PAGE BLUhBt TWLV PAGES DAILY KAST OKKQOWIAH, PBHDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAT 14, 1020 WANT ADS, CLASSIFIED ,1 Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lowt, Found, For Rent Etc. v-iasbincu r JEasy jseierence Counting six ordinary words to , the line and charged by ,. the Una. WWt ads and locale. Here. Par I I... Elrat Insertion. fer Ifne ....... eh add. Insertion, pit lino . 10c ,1 "'"rtnaj, each Insertion, per line lc 1 mo. each insertion, per line! 4c I month contract, each Inner tlon, per line jc It-month contract, each ln seitlon, per line jc No ada taken (or leaa than 2 t lines. Minimum charge JJc Ada taken oyer, the telephone 'only from Hunt Oregonlan sub acrlbera and thoae listed In the Telephone Directory. Copy must be In our office not later than 3:S0 o'clock day of publication. FOR SALE WANTED Continued Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Viciritty Thla Directory l especially handy foi the out-of-town reader who may want the nam and address of responsible bualneee men tl the foiowing linos. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt and efficient service. FOB SAI-K Marqula Phone ttit. seed wheat h i-.i r hour- WA NTBIJ--Phone 171. Woman by the FOB BALES White Wicker buggy I WANTED Oood clean rag at The good a new Phone 48-M. FOR- SAL young cows and calves Address Box 84, Adams, Ore. East Oreftontaa office. WANTED Few sets of harness. Phore &12-M.1 good used AUTO TIRES and Where to Buy Them. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK CLEANING AND PRESSING 1 8. BENTLBY & CO. Goodyear and diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alia and Garden Mta. . AUTO Electric Work of air kinds. ! MODEL, TAILORS A CLEANERS Magneto, starter. Ignition, etc El- Pressing and repairing. 804 W ectric Service Station, Garden and I Webb St. Court streets. -- OPTICAL DALE ROTH WELL Optometrist and tDtician. Ola sea ground to fit your Phone 831, Pendleton Ore. oyea, American National Bank BUlld- - Phone sirs. FOR .' ONS set of carpenter tools Address "0-S" this office. WANTED Small -unfurnished permanent Phone 292-M. house lOEHTSON A MARTY Gates 1 Soles, 8000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 837 Cottonwood St. Half WH) REPAIR anything electrical on CONTRACTORS & BUILDERf f an automobile, w. k. Chase Co. TWO Gfiop COWS for sale George 1 A' ANTED Seeon, mini Ford with warntei, Riverside Phone 297-w. NEW TODAY ranch Phono WANTED Cock on 'V- Uotwf wnse,(.. ( Atl'Alil.i: JflifNG '.Mi.M.W of i;o",i ippr am ne , elfh .,.,.. In nlneas and Imspliul iruinNig, wishes position for th fumrncr- wTdferi t'lf-M'' care mis O'llce. FOli HALE Four roomed furnished house- -Inquire 3(19 Tuillln or Phone 716. FOR SALE Black Walnut kitchen cabinet 614 Lllleth St., Phone I02-W. CARLOAD OP JACKS from Eastern Oregon Jack Farm on sale at Echo. Oregon. FOR SALE Black 'Minorca eggs for hatching O. K. Feed Yard Phone Cl. express . Phone 316-W. WANTED Woman l house work on farm - do general I'hono 3F2. ONE GoOD MILCH CO vV for sale Oe'orBO Wachlel. Riverside, Phone 297-W. ,. U Girl or woman to do gen eral housework. Inquire 701 Jack son St. ato, , PENDLETON BOBBER A BUPPLY CO Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sll vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vac uum Cup 20S E. Court AUTO REPAIRING PENDLETON CYCLE CO. Ajar, Re vere and Savage tires. 128 E. Court street. SIMPSON CTRB SERVICE CO. Re public and Firestrne tires, cords or fabric. 