SPORTS MOVIES COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED MARKETS DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON; MONDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1020. TEN PAGE9 ' y 1 1 111 111 lC iiyiilil mi ,W TEN PAGES section two FastfSs COrexoniflnl sEcnoN tco PAGES 7 TO 10 J PAGES 7 T0 10 i ""V " -..- i a WAR ON GAMBLING IS OPENED BY PRESIDENT M CARTHY OF LEAGUE Throe Known Gamesters Order ed Barred from San Francis co Park and General Clean up Over Circuit is Promised. SAN 'FRANCISCO, Cul.. May Is. A drive to stamp out gambling on base all gurnet) in the C'oul I.ougue parks was opened tfumlay with an announco mem, by President Wlllluin H. McCar thy of the foast League that"threo bo barred from all parks In the league. "I would close every park In the league rather than permit gambling to continue," McCarthy declared. The text of thoslato)iciit follows: "I have today notified the Han.Fra'n- ciftco baseball club to hereafter refuse admission to three known gamblers. "In doing this I am acting under resolution passed by the board of di rectors of- tho Pacific Coast Baseball Ijoaguo and tho expulsion applies to every park under our Jurisdiction. Detectives Have Been Ilusy. "For the post two weeks through the assistance of the chief of police and through private detectives I have endeavored to stop gambling on ball games. It Is difficult to secure the evidence that would warrant a con viction under tho law. However, the men who make this their business are known and further expulsions will fol low. "One way or the other ganilillng Is going to bo stopped, llaseball Is the one sport that must bo kept clean. It cannot he clean if these Influences are permitted to thrive. Irrespective of the consequences, every known gam bler and they are and will be known Is going to be expelled from our parks. "Directly this action has nothing to do with the dismissal of players Kenton and Smith by the San Francisco club. Indirectly It has. Men like those who havo been warned off In this Instance breed the rumors and suspicions that neither true or untrue, compelled the action which Manager (Ira ham was forced to take. San lYnnrlHui Not Alone "San Francisco will be cleaned of baseball gambling first. Ovary other city In the Pacific Const league will be clean before many weeks. "It Is a crime that the one sport which Is peculiarly American, the one sport that every American loves and encourages, should have to combat such influences. Hut It means either the survival of baseball or gambling and decent men can make but one choice. I -would rather close every park than permit gambling to continue--William H McCarthy." PILOT ROCK DEFEATS WEST END LEAGUE HAS ! HELIX ON OWN FIELD! TWO ONE-SIDED GAMES i; IJFAOVK nASKIlAIL National I rujrue lioston 7, New York 0. Chicago g, Pittsburg 7. ft. I.oills u. Cincinnati 6. Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 4. American League Cleveland 4. Chicago 3. New York r. Washington 3. St. Louis 7. Detroit 4. CHARGES PAPEBl "COUNKIl" WASHINGTON May 10 Charges of a "corner" In print paper were made today before the senate committee in vestigating the paper shortage by Cortland Smith, president of the Am erican Press Association. Smith tes tified that print paper manufacturers were In conspiracy to regulate both production and prices. QUALITY SKIUICB SANITATION To Our Customers All cash register receipts of April 7th, and all accounts paid before the 10th of this month, of goods purchased on that date will be returned to you by our one-day free offer. If you are not already a customer it will pay you to investigate. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 "If if in the Market We Have It" Pilot Hock (rot it's lontf-dculred re voiiffe over Helix by 16 to 8, at Helix yesterday in the only Kiime Played in the Hlue Mountain circuit. The win n era strengthened their line up with Jocko GrauHe. a well known nemt-pro pitcher from Portland, Nate Bchanedlinjf, ft catcher on his way to Join the Southern Idaho league, and Charley Moore, former league infield er, also from Portland. The game wan Pilot Rock'H from the start, the three recruits adding con siderable strength to the southern nine. Helix used all three of Its avail able pitcher but none wa able to hold down the corp Pickett, pilot Ilck second banc- I man. waa removed from the frame and I taken to 'the Helix Jail for fighting ' with Umpire Miles late in the contest, j Pickett took exception to the umpired j calling Krause out on a thrid strike i which hit the batter and made hi objection more emphatic by swinging i on the umpire. Miles, although small er than Pickett, threw him over his 1 shoulder to the ground and would have ! pummclei him had not the marshal 1 arrested the offending players. He ' was released on bail. A large number of local fans went out to Helix to the game when it was learned that a contest would be play eu. The batteries -were: Krause and Schancdling; McOec, Thornc, Jlcrce and Thorne. The game between Milton-Freewnter and Pendleton and between Atli'-n i and Walla Walla, were called off yes terday morning when it was thought that the rain would not abate during tho day. In tho afternoon, however, tho precipitation stopped, but it was then too late to have a game here Many fans were disappointed when they went to the park only to find that there would be nothing doing Kchu defeated I'matlUa J2 to J Sun day on the Umatilla grounds in a game that was devoid of features. The Kcho team scored at will and showed that ll Is about the strongest outfit In the West Umatilla league. A large dele gation from Echo ati'-nded the game. Ilcrmiston won on its own ground from the Irrigon team by a score of 17 to 7. As in the frame at 1'matilla the contest was pretty much one-sided and Hermlston hail no trouble winn- Intercst in the game was good. It was well attended Int. and CHURCH LEAGUE SEASON Hires Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, barks, herbs and berries. It makes rootbeer as pure as it is sparkling and delicious. Hsrmm Hoummhold Extrtct. THE CHAPcES fc- HIRES COMPA t Phitetiripbi., Fa- Twilight baseball, with the church league furnishing the entertainment, will open tomorrow evening at 6:15 at Hound-Up park when the intermed iates of the Methodist church and Presbyterian church meet in a five- inning contest. There are five teams in the league and about three games will be played each week. The opening game of the senior lea gue will be played on Friday evening at the same hour. All the contests will le five Inning affairs and the local Y. M. C. A. organization is to he In charge of the schedules. l'aclfio Coast !'H2rue W. I Vet. Ran Francisco 19 12 .I3 Portland 16 11 .593 Vernon 19 15 .559 Oakland m 15 .5 4 5 Salt Iako 18 16 .500 Los Angeles 15 16 .484 Sacramento 13 19 .406 Seattle 9 21 .300 I exclusive W lM-re Tlicj I lay Next Week CLEAN SWEEP MADE BY I J. L: VAUGHAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC Tho Federal Electric Washer Machine we are showing U a new machine in this city. Before buying look it over. Phone IBS tos k. Court st. CMy Associated Tress.) SEATTLE. Wash.. May 10. Portland-made a clean sweep of the series, defeating Seattle 6 t" 0. The crippled Seattle club played poorly, several of lnrtlnnd's runs resulting from errors. Rein hart, the pitcher secured from St. Louis, pitched fair ball for the loaerl but his support was ragged. Port land's first two runs resulting from Blue's triple and Wistcrziu's single. LIMIT CATCH OF BROOK Vernon at Kail Lake; Oakland at Sacramento; Portland at San Francis (co; Seattle at LsOfl Angeles. Fifty eastern brook trout, a limit catch, displayed in Sol Itanm'n window today by Hay Spangle, who took them yesterday in Meacharn creek between Duncan and Gibbon. The fish are all flue specimens, being from 8 to 1 .1 inches long. The catch ut tho first limit taken this season exhibited in Pendleton. II. H. Mangold, who was also on Mcaoham creak, look 15 eastern brook trout. Ajih La Follette had a catch estimated at 4 0 trout. His waw also an exceptionally good basket. The fishing SPANGLE IS PLANNING ON JOURNEY TO GAMES Application for a passport to ac company the Olympic trapahooting team entered by the United States will be made this week by Ray Spangle, lo cal shooter, who last year averaged better than 96 per cent and stood (Twentieth among the shooters of the country. Spangle is a candidate for a place on the American squad. As soon as he can get a man to fill his place here. Spangle will leave for his home at Dayton. Ore., where he Its features make it "trouble-proof We 5 tern Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it Dependable electric service night and day for your farm See this plant in operation. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St, Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures Squaw jtered shoots, he believes he will be one but DO ; of those to go across tho Atlantic In I (Mk. mid Vtfmm liroolt I'acii U0e HKOKLiBB, Cal., May 10 Oak land and Vernon split even Sunday. Vernon winning the morning game. 3 to 0. Oakland the afternoon per formance 4 to 2. in the morning game the Tigers did all their storing In the third Inning. Two singles and a double off V. Mitchell In the first Inning of the aft ernoon contest netted the Oaks three runs. I Dell pitched a wonderful game the morning, allowing only two one of them an Infield hit. In hits, Ilecs mid Senators IMtlde SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. May 10. Sacramento and Salt Lake divide a double-header. Sacramento winning Ing the' first game. 6 to 3. and Salt. Lake the second, 5 to 3. The first was practically decided in the third inning "hen Kldred doubled villi the bases full Ilumtcr's double. ,.i,i,i, uitoi In two runs in the scv- I tilth, broke a tie In the second game Salt Lake won the series. 