page eat ?U.t R .vw e - . - ye , DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, Social and Club News I H! Neuralgic Painv ON picnic to be hrld in a fnrtnleM hlch will comiillf the club calendar. All SOCIRTV PNTKHTaINRD h home of Mr. Albert Kalund yeaterdav the scene of an interest- -die affair when the North dlvlirton of; Mns. OIUT nKTAllTS the Methodlt-l L.-iOie.- Aia .-.", tertalned the South division. A bul imi Baton w followed hy a social hour and light luncheon. Mm. Oeorge ". Oray and daughters. I lrudence and ceorglanna, left today I f.'-r an extended atay In Hrooks. Ore j ion, with Mr. Oray'a mother, who la III. MAftnirn is- boibk. An Interesting welllnc occurred In rtoiaa, Idaho. Oil week, when Mis imiHv Walker ot that city be- IN STATE DROPPED ttly l.'nited Press.) VISITOR LRAVR fR HOME L J 'Tl. n ,v. 'LTT'X: Mrs. Oeorge llartman. Sr. and her " inri itii i , i i.i ji , :, a wren Mum UMt.,. sinter. Mrs. IJlllan McM irrla. left thia after a visit here with their sister. Mrs. Abble Mays. cam the bride of Harry K. William j morning for their home In Portland of Pendleton. The service was Mfl at the home of the brlde'a ount and th coupla departed for a ahort hon eymoon Journey before returning 'o Pendleton. The brids Is the attractive daughter of Mm. Zen a Itamband and la known to a number of frlenda In Pendleton, where afce has recently vlalted. Mr. Williams ft rat came to Pendle ton as captain with the Oregon Mili tary Police In the summer of 191s. Returning here he became associated with the Smythe-lionergan company. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will make tne'r home In Pendleton. ci.rrj klktts nmcBiis The Club room of the library attrac- TiurnsnAY cum bi.rots Thursday Afternoon Club officials for the coming year are to be Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson, president: Mrs. R. P. SniTKis. vice president; Mrs. I. F. Hobart, secretary: Mrs. George llartman treasurer; and Mrs. F. E. Boyden auditor. Delegates chosen to attend the convention of the State Federation of Women's Clubs to be held at Enterprise the first four days in June, are Mrs. E. T. Wcide, who as president will either go or appoint her alternate, and Mrs. Dickson, with Mrs. O. W. Phelps as alternate. Mrs. Hobart was appointed on tho as republican presidential candidate, but tho campnlgn In his behalf has been dropped, according to an nn-nocm-t-inem by his local managers to Bay. II followed a lengthy telegraph from Hoover urging them to make ev ery c-tfori toward defeating the "no league candidate (Johnson) rather than advancement of my ( Hoover's) name." - - ' . . Hoover's managers refused to com mit the r.-eives when a'xlcad If they would try to swing the votes to Wood or I.o.v0en. Hamlin' Wizard Oil Is a safe and I effective treatment for headache and i neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain ' is, it acta aa a tonic to the tortured j nerves and almost invariably bring ' quick relief. I It healing, antiseptic qualities can ! ajways be relied upon to prevent In I lection, or other serious results, from ' sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and . alines, lust as Brood, too. for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Whsard Liver Whips, pleasant little- pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. ' THE THOMAS SHOP mmmmmmmmmm OUR PHENOMENAL send representatives to either the Spa or Brus&ett conferences unless French troops are entirely withdrawn from the main district by May 16, accord ing to a central nows dispatch from Berlin today. lively decked with snowball blossoms year book committee to serve with and purple lilacs, was the scene yes- j Mrs. A. J. Owen and Mrs. Boyden In terday of a meeting; of the Research the absence of Mrs. Hartman. najned rlub, tin. Eva Wissler and Mrs. Harry .earlier in the year, who is traveling; lu-nson beine hostesses for the affair. , In the orient. Annual election of officers marked the? day and Mrs. Clarence Bdmuruls was named president. Mrs. James Hill, vice-president. Xhi. E. B. Paer. cor responding secretary; Mrs. H. K. Mc-1-ean, recording secretary and Mrs. T. II Kemboldt treasurer. Adjoining for a social hour, the truest enjoyed two vocal solos by Mrs. Barbara Edmunds. Mrs. Mae Ilagar playing her accompaniment. Mr. :! Sturdlvant assisted the host eases during the serving of a buf fet luncheon and additional guests ot the club Included Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder. Jr.. Mr, fjester Ramsey and Mrs. iKidge. Members yesterday made plans for The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wade and a tea hour filled the later hours. Blue lupin added charm to the living rooms and lilacs centered a dainty table where Mrs. John Vert presided. Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones and Mrs. Harold J. Warner, assisted In serving the guest. The affair marked the final meet ing, in the Thursday Afternoon club year, the 192U-21 season being sched uled to begin the lost week in Sep tember. Retiring officers are Mrs. Wade president; Mrs. A. Schaefer. vlco president; Mrs. Warner, secretary: Mrs. Boyden, treasurer and Mrs John ilatlev. auditor. NEW FACTORIES SP1UJJO VP (By Associated Press.) ANCHORAGE, Alaska, April 14. Anionic the now Industries of Alaska and ones that will recover large re turns from hitherto wastes are fish fertilizer factories which are being built by' large cannery plants. These plants are of modern type and will handle the by-products or the canneries. Second Fattest Member of "Work and Grow Thin" Club Following Orders pittMSiUtgawigigajaa T (fly Associated Press.) TOXDON, May 14. The -Oerman cabinet, after full discussion with min isters of the federal states, decided unanimously that Germany should not HOPT-S rPSTATRS APP.VRFI. SHOP FOR WOMKN Saturday Specials at the Upstairs Apparel Shop MISSES' AND WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES Values up to $45.00 $29.75 SUITS AT ONE-HALF PRICE. COATS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. SEPARATE SILK SKIRTS in a most beautiful color assortment all specially priced. NEW SUMMER DRESSES OF VOILE ARE IN. Jj ! Qpji Lwest in price i I.IV I. It IVHI-lWi V.' .......... . iiiiiiii --Ml . . J Two weeks after tne experiment was ' begun, 168 pound? had been shed by ! the forty woinon members of Health J Commissioner Dr. John Dill Robert -! son's "work and grow thtn" ctusa In j Chicairo. That van an average of 4.2 ! pounds each. Dr. Robertson's sec j oid harvest pupil is Mrs. Florence i'eters, who is 5 feftt 3 1-2 inches tall and weighs 2 1 2 pound. Meting, j walking and f-ettinK 'P eaercises are I prescribed but the health comm i salon er mum work in a Kurd en or over the (wash tub is the best reducer- Highest in Quality its unwise! to pot off to-da a duly until to Burrow. If your itoBaca la ad-diattBrbMl taha KmioidS tka aaw aU fa tatfaa aaaafart A ptouant relief fron tka discomfort af adsVljaanaala, HADK 1ST SCOTT BOWNB MAIfESS OF SOUTTS EMULSION HIIIIIIIIIIIIMtHlimlllimilMIII!niHMIIIIinHHIUIHIItinilllllliniHIIHIIHIIIIIIIIi i-v -r t TTaTTaT A PL''I'PDT A far the most particular ap- H Serres you the moet particular foods petite. Displai lug a variety of choice . s-die-w Vrf i"T IIS I S AI.AIlS w a7x VS, ' "o sTrKf-s- Xn roW0. pathwew THK BEST TO BE 1WM). Not from a S T14E BEST ICE CREAM IS PE.VDI.ETO!. Select just what you want to eat from the steam table. printed menu. Hotel St. George Basement Front Entrance. aHMtHlinilHIHItlHIIIIIHIWrtrHtlf4rlinniHHIIIIIHHIItHHmHMIIHBIHHWIIIIIIIIIUH imiinHiiiiiiiiiHiimtiiiiini lllltllllllllllMlllllllillllllllllllllllfllllltlllllllllMHHUIIIirt ROLLED BARLEY SPRING WHEAT ROLLED OATS CHICKEN FEED ALFALFA SEED HOG FEED RYE WHOLE OATS COW FEED SEED CORN TIMOTHY SEED UMATILLA FLOOR & GRAIN CO. 2 1 Phone 1014, 475, 351 UQakjQrJmMti 1 m B 1 II V ft. VJ BW 1'J 11 laT -l SvonrrL U ( The Paper with the Lovely Finish THE exquisite texture of Symphony Writing Paper pro vides splendid writing surface. That ii why it is the choice of ao many smart women for their correspondence. Symphony Writing Papers are to be had in three finishes and variety of fashionable tints. Made up in many sises and shape, to meet every demand of good taste. May be purchased by the quire or the pound. Also correspondence cards, with envelopes. may i. ioao. 1 mmmmmmmim I I 1 u w 1 m mm mmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm TWSX.V1 PAGES I - M JL'iMt-J. U-HJllSIBUH'g -L.J- IJLJ.X1. .1. J'y I IBM I 1 Stock Reduction SALE STILL CONTINUES WITH GREATER BARGAINS As the stock is reduced so are the Prices. SUITS NOW AT ONE HALF PRICE AND LESS. COATS ONE BIG LOT AT 32475. Values up to $50.00 Others at 319.75, $3475 and up. DRESSES The very newest in the most dependable materials. NOW FROM $1 7.50 to $79.50 ALL BLOUSES, SKIRTS, PETTICOATS AND SILK UNDERWEAR REDUCED. Compare the Style, Quality and Prices of our Garments. BENEDICTS VVIN GAME BUT LOSERS PROTEST The married men are supreme In the field of bueb4tll, and In 'iaiokering." too, if the slngl men ar right. The married boys took their single friends down the line again but evening at Itound-Vp park with a 3 to 2 score. In a game that went five Inning. The five inning agreement, however. Is gomethlng that the losers declared they knew nothing about. They swear by all that is holy in baseball that the married men agreed on seven Innings, hut quit when the quitting was good. Marshall Spell, a