223 E. Court St., Phone (61. PERKINS & AMMONB, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make of car. 8rvlce at any time. (20 Cottonwood- Phone Ml. PARKER & BAN FIELD. Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 10 years experience "n concrete and brick con struction. Columbia Bg., Portland Or. POULTRY SUPPLIES DRAYMEN THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Taction guaranteed. We repair any ! try tia.unng make. CHen Uni, 632 Cottonwood. CALL PEN LAND Br 9a., Transfer Tan ! to move Tour household good Ws oaiis- . -lflft neck or store, foods. We OlO Telephone lis. FOR SALE OR RENT Upright piano good condition Phone 54. X a. m. tor 6 p. m. NOTICES IS. V M. M. 1,11 P. nillei . thinner floyai Arch Mas ons will luuveue Friday the 14th lo confer tho Mark. Paul and Moxt Bxcel leiy Xtu ie .. degrees. low of nine. I oimiur for sain Fi- h'-i mariu in el.ony case. dark wul Di e i rn miile. i pie, ex; oak dln rhaj room lahle, x ft exienalon. dln ttil room rh'oifs, oak buffet, oak hall room raok, 1 oak rocker. m hnngany rockers.l oak wardrobe, 1 bedroom rug. blue and white, 9 by 12; 6 pair window Curtains, almost new. Various other small articles. As the above must be dlnposed of s( once prsFes will be, made to suit buyer. MRS. JOHN VERT, 7 College. FOR HALE Well drilling machine, or will trade for aood auto Inuuir- 15 East Alfa. FOR SALE The beat little cattli. ranch In I'matllla Coilnty Sao head short horns, euny ierm H. T. Wade. FOR KALE No. 1 baled alfalfa hay m ear lota. For prices Wilts or P.ione W. A. Mathers Hermurtcn, Ora. WANTED Man to cook for survey party Inquire State Highway office Orllman Bldg. WXfflPEJb AT ONCE Competent girl for general housework bust wages, apply 722 Jane or Phone 3S2-J. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to Job workcity or country. Phone 202 W. call 114 Lilllth St WALLacK BROS. Flak Tlrea, cords sr fabric. We do sur own adjusting 808-12 "Johnson St. AUCTIONEER COL, W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls 8c Storie s Implement Co., for sale dates- WESTERN AUTO CO. United States Tlrea. Both cord and fabric Cor. Cottonwood and Water Sts. ATTORNEYS DENTIST CHICK FOOD Scratch food. bona. Shell, exit, corn reiy. Umatilla ilorfr m Or-aln Co, PIANO TUNING WE CAN TUNE your piano any sTeeres any time. Phon, graph repairing. Warrerio Mnato Uosass 114 Phone 524. PIANOS AND PLAYERS I HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing i ton quality. Players of individuality. Its the construction that counts. Sea J piano on display, write or phone It s I lice Hive, S28 Main St, Phon 107 ' J. p. Daraall. Factory Ren.. Kohlar 4s HAN A VAN Dentistry. chlIS(. piano Co. DR. FLOYD CROUP ' Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bldg. 'hone 2t Pendleton, Ore 8YNON BYNON Attorney at law. lt-l-lV Belts building, over Bond Bros. Telephone 1(4. FOR SALB - Anybody wishing a set of brand new 36 by 0 U n. Hoi-l Cord Tires at great discount. Phone 17. FOR SALE One" span horses. 