4 to 3- was best on the spring urancnes oi tnojwui set up a imu. iiwn.e m c reek, the main creek being quite . iiympic siyie. it no can mane scores mudilc ' las good as he made last year In regis Fishermen who went to creek also had fairly rood luck but no j of those to go good catches on the river were seen June. last night. Jim lcvlln and Joe Dc- Ho has just received a letter from spaln. among those who fished Squaw j Stoney McLinn, secretary ol the na creek, had fair catches. I tional traitshootcrs, asking that local shooters assist in financing the trip of Honev is for sale at from 25 to 30 the American squad. Tho request cents a pound, which is high for sug- probably DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by Appointment 3m Arueuiataa uontana. Inland Shnpire Bank Bid. Offlo. Fhona t0 Hon Phone 74 H. S. McKENZIE, Eye, Ear, Nose and Office : 10-11-12 Belts Building t-enaieton, ure M. D. Throat I tiding but low for candy. One might try square of honey on one's best girl. will be turned over to the Pendleton Rod & Gun club, of which Spangle is a member. UIIIIHIIIIIIIMHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIMnillllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllli AiiNh Take Series SAN FRANCISCO, Cald.. May 10. Lot Angeles took both morning and afternoon games from San Francisco. 7 to 2 and 3 to 0. winning tho series. In the morning fray the Angels hit Jordan hard, getting four runs from triple, three doubles and a single. Lewis replaced him and he. too hnt-rl bit. t,i tut. nfternoon ganle the Seals Mti me close to scoring, fast dou ble'nlnvs by tho Angels killing their SK LVl was Ha says- whenever she wants me to hurry back fromthe grocery store, she heads the list with Post Toasties DOWNEY'S MARKET There is never any disap pointment at the tables of those who have learned to rely on us to furnish their meats. PHONE 600 or 125 : t h&noes. It is to Your Interest We will soon be open with one of the cleanest, freshest quality lines of g roceries in Pendleton, which we are go ing to operate with our present meat department. Our new home will be a home of sanitation in every respect. We ask our many friends to give us a trial and we are sure you will find that it will be to your interest to confine your trading with Us. LIBERTY MARKET i!iiiii!iiiiii!iiiii!i!ii!iiitiii!!iiii!i eammmmmmMmKMmMBmmmmmmnBa rrr"c TTE,ITT'? r1 lie 1 1 J .i I lli. an i I CHAS. D. DESPAIN A CHAS. W. GOODYEAR 1 Prop. , . ii ..., . ! QUEBEC KEEPS BUREAU TO DIRECT SPORTSMEN MONTRBAU Que., May 10. In fu ture when American sportsmen wish ..w -tl,ls of this province In quest of game or fish a bureau here will bo at their disposal where guides, game wardens and inspectors will he on haild to tell the Nlmrods where ., X... i,nin hi.!'' and where the uifi ,- game comes In droves, waiting for Ihu pull of the trigger. The new fth and gniue Informatlni i. ni)H of a creator colonlra .,1.,., lonebed bv the provincial government and for wnicn n.w, was voted at the last session oi parn.i mcnt. iMi r.,.,,, Ihi, 1 , , - . I Slates ill in' i.v... ..... .... i.. i., ii.. ih:i! the largest numbt'i of Amorlcan fishermen and hunters as well aa tourists, since berore tne - ,n . ..,,i north this summer and the nrw bureau is only one of many plana to look alter tneir "ecus. There are probably a lot of good people In the world who do not look The biggest, best, most diversified show of the year. Greater Alamo Shows Presented by Pendleton BAND EVERY NIGHT INCLUDING SATURDAY Show Grounds Show Grounds ALTA AND CLAY Take the Kiddies to the Carnival! WE LIST THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN Slightly Used CARS 1 late Model 4-pauenger Cadillac Looks and runs like new; 6 cord tires, bumper and other extra equip ment. 1 1918 model Paige Sport roadster, perfect, condition. 1 1919 Model Lexington Touring Car Cort tire.-, snub bers, 1 extra tire; mechanically perfect. 1 1918 model Willys-Knight Touring Cord tirett, I ex tra tire, spotlight and bumpers. Late Model 5 Passenger Buick Touring. These cars will be sold at a price that should inter est any prospective purchaser and must be seen to be appreciated. Umatilla Auto Co. 809 Garden Phono 417 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIMIIIUIIIIIIIIi the part.