TWELVE PAGES PAOE TWO DAILY EAST, OREOOlf IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY U 1920. E GIVE YOU THE BEST FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE EVERY DAY. FINE LONG COATS I OK SUMMED TR WEL OP, SHORT ONES FOR SiORT EAR. There's nothing more comfortable mid nothing more "al ways In style" than the full length utility" Wht Whether in Serge, Trieotine or in Tweed, these serviceable gar ments fill a variety of needs. 'Trimming kit as include corded tucks, stitching and new ar rangements of button trim mings. For street wear, travel or motoring, these highly desir able garments are recommended. They are true to the' contour of the Spring silhouette, straight of line and reaching almost to the hem of the skirt. Trieotine New Goldtones Velour Checks Silvertones Polo Cloths Plumette FANCY PARASOLS ( ame in yesterday and there is a dec lot of them for the "kiddies" too that will be sure to please them. I OH SAY! HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW NECKWEAR. On display in one of our windows. It's very distinctive and smart and very much the vogue. A glance will' con vince you of its correctness: I FOR BRIGHTENING THE HOME Our stocks of these fine quality curtain materials include scrims, marquisettes and voiles in many new and exclusive patterns, suitable for every room in the house. This is truly an excellent opportunity for those who are refitting their homes for the new season. And please remember we will make your draperies np to measure "and in the way you want them. Charges for this special service are onlv nominal. N INTERESTING LOT OF NEW STAMPED GOODS are on display in the Art Department. It will repay you to visit this section. SPECIAL SALE OF IN AS SUITS .. . ...... Ai ., ' We have selected a very fine assort ment of suits from our hoys' clothing stock, including sizes from 10 to US years. In the lot arc a nundcr of On' gon Cassimcres, wonderful wearers and fine lookers, flepular values up to $1(5.00. Special Price $9.85 All these fabrics you will find represented in our Spring Coats showing $18.75 to $88.00 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones ail 15 All Other Depts. call 22. Tru Blu Fancy Assorted Cookies, pound , . 45c Fresh Crisp Saratoga Chips, package 20c Fancy Mild Tillamook Cheese, pound 45c Swiff Boiled Ham Sliced to your order, pound 75c Bluehill Pimento and Green Chili Cheese each 20c The Best Peanut Butter in bulk, pound 30c Fresh Country Butter, 2 pounds $1-10 Ivaiihoe White Silk Fabric Gloves You can be sure of tomr, "satisfac'-' ' tory service from Ivanlioe silk gloves. Excellent quality pure silk is used in their manufacture unit every pair of them fit Bmoothly ami perfectly. And I heir neat, double woven finger tips mean lengthened wear and added val ue which one appreciates in return for one's money. We have Ivahhoe gloves In all sizes and styles. The 16 button length in black and white Is very popular at SI. 75 to $a.00 Short glows at 83c to 2.25 Lovely Sheer White Cotton Fabrics All of the tfrunto-l mimmor fabrics arii hrc. Orffandles, nainsooks, dot ted swifts, dimples, batistes and voiles for graduation ami party frotks, for blouses, lingerie and dainty baby things. Never were finer qualities of fered Iban thefte. Then there fere crossbars, woven de signs o sheer voiles and the heavier materials for skirtings. A wide range at popular prices. Italian Silk Bloomers, Vests and Chemise Lots of it in the good quali ties at prices that are very reasonable. A Showing of. Real Hand Made Lace and medallions in the filet eifect that will please you We ask the privilege showing them to you. ERC 4300 YARDS I LE 27c PER Y Mil). A most excellent grade of 12 hu h Pillow Tubing al 69c per yard. WASH GOODS TBI(, l HtlCES of Quilt Coverings A most suitable material for quilt covering and vari ous other uses. ' 24c yard Utility Cloth 50c goods for shirts, ap rons, rompers, dresses, etc. 37c Yard Cinghums Special lot of dress ging ham and apron gingham on sale. 2fk- Yard Cretonnes 900 yards of the most use ful material for this season. 39c Yard r Ask to see our Men's Suits at $45.00. They're real values. PENDLETOI& GREATEST DEPARTMENT STOI r-ir -T i TiT iJn.Q reopies ware jMilWtt WMFPIP IT PAVS TO TRADE nousg, Come in and have a look at our Men's Suits at $37.50. They're real bargains. ii u n u ! - - ' .N K 1-1 NW 1-i. Sic. 4, Tli. 4. -V. It. CARNIVAL SPARKLES WITH MUSIC AND FUN I noise down town with a concert and ,grood impression war evident last - t-J-nd, -r were JWggg; ! followed by the show band and tHen cnlidren were patronizing- the va- !the big crowd turned their steps to- jriOUs shows., wrth an apparent feeling jward the big play ground. Hides that everything was well regulated Were you at the Bour.d-Cp band carnival last night? , , , There were plenty of folks at the opening of the Greater Alamo shows last night. The big lot starting at Al- ta and Clay was a mass of humanity and apparently each one of them was enjoying every monsetJt of the ime. There wan everything that goes to make up the happy carnival spirit, lights, music, unusual sights. The Greater Alamo shows will conclude their engagement here Saturday night. . The Round-Cp band Btarted the Im wit nMtronized. the whip, mer dy-go-round. ferris wheel and aerial swing were doing a rushing business. ;The autodrotne. where "Suicide" Rob ierts drives a motorcycle around .the top edge of a big cup shaped enclos ure and where!- Mile. lrrame i.i.-im-.-.t.A ktnd straisht as she drives 'her little automobile around the track. was well patronised. i he iraineo iwild animal circus wan a popular place, judging by the crowds. Tnere ,'are more than 0 wild and domestic animals taking part in the program. ; Neptune's daughters where pretty to "rats, the lieutenant again. The Alamo shows mude. and no doubt they found it no. KEVEXTY-FTVE MOTHERS (Continued from page 1.) Machree," and ' The r.ifV by Mrs. Harold Watuui" piano ttoio, "The Lark," Miss Lois Oornall; reading. The Inventor's Wife," Miss Ruth rwT "The Herd Girls' Dream." by a trio, with Miss Gaynnll Baldwin ..... uiAbiw. f; M:.l,.-I Johnson at many the piano, and Miss Harnett loon who was instrumental in planning the dinner, acted as toastmistress. Miff, Raymond in Charge. Miss Helen Raymond was chairman in charge or arrangements. Chairmen for committees were Miss Dorothy jBedwell. thfehu; assisted by Miss Kate i Voorhees; .Vi-f Evelyn 8ommervllle. j ! tables: .frn. Ph dries It. Marsh "acted asji ! adviser and . .1 i.iiich to make the dinner a success. The dinner was pfe 1 pared by the iii.. themselves, and REALLY TRANSFERS ail HllI.Ty Crowner to Miles Arnold 11. owl. j C" land the South' ir, feet of Lot t In Block 6 In original town of Pen- j dlelon. Josenh D. Flckes to Thomas I'. i among those who assisted were Mlssjjrimea $r,50.00 tot ir. Block 42, Res. ! Add. Pendleton. Inland IiTigatlon Co. Inc , to A. 7.'.nn pnrt or XW 1-4 1-4 and part of SW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 27. Tp. 4. N. Maxwell I. in. I a Irrigation Co., (o C. 8. McN'sught. (same ascription.) T. D. Taylor Hhertrf to Plrsl Nation al Hank r.f .Seattle and Maxwall I-and and Irrigation Co., $tM.l) SK 1-4 NK 1-4 NW 1- and fractional part ..r NK 1-4 KB 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 4. Tp. N. H. It. ' " Heriwrt B. DerHion to N. W. Nttm f'.rd mete and hound tract In NW 1-4. Bee. 8. Tp. &, N. It H. ' J llcriiert strohm t. Jean L Robln h'm lit l) NW 1-1 SW 1-4 and SW 1-4 NW 1-4 20, T. 4. X. It. S. READY TO "SHOOT" NIAGARA FALLS friends when here last year end the on the cello. Miss Reta Ferguson A BUMPER CROP Laura Johnson, Miss Esther Earl. Miss Fern Stevens, Miss Jane Roose velt, Miss Jennie Johnson, Misa Rhea Hawks, Miss Ruth Kean, Miss Hatel Meuer and Miss Helen Williams. May lie Annual Affair. Those appointed to assist In the serving last night were Miss Albertu McMonies, chairman. Miss Emily Doh nert. Miss Helen Idleman, Miss Kuth erine McNary, Miss Blanche Isaacs, Miss Geraldtne Morrison, Miss Ruth Mlnnis, Miss Huth Snow. Miss Edna Murphy, Miss -Mary Clarke. Miss Irva Dale, Miss Mary Wllks, Miss Kathar ine Granholm, Miss Isabelle Ross anil Miss Marjorie McMonies. Miss Gene vieve Phelps was chairman of the ticket selling