1 wag on, hsrnes and 4Vck. Reason ably priced owner leaving town In quire COS Post St. EXPCTtlKNrED truck driver and gatl tractor engineer wauU work mar ried mini -Address "87 -A, or Phone 2F4. UiiB office, I WANTED TC RENT 0 room house furnished or partly furnished n children--references furnished In quire F. L. Jewett, 406 K. Court. AUTO TOPS uauwa'S AUTO TOPS, Plat Glass Backs, Sid Curtains 101 East Court St AUTO TRANSFER A.M. BOYDEN Stand at HcnninEH Cigar Store. Country trips Phone 0. FEE & FEE. Attorneys at Law. nil. h. m Room 7. Temp e Bldg., Ph ne 7z ENGRAVED CARDS GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at VISITING CARDS, Wedding An Law, Room 17, Schmidt bloc, nouncemants, invitations, make d- cTbTER SMYTHE. AttornTax i 1''? ' ZSZ? " Law. Office In rear of merle I National Bank building. jPajnting and Paper Hanging I J. W. JACKSON Wall paper for sal cheap, painting, paper hanging and kalsominlng by day or contra lliono 1031 fit ivln 8t Of- USE0 CAR EXCHANGE FOB. SALE One Bttidehuker touring car In good condition City Market, !l W. Webb. FOR SALE Leas with outfit and crop on 1240 acres good Wheatland, the price Is right- See Joe Kerley, in survnee, Ixiano, Real Estate. OLD LINE Life Insurance Company wants good man or Woman to rep resent it In Eastern Oregon, local or general agency, no previous experience necessary. A real opportunity to go In business for yourself, we will teach you how if you have the ability to earn, Write or call, Wm. J. Holpa, supervisor of agents. Hotel Pendleton. fices In Despain Building. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any slue, style or, shape glass while you watt. D. K. K Ror Pendleton Auto Stage B. I. KBATOR. Attorney at Law. J Reber. M. D. 7. 8. 9 Beltz Bldg. ' " a, O tu. w IV OU II J Jl, OfllHIl-iaWLtiru DUIIUIUB. Leave Pendleton at 10: to a. m. j Leaves Pilot Roek at 1 p. m. ! A- IOWELL Attorney and Counsel Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. 4 tor Law. Office In Deapaln Bid FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. 4 3. A. NEWBERRY. Federal Building. Attorney at Lav. FOR RENT ROOMS ALTA FOR SALB Two lata, north vide, east - . front, no grading, no retaining ' APia- AND n,i, into, mm omiw nciKiiumiiuwi mmi ... W. D. Humphrey, 107 fi. Court 8t ! R.E.:F""ihe,l APTS. Sleeping KOBI 1918 alt new tires, good shape very' reasonable for quick sale Phon H 722 Cottonwood St. FOR 3U1CK SAL New 6 -room modern house, near Lincoln school I450O. flSOO cash, balance, monthly payments. Jo Kerley. Phon 477. FURNITURE FOR SALE Whltman Phone 418. -H. P. FOR KALE Oft TRADE It-It. P. Tractor good condition will trade for young mules or hor'fs" TBon 10F2 or address Geo. c Hill, Pendle ton, Oregon. FOR BALE 16000 My thoroughly FOR RENT Small furnished Inquire Arlington Room- apt modern home at 225 Jan St. Hot FOB, BENT SleeDlng -ooms, outside wafer 'heat, garage, large basement and 4 icHPtt. 'tt. Butler, lis W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. rO'It SALE One 7 passenger Paige, .all cord tires, good condition, newly j best streets In city. FOR HALE 2.1 -room boarding house: in waua waits locaieu un one m , l none ,(,..- .M. 7 baths, all rooms e'rWfhce--!!lI fjllelh St.. Phon. 202-W. FOP. n E N'T Furnished room suitable ' for one or. two 710 Johnson St., or LOST AND FOUND ' w .vv LOST Baby's silk hood on Main St.. Saturday night, reward Phone 275-J. LOST- Small black purse with small change and ladies watch liberal reward leave at this office. i PETERSON, BISHOP CLARK. At torneys at Law. Room 1 and 4 : Smith-Crawford building. EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST DR. A. M. SIMMONS, eye sight spe cialist Penland Bldg.. over Tall man Drug Co., Phone 436-J. piiNTD w.i ii Puoer. Picture Ing. El J. .vfcAte. th ftmmsu Paint Man. Lowe Bros., P In at fc ' RADIATOR REPAIRINQ j ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WOHKsT ' 701 East Alts, street All mtd t radiators repaired. Work