PAGE riVE DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON, OEEGON, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1020 TEtt PAOES People Here and There M. n. ()roniti; pioneer irfifiKlat of Pilot Itock won one of tho prominent citizens of that plnrn In Pendleton to day, on hi way to Portland for a. visit with hla mother. equipped with rod nnd banket, W. D. Humphrey, local aportaman, left 'in afternoon to vlalt un old friend who realdea about 30 inilea from Puaro. The two friends will upend a few days flahtnr in the Columbia river. Hurry Banfteld returned lunt nlfht from Ia Qrands, where he apent UK-week-end vlaltinK friend. hemve For Milton A millinery achool la to be held In Milton for the next two daya, with Mia JLydla QoolitUe, of O. A. C- In .hunt. Miis Ouolltile and Mlaa Ola May Harmon, county demonatratlun Cent, left today for Milton. NEWS OF THE COUNTY OFFICES AND OFFICERS A MtfeTAKEJ MIK BY MANY Don't wait for rheumatUm to indi cate diMPimed kidney. When you Huf fer pain and acta-u by Uy and )' u i-1 ,i i hinvr Madder woakneH by night, feel tlrd, in'i-vtiiiM nnd run down, the Itldnoyn nnd -bladder atlould b restor ed to hrajthy, rtrontc nd rafculur ae tion. It J mlatrike to postpone ' i m 1 1 ) i . i-vi.v Kidney PIUh put the kldtveys-in sound healthy condi tion and Keep them active and ftrOftff. IiiKln taking today. Good reHiiltn fol low thtt flmt dt. 1KX'T JOT IT 1 4 NOBR A couch that follows la arlppe or any oher cough that "hangM on" from winter to Hprtog: wenrs down the Hit f -terer. leaving him or her in a weaken ed Mute ii:inb! l wur.I ff : i nnd dlMfta. fjPUard, us Pill- i.ioie S't., V.TPhViMo Tenn., writes; "I W;n Buffering with Iry, hacking push and ,u pui.i lu my chmt, but Mfiea taklri KqiayV ITonoy and Tar 1 Have htu n nH' "v? ' It oothM heals tiuA CUri h oiih-i. Ctiltfi and croup. J. N". EMrfdKfi and son Willie left Pendleton Saturday evening- for Cretg'hton, New Mexico, where they will upend the next three or four weektt on business. J. B. McCook. of the Vrnerican Na tional ftuuk, end W. Kchwurtvnberu, of the l'endleton Holler Mills, went to Portland Sunday on No. X7 on a short business trip and are expected to re turn Tuesday. 0 Rhea Luperp assistant state en fclneer, in iii 1 1 1 1 i;i for public ser vice eommiHsloner. Mr. JUiper. who is an 'Eastern Oregon man. wtu a Pen dleton visitor Saturday. YoiiiJ.h Will Have iKtirinip The six youthn arrested Inst week on a charge of kliilntc chickens be longing to Jacob rozeger will ffmvw their hearing before JudKe C. H. Marsh In Juvenile court tfinormw niorninic All have been notified to appear. An Easy Way to Own a Phonograph bauITeur Is 'Vo A fine of $10 was awesHed In justice court today against a local auto ownr, who gave the alias John Doe, for allowing- his son to drive the machine. The youth In Question is alleged under the age of 19 years. Complaint was made by Traffic Officer William Ly-day. Sheriff 'ulb-il t Heppner. Sheriff T. I. Taylor left this morn ing for Hentgaer where h was called to testify In" a case being beard by the Morrow county grand jury. Other cars may have turned back after trying the muddy road to ifing ham Springs yesterday, but not Utti t Jerard's Ford. Hert says he is proud I of the performance of his machine j which forded streams and climbed hills while other curs gave up In de- spair. He concludes the eulogy with j the announcement that he didn't find j 11 necessary to get out of low gear 1 more than twice. Lewis Estftto Worth $2150. The estate of the late Millie E. Lewis, of Adams, has been appraised at $215(1. The appraisers' were: J. T. Lieuullen, I. I Mann and K. 8. Curt. CONWY'S CASH GROCERY Husband Charged Willi Crmlrv. Ruth Hoyt tOdAjr brougbt suit for divorce against Wert L. Hoyt, to whom she was married in June, 1915, Cruel ty Is charged. Tho defendant com plained about the plaintiff keeping a minor son by former marriage in their home and refused to pay dental bills she alleges Since 1916. the complaint says, the defendant has contributed virtually nothing to the plaintiff's .support. She asks restoration of her former name, Ruth Itoyer. I. M. Scliartncp represent the plaintiff. You want to own a beautiful Columbia Grafonola and enjoy all the home comforts but you hate the idea of paying out all the money at once. We have solved this problem for you. Our easy payment plan will more than appeal to the music lovers. $5 A MONTH will put one of our Columbia machines in your home. Each instrument is a beautiful piece of cabinet work, distinguished by perfect craftsmanship and a satiny sheen of f jnish, but beneath its singular grace of pro portions K the correctness of acoustic design that makes the Columbia Grafonola as responsive to every graduation of sound. Hear the new records in our sound-proof parlor. It Pays to Pay Cadi at CONROY'S Carnation Milk 15c; 7 can. $1.00 Corn, Meal, 9 pound sack 60c Red Mexican Beans y pounds 50c Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 1 tins, 2 for 25c No. 2 tin, 5 for $1.00 VAN CAMPS SOUPS 2 for 25c Criaco 60c, $1.15 and $2.30 Pineappi t. 20c, 36c and 46c Syrup Marshmallow No. 5, 80c; No. 10, $1.80 Log Cabin Syrup 70c and $1.36 Armour's Syrup No. 10 tins $1.00 Prune 3 lb. 50c Ensign Coffee pound 48c Gold Dust large package 30c Fart I'ikI Coupli' Man). A rmirrlaK' Mcanae was isWod Sat urday afternoon by the county eU'ry to Hoy E. Grlmea anil Minn Thelma i Kleunor Hoon, both of Kreewafer. The ceremony waa performed In the , ;im end town on Sunday. Woman Fearol fUxlily Injury. Julia C. LBeau today brought suit for divorce from Joseph M. I.elteuu, to whom nhe hua been marrlad since Au gust. lfi!8. She ehurKea cruelty. About a year ago at Perry the de fendant rushed at her with a bpfcltar knife, ahe allcjreR, and on May 4 started another attack on her which resulted in her leaving home. Hhe fears to return, she aays. t The collide hua no children and no property to adjust. The plaintiff Is represented by .fames A. Fee. Cmikshank & Hampton For Quick Lunches for the Summer Seeron, we can supply you with the fallowing. All you Need Is a Can Opener. Van C-tmpe Pork and Beans, No. 2 1-2 cans 35c Van ( :im()'s Pork and Beans No. 2 cans 20c Van Camp's Pork and Beans. No. 1 can 15c Van Camp's Chili Con Came, No. 1 cans. 8 for 50: Gebhardt's Chili Con Came, No. 1 cans 25c Taylor's Beans and Chili. No. 1 can - r Z5c Taylor's Boneless Chicken Tamales 1. X L. Boneless Chicken Tamales ZOc Sinclair's Pickled P1k Feet, jars - 7c Booth's Sardines (oval cans) in tomato spicect, or mustard sauce 2Sc; $2.25 dozen Pocket Brand Hrrintr (in tomato Muce) Van Camp's Soups (in chicken, tomato, bouuttWI and clam chowder 2 for 25c; $1.50 dozen Heinz Spaghetti, tall cans (Italian style) ........... Z5c Heinz Spaghetti, flat cans 3 for 50c ctm Grocery Dept. Two Phones 526 "Quality Count1 1 24-128 E. Wei 1 Phone 548 Use Our Exchange Department For a home to be moderen ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES are as ESSENTIAL as electric lights. Have you a THUK WASHliK ana a SIMPLEX IR0NER in your laundry? HAVE YOU an Eureka or a Western VACUUM CLEANER . for your fine rugs ? Have you an Electric Plate, a grill, a percolator, a curling iron, etc.? IS YOUR HOME MODERN? Phone 1037 for Demonstrator or call and look over our complete stock. Easy terms if desired. Es timates and contracts on Wiring. Milne Electrical Company Pendleton, Ore. 108 East Alta St. Across From Alta Theatre & 5 ! A board i nine eimlneri for the . itfiii h grade examination papers in the county was named today by Coun ty 8npcrintenlnt W. W. Cirecn. No tices were sent to the appointees in 'orminir them of their appointment. Those who will serve are: J. A. Y ea ger, Kyle McDuniet. J. M. Chambers, Miss Volma Cook. Haymojul Orth, Miss OJlve Mortimer, Anna Brown, l. V. Kicker and Mrs. Nettle Morrbf. Tha examinations are given on Thursday and Friday of this week. Teleplume Urn Incorporated. Articles of incorporation of the Htafiti Uulch Telephone Line were filed with the county cterk today. The incorporators are V. V. Moore, C. . Hloom and V. 1 Crehwell, and the capital Is I600. The home office of the company is In Pendleton. With the world endwivorina; to re cover its equilibrium fallowing the HTt-eatest war In history, one funda mental principle never to he lost, sight of la that education must be strength ened so that social, industrial and po litical problems may be adjusted in accord with fairness and Inteillprence. Whereas, in Oregon several educa tional measures of great merit are up-oa- the ballot at the primary election to be held May 21; one of these meas ures U destined to save higher edu cational institutions from the neces sity of closing their doors upon hun dreds, if not thousa nds, of deserving students: another measure known as the elementary school bill, seeks to help distribute the burden of pacing for common schKl education so -that much property now exempt from tax ation for this urpose shall be made to hear its just share of tho load. I Therefore be, it resolved, that the 1' n diet on Woman's Club earnestly en dorse both the higher educational tax a.t, the elementary school tax meas- 'ure and all other educational bills up- jon the ballot at the primary election. j And be It further resolved, that copies of this resolution be forwarded j to the state school superintendent at j Salem, Oregon, and also to Dr. J. W. : Kerr, chairman of the joint eolleghite campaign committee, 5 1 4 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon. For Fresh Butter and Eggs Phone 18 Country Ladled Butter (guaranteed) per roll $1.00 Dankh Creamery Butter, per roll $1.25 Hazel wood Dainty Quarter3, per roll $1.35 Strictly Fresh Egg, per d"zen 40c Empire Meat Market "The Old Reliable" Established 1890 Phie 18 A one story schonl building 4;ith as many as 4S rooms in a well-populated I city and suburban section is possible under a plan adopted In Cuyahoga County, Ohio. This county now has four large school buildings of the one story type, with from 5 to 10 acres oi ground for each building. Had CbH'k Men Brought Here. Louis Anderson and Krank Nelson, j urrested last week at The lhilles for j passing; about 160 worth of bad checks In l'matlta. were brought to the ' county iail here Saturday night by ! Sheriff T. D. Taylor, returning from ' Salem. They have not had a prelimi- nary hearing as yet. TJ IE STEAM THAT BLOWS THE WHISTLE DOESNT PULL THE TRAIN. Our bread sales are more than twice doubled the last 60 days, and not to my knowledge has the famous HOHBACH bread been advertised once. Sanitary Grocery POAK a DUNlJP, Prop. Thm Mot ia VJv Th Bt in Quality PHONE 24 PHONE 24 SUPPORT OF LEGION IS ! ASKED FOR RELIEF BILL The letter sent by State Com man- t der Follett to all American Legion j Post in Oregon, su jesting that the ' Posts not only endorse the Higher ' Education HelfVf hut ylve it their ac- j tive support, -has brought immediate j resiiltM. American 1rIoii Posts nt Bendleton, Albany. Salem, Lj Grande, Dallas, and other cities have already given en dorsrment. Privates, non-coms, nnd officers alike discerned during the war the ureat value to themselves and to the country of college education, and a soon ns th- war was over 1500 of them j enrolled at the UnlveratU' of Oregon. and the regon College alone, while another large bodywent into the high schools and will appear at the higher education institutions ncM fall or Inter. Under the terms of the state Aid durational Act for soldiers, sailors arid marines, ihe a month subsidy may he utilised at any time up to a maximum of $200 year for four j years. Service nieu are accordingly taking an interest in seeing mat me higher educational Inatttutloita of the state are protected by passage of the higher educational support bill, which provides 1-6 mills for the State Uni versity, Agricultural College and Ore gon Normal School. You can enjoy all those outdoor activities of Summertiuie that bring good health and still have a lovely complexion if you usz Purola Creams. There is a Purola Cream for every Summer time occasion one to put on before motor inganother to sooth the skin after a day's fish ing or hiking one to relieve sunburn and a cleansing cream to be used every night Every one is pure and guaranteed to give satisfaction. PUROLA SKIN CREAM for sun and windburn is wonderfully soothing and beneficial. It contains ingre dients which famous beauty specialists use for their healing and softening qualities. Try it for delicate, sensitive complexions. See how quickly it tends to sooth the skin after sunburn. i WOMAN'S CLUB FAVORS EDUCATIONAL TAX BILL The Woman'a Club f Pendleton with the largest membership o any ttmu'i club n the cit v andorscd the higher educational tax measure nnd tho elementary achool tax meas ure at a recent meeting. Hoth nieas urea will come before the pMp1e fo vote May 1. Following la the resoluUon pasted j Healing and softening qualities, fry it for delicate, I sensitive complexions. see now quickly it leans to sooth the skin after sunburn. At all good druggists. rt)R0U NAIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY I es--- ii T::rraH i , if i . ar v .-awi l . THE UNIVERSAL CAR The ForJ One Ton Truck is serving business just as faithfully and economically as does the Ford Touring Car serve all the pepple faithfully and economically. The Ford Truck is a neces sity to the grocer both in delivering goods and in bringing goods from the stations, docks and from the country. It is an ideal motor xar because there isn't a want of the farmer or business man that it doesn't supply in the way of quick transportation at a minimum expense. Come in, examine the Truck, and let us talk over the subject. SIMPSON AUTO CO. Corner Water and Johnson Phono 498 GLARAXTEF All Purela Prrpmrolitm are gnartmterj to fin thorough tatisf.t:on or tiupf KM you paid wtlfle nrimoWiL Pteparfd and Guar&nu-td by tl e BLUMAUtH f KANM ABOKAlORtES 209 E. Court Phone 445 DESfAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY COFFEE Why pay for a eof fe put up in ep at a big expense and of no use to you when you can buy a bulk coffee and just as good for 25 per cent less money. BULK COFFEE 1 pound 35c; 3 pounds, $1.00. 1 pound, 45c; 3 pounds, $1.35 1 pound, 47c; 3 pounds, $1.40. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Leu DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 East Court St. by tbe club; j . 1