SPORTS MOVIES COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED MARKETS COMICS TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 TWELVE PAGES 4 SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OBEOOW; WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1920. M P q Cnl SEM -WEEKLY ytae CHURCH LEAGUE GAMES ILL STAR! ON MAY v'slon of the local Y. A I C. A. ami Cash i W'uod will be in charge. flames In the church tosyue- base ball Hcason will start on May 11 with play' In the intermediate section and on May 14 with the fust game In the senior section. There will be five teams in each section and ten games will be played In each league. Follow ing are the games in the Intermediate division. May tli Presbyterian vs. Methodist: May 12. christian vs. Baptist; May 17, Fplscopal vs. Presbyterian; May 18. Rapt 1st vs. Methodist: May lit, I'hrls tlan vs. Presbyterian; May 24, Kplsco pal vs. Paplist; May 28, Christian vs. Methodist; May II, Episcopal vs. Methodist; June 2. Haptlst vs. Pres hyterian; June Episcopal vs. Chris tian. In the senior division the schedule of games Is as follows: May 14, Christian vs. naptlst: May; It; Rplacopal vs. Methodist; May 25, Presbyterian vs. Christian; May 28, Methodist vs. Baptist: June 1, Kplsco-I tnl vs. Presbyterian; June 4, Christian vs. Methodist; June It, Presbyterian vs. ltaptlst; June 14, Episcopal vs. Christian; June 18. Preseyterlun vs. Methodist; June 2r, Episcopal vs. Hap tlst. The league will he under the super- SIX TEAM CIRCUIT TO START SCHEDULE TODAY POCKET BILLIARD MEN ISIGLIN HELPS BEAVERS INE FJy Annociatet! Press.) TACOMA, May 5. With Victoria scheduled to play ut Tacoma, Seattle at Vanoouvfr and Yakima at Spokane, the new J 'Heine International JIuk-- ball league. Class B, is scheduled to start on it four months' schedule this afternoon. President of the league. I-ouin H. nurnett of Tacoma, has received opti mistic reports from all cities in the clr fuft and one of the best opening days In the history of the frame is anticipated. Umpires Hold and McCoy linve been assigned to Tacoma, McQunrry to Vancouver and Hhafer to Spokane, WAI I,Y &CHANG si;s rv Yol!K, May B. Walter NSW CVily" St hang, catcher of the Bos ton Americans who had refused to re port tnls season unless granted a sal ary of 1S, 6 Of. came ta terms today wit h Henry Frazee, president of the Red Sox. "We effected a sort of com promise." Mr. Frazoe announced. Ralph Oreenleaf, pocket billiard champ nhowed some of his real form at tho game In his exhibition with, Jeroino Keogh at the Cosy last night by winning 125 to 46 over hU oppon ent. JJoth men made some difficult hotn and the game went out In eight franiew. Oreenleaf made a high run last nlKht of 2T but was more consistent than on the opening night and he hafl. runs if 25, 25, two of 22. a 13 and an 11. His average for the game was more than 15. Tournament pool, such as these men play, hi more difficult than line-up pool. Much as is commonly played. The breakw in this game make the running down of several racks a task of more skill, oreenleaf once ran 15ft In tour nament pool while his high run in lint-Up pool Is 286. The two cham pions left late lat night for Route. (By Associated Press.) BRATTICE, Wash., May 5. Paddy Slglin's hitting and fielding helped Portland to beat Seattle, 4 to 0, in the first game of the series. Siglin hit three consecutive doubles, driving in three of the four runs. His running catch of Hartford's hot in the seventh with two men on bases, saved Suther land from a difficult situation. Suth erland pitched good ball, allowing but three hits. Pitcher Rienhart of St. Louis, join ed the Seattle club Tuesday. He Is a lefthander. lieo'. Shut Out Sacramento SALT LAKH CITY. May 5. With 1 "Lefty" Leverenz In the box Salt I Lake's Bees won the opening game of the series from the Sacramento Sen ators, 5 to 0. Krug, Bee second base ' man, was the batting star, gathering hfmtsav ) iwres if you warsf the genuine in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught' SSSKSSSSWSSSSSSSSBSqSSBnPS''- .HJMIJsUuyuijJiijJispnBiy. HOW THEY. ROMAN SPORT WRITERS LEARN in two runs and two hits, one of which was triple, in four times up. QUALITY SERVICE) SANITATION Butter and Eggs A Man is a good as the food he feeds on. The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on good, pure, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for selling fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 "If it', in the Market We Have It." tiitiiiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiifiifiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiii sc X 3 (By Associated Press.) ROME. Italy. May B. Boxing and prize fighting have just gained some headway In Italy. As a result, embry onic sporting writers are being born whose efforts for flowery descriptions eclipse even the vernacular of Ameri can sporting columns. Here Is the re port of a prize fight from one of the provincial papers: "There was vivacious animation in the impatient crowd when there ap peared on the scene what seemed to be two gun caissons that had just co'mo out of battle. They were scantily nl tired so much so that they nearly froze to the teeth. Then there wus sounded a fanfaie of triumpets right into the ears of the waiting crowd and It was as if the wrath of God had been let loose. "There there wero tho sport ins bloods who frothed at the mouth be- 1 cause the public was ignorant of the, beauty and passlon f the sport and because the spectators did not take the sport seriously. This dellvlous sport- as the Knglish call it, 'tho nniy- arc of Helf-defense' was pro hibited before the war. But then, the war wan fought for liberty and right. at least, the richt to enjoy onewelf evrn At the risk of others losing their lives. "The two ruffians were placed in t he 'ring' fa. cord which separates them from the crowd ). After some preliminaries, the two began to launch hi w at one another a truly intel lectual amusement to watch. One of the two, by virtue of his being light weight champion, gave the other a severe punch in the stomach. The i VYiblio---. ami I'rroiM Costly SAN FrtAN'CISCn, May R. Couch's wildncss and errors by Corhan and Kamm cost the Souls the first game of the series here. Los Angeles winning 5 to 2. Los Angeles made three in the firs. The Seals made their two in tho eighth on doubles by Connelly and Kamm and a tlngts by O'Connell, bat ting for Couch. Pacific Coast Ix-agm smii(lii.. W. San Francisco J 7 Oakland 10 Vernon if Salt Lake 13 Portland i L. Angeles 1 1 Sacramento 10 Seattle 9 ft 11 13 13 11 14 1 16 Pet. .G&0 .593 .536 .500 .500 .440 .385 .360 Vernon Win 5 to 4 UOft ANGELES, May 5. Vernon overcame a three-run lead which Oak land took In the second inning and won the opening game of the eerles. 5 to 4. The run that won the game for the Tigers was scored in tho sixth when High singled infield and was safe at second on Knight's error. He went to third on Devormer's sacrifice and scored on Dell's sacrafice fly. Where They Play Next Week. . Oakland at Salt Lake; Vernon at Sacramento; Seattle at San Francisco; Portland at Los Angeles. UPTON YACHT LEAVES BIG LrEAOUE BASKBALL. National Iyigue. New York 5, Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 5, Chicago 4. American IjrAfiuo. St. Louis 14. Chicago 4. New York 6, Boston 1. Detroit 2, Cleveland I. Philadelphia 6. Washington 4. i FEED OF 1.! exclusive I JAP U.S. (By Associated Press.) DARTMOUTH. Kngland. May 5. The 23-meter yacht ShamrocK, which U to he used by Sir Thomas l.ipton In tuning up races for the Shamrock IV. the challeinter for the American s cup. sailed today for Nsw York. The Shamrock sailed the latter part of April from Dartmouth for New York hut met with unfavorable weath er of fine Knlilish coast and hud to put back to port. OI.P CHAMPION" ARRIVES (By Associated Press.) PAN' FRANCISCO. May 5. K. K'lwasaki, amateor golf champion of J.'ipan. has arrive here and is trying or.t tho San Fraiv-isc.- courses. Kawa saki f.ty the game ta rapidly gaining followers in Japan. Its features make it "trouble-proof Western Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it. Dependable electric service night and .day for your farm. See this plant in operation. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St., Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures FARM LOANS lli:l.l) I P. (By Associated Press) WASHlN'tlTON', May 6. Farm loans asfrreffatlnic over 50,000,00 have boM held UP by litittation over ther returned a punch to the Jaw Ml validity of the farm loan act, it d -vel- u homing had nappenea. ine punnc 0.)ed today TIIROHS JAVFMTN 1H7 FESJtr (STANFORD X .NlVFinSITY. May 5. Flint Banner of San Jose, Cal., win ner of the javelin throw in the recent Manfurd-Caliromta dual meet, sur prised the national A. A. V. record by- two feet recently when he hurled tho i Javelin 1ST feet in practice. Banner , win pronaoiy oe eniereu oy fttanroro in the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet at Prine ton t his year. DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dsntal X-Ray by Appointment 3ys ArUoaiatM- uumim. Island Batptre Bank Bide Pffloa thon Sf 0. Ham Phone 714 H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office : 10-11-12 Belts'Building Pendleton, Ore. aouhed and ommcnted. 