1 Miiia highest character. Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex- I ecutor or trustee under wills. A. C. Kocppen & Bros. I liJ do a a. a. .