C. Blasberg. Prop. RESTAURANT FARM LOANS R. M. TURNER. Attorney at Law. Rooms 7, 8. . Despain bulldlag TAMES B. PEItRT, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Company. E STRAY ED from my place: at Cayuse. one white horse and on bay horse weight about ir.00 or 1603 lbs., brand ed quarter circle' A on right hip. Shod i pjrEn BL .i uui snoen were loose, rjotn had roached manes suitable reward Phone 21F3. RALEY A RALEY Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. THE QUELLE. A good plao I RUGS HEMSTITCHING IEM8TITCHJNO at the Singer hop. Mail orders promptly attended to. Law. Bldg. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Room 14. Smith -Crawford MISCELLANEOUS BATTERIES IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE elves BATTERIES repaired or recharged trouble Phon 70S. ' new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station. Cor. Garden and court painted. On S passenger Reo. newly Ented, 4 new tlrea, 1 -ood extra- One debaker Roadster, good condition. Itoagland. 722 Cottonwood St FOB SALB Buick bug. D-35, I37S; good mechanical condition. Buick touring, D-S5. good shqpe. 2500. Paige touring, light ltts model. Terms on all sales Blue Mi. Motors Co., Inc. Phone 70" 701 W. A'- large. Oood buy. tlculara address Oregonlan . , For further par 78-C" car East CHOICEST LOT ON NORTH SlttB Only 3 blocks from bridge oh Madi son afreet, paved, level and ready tb build on. Adjoins a new 120,000 resi dence now being completed Inquire E. A. fiehiffler. FOR HA1.E -One 1918 Ford roust about, Bosch magneto, demountable rims. S3H0.00; S175 cash, balance SZf per month. t$ HIS. Chevrolets 1' o.i. 200 down, balance 2f. per month, one 1918 Reo, excellent con dition, near paint, cord tires. One 11 Cadillac, very best mechanical , , ion. a bargain. 1910 Chevrolet. 1000 Eastern Oregon Motor Co. SEATTLE BRUSH FIRES ARE UNDER CONTROL WANTED rf a. - WANTED At the Arlington Rooma chambermaid Apply In person. (My Assoclafrd Press.) SEATTLE. May 14. Brush fires mitning ever ,t thousand acre tract on KermWe Hill, north of Seattle, wMcri threatened valuable residence properties!, last night Were reported under control with actual damagfr, smaTorohardT Prompt wort today ! ANTED-P.s0r. for head by u fore of hired firefighters and residents of the district, saved a nomber of homes from th flames. The fire is expected to burn in the slashings for several days. - W HAVE for Immediate sal at a sacrifice price on of the beat large homes In Pendleton. If yon are loot ing for a real home you will sure be Interested. No trouble to ask u about it Kerley A. Lundell. FOR SALE Well established taxi business. Including Ii taxi cabs And 3 touring cars, nil In first class condi tion. Good reason for selling part cash, balance terms. Address O. F. Parker, p. O. Box 167, Pendleton, Ore. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms suitable for two 902 E. Bluff. Phone 204-M. HEMSTITCHING Ralph Hassell-tfl-M. Mail order -417 Bush, Phone PHILADELPHIA -Mrs. FOR RENT Nice sleeping Beard across th street 102-M. til Garden. Phone I BEAUTY SHOP DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. B. Chase Co., 820 B. Court Telephone 29. Pendleton. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front sleeping room with bath accommo dations, north side ;38g SB BEAUTIFIED shon. -Tiidd Blda at Ml Robbl , Phone ISM. I CATERPILLAR WORK FOR RENT Two nice clean front rooms. Can be made ready for honsekeeping or sleeping rooms 210 Willow St. Also 3 -room apt. Pioneer Picnic ' Caterpillars, harvesters, gaa engines, Twenty-elgTtth Annual Re-Union. ! automobiles snd generalbtacKsmith natilla Countv Pioneer Weston. Or- ,n- Round-Up Garcge, Parks V Neb- crgall, 212 West Webb. Umatilla County Pioneer Weston, Ore gon, June 4th and Sth. fall For Bids Sealed proposals wil be received up !. to fiye o'clock P. M. Saturday, May 15, J-J r l3a. foe liirnl.hln- rrn.l1l.. rv,,.,t, DR., L Oregon, with 100 cords of red fir 4ft , CHIROPRACTORS FOB SALE Modern room house I new paper and paint Phon S38-W! or c&p at 405 Irffls St, LENA A. BOONE. Chiropractor fli ot-e Cneh M.rllal tOfi tB Demobilise the army of nseress fed- 1 "rn. 100 cords of red fir 4ft -" hn" r" eral employes and pay the armv of 1 wooa ana tmrly lona 01 KOCK springs 7'7- - useful employes what they are worth. 1 !"mJ coa'i WOOd to bc C,lt from 1R- B . ELLSWORTH specializing ' 1 , timber and f. o. b. Pendleton? cnnl to I , - 1. 1 . .. ... ,11 jiei vous unseitaeo una u us i wi , ue aeiiverea to tne umatuia county 1 Library. The Court reserved the right to re- lect any and all bids. ! Dated this 3rd day of M.ay 1020. R. T. BROWN, County CJerk. DR. C. H. DAY Physician am) Surgeon Osteopath looms 31 and 2t Smith-Crawford Bid;. relepnone vu. Be. 74 9-R women. 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6: SO p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone 70S, Smith Crawford Building. DR. LOR ETTA H. STARBA 9-10 Peel ler Bldg. 3 to II a. m.: 1:30 to 5 n. m.i other hours bv ate thai pointment; Phone Of. 638. Res. 1169 Carranza may wish, after all I 11,1.1 own .iiinn, couKiuerdie o me . I moderate demands of this country arid DBS'. TERPENINO Chiropractic and its allies. He may need to seek refuge Sanipraetors. 316 Tustln, Phone 442. in one of them. 4 4 2. A woman's confidence In a man us ually depends upon her liking for him rather than upon his reliability. Too many men wait until they ore done to a turn before turning over a new leaf. .... PAlOT OILS Good Drying Paint Oils S7.2R a gallon in bulk; SI. 35 in cana Ps'tro Turps, a ?oftderful cleanser for Furnltur snd- Houso Paint, not great?. .'. .0nc fit h : too In cans Roof and Bant Patau Black, Bed or Brown $1.00 gal: $1.10 In nu" Green or Grey. $1.00 .; $ 0 In en Victory Oil & Paint Co., Inc. . Derby Street, Portland, Ores UKRMAN t1.Al'KSEMl B . Special Agent Idaho Ste te Uf Insurance Co. Bus Old lane diiupAny that dot all K business In the west ,10 Be-uraStP. O. FOR RENT" OFFICE ROOM Apply JOE 5IX, 735 Main St. of stooV. B B. F. Hosslagton, Hermls ton. Oregon. ' WANTED Tree trimming. window washing, "wall paper and chimney cleaning Phone Smithy, S81-J. HELP! HBLP! W can give steady employment to several girls or wom en Apply at one at Domestic Laundry. WANTED Work" operating farm tractor four yeatrs experience writ Alfred ream ark. Gen. Del. Psa-dleton. WANTED Young woman to learn lalanhnns oneratlng. Permanent positions assured. Salary paid while learning. Apply to chief operator at 'lflfl si hS sa aha m ease! m mm 4 m STANIXRD SENDS TWO NOIttW (By Assoclatea Press. ) STANFORD UNIVERSITY. May 14. Two women delegates wITI be sent from Stanford to attend the annual conference of the Women's Athletic Association of the Paclflo coast which will h held at the University of Wash ington at Seattle In the latter part of May. Miss Helen Masters Bunting has been named faculty delegate from here. DOINGS OF THE QUFPs What Does the Name Matter Among Friends. 