disinterested spec tator of the unmarried variety, stands with the benedicts. Hill Carey was tricked Into' leading hi mates to defeat, the single men further maintained today. He was inveigled Into patting out of turn In the fifth, with two men out, the base full, and the score 3 to 2 In favor of the benedicts, for batting out of turn, he was called out, some. of trie more important rule ot the game having when convenient, been brought Into play for the benefit of either side. That end4 the game, the married men having whlfed the odor of boiled cabbage arid ham hock In their se lective abodes and the call to dinner. The victory last 'evening was the second . straight for th hubhtex and they now claim undisputed title In the local baseball world. START TOMORROW AND KEEP IT UP EVERY MORNING a into the habit of drinking , flaw of hot water before braafcfaat. BINGHAM SPRINGS WILL OPEN SEASON SATURDAY Bingham Springs, popular mountain resort, will bavo Its official 192" season opening tomorrow evening nnd Sunday with (he pool and dance open and everything running In full swing. For th fourth eonsecu live year, Fletcher's J Orchestra will strike up the tunes of the open ing dance tomorrow evening and will also play for the matinee danoe on Sunday. Fred BrtieA, who has leased the eon. cessions at Bingham Springs, and W. W. ICoch, manager are In Pendleton today making final preparation for th official opening. Mr. Horn today purchased from the Simpson Auto Co.. a one-ton Ford truck with a capacity of 12 parsons, which will operate be tween the spring and the railroad rtatton at Gibbon. The dining room 1 open for regular business and Is In charge of L. A. Bu leii The attraction now, In addition to dancing and swimming, are fishing and mountain climbing. Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their system with druggs. "What'H an Inside bath"? you say. Well. It Is guaranteed lo perform miracles according to hot water enthusiasts. Ther are vast number of men and women who, immediately upon arising In th morning, drink a glus of ho: water with a teasponnful of limestone Phosphate it It. Thia is a very excel lent health meamire. It Is intended tv flush the stomach, liver, kidneys arid Intestine, of the previous day's waste, sour bye and indigestible ma terial left over' In the body which If not eleminlated every day. become food for the millions of bacteria which In fest the born-els. the quick result Is poi sons and toxins which are then absorb ed Into the blood, causing headache, bilious attack, foul breath, bad taste, cold, stomach trouble, kidney misery, sleeplessness. Impure blood and all sorts of ailments. k.o:e faei good one day and I idly the neat, but who simply can not t tr-nn-r right are urged to obtain a gitagcar puttnd of limestone j Pbospbat at th drug store. This , ... Im vry little but It sufficient to r'j,'B :nyiv)e a real crank on th sub--1 flt e ' internal sanitation. ' IMPROPER CLASSES are often worse than none. To flay the least, If you need glasses you should wear them only after a thorough examina tion of your eyes by a skill ed optometrist. If you come here you will find modern equip ment and when glasses are needed they are ground to the exact requirements of your vision. (Thorough training and 16 years' experience at, your service. .TlJallHtitTl.Mil.HjF ar4 1L 4 a -LaJlli' '' 6iAstes ohouno to At voub Eves , UimsUururjtruoM Shoot wmgc AMERICAN lATBANKttJIUMN& PENDLETON. Phon60 Missionary I Visitor For the pat 17 year Rv. Fetsoldt has been acting a a missionary to the Indians on the Crow reservation In Montana. He Is now devoting himself also to the Interests of th Inter, f'hiireh World Movement, and Is her on that mission today. He will visit the 1'matlllu Indian reservation, a on of his duties Is to visit all reservation In the Northwest. While her he will confer with Princess Bluefether. In. dmn woman, whi recently returned from service over and who I anx ious to establish a "Y" hut In Pendle ton for the use of Indian men and women. IIMUIHnUIUIaVlllillltllMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIItllH THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. Th Raul I Store Common sens U mere than otherwlae. UDComrnoa For Three Generations the Sealy has been the standard in mattren values. We recommend it to all our customers who want nothing but the best. It is guaranteed for 20 years against packing, spreading or becoming lumpy. It never has to be remade.1 The Sealy is truly representative of the high grade of merchandise carried in our home fur nishing department. i are very rraioiiahU east we invite your impaction. Crawford Furniture Company HOME FURNISHER Phone 103 E. Court St. 498 I til Phone , 496 I .I'll.) , iSu