1 "Then the heavyweight delivered an elegant punch to the face of the light weight and he fell to the floor. His friends came to his assistance and put a sponge to his mouth Jahherlug he was 'Yellow.' " loan officials here. ABERDKK.N" GAINS IT7. (By United Press.) WASHINGTON, May r.. The cen sus bureau announced today that the conference of farm population ot ADerueen. naraufcxon. l.. an increase or mn. CONIES! FOR OREGON! THE FAMOUS HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM Sold in bulk and at fountain VANILLA. FRENCH VANILLA, STRAWBERRY CHOCOLATE AND MAPLENUT Bulks Stock in at All Times The Charles Co. 71 S Main St. s S Phone 7 s iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiKliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin limilllilMIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilillllljN 3 s A FRIEND IN NEE.P IS A FRIEND i 1 1 INDEED. (Ry Associated Press.) ERIfJXJNB, r.. May 6. University of Oregon outhatted Stanford Univer sity in the second game between the two teams here this afternoon, but poor baserunning on the part ot the local team and apparent lack of coaching lost the game to the visitors. The score was 6 to 5. Score: Stanford 6 1 4. Oregon r. 12 2. Patterles Draper. Newlin and Ilnn Uy; Jacohson and Leslie. vn-Illusion Wins SEATTI.i:. May S. Washington staged an hitting rally, scoring Bf Rally University of . eighth Inning! five runs, and finally defeated Washington state col- Sjlege, 7 to 4. Rode, Washington pitch- j 5ier. wus the star performer, getting j 3 four hits and two runs out of four i 31 limes at 'nit. The score: Washington S State college. 4 S 5. University of: S Washington 7 117. E Batteries Lewis and Graham; Rode i 22! and Land. a We wish to extend to our many friends our a thanks for the support you are giving us in our new I undertaking. It makes one feel that you are really 1 interested in our success. We are going to succeed 5 and only ask that you stand by and watch us grow. I We satisfy your wants. 5 WALLA WALLA CHAMBER I; WANTS B0RLESKE KEPT AT WHITMAN COLLEGE i LIBERTY MARKET CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Props. WALI.A WALLA. May 5 V resolu tion asking Coach It. V. Horleske to S remain nt Whitman college wuM paassa hy the iininiernai cum :ti im luncheon yesterday. Mr. Rorleske if Km at Orlnnell, Iowa, looking over the grounds there, having been given a fine offer to conch athletics at the collogn there. IBijl singulis mad by club members were lo the effect that Horleske Is tori valuable a man for the school to lose nnd the clnh will do all In Its power to retain him here, and will help him in every way. B08TOK WANTS I KilIT WINS (Hy United Press.) ROSTOV. May A bill legalising the manufacture of 2.75 per cent S Peer .mil light wines in this slale. pass, ed the senate late Mondnv and was Coffee Didrit Taste Right This Morning? Ftossibly .your digestion is'bff'.' That some times follows coffee drinking, you know. Isn't this a good time to try Instant ? POSTUM "There 's a J2eason " MaoV by Postxim Cereal Company-. Battle CreeK. Mich. a ' ' i ..J I DOWNEY'S MARKET I hLet us shoulder your market m i J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC The Federal Electric Washer Machine we are showing is a new machine in this city. Before buying look it over. Phone IM 2o n. Court St. Morrow County Wheat Land We are obliged to announce that the prices on all our list ings in Morrow Co. will ad vance from $2.50 to $5.00 per acre May 1st. The quality of the land and crop conditions justify this. But why not make this extra money yourself? Kerley & Lundell 721 Main St Phone 477 11 1 1 1 1 tf 1 91 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f ! 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 r i n 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 j i M 1 1 1 m ; 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I m i it t m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ; I (tI 1 1, sent to the governor.