committee. Last nlgrifs dinner was the first of its kind ever gtvan in Pendleton but Its success was such thut It will prob ably be an annual event. R. 2 Ruth Coburn to M. L. Hewitt 1500. Lot 4. Block 1. OOHlfWM Add. Echo. Martha A. Travis to M. L. Hewitt $1.00 Lots 2 and 3, Block 1. Gtlllifords Add. Echo. Edwin B. Coburn to M. L. Hewitt $500. Lots 2 and 3 and 4. Block 4. Gullirord's Add. Echo. W. H. Crary Referee to If. L. Hewitt $500 Lot 4, Block I, Gulllford's Add. Echo. 3. HI Estes to Eva C. Cargiri $i:,.r.00. SB 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 25, also portion of Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 25 and Lot 1, Sec. 2. Tp. 4, X. R. 34. ' . Fred C. Morley to J. T. Blnford $1.00 S 1-2. NW 1-4 Sec. 25. Tp. . N. It. 34. Also mete and hound tract In said Sec. i RURAL SCHOOLS IN SPOKANE COUNTY Dora Williams j m l.ick 1 -. PMrfoa 9 I John F. Smith to John McFeely mete and bnnnil Iract In Sem. 1, Tp. 6. N. R. S5. ' . ti'm W 1 1.. ...V I vA'. .:. W Till LACK TEACHERS Vnh ti'.oo sw 1-4 sw - bm' it, Tp. i I, N. R. 35. Fsnnie J. Tngle to Paulltle Ingle t50fl0 Mi. to nnd lionnil trait In N' I . 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 12. Tp. 5, N. R. SB. I. W. Ollnger to I $1HOO. iits 3 and 4, Block A Elams Add. Milton. Walter R. Rltney to B. A. Miller $000. Ifl -2 BE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 3. Tp. , X. R. 35. G. W. Johhson to Frank Callaway $4000. Mete and hound tract adjoin ing Milton. Paulina "Ingel to Thomas E. Elliott $500. Mete and bound tract Milton. Chas. A. Keller to Carl S. McN'auglil $1,000 SB 1-4 XB 1-4 NW 1-4 and fractional NB 1-5 SB 1-4 NW 1-4 Ke.-. 4. Tp. 4, X. R. 29. First National Bank of Health? to C T. McNaught tl.H0 S 1-2 SB 1-4 NK 1-4 BW 1-4 and fractional part of NE l- BB 1-4 NW 1-4 and X 1-S BE 1-4 LONDON - The neit .-.i.-fiHiii.. km r.iigMsnmnn daring will be feat on the prorram. for O. C the ".hnl... ..r - .. . . He v I i ............ .k ' ,Z r - '". i . ihw iibhi in a. narrei equipped "" ".-t..iiig apparatus. Stephens has performed dating feu 13. He plans to sail for Amwlca soon - ' Ith an Ingenl- many otUei (By Associated Press) SPOKANE, Wash.. May 1L Many of the smaller rural schools of Spo kane county will be without teachers next year. F. V. Teager, county su perintendent of schools, said today he feared, on accoimt of the amaU num ber of applications for such schools received to date. He said It would bo posstblo to supply teachers for all town schools of the county. MAN PLEADS GUILTY; JUDGE ATTACKS PAY CBy Associated Preaa) CHICAGO, May 11 Judge Kenesaw Mountakt UamHa attacked salarli paid by th Chicago fedeaal reaerv'e Friday when Homer B. Whitehead, manager of publicity and In charge of the banks mailing department, ap peared in court to plead gnllty to padding his departmental payrolls. Whitehead told the court be recetv. ed $30 a week. "That's an outrage." Judge Landis declared. "Hers Is a man. manager of a department that has more than fio men In It. The salary Is a disgrace. I w-int the cashier of the hank brought Into this churt to explain why this man It not beter paid." Sterling B. Kramer, cashier of the hank, was summoned. In respdtise to questioning by the fndg. Mr. Kramer said his salary eras $ 1,04M a year and that of the governor of the bank $!.-004). Judge Landis deferred sentence on STERLING APPLE BUTTER The high price of sugjir and all foods contHining sugar causes an unrest regarding swoeU, and there is no relief in sight far some time. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY We have a large stock of Sterling Apple hand and can make you good prices on it. Rutter on a 1 FOR BALE Modern t room house a new paper and paint Phone B$-W i or call at 40S Lewis St. It is GUARANTEED. Try a 10 pound pail at $1.25 Sanitary Grocery FOR SALE young cows and calves , Address Boa 4. Adams. Ore. DOAK 8. DI N LAP. Prop. Th Mt ia Value The Best in Quality TWO OOOD COWB for sale Wachtel, Riverside Phone rieorge I 297-W. tVJVTEI-MiH to rook for aurvey If party inquire Bute Hiahwajr office Mj PHONE 24 PHONE 24 Whitehead until May 11. Grltmas Bide.