3Y ALLMAN lTS VttlK A llfRE 1 I FASTER -1 WAN n o ,' Ott TO TUe or f ice A- tuwiv AS 1 cam TKRi MtrfOJIrK. -J m. " .IliAT- A Mtatk.T-? T: u I Tl MB i.-rUi-r rv.oV -r77, ! MP . Ml uV -Avr-aiV riiAti:rJ npieivxpiHiso ii 1 w.ibi lLij4 k vl-- tkt INSURANCE L M. BULLOCK, Metropolitan Lit Insurance Agent Phone S5-W. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK 3RINQ yutrr Junk to the Pendleton Hide at Junk Co. See us before you elL L, D. Cameron, Prop. JOB PRINTING LETTER HEADS, Envelopes; Bill HeadJ, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Codgers, Placards, etc printed to your order. Kaat Oregon Ian Office. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and prtnt Ing for th amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tollman Drag Co. :EW and attractive ruga made frof. ynvr old Ingrain and Brussel, Pttf- ... . the u :uia v ana nun bjik Co.. 1 : il Walla Walla Ave., Walla, Wash., l'hone 1677. Walla SECOND HAND FURNITURE spkax tri UPHOL8TEB1NO A Phone 522. Repair work our We buy and sell household Riley A Kemp, tit Main. SECONDHAND ST0f!E WK BUY AND SELL all kind of ao ond hand goods and shoes. Repair ing a specialty. Martin Keys, 210 W. Webb. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In near and s ond hand goods. Cash paid fa second ham. good. Cheapest plao tj buy household goods 11$ . Court Phone 271-W. Sewing Machine Repairing LEGAL BLANKS ALL MAKES of Sawing Machines re paired and cleaned at Singer store. LEGAL BLANKS of every description. BtMk Deeds, Leases, Writs, BUI of sal. Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits ! Complaints, Summons, etc., for sale at i Bast Oregonlan Office. LAUNDRY EVEBY Article Laundered There's an agent in your Troy Lan dry. 608 Garden 3t JIUiJiWEtMS A STEAM CABINET BATH In connec tion with Swedish massage and ex ercise will keep you In good condition both physically and mentaiy. If you are sick a coarse of our treatment i will build you up again. Taylor Bklg., j ( over Taylor Hdw. store. Phone 1079-W Perfectly. ; -,. ..... -ri ir-n a nrirriri MADE TO MEASURE SHIRTS Eindgren A Franser , 735 Main St The most UD-to-date effectual j Ing science practised. K. F. GtbsO, P. 8. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bid. ! SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER" LAND SURVEY General engineer ft work. 7- A. La usdale. O. EL, River. side, Pendleton Or. OSTEOPATH TAILORS DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian ami Surgeon. Judd Bldg., Tele phone. Office, 608; Residence 27I-W. DR. LENA Osteopa thic physician and surgeonTemple Bldg. Office Phone 347-J. Res.. 760-J. Over Tallman Drng Co. If some men were paid according to their worth their pay days would be few nd far bejafeen. v Dr. Lynn K. Blakeske Jhronlo and Nervous Diseases of Women. X-Ray Elec tro Therapeutic. Temple Bdg. Room H Phon SIS OO N KMthM T44AY VOO "TWO ATotJOTHBPte TAtMMC PORTWEAflN TWO MIslUTiFS EUACTtN vjeU. I WAS 0 GOD To SB- HER I macn't M,n ui 11 VI r uari 50 MAWV TVMSK1S TO Ten. WH OTMCR- r- rmw if TWleJo - I NEVEC ) K46v4 MOl NAME i r J J ViuAT'ft Med j V -3ft OUR LINE OF JAMS, JELLIES AND PRESERVES IS COMPLETE. Apricot Jam, in tin 50c Peach Jam, in tin 50c Jellies, in glass 20c to 90c Preserves in glass. Strawberry, Raspberry, Peach, Blackberry, Pineapple. Orange Marmalade, Cranberry Sauce. 50c, 60c Apple Butter in tin 50c And Don't Forget BUTTERNUT BREAD The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Phone 86 Grocery